Are there any 'Centrists' here?????? ANYONE?????

I had to go dig up the newspaper but here you go. And as it was a 20 year memory from the last time I looked at it i was a wrong it is dated 1937 and 2% controlled 87% BACK THEN! The one percent controlling 90% is accurate however and is findable in the Congressional Record for the 2nd year of Clintons Presidency.

The relevant quote in close up.

You trying to avoid linking to the actual text?


Because it is a newspaper in MY COLLECTION. It's not posted on the web you halfwit!
Yanno, I don't believe I've started a thread here before....... But every time I open this one forum, I have had the same question. To wit:

Is there anyone who hasn't pretty well 'married' themselves to one party's platform or the other? And NO, I'm not looking for the ones who insist our democracy is all a sham.

Who else is out there willing to cry "A pox on both your fringes!" to the uber-partisans of both flavors?????

Me. I'm a centrist....
A Centrist is viewed by the liberals as a conservative Bible toting nut case. A Centrist from the conservative viewpoint is a spineless compassionate progressive conservative that has no real message and will do and say anything to get elected.

So are there any centrists around anymore? nope, they either believe in freedom, themselves, and accept responsibility which translates to being a right wing nut case, or they are so dependent upon the liberal intelligentsia and power of the state that they are nothing more than socialists wearing a progressive coat.

I'm trying to get the others to come out of hiding - so we can unite in our disgruntledness and subvert the fringes into making some progress.

Hi MH: If I don't catch you later today, I'll catch you tomorrow okay?
I also believe the fringes are going to have to unite instead of being divided and conquered: the Libertarians and Democrats who aren't sold out with the rest of the party politics going on, the Republicans and Greens, the Occupy and Tea Party. Also the Justice and Constitutional party and Ron Paulists who are willing to work with others to achieve goals.

If we stick to the Constitution and agree to respect and protect all views equally, we can all enjoy freedom under that to get our individual agenda and resources organized. But if we waste energy competing to dominate and bully, then the bigger bully trumps everyone else.

Thanks for your efforts to get past the facades and labels, and try to get the real content to "come out." I believe in that also. I believe our strengths come from the strong central areas of agreement we share in common, and the diverse areas where we disagree can be worked out other ways that are secondary and don't need to shut down the whole process.

I think a lot of issues online offer us "live practice" in diversity management and conflict resolution training, which we need between all parties. Might as well start with ourselves!

Please don't give up, and especially where I may set off red flags or warning signals for you,
please pinpoint those areas and let's work on them first! If we can deal with the
hardest issues for us to talk about and resolve, then that will help with everything else.
It will make things easier in the longrun, so the challenges are worth it and pay off later.

Thanks MH!
Why is it you people always claim that the wealthy are fair weather patriots and will leave this country for money

Because that's what the rich do poor silly person.

"The French are fleeing. A spate of proposed tax hikes is leading hundreds of wealthy French to consider leaving the country and putting their homes on the market, real-estate agents say. The result: the best opportunity in years for foreigners to buy a Parisian pied-à-terre or country château.

The number of high-end homes on the market has increased, with sales due to expatriations skyrocketing this year to several a week from a few a month, says Charles-Marie Jottras, president of leading luxury brokerage Daniel Féau. Fiscal expats account for more than half of the homes Daniel Féau lists between $6.4 million and $19.2 million, compared with about 10% in prior years."

Is this your chance to pick up a chateau on the cheap? - Yahoo! Homes
No such thing as a centris. Only spinless people who drift whichever way the wind is blowing.

Dear Politico:
It depends. If you try to define Centrist views based on compromising between "other people's views" you WILL sway this way and that way with the weather.

However, if you based your Centrist position on the Constitutional values of EQUAL protection of the laws, representation and due process, then the resolution between the views is by CONSENSUS and agreement, not on compromising or bullying to dominate.

So that is solid.

For example, if you are going to be technically EQUAL with protecting prochoice views and prolife views under the Constitution, then any laws would have to be written by consensus where there is no bias one way over the other (or else that is religious discrimination by govt). People individually can be prochoice or prolife, but laws and govt would have to protect all views equally, so that can't be decided by blowing in the wind, but would have to be an ironed out resolution based on informed consent and agreement between the views.

And with gay marriage, the Constitutional position would be for people/states to agree either to move all marriage back to church authority and out from under the state, to keep civil unions and contracts under the state while the sanctity of marriage is under the church of people's choice, or to AGREE that if marriage is going to be under the state, then all people would have to agree to the terms and if not it will be left to individual choices or churches.
That way, no one is coerced one way or another to accept or to deny opposing terms or beliefs that not all people believe in. You can still have different decisions made by each state even though the federal govt is enforcing the SAME standards by the Constitution.
People either need to agree, or if they don't, they need to separate and keep it private.

Until we have govt officials willing to enforce such a consistent Constitutional standard, then yes we may continue to see this wishy washy weird stuff with people flip flopping politically.
That is what you get if you don't base your centrist position on enforcing Constitutional law.
Why is it you people always claim that the wealthy are fair weather patriots and will leave this country for money

Because that's what the rich do poor silly person.

"The French are fleeing. A spate of proposed tax hikes is leading hundreds of wealthy French to consider leaving the country and putting their homes on the market, real-estate agents say. The result: the best opportunity in years for foreigners to buy a Parisian pied-à-terre or country château.

The number of high-end homes on the market has increased, with sales due to expatriations skyrocketing this year to several a week from a few a month, says Charles-Marie Jottras, president of leading luxury brokerage Daniel Féau. Fiscal expats account for more than half of the homes Daniel Féau lists between $6.4 million and $19.2 million, compared with about 10% in prior years."

Is this your chance to pick up a chateau on the cheap? - Yahoo! Homes

Dear TM and WW:
For some reason your quote reminded me of when Reagan said he didn't leave the Democrat Party but they left him!

What difference does it make if you leave the country or you abandon the Constitution?

You are still not fixing the problem.
Does it matter where you move on the planet, where the same problems are still not fixed and are still affecting the global economy and environment?

Also regarding the comparison between leaving France with leaving the US.
I still believe there are ways of reorganizing resources using the free enterprise and democratic system we have in place, without having to leave or secede.

The same solutions for direct democracy and building local economies would
work no matter where in the world you focus. We just happen to have enough problems
locally to work on these full time here; but people could just as well focus on setting up self-sufficient clinics and schools in South America, Africa or Asia. Lots of places need these same reforms. You can start wherever you are, or move some place else, and the same changes and education would have to take place to shift all regions toward self-government to stop the patterns of political oppression/abuse and the cycles of poverty that fuel that. Thanks!
op- the dems are centrist. The pub health reform they now call marxist o-care is centrist. But thanks for the pub cronyism and corruption world depression, alternate universe brainwashed dingbats....- and the stupidest wars ever.

I don't believe that pragmatism can be accepted as centrist. A centrist has an ideology that is in the middle. The center of politics shifts. That this time it is to the left and specifically seems to have a decided socialist element.

this is a lie.

the center is further right than iut used to be.

That is fact.

the only reason it is is becuaase the republican party base is now right wing idiots who lap up lies on right wing radio

You really need to be put on some psychiatric medication.....there is something seriously wrong with you.
Yanno, I don't believe I've started a thread here before....... But every time I open this one forum, I have had the same question. To wit:

Is there anyone who hasn't pretty well 'married' themselves to one party's platform or the other? And NO, I'm not looking for the ones who insist our democracy is all a sham.

Who else is out there willing to cry "A pox on both your fringes!" to the uber-partisans of both flavors?????

What does the term "centrist" mean to you? It seems that you have the argument locked up. If somebody has a definite opinion on anything either right or left he can't be a centrist? Maybe people who fool themselves into thinking they are centrists are just the type of person P.T. Barnum liked to fleece. No real opinions? A sucker born every day?
I don't believe that pragmatism can be accepted as centrist. A centrist has an ideology that is in the middle. The center of politics shifts. That this time it is to the left and specifically seems to have a decided socialist element.

this is a lie.

the center is further right than iut used to be.

That is fact.

the only reason it is is becuaase the republican party base is now right wing idiots who lap up lies on right wing radio

You really need to be put on some psychiatric medication.....there is something seriously wrong with you.

It okay, every once and a while she gets on a staff computer during their rounds.
OP- The Dems ARE centrist. The Pub health reform they now call Marxist O-care is centrist. But thanks for the Pub cronyism and corruption world depression, alternate universe brainwashed dingbats....- and the stupidest wars EVER.

I've no idea why you're presuming to 'thank' me for Republican failings, since I am not a Republican. It gives you the appearance of being a 'librul' extremist.... so pshaw!
the center is further right than it used to be.

That is fact.

the only reason it is is because the republican party base is now right wing idiots who lap up lies on right wing radio

Spot on :clap2:
We've been moving to the right for a few decades now. That's why the right fringe is so much more visible than the left fringe. It's closer.

Or at least it was before the election...
No such thing as a centris. Only spinless people who drift whichever way the wind is blowing.

For example, if you are going to be technically EQUAL with protecting prochoice views and prolife views under the Constitution, then any laws would have to be written by consensus where there is no bias one way over the other (or else that is religious discrimination by govt). People individually can be prochoice or prolife, but laws and govt would have to protect all views equally, so that can't be decided by blowing in the wind, but would have to be an ironed out resolution based on informed consent and agreement between the views.

And that is why 'Centrists' are just as wrong. The answer is not laws prochoice or otherwise, The answer is it's nobody's goddamn business.
Yanno, I don't believe I've started a thread here before....... But every time I open this one forum, I have had the same question. To wit:

Is there anyone who hasn't pretty well 'married' themselves to one party's platform or the other? And NO, I'm not looking for the ones who insist our democracy is all a sham.

Who else is out there willing to cry "A pox on both your fringes!" to the uber-partisans of both flavors?????

It isn't so much about being a "centrist" as it is realizing that both sides offer some good ideas and some not so good. Because of this, sometimes in order to get something done, there has to be a meeting of the minds that lands us somewhere closer to the middle. That doesn't mean being in the middle all the time is the right place to be.

To me, "centrists" will always find themselves in the middle, but "moderates" will move back and forth between sides but will rarely be found on the fringe of either side.

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