whenever an obviously partisan hack refutes vote fraud allegations/evidence, just say Navarro Report (and move on)


Diamond Member
Oct 5, 2021
yeh, there is no point arguing w/ a hack

they don't CARE whether there was vote fraud in 2020

just totally couldn't care less. All they care about is getting their lying, theiving, thuggish, baby killing candidate in office

so yeh, just say Navarro Report and call it a day. If they don't want to read that, which 99% of them probably do not... they are not worth your precious time..
:link: :th_avatar107484_8:
There is just SO much information in t hat report that you kind of have to read it over and over to get it all, unless maybe u have a photographic memory, which I do not.

i'm reading through it once again and noticing some very interesting things I didn't notice the first time.

One thing stands out in particular: The Sup Ct had told people in one of the states that was most questioned about fraud to separate late coming votes from the on-time votes

That was NOT done (big shock, I know)

so the SCOTUS apparently was interested in the vote fraud case.
Has anybody ever seen Navarro and the pillow guy in the same place at the same time? Just asking.
Has anyone discusssing Navarro Report actually read it? or jusst want to add snide comments to pretend he or she has?
yeh, there is no point arguing w/ a hack

they don't CARE whether there was vote fraud in 2020

just totally couldn't care less. All they care about is getting their lying, theiving, thuggish, baby killing candidate in office

so yeh, just say Navarro Report and call it a day. If they don't want to read that, which 99% of them probably do not... they are not worth your precious time..
I'd agree that anyone who cites the Navarro Report is not worth your precious time:

Navarro Report - Questionable - Right Bias - Conservative - Fake News - Not Credible
Factual Reporting: Low - Not Credible - Not Reliable - Fake News - Bias


A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source. See all Questionable sources.

UPDATE: This source is no longer online.

  • Overall, we rate the Navarro Report right biased and Questionable based on the promotion of election fraud conspiracies, propaganda, the use of poor sources, and numerous false claims made by an individual who lacks expertise and credibility regarding election issues.

Detailed Report​

Reasoning: Extreme Right, Poor Sourcing, Conspiracy, Propaganda, False Claims
Factual Reporting: LOW
Country: USA (44/180 Press Freedom)
Media Type: Website
Traffic/Popularity: Medium Traffic
MBFC Credibility Rating: LOW CREDIBILITY


Founded in December 2020 by Peter Navarro, The Navarro Report is a political and commentary website that reports on alleged election fraud during the 2020 Presidential election. The website doesn’t have an about page however according to Navarro’s white house bio “He was an economic and trade advisor for President Donald J. Trump during the 2016 Presidential campaign, and joined the White House staff on Inauguration Day.”

Read our profile on United States government and media.

Funded by / Ownership

Ownership information is not transparent however Peter Navarro appears to be the owner of The Navarro Report website as the contact page states “This report was prepared by Dr. Peter Navarro in his capacity as a private citizen”. There does not appear to be a revenue source.

Analysis / Bias

In review, The Navarro Report publishes debunked voter fraud allegations which are then shared on social media platforms such as here. Further, in addition to being prepared by someone who doesn’t have the necessary background on election issues, these unsubstantiated claims are disputed by President Trump’s own departments of Justice and Homeland Security. According to a USA Today article dated Jan. 6, 2021 “ Out of the 62 lawsuits filed challenging the presidential election, 61 have failed” and “The decisions have come from both Democratic-appointed and Republican-appointed judges – including federal judges appointed by Trump.” Finally, Attorney General William Barr made a declaration regarding voter fraud, with a quote that reads “the U.S. Justice Department has uncovered no evidence of widespread voter fraud that could change the outcome of the 2020 election.”

The Navarro Report website consists of three volumes of alleged election fraud against President Donald Trump that is presumably compiled by Navarro. The volume titles use highly emotional language such as this “The Immaculate Deception, The Art of the Steal, and Yes, President Trump won.” Navarro’s reports have been debunked and rebuked by credible sources such as Forbes and the Washington Post. Some debunked claims are that Trump’s early election-night leads in several states later won by Biden were the result of fraud, when in fact it was the result of counting mail-in ballots that heavily favored Biden. He also promoted the debunked conspiracy theory that Dominion Voting Software had ties to Hugo Chavez in Venezuala “Dominion’s roots may be traced to an effort by the Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez to rig his sham elections.” This conspiracy was found to be completely false. Finally, Navarro’s claims of election fraud come from very poor sources that have failed numerous fact checks such as Epoch Times, OANN, Newsmax, Just the News, and Steve Bannon.

Although not related to the Navarro Report website, Peter Navarro also frequently promotes Covid-19 conspiracies and falsehoods such as providing misleading information regarding Hydroxychloroquine “Navarro Doesn’t Give Full Picture On Hydroxychloroquine”. He also promoted the falsehood that lockdowns will kill more people than the virus. In general, The Navarro Report and Peter Navarro frequently promote false and misleading information that is not credible.

Failed Fact Checks

  • The Navarro Report has not been directly fact-checked, however, many of the claims in his reports have been fact-checked. This fact check covers numerous claims made in the three Navarro Reports.
Overall, we rate the Navarro Report right biased and Questionable based on the promotion of election fraud conspiracies, propaganda, the use of poor sources, and numerous false claims made by an individual who lacks expertise and credibility regarding election issues. (M. Huitsing 1/14/2021)

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