Are the radical liberals resorting to terrorism?


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
The threats to celebrity supporters including threatening their families, physical gang attacks on voters, destruction of property, scare tactics, baiting riots to destabilize regions, aggressive and sometimes radical call outs of support, use of propaganda....
if it looks like terrorism, rally cries like terrorism, destabilizes regions, is false promising rewards to do acts of terrorism then yes the Liberals have indeed resorted to becoming terrorists.
The problem is if they are arrested as terrorists they will use it and claim we are a police state arresting opposition figures comparing it to Turkey or Iraq.
That is such a terrorist technique to twist what they are doing as wrong around and displacing blame for reigning them in as law requires for civility, so they use this to their advantage in the same manner The PLO used to and Hamas does now. At worst by baiting action they
Play the victims instead of what they really are.
The threats to celebrity supporters including threatening their families, physical gang attacks on voters, destruction of property, scare tactics, baiting riots to destabilize regions, aggressive and sometimes radical call outs of support, use of propaganda....
if it looks like terrorism, rally cries like terrorism, destabilizes regions, is false promising rewards to do acts of terrorism then yes the Liberals have indeed resorted to becoming terrorists.
The problem is if they are arrested as terrorists they will use it and claim we are a police state arresting opposition figures comparing it to Turkey or Iraq.
That is such a terrorist technique to twist what they are doing as wrong around and displacing blame for reigning them in as law requires for civility, so they use this to their advantage in the same manner The PLO used to and Hamas does now. At worst by baiting action they
Play the victims instead of what they really are.'s all just "locker room talk"

Saying it is different than doing it
Doesn't matter really, you can always just say they are and keep repeating it.
Were certain celebrities fearing their lives and family's lives? Were they attacked even at their schools?
That is being terrorized, especially seeing how others were already physically attacked=fear it will occur to them knowing the inability they have to reason or process properly their emotions. Liberal media (propaganda) radicalized them no different then Radical Terrorists are programed in hate and actions.

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