Are You Able To Articulate Your Disagreement.....


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
.....or unable due to the damage that government schooling has done to you?

1. I find, as a general rule, that Democrat voters can never explain or defend the positions their party demands that they support.
And, I'm betting that this post will support my belief.

2. "Arizona's new school choice law expected to survive petition drive
Opponents of Arizona's school voucher law have reportedly failed to file enough valid signatures to overturn the recently passed measure deemed to be one of the most robust school choice policies in the United States.

Beth Lewis, executive director of public school advocacy group Save Our Schools Arizona, which opposes school choice policies, announced Friday that she and her group had filed a petition against Arizona's Empowerment Scholarship Account program.

The program ensures all K-12 students are eligible for scholarship funds and receive help toward educational expenses through the state. Families can receive over $6,500 per year per child for private school, homeschooling, micro schools, tutoring or other educational services. The school choice law, said to be the most robust in the nation, faced opposition from teachers' unions."

3. Democrats oppose school choice.....Americans favor it. What's the deal......aren't they pro-choice in other areas????

4. Perhaps the answer can be found here:
The Founders, classical liberals, conservatives
a. individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.
“free markets, free voices, free people”

Fascists, Nazis, Liberals, Progressives, Socialists, Communists, Democrats
b. the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

5. Perhaps the answer can be found here:
.....or unable due to the damage that government schooling has done to you?

1. I find, as a general rule, that Democrat voters can never explain or defend the positions their party demands that they support.
And, I'm betting that this post will support my belief.

2. "Arizona's new school choice law expected to survive petition drive
Opponents of Arizona's school voucher law have reportedly failed to file enough valid signatures to overturn the recently passed measure deemed to be one of the most robust school choice policies in the United States.

Beth Lewis, executive director of public school advocacy group Save Our Schools Arizona, which opposes school choice policies, announced Friday that she and her group had filed a petition against Arizona's Empowerment Scholarship Account program.

The program ensures all K-12 students are eligible for scholarship funds and receive help toward educational expenses through the state. Families can receive over $6,500 per year per child for private school, homeschooling, micro schools, tutoring or other educational services. The school choice law, said to be the most robust in the nation, faced opposition from teachers' unions."

3. Democrats oppose school choice.....Americans favor it. What's the deal......aren't they pro-choice in other areas????

4. Perhaps the answer can be found here:
The Founders, classical liberals, conservatives
a. individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.
“free markets, free voices, free people”

Fascists, Nazis, Liberals, Progressives, Socialists, Communists, Democrats
b. the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

5. Perhaps the answer can be found here:
View attachment 702319
Jim sums up the proggy hypocrisy pretty well

Vouchers are nothing more than food stamps for gubmint schools.

The power to run those stifling conformity mills needs to be wrested from The State, before any meaningful improvements will occur.
Not when you can use them to attend private Christian schools.

Schools have been run by the states since the beginning of America.

I do believe it was Clinton who started with big block education grants to get the states hooked on Uncle Sugar money, and then a few years later demands started being made. Not right away, it was free money for a few years.

Then came the "Head Start" and all that stuff which had teh indoctrination in it.
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You send your kid to public school and the gov't send that school money.

Why shouldn't you be able to change your kids school and have the gov't send the same amount of money to the new school?

If the new school is more expensive...YOU pay the difference.

What's the problem with that?
Vouchers are nothing more than food stamps for gubmint schools.

The power to run those stifling conformity mills needs to be wrested from The State, before any meaningful improvements will occur.

Of course that is wrong.

As a home school parent, and member of several home school organizations, we would love the opportunity to have our costs covered with our own tax money, and the chance to choose non-government schools.
Whether schools are run by profit seeking billionaire corps, or by the state? It will inevitably lead to the same result.

Brainwashed NPCs. :rolleyes:

View attachment 702346

View attachment 702351
Of course that is wrong.

As a home school parent, and member of several home school organizations, we would love the opportunity to have our costs covered with our own tax money, and the chance to choose non-government schools.

We ran volunteer schools at our own expense.
They'll be negatively affected.

Gubmint-issued vouchers won't come without curriculum strings attached.

Our children took the same standardized exams every other NYC student took, and we decided what to add or subtract from lessons.

I'm the expert on the subject.
You send your kid to public school and the gov't send that school money.

Why shouldn't you be able to change your kids school and have the gov't send the same amount of money to the new school?

If the new school is more expensive...YOU pay the difference.

What's the problem with that?

And standardized testing determines if the school continues in operation.
Of course that is wrong.

As a home school parent, and member of several home school organizations, we would love the opportunity to have our costs covered with our own tax money, and the chance to choose non-government schools.
Of course that's correct.....You just want to be cut in on the tax scam, which funds the educrats of The State first before a penny goes to the classroom.

Your money shouldn't be taken in the first place....Redistributing funds from those who have no children -or worse, cannot have them- is the classic 'from each according to ability..." Marxist model.

You keep your money, you educate your own offspring.
Of course that's correct.....You just want to be cut in on the tax scam, which funds the educrats of The State first before a penny goes to the classroom.

Your money shouldn't be taken in the first place....Redistributing funds from those who have no children -or worse, cannot have them- is the classic 'from each according to ability..." Marxist model.

You keep your money, you educate your own offspring.
You've got my vote.
Of course that is wrong.

As a home school parent, and member of several home school organizations, we would love the opportunity to have our costs covered with our own tax money, and the chance to choose non-government schools.

We ran volunteer schools at our own expense.
No, Oddball is correct. The government always has strings attached. The corporations that sponsor the legislation, make this a requirement, the want the STATE to have control over the curricula. The billionaire upper class, does not want true useful skills transmitted to the young, they have an agenda, and have a reason for wanting to control the education.

They don't want small farms and small businesses to compete against them. THIS? Is the reason for mass schooling. It reduces critical thinking, and thus, the number of folks willing or able to be entrepreneurs.

No, Oddball is correct. The government always has strings attached. The corporations that sponsor the legislation, make this a requirement, the want the STATE to have control over the curricula. The billionaire upper class, does not want true useful skills transmitted to the young, they have an agenda, and have a reason for wanting to control the education.

They don't want small farms and small businesses to compete against them. THIS? Is the reason for mass schooling. It reduces critical thinking, and thus, the number of folks willing or able to be entrepreneurs.


I've taught in volunteer home school groups.

We know what to do, and our children always .....ALWAYS....surpass government educated children.
And standardized testing determines if the school continues in operation.

Money will determine it...we don't even need standardized testing.

If parents pull their children out of a school that only teaches CRT and faggotry...the school will have no money & be forced to close.

Vouchers will solve almost all of our school problems!
I am able to articulate all of my views quite well and am the product of a public-school education -- and in California, no less.

The fact that I just had my 50th high school reunion might have something to do with that.
Money will determine it...we don't even need standardized testing.

If parents pull their children out of a school that only teaches CRT and faggotry...the school will have no money & be forced to close.

Vouchers will solve almost all of our school problems!

We need the testing.

Radical schools will pop up that are even worse than the government schools.

And it's the law.

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