Are We All ‘Domestic Terrorists’?

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
Are We All ‘Domestic Terrorists’?
Jared Taylor, American Renaissance, January 13, 2021

Joe Biden has the people who took over the Capitol on Jan. 6 figured out. In just two days, he had them pegged for “a bunch of thugs, insurrectionists, white supremacists, and anti-Semites, and it’s not enough.” Not enough? He also said they were “domestic terrorists.” Senators Charles Schumer and Lindsay Graham, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, “Squad” leader Cori Bush and plenty of others agreed that they were domestic terrorists. Even the mayor of Orlando says so, and DC mayor Muriel Bowser called the occupation “textbook terrorism” so that clinches it.
Curiously, there is a federal definition of domestic terrorism, but it isn’t a crime. There is now tremendous pressure to change that, and depending on what kind of law takes shape, there could be huge implications for dissidents.
For now, this definition from 18 U.S. Code § 2331 is worth studying:
(5) the term “domestic terrorism” means activities that — (A) involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State; (B) appear to be intended — (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and (C) occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States.
Does this apply to the Capitol takeover? Domestic terrorism must be an illegal act “dangerous to human life” and meant to influence policy. The Trump supporters wanted to influence policy alright, but what does “dangerous to human life” mean? The Michigan Penal Code says it is “that which causes a substantial likelihood of death or serious injury.”

That wouldn’t include trespassing, breaking and entering, or even scuffling with the police. Anyone who may have killed Capitol police officer Brian Sicknick would meet the definition of a “domestic terrorist,” but the circumstances of his death are still not clear. It may be there wasn’t a single “textbook” domestic terrorist at the Capitol that day. Lefties are gloating over the death of Ashli Babbitt, but the only thing she did that was “dangerous to human life” was stop a bullet.

Why all the talk about “domestic terrorism”? I suspect it’s because people can’t stand the idea that the Trump mob could be guilty of nothing more than trespassing. Time reports sadly that there are no laws against domestic terrorism, but lists the charges it wants brought: seditious conspiracy, which carries a 20-year maximum sentence, homicide, assault, interstate travel in aid of racketeering, restricted-area violations, vandalism, and trespassing.

Sure enough, the Justice Department has set up a task force to file sedition and conspiracy charges. The investigation is said to be “one of the most expansive criminal investigations in the history of the Justice Department.” The authorities promise to hunt the rioters — many of whom just walked through an open door — to the ends of the earth as if they were Osama bin Laden. The contrast with the handling of BLM and antifa rioters is stark.
Large snip
Long read it all normies

Lefties and fake centrist ....go elsewhere

Dark days ahead

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I think the corrupt try to take that word "threaten" out of context. If you stand up even and speak out against fraud you have threatened the established corrupt practices. Simply using one's freedom of speech can get you a label as an insurrectionist according to some MSM. People just need to quit supporting big tech and corporates in any manner that they can. Support and hire local non affiliated peeps and buy goods as much as possible from sources that support Americana, grow gardens and share with neighbors, vote out fascist where ever possible, get together and get involved with political party affiliations and take the control back for the people, demand from your legislators voting and counting practices that protect the integrity of the elections at even a local level, also many states need recall measures that the people can turn to when politicians or out of bounds, teach their children the importance of liberty, to be carried out with respect and good manners and make sure they are not being indoctrinated in the schools.
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Are We All ‘Domestic Terrorists’?
Jared Taylor, American Renaissance, January 13, 2021

Joe Biden has the people who took over the Capitol on Jan. 6 figured out. In just two days, he had them pegged for “a bunch of thugs, insurrectionists, white supremacists, and anti-Semites, and it’s not enough.” Not enough? He also said they were “domestic terrorists.” Senators Charles Schumer and Lindsay Graham, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, “Squad” leader Cori Bush and plenty of others agreed that they were domestic terrorists. Even the mayor of Orlando says so, and DC mayor Muriel Bowser called the occupation “textbook terrorism” so that clinches it.
Curiously, there is a federal definition of domestic terrorism, but it isn’t a crime. There is now tremendous pressure to change that, and depending on what kind of law takes shape, there could be huge implications for dissidents.
For now, this definition from 18 U.S. Code § 2331 is worth studying:
(5) the term “domestic terrorism” means activities that — (A) involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State; (B) appear to be intended — (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and (C) occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States.
Does this apply to the Capitol takeover? Domestic terrorism must be an illegal act “dangerous to human life” and meant to influence policy. The Trump supporters wanted to influence policy alright, but what does “dangerous to human life” mean? The Michigan Penal Code says it is “that which causes a substantial likelihood of death or serious injury.”

That wouldn’t include trespassing, breaking and entering, or even scuffling with the police. Anyone who may have killed Capitol police officer Brian Sicknick would meet the definition of a “domestic terrorist,” but the circumstances of his death are still not clear. It may be there wasn’t a single “textbook” domestic terrorist at the Capitol that day. Lefties are gloating over the death of Ashli Babbitt, but the only thing she did that was “dangerous to human life” was stop a bullet.

Why all the talk about “domestic terrorism”? I suspect it’s because people can’t stand the idea that the Trump mob could be guilty of nothing more than trespassing. Time reports sadly that there are no laws against domestic terrorism, but lists the charges it wants brought: seditious conspiracy, which carries a 20-year maximum sentence, homicide, assault, interstate travel in aid of racketeering, restricted-area violations, vandalism, and trespassing.

Sure enough, the Justice Department has set up a task force to file sedition and conspiracy charges. The investigation is said to be “one of the most expansive criminal investigations in the history of the Justice Department.” The authorities promise to hunt the rioters — many of whom just walked through an open door — to the ends of the earth as if they were Osama bin Laden. The contrast with the handling of BLM and antifa rioters is stark.
Large snip
Long read it all normies
Lefties and fake centrist ....go elsewhere

Dark days ahead

View attachment 444083

Yes, they are domestic terrorists.. and what they did was far worse than trespassing.
USMB Trumpers are determined to keep lying to everyone. They still promote the big lie of voter fraud, and now they are trying to convince you to ignore and disbelieve the domestic terrorism you saw with your own eyes.
Are We All ‘Domestic Terrorists’?
Jared Taylor, American Renaissance, January 13, 2021

Joe Biden has the people who took over the Capitol on Jan. 6 figured out. In just two days, he had them pegged for “a bunch of thugs, insurrectionists, white supremacists, and anti-Semites, and it’s not enough.” Not enough? He also said they were “domestic terrorists.” Senators Charles Schumer and Lindsay Graham, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, “Squad” leader Cori Bush and plenty of others agreed that they were domestic terrorists. Even the mayor of Orlando says so, and DC mayor Muriel Bowser called the occupation “textbook terrorism” so that clinches it.
Curiously, there is a federal definition of domestic terrorism, but it isn’t a crime. There is now tremendous pressure to change that, and depending on what kind of law takes shape, there could be huge implications for dissidents.
For now, this definition from 18 U.S. Code § 2331 is worth studying:
(5) the term “domestic terrorism” means activities that — (A) involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State; (B) appear to be intended — (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and (C) occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States.
Does this apply to the Capitol takeover? Domestic terrorism must be an illegal act “dangerous to human life” and meant to influence policy. The Trump supporters wanted to influence policy alright, but what does “dangerous to human life” mean? The Michigan Penal Code says it is “that which causes a substantial likelihood of death or serious injury.”

That wouldn’t include trespassing, breaking and entering, or even scuffling with the police. Anyone who may have killed Capitol police officer Brian Sicknick would meet the definition of a “domestic terrorist,” but the circumstances of his death are still not clear. It may be there wasn’t a single “textbook” domestic terrorist at the Capitol that day. Lefties are gloating over the death of Ashli Babbitt, but the only thing she did that was “dangerous to human life” was stop a bullet.

Why all the talk about “domestic terrorism”? I suspect it’s because people can’t stand the idea that the Trump mob could be guilty of nothing more than trespassing. Time reports sadly that there are no laws against domestic terrorism, but lists the charges it wants brought: seditious conspiracy, which carries a 20-year maximum sentence, homicide, assault, interstate travel in aid of racketeering, restricted-area violations, vandalism, and trespassing.

Sure enough, the Justice Department has set up a task force to file sedition and conspiracy charges. The investigation is said to be “one of the most expansive criminal investigations in the history of the Justice Department.” The authorities promise to hunt the rioters — many of whom just walked through an open door — to the ends of the earth as if they were Osama bin Laden. The contrast with the handling of BLM and antifa rioters is stark.
Large snip
Long read it all normies
Lefties and fake centrist ....go elsewhere

Dark days ahead

View attachment 444083

Yes, they are domestic terrorists.. and what they did was far worse than trespassing.
Nope....annnn nope

Get lost useful idiots
USMB Trumpers are determined to keep lying to everyone. They still promote the big lie of voter fraud, and now they are trying to convince you to ignore and disbelieve the domestic terrorism you saw with your own eyes.
They also saw voter fraud ,bullshit Russia collusion conspiracy theories, and a whole list of other shit with thier own lying eyes....
USMB Trumpers are determined to keep lying to everyone. They still promote the big lie of voter fraud, and now they are trying to convince you to ignore and disbelieve the domestic terrorism you saw with your own eyes.
They also saw voter fraud ,bullshit Russia collusion conspiracy theories, and a whole list of other shit with thier own lying eyes....

Russia only wanted to create chaos and undermine confidence in our elections.. Trump has been claiming elections are rigged since 2016 when he claimed repeatedly that 3-5 million illegals voted. You must remember that.
USMB Trumpers are determined to keep lying to everyone. They still promote the big lie of voter fraud, and now they are trying to convince you to ignore and disbelieve the domestic terrorism you saw with your own eyes.
They also saw voter fraud ,bullshit Russia collusion conspiracy theories, and a whole list of other shit with thier own lying eyes....

Russia only wanted to create chaos and undermine confidence in our elections.. Trump has been claiming elections are rigged since 2016 when he claimed repeatedly that 3-5 million illegals voted. You must remember that.

How about China?
USMB Trumpers are determined to keep lying to everyone. They still promote the big lie of voter fraud, and now they are trying to convince you to ignore and disbelieve the domestic terrorism you saw with your own eyes.
They also saw voter fraud ,bullshit Russia collusion conspiracy theories, and a whole list of other shit with thier own lying eyes....

Russia only wanted to create chaos and undermine confidence in our elections.. Trump has been claiming elections are rigged since 2016 when he claimed repeatedly that 3-5 million illegals voted. You must remember that.

How about China?

How about China? Trump's trade was is a loser that has hurt Americans and cost jobs... Trump is so stupid he clings to the idea that China pays his tariffs NOT the consumer.
Anyone opposed to total party control of every facet of society is an enemy of the people and must be liquidated.

OMG that sounds like some dictator's communist jingle.

That's where we're headed! We're almost there!

What an asinine thing to say. Our country needs a two party system otherwise we're Syria with a president who wins every election.

Obama disagrees. He used the IRS to prevent conservatives from participating in the 2012 election.

Your leftist comrades are doing everything possible to eliminate conservative voices from the proverbial public square. Nevertheless, you continue to support them. This will end BADLY for the American people. Thanks.
Most of the people who entered the capital were apparently too stupid to know they were committing a crime. I heard that the FBI is in possession of thousands of selfies taken by dumbasses in various areas where they clearly did not belong. They were trespassers. Among them were people who were out for blood and would have absolutely murdered certain individuals had they been able to lay hands on them. They are terrorists. It's easy enough to separate the two but we have already seen that the right will not police their own. That makes you terrorist sympathizers.
Most of the people who entered the capital were apparently too stupid to know they were committing a crime.

Most of the people who enter the capitol commit crimes on a regular basis ...

View attachment 444121

I'm surprised anyone even noticed the addition of a few more.
Are you looking for justification or are you just trying to be funny?

Nancy Pelosi is worth $140 million. She attained that wealth by screwing the American people.

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