
Confront reality
Oct 25, 2016
Everyone accepts that there are physical laws. If you jump off a building and try to fly by flapping your arms, gravity will take hold and you will fall. The consequences of violating physical laws are immediate and cannot be disputed. So are there moral laws as well? I say yes. So why do I believe there are moral laws? Because our behaviors have consequences. Not all behaviors lead to equal outcomes. An example would be that men who cheat on their wives are more apt to experience negative consequences than men who are faithful. Some would say, sure, but some men get away with it. That's right they do, but as a rule fidelity leads to harmony and peace while infidelity leads to conflict and chaos. Furthermore, the more they deviate from the standard (i.e. the moral law) the more likely they are to suffer the negative consequences of their decisions. The same thing applies to all behaviors. There will be a standard that if followed will naturally lead to positive outcomes and if deviated from will naturally lead to negative outcomes. As a rule failed behavior lead to failure and successful behaviors lead to success. These are the moral laws. But unlike physical laws, the consequence of violating them are not necessarily immediate.
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Proverbs backs up your claim, ding. Proverbs could also be called, "Words to live by." It cover a variety of behaviors. Some which are beneficial, and what is best to avoid.
Agreed. The Bible is effectively a how to book; how to live and how not to live.
Are you talking about Karma?
No. Although I can see how some can relate karma to reaping what we sow. I am saying that I believe that moral laws do exist and that when we violate them that predictable surprises will follow.
Moral laws are ingrained in one's soul. People know when they do the wrong thing but as you said it, there is no immediate retribution in most cases and they think they got away with it. Then comes the surprise but many occasions they have no idea why "unpleasant" things happened to them.
Are you talking about Karma?
No. Although I can see how some can relate karma to reaping what we sow. I am saying that I believe that moral laws do exist and that when we violate them that predictable surprises will follow.
Moral laws are ingrained in one's soul. People know when they do the wrong thing but as you said it, there is no immediate retribution in most cases and they think they got away with it. Then comes the surprise but many occasions they have no idea why "unpleasant" things happened to them.
I couldn't agree more. Man knows right from wrong and when he violates it, rather than abandoning the concept, he rationalizes that he didn't. It is through consequences that we are given the feedback between rationalizing that we did right versus actually doing right. Which makes perfect sense if you believe their is a consciousness who wishes us to do the right thing the right way for the right reason. He has given us the law of compensation to figure out our errors. He is pruning us. He is a Master Gardner.
traveling through life for the purpose to free one's Spirit were a person to believe there to be an Apex to do so, would be the equivalent of purposeful morality, cumulative good and the outcome would be the answer, were one to finally free themselves. the Apex of Purity.
traveling through life for the purpose to free one's Spirit were a person to believe there to be an Apex to do so, would be the equivalent of purposeful morality, cumulative good and the outcome would be the answer, were one to finally free themselves. the Apex of Purity.
Do you believe there are moral laws which exist?
Are you talking about Karma?
No. Although I can see how some can relate karma to reaping what we sow. I am saying that I believe that moral laws do exist and that when we violate them that predictable surprises will follow.
Moral laws are ingrained in one's soul. People know when they do the wrong thing but as you said it, there is no immediate retribution in most cases and they think they got away with it. Then comes the surprise but many occasions they have no idea why "unpleasant" things happened to them.
I couldn't agree more. Man knows right from wrong and when he violates it, rather than abandoning the concept, he rationalizes that he didn't. It is through consequences that we are given the feedback between rationalizing that we did right versus actually doing right. Which makes perfect sense if you believe their is a consciousness who wishes us to do the right thing the right way for the right reason. He has given us the law of compensation to figure out our errors. He is pruning us. He is a Master Gardner.
Cain 'possession, as in I have acquired (through the consciousness or awareness Eve acquires a Man)', Abel 'breath, vapor', Seth 'recompense or compensation'. With each portion comes the next portion.
Are you talking about Karma?
No. Although I can see how some can relate karma to reaping what we sow. I am saying that I believe that moral laws do exist and that when we violate them that predictable surprises will follow.
Moral laws are ingrained in one's soul. People know when they do the wrong thing but as you said it, there is no immediate retribution in most cases and they think they got away with it. Then comes the surprise but many occasions they have no idea why "unpleasant" things happened to them.
I couldn't agree more. Man knows right from wrong and when he violates it, rather than abandoning the concept, he rationalizes that he didn't. It is through consequences that we are given the feedback between rationalizing that we did right versus actually doing right. Which makes perfect sense if you believe their is a consciousness who wishes us to do the right thing the right way for the right reason. He has given us the law of compensation to figure out our errors. He is pruning us. He is a Master Gardner.
Cain 'possession, as in I have acquired (through the consciousness or awareness Eve acquires a Man)', Abel 'breath, vapor', Seth 'recompense or compensation'. With each portion comes the next portion.
Yes, thank you. God is Great every single day!

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