Are there same-sex marriages in the United States?

Why should anyone agree to have lesser rights?
Why should Government get involved in who you love?

How do you handle the situation when married gays move between states?
I agree with your second statement

EXCEPT in the case of pedophiles
Ok, I told you exactly where to find the info. And now you abandon the thread because you were wrong? No admission of your error. Typical.
It's not there. Laws can only be changed by Congress or a plebiscite
It's not there. Laws can only be changed by Congress or a plebiscite

A quick search for Article VI of the US Constitution gave me this website with this info:
"This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding." (I added the Bold and increased the size, since you seem to have trouble finding things on your own)
They believe that the law on marriage as a union of different-sex people violates the provision on equality.

Will they consider the ban on murder a violation of equality, guided by the same feminine logic?
ok they can If it finds it unconstitutional. They have to proof it. When was the resolution on cancellation published? Where I can read it?
What the fuck are you blathering about now. You have been schooled on the concept of judicial review. The fact that you appear to be uneducable is not my problem. You are either very stupid or just playing a very sick game
What the fuck are you blathering about now. You have been schooled on the concept of judicial review. The fact that you appear to be uneducable is not my problem. You are either very stupid or just playing a very sick game
Yes, it looks like I was wrong here, I admit. But I still do not see a resolution on the abolition of the definition of marriage as a union of a man and a woman, and I still do not see the logic in this decision
Yes, it looks like I was wrong here, I admit. But I still do not see a resolution on the abolition of the definition of marriage as a union of a man and a woman, and I still do not see the logic in this decision
You are still not making any sense! Read the Obergefell opinion! It establishes marriage as being between two consenting adults regardless of their respective genders . THAT is you resolution
You are still not making any sense! Read the Obergefell opinion! It establishes marriage as being between two consenting adults regardless of their respective genders . THAT is you resolution
Why do I need your fucking Oberhweil's opinion?

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