Are you for school choice, or do you want to brain wash other people's children?

How about you discuss the situation without name calling.

School A, B , C are all rural schools that each have let’s say 3,000 students each and each school district has Elementary, MS and HS. And each school is full to capacity.

If 50% of the students in District A and 50% of the students from District C want to take there voucher to School B, which is already full.

How is that gonna work, logistically?
School "B" will add classrooms and teachers.

Schools "A & C" will either scale down OR they will up their game considerably. That's what happens when you have competition.
School "B" will add classrooms and teachers.

Schools "A & C" will either scale down OR they will up their game considerably. That's what happens when you have competition.
Where does the $$$ come from to build new schools and how long does that take.
That's not the way it works. Tax dollars pay for more than education.
Don't be a jackass. I obviously meant the portion of their property tax that goes towards the school system, not all their taxes.
Life in the big city so to speak.
Not everyone lives in the big city, so to speak.
Again, pay to send your kids to private or parochial schools. Or, get together with a group of parents or corp sponsors to start a charter school.
That's how it work in this country. :)
Actually, in this country, things can change when enough people vote in reps that are like-minded.
More about Feasibility
Cost, whose gonna watch the video
Also right wingers would complain about their FREEDOMS being violated.

Why are you for childrens rights being violated by filming them
I'd say the video feed would be available for the parents to view at any time, not necessarily some team reviewing footage each day.

What freedom would they have to give up by having a camera in the classroom?

You can film the class from behind, or just have the cameras pointed to the front where the teachers stand.
Without being yelled at and being called a Moron, how about you adresss the feasibility

You have asked why it is not feasible and posters have tried to explain

3 schools. A,B ,C

50% of parents want to use their vouchers from both A and C, and they choose to send them to B. B has no parents wishing to choose a different school.

Can you answer how you believe this ^^^^^ is feasible?
So, let's address what is wrong with A and C, and why parents don't want to send their kids there. If there is a problem in those schools, then address them to make sending kids there more attractive?
Where does the $$$ come from to build new schools and how long does that take.
Where do the dollars come from? From the same place, the money would come from if those students were attending schools "A & C".

As with any school district, rapid growth is handled by adding portable classrooms until permanent construction is evaluated and, if necessary built.
50% of parents want to use their vouchers from both A and C, and they choose to send them to B. B has no parents wishing to choose a different school.
Can you answer how you believe this ^^^^^ is feasible?
Of course it's feasible. Like any other enterprise, the good ones expand with the extra income and the shitty ones downsize or close. Survival of fittest!
Where are those "stories"?
Well, you have that story a few years ago about those kids being instructed to praise Obama, and now you have this story of the teacher who is upset because they can't bring their personal life into the classroom. I can't find the link right now but it was in the news last week.

I mean, if you found out your school had several pro Trump teachers, wouldn't you want to know what they were saying I'm the classroom?
That's not the way it works. Tax dollars pay for more than education. Life in the big city so to speak.

Again, pay to send your kids to private or parochial schools. Or, get together with a group of parents or corp sponsors to start a charter school.

That's how it work in this country. :)
Actually, property taxes, here in Florida, breaks down the millage rate. In my county, the school board millage rate is
3.62800 So it is quite easy to come up with a cost per student.
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So, let's address what is wrong with A and C, and why parents don't want to send their kids there. If there is a problem in those schools, then address them to make sending kids there more attractive?
So, why don't they do that today? Simple, no competition, no motivation.
So, let's address what is wrong with A and C, and why parents don't want to send their kids there. If there is a problem in those schools, then address them to make sending kids there more attractive?
Let the schools address them. Meanwhile parents should be able to put their kids in good schools.
I'd say the video feed would be available for the parents to view at any time, not necessarily some team reviewing footage each day.

What freedom would they have to give up by having a camera in the classroom?

You can film the class from behind, or just have the cameras pointed to the front where the teachers stand.
They give up the freedom of corrupting the minds of their students with homo leftwing propaganda.

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