Are We "Ripe" For The Anti-Christ?


Senior Member
Oct 13, 2004
My votes says, "Yes!".

I'm no bible scholar, but I think the world, and especially the Western world is really psyched for the coming false Messiah...

I see this in the direction in which my own country is going(U.S.).

The electorate is looking for that smooth talking, great debater, who woos both male and females with all the right stuff. This person doesn't have any traceable, negative past history/bagage for the Media to feast on. This person jet-sets with hollywood, yet cat fishes with down home folks in the rural Americas.

This person is fluent to debate international as well as domestic policy........see's all belief systems as marvelous expressions of culture.

This person will look good, will have the no-hair-spray camelot look if a male...........If a female........she will win the hearts of homemakers and "It Takes a Village" females everywhere.

The MSM will fall in love with this person..........anyone who criticizes this person will immediately be "piled on" by the majority. A "how dare you!" attitude will prevail against all that critique this person of charisma.
This leader will "burp" and the electorate will say, "Heil!". This leader will say, "jump!", and the American people will say, "How high?".
Intellect will be our downfall, as it will be worshipped over wisdom.........
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The nonbelievers will scoff...but in my heart of hearts I know you're right. I feel it in my spirit, and can SEE the world shaping up that way as time goes on. Frankly, with each progressively-more-and-more-liberal 'electee' we send to govern us, I think tumblers tumble, and stars align and God's prophecy fullfills
Honestly, I feel it is closing in, too.

Interesting POV... the Beast, its number is 666, right? Man's number. And the "abomination" is taking God off his throne. One point of view I heard recently was that the "abomination" is that Man becomes engrossed in SELF, that Man is the Beast who kicks God off His throne by refusing to allow God to be the supreme authority in his life.

When in history have so many people been so consumed with self-fulfillment, "controlling one's own destiny," "doing it MY way"? We follow SOME of God's rules, but don't bother to check in with Him moment-by-moment. As if these are OUR lives, and we'll consult God when we need Him. But, if we accept the message of the cross, we are to DIE to ourselves. We GIVE UP our own goals, we clear our agendas, and say to God, "My life belongs to YOU, Lord. What do you want me to do with it?"
What IS the Anti-Christ? It's the opposite of Christ, Who gave up His rights as God to come down to earth and die for sins He never committed. He gave up His own rights in order to serve. Maybe the AntiChrist is each human being, all of us who refuse to give up our wills, our desires, what we think we DESERVE. This is about as opposite of the life of Christ as we can get.
I dont know if we are ripe for the anti-christ as you say, but I do think we are ripening for destruction. I believe that as we have exercised faith in God, we've had the ability to rely on Him when facing our enemies in the world because our enemies have been evil.

I am not prepared to say we as a society are evil yet, because I still think there is alot of good. But I know there is a great portion of this society that has rejected the Lord. The Spirit of the Lord will not always dwell in the hearts of men. If we turn away from Him, He will leave us to our own devices to protect ourselves. We will be fighting without the assistance of God. That doesnt mean we will automatically lose any fight we are in, but it does mean we are far more likely to. I think as it is, the only reason we are not destroyed is because of the righteous. But the time will come when the righteous will be persecuted, killed, or run out. Its always happened throughout history and when that time comes, we will see the wicked wiped from the land.

We may technically live in a secular nation, but that doesnt change the fact that we are a holy nation, built on just and holy principles. When we abandon them, we will not be sustained.

But i know the Savior will come soon. How soon, i dont know. could be years. could be decades. but i do know that i keep humming and singing a hymn when i see everything around me. Particularly the third verse.

"Guide Us, O Thou Great Jehovah, Guide us to the promised land.
We are weak, but Thou art ablel; Hold us with Thy pow'rful hand.
Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit, Feed us till the Savior Comes, Savior Comes,
Feed us till the Savior Comes."

"Open Jesus, Zion's fountains; Let her richest blessings come.
Let the fiery cloudy pillar, Guard us to this Holy home.
Great Redeemer, Great Redeemer, Bring, Oh Bring the welcome day, welcome day!
Bring, oh bring, the welcome day."

"When the earth begins to tremble bid our fearful thoughts be still.
When They judgments spread destruction, keep us safe on Zion's hill.
Singing praises, singing praises, Songs of Glory unto Thee, unto Thee
Songs of Glory unto Thee."

We live in an exciting and terrible day. The judgments will be poured out upon all nations, but the righteous have no need to fear when the time comes.
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Do what you can to "distract" him for us. There'll be something a little extra in it for ya !!;)

I'll do my best. Actually, strach that, he's not the anit-Christ. Not exactly. He's more like the anti-Christ's whipping boy. You should see his wife. I mean hear his wife, no one has met her or seen her picture. Even without a face, she's all bitch.

I call it "good hair day'

I'll do my best. Actually, strach that, he's not the anit-Christ. Not exactly. He's more like the anti-Christ's whipping boy. You should see his wife. I mean hear his wife, no one has met her or seen her picture. Even without a face, she's all bitch.

'kay----I'll work on her to take some pressure of of ya---phone # ?:thup:
Avater4321 said:
But i know the Savior will come soon. How soon, i dont know. could be years. could be decades.
So should the rest of us keep putting money in our 401K programs or not?
My sister was ordering Bibles for a local Christian teen group, and she came across the Satanic Bible. What it said BLEW ME AWAY!

Satan represents indulgence instead of abstinence... Satan represents all of the so-called sins, as they all lead to physical, mental, or emotional gratification.

Chapter titles from the table of contents:
"The God you save may be YOURSELF," and "Life After Death Through the Fulfillment of the EGO"

Yes, mom4 has finally flipped her lid, and Mr. P, you can probably hear the "thumping" like Indian drums in the distance, but this is a WAKE-UP CALL! We have all been waiting for some political leader to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem and take over the world, but that's not the AntiChrist. WE are the antiChrists. Where is the Temple, now? WE are the Temple! The Holy Spirit lives in each person whom will allow Him to stay. We don't need to sacrifice at the Temple in Jerusalem, but we are to present ourselves as living sacrifices.

Who are WE to think we deserve MORE? Especially we who live in America, aren't we given luxury beyond what most people in history have ever imagined? Why do we think we deserve MORE? More money, better jobs, more food, more romance, nicer clothes, more fulfilling relationships... We need to cast aside all our desires, the desires that gratify ourselves, and live SOLELY to please God. When we refuse to do this, when we chase after wanting things OUR WAY, we knock God off His throne, we declare OURSELVES to be GOD, just like it says in REVELATION!

I know most of you are probably ready to call the men in white to come for me, but some of you know what I am talking about. If you have ears to hear, WAKE UP! Rededicate yourselves NOW!
Who are WE to think we deserve MORE? Especially we who live in America, aren't we given luxury beyond what most people in history have ever imagined? Why do we think we deserve MORE? More money, better jobs, more food, more romance, nicer clothes, more fulfilling relationships...

The one and only valid point in this thread....
So should the rest of us keep putting money in our 401K programs or not?

Of course you should. what an absurd question. of course you need to prepare. no one knows when anything will happen and its just common sense to save for a rainy day.
My sister was ordering Bibles for a local Christian teen group, and she came across the Satanic Bible. What it said BLEW ME AWAY!

Chapter titles from the table of contents:

Yes, mom4 has finally flipped her lid, and Mr. P, you can probably hear the "thumping" like Indian drums in the distance, but this is a WAKE-UP CALL! We have all been waiting for some political leader to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem and take over the world, but that's not the AntiChrist. WE are the antiChrists. Where is the Temple, now? WE are the Temple! The Holy Spirit lives in each person whom will allow Him to stay. We don't need to sacrifice at the Temple in Jerusalem, but we are to present ourselves as living sacrifices.

Who are WE to think we deserve MORE? Especially we who live in America, aren't we given luxury beyond what most people in history have ever imagined? Why do we think we deserve MORE? More money, better jobs, more food, more romance, nicer clothes, more fulfilling relationships... We need to cast aside all our desires, the desires that gratify ourselves, and live SOLELY to please God. When we refuse to do this, when we chase after wanting things OUR WAY, we knock God off His throne, we declare OURSELVES to be GOD, just like it says in REVELATION!

I know most of you are probably ready to call the men in white to come for me, but some of you know what I am talking about. If you have ears to hear, WAKE UP! Rededicate yourselves NOW!

The only men in white id call to come for you are the angels of heaven to lift you up for your righteous desires.
I think you forget a few things. We'll go through a third World War and then an era of peace will follow. During the time of peace would be the prime time for the Antichrist to come.

However, I doubt we'll see the end of the world in our times (mine included and not because I don't believe in it). I'm seeing a lot of religious revival in my generation. I've seen many atheist friends turn Christian, etc. But that's my opinion based off of what I've seen from my travels and where I've lived.

But I think too many people are popping metaphorical boners for the Apocalypse and I'm not entirely sure why. I think a lot of people want the end of the world to come so that they can just stop putting up with what they believe is immoral or so they can feel as if their perceived persecution will be justified. But that's my opinion.

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