Are we getting the leaders we deserve?

Good people DON'T get into politics. The worst among us get into politics. That has been the case for decades.

As a general rule, I agree. I believe that "most" people who get into politics do it for the right reasons. Unfortunately, over time, money gets in the way. It always does. It always will. That's why K Street in DC is one long orgy of money, power and influence.
I've said it quite a few times over the years on this forum. "We get the government we deserve".

How's that whole "voting for the lesser of two evils" thing been working out for you, rubes?

Don't give me that bullshit. When the hell have we had ANYTHING other than the "lesser" of two evils?

Climb down off your high horse. Your party is just as bad as the other.
If somebody named Matt Bai is going to write an article titled "are we getting the leaders we deserve" he has to tell us what kind of leaders we deserve. All I saw in the editorial was the usual BS about Gary Hart and yada yada Trump.
We get what they tell us we get.
That's what happens when you have a "representative republic" instead of democracy.

Right. I could see a "mob rule" society. Talk about chaos.....
^^^^Thinks democracy is "mob rule"....better let the smart people decide who your leaders are, because you just don't have the brain capacity to think for ;yourself.

Dumbass - "democracy" IS mob rule.
I think there are millions of us who have worked hard all our lives, kept ourselves out of trouble, raised good families who are doing the same. We deserve leaders who want to make America great again.
Let me really think Trump is going to make America great...what a moron.

It will be great for me.

I can't speak for anyone else.
If you had the ability to add 2+2, you'd would know that Trump would start a trade war with his Wall, and start WWIII with his plan to invade Iran. You're not going to have a nice day in nuclear winter....You're not going to have a job either.

You are campaigning on fear. Trump will do no such thing. If anything he will do what helps American idustry he won't hurt it. Witness what Reagan did for Harley-Davidson. That didn't start a trade war. America is still the big dog, the world comes to America.

He forgot to add that global warming will cause the sky to fall if Trump is elected.

That is pretty much all Dims can do, create fear and panic for voting for the GOP. It's not like they can prop up Hillary to make her likable.

Imagine, if you will, a populace that realizes that neither party is different. Where would they obtain their support? Or, imagine politics where everyone was treated the same. Why would people throw their money at them? Who would bother to even vote if you knew that your vote was meaningless in changing the status quo? No, politics is all about dividing and conquering, so it should be no surprise that the country is as divided as it is. Essentially it is the bread and butter of those in office, much like how Obama gave exemptions to his union buddies regarding Obamacare.
It's the cons that say the sky is Cruz crying that if Obama picks the next SCOTUS judge they'll take away our guns and our religion!
It's Trump saying "make this country great again" after Shrub destroyed the economy. Obama has cut unemployment in half. He's also cut the deficit in half. Trump threatens a trade war with Mexico and Saudi Arabia.
Talk about fear and panic....."bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran"
Cons say, "Fuck em', let them drink leaded water." and "Fuck the EPA, let them breath polluted air."
Nice try sleaze bag.
We get what they tell us we get.
That's what happens when you have a "representative republic" instead of democracy.

Right. I could see a "mob rule" society. Talk about chaos.....
^^^^Thinks democracy is "mob rule"....better let the smart people decide who your leaders are, because you just don't have the brain capacity to think for ;yourself.

Dumbass - "democracy" IS mob rule.
^^^^Dumb ass fascist.
We get what they tell us we get.
That's what happens when you have a "representative republic" instead of democracy.

Right. I could see a "mob rule" society. Talk about chaos.....
^^^^Thinks democracy is "mob rule"....better let the smart people decide who your leaders are, because you just don't have the brain capacity to think for ;yourself.

Dumbass - "democracy" IS mob rule.
^^^^Dumb ass fascist.

^^^^^^Dumb fucking communist.
Are we getting the leaders we deserve?

Here is an article trying to come to terms with the circus of an election year. The attempt is to blame the press.

Who agrees?

Absolutely, people are voting for what they can get, not what they can have the opportunity to do for themselves. The parasites rule

That's the ONLY way Obozo won two terms in office. Hell, those same folks that voted for the idiot now admit they "screwed up". He didn't actually give them "Obama Phones".....
Are we getting the leaders we deserve?

Here is an article trying to come to terms with the circus of an election year. The attempt is to blame the press.

Who agrees?

Absolutely, people are voting for what they can get, not what they can have the opportunity to do for themselves. The parasites rule

That's the ONLY way Obozo won two terms in office. Hell, those same folks that voted for the idiot now admit they "screwed up". He didn't actually give them "Obama Phones".....

Yes, that's the only way Obama won, but Obama's not the only one who won that way for sure. Not that you said otherwise, you didn't. Just pointing it out
We get what they tell us we get.
That's what happens when you have a "representative republic" instead of democracy.

Right. I could see a "mob rule" society. Talk about chaos.....
^^^^Thinks democracy is "mob rule"....better let the smart people decide who your leaders are, because you just don't have the brain capacity to think for ;yourself.

Dumbass - "democracy" IS mob rule.

That is exactly why we are NOT a democracy!!!!!
We get what they tell us we get.
That's what happens when you have a "representative republic" instead of democracy.

Right. I could see a "mob rule" society. Talk about chaos.....
^^^^Thinks democracy is "mob rule"....better let the smart people decide who your leaders are, because you just don't have the brain capacity to think for ;yourself.

Dumbass - "democracy" IS mob rule.

That is exactly why we are NOT a democracy!!!!!

Hmm...I would have sworn that is what I stated....
That's what happens when you have a "representative republic" instead of democracy.

Right. I could see a "mob rule" society. Talk about chaos.....
^^^^Thinks democracy is "mob rule"....better let the smart people decide who your leaders are, because you just don't have the brain capacity to think for ;yourself.

Dumbass - "democracy" IS mob rule.
^^^^Dumb ass fascist.

^^^^^^Dumb fucking communist.
^^^^^^^Ignorant moron that doesn't know the difference between socialism and communism.

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