Are the US Supply chain disruptions deliberate?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Why Biden and another criminals want to vaccinate everyone?
Because those who'd already got the 'jab' will start to die in 1 or 2 years lat the latest, so the Scamdemic criminals need to eliminate the control group of non-vaccinated.
Otherwise questions arise, why we, inoculated morons dying and nothing happens to 'conspiracy tehorists'
It's a war, they indeed want to kill us all.

Deputy Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyemo may have accidentally leaked the cause of America’s supply chain issues. “The reality is the only way we’re going to get to a place where we work through this transition is if everyone in America and everyone around the world gets vaccinated,” Adeyemo admitted in an interview with ABC News. Starve them out, let the dissenters suffer, and those who bought into this agenda will turn against them. Adeyemo said that the Biden Administration has already provided “the resources the American people need to make it to the other side.” Basically, everyone should give into the vaccine mandate or face the consequences. They are masking authoritarianism as utilitarianism. The vaccine has not been mandated at the federal level in the US, yet, but it is apparent that the government plans to make life as difficult as possible for those who do not obey.

A bought off corrupt Congress, a weak crooked extortionist President, ... yes the environment is ripe for monopolies and oligarchs to price gouge and then cry they need Federal subsidies, less regulation, and tax cuts for themselves. It's Reagan all over again, only with different lines of bullshit for justifying the same thing.
Why Biden and another criminals want to vaccinate everyone?
Because those who'd already got the 'jab' will start to die in 1 or 2 years lat the latest, so the Scamdemic criminals need to eliminate the control group of non-vaccinated.
Otherwise questions arise, why we, inoculated morons dying and nothing happens to 'conspiracy tehorists'
It's a war, they indeed want to kill us all.

Deputy Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyemo may have accidentally leaked the cause of America’s supply chain issues. “The reality is the only way we’re going to get to a place where we work through this transition is if everyone in America and everyone around the world gets vaccinated,” Adeyemo admitted in an interview with ABC News. Starve them out, let the dissenters suffer, and those who bought into this agenda will turn against them. Adeyemo said that the Biden Administration has already provided “the resources the American people need to make it to the other side.” Basically, everyone should give into the vaccine mandate or face the consequences. They are masking authoritarianism as utilitarianism. The vaccine has not been mandated at the federal level in the US, yet, but it is apparent that the government plans to make life as difficult as possible for those who do not obey.

I believe all of this is intentional.......................About 70% of the country are sick of this shit

30% deported to NKorea
What we're witnessing, with the supply chain crisis, is the transition of Western governments from democracies and republics to communist dictatorships of the proletariat. We're witnessing multiple ongoing communist revolutions. Unfortunately, the United States is front and center at the heart of all these revolutions. I mean, think about it for a moment. THEY are literally purging EVERYONE who will not demonstrate absolute loyalty by taking one of the COVID vaccines, even purging our military for god's sake. Our military!!

The whole worlds supply chain was disrupted by the pandemic.
Progs told us different. Remember? Remember Biden signing a library sized number of Executive orders on his first day in office? Oh the laughter. Oh the smiles. Oh the know it all smirks. Oh the comraderie. It was glorious. The course was set before the congress even passed any laws. We love paying more for everything. We really do. We are going to be like the movie Oliver....only we will get less gruel.

The whole worlds supply chain was disrupted by the pandemic.

Africa, China, India, LA and other are laughing.
Only the West destroy itself by deadly 'jabs', idiotic lockdowns and Covid-measures.
According to Deagel the West dies in 2025


Progs told us different. Remember? Remember Biden signing a library sized number of Executive orders on his first day in office? Oh the laughter. Oh the smiles. Oh the know it all smirks. Oh the comraderie. It was glorious. The course was set before the congress even passed any laws. We love paying more for everything. We really do. We are going to be like the movie Oliver....only we will get less gruel.

You will own nothing. You will have no privacy. You will be happier than ever. Something like that?
Why Biden and another criminals want to vaccinate everyone?
Because those who'd already got the 'jab' will start to die in 1 or 2 years lat the latest, so the Scamdemic criminals need to eliminate the control group of non-vaccinated.
Otherwise questions arise, why we, inoculated morons dying and nothing happens to 'conspiracy tehorists'
It's a war, they indeed want to kill us all.

Deputy Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyemo may have accidentally leaked the cause of America’s supply chain issues. “The reality is the only way we’re going to get to a place where we work through this transition is if everyone in America and everyone around the world gets vaccinated,” Adeyemo admitted in an interview with ABC News. Starve them out, let the dissenters suffer, and those who bought into this agenda will turn against them. Adeyemo said that the Biden Administration has already provided “the resources the American people need to make it to the other side.” Basically, everyone should give into the vaccine mandate or face the consequences. They are masking authoritarianism as utilitarianism. The vaccine has not been mandated at the federal level in the US, yet, but it is apparent that the government plans to make life as difficult as possible for those who do not obey.

We have a "president" who can't even wipe his own ass. There's no possible way that he could have single-handedly surrendered the southern border, destroyed the economy, conducted a shameful exit from Afghanistan, driven the inflation rate up to 5.4%, and wrecked the supply chains and airline industry in ten months, without a dedicated team working overtime to achieve that. This is all being done by design.
There are at least two communist gay boys to consider: Obama, the Arab son fronting as a black, and his crony, Washington fungal growth, JoeXi. These two funded virus research that includes the technology for vaccinating the Russian Army. There is a contradiction within this vaccine delirium: Fau Chi’s mRNA vaccine is causing breakthroughs of symptoms (that link to [italics]) the non-mRNA technology of the Russian and Chinese vaccines. Clearly, there is a communist vs non-communist vaccine delirium here. This important scientific fact of breakthrough symptoms automatically dictates more rigorous scrutiny of the Democrat disease and how far back in time it goes. Obviously, Nazi-Dem media was pro-vaccine fascist, with Trump as the scapegoat, though the mistakes are now coming from the Dem nazi machine side, accelerating the fascism with mandates, while attempting to sanitize breakthroughs as rarities. Don’t buy it. Obama and JoeXi are communists with bells on.
Africa, China, India, LA and other are laughing.
Only the West destroy itself by deadly 'jabs', idiotic lockdowns and Covid-measures.
According to Deagel the West dies in 2025


So all the world leaders pushed the vaccine on to all of their constituents, and family members and friends, so they could kill them, and themselves off, via the vaccine?

Sorry, too incredibly off the charts cuckoo, for me to buy into that garbage.
So all the world leaders pushed the vaccine on to all of their constituents, and family members and friends, so they could kill them, and themselves off, via the vaccine?

Sorry, too incredibly off the charts cuckoo, for me to buy into that garbage.

Did you know that the first stage of dying is "denial"?

Then comes anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.

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We have a "president" who can't even wipe his own ass. There's no possible way that he could have single-handedly surrendered the southern border, destroyed the economy, conducted a shameful exit from Afghanistan, driven the inflation rate up to 5.4%, and wrecked the supply chains and airline industry in ten months, without a dedicated team working overtime to achieve that. This is all being done by design.
When the CIA goes to church, it’s not to pray, but to study migration techniques linked to genuflectors like the puppet POS now in the White House.

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