Are the numerous dog breeds proof of evolution?

From dogs being "proof of evolution" to a pissing contest in turkey hunting.
Pretty pathetic when the *Moderator* (sick) is in the middle of it and can't untie his little weenie from the pissing contest.

And a poster getting pissy about where a thread went.

Feel free to report me.
That's it I am notifying the hall monitor about you and after school I am telling your Mommy that you said a bad word

I have a feeling you were one of those kids in school who would do just that.
So do you still have a picture of your alcoholic father hanging over your full bar?


You should have read the rules, asshole.
Let’s get back on subject. I was thinking about how we might be smarter than black people because for 400 plus years we didn’t even let them read. So we held their brain development back. People will say that’s racist but there is truth to it. I saw this
The human brain has evolved gradually over the passage of time; a series of incremental changes occurred as a result of external stimuli and conditions.

There have been studies that strongly support the idea that the level of intelligence associated with humans is not unique to our species. Scholars suggest that this could have, in part, been caused by convergent evolution. One common characteristic that is present in species of "high degree intelligence" (i.e. dolphins, great apes, and humans - Homo sapiens) is a brain of enlarged size.
A big head doesnt automatically mean you are smarter. Look how big the Neanderthals heads were and how stupid they were. All that space was taken up by circuitry specifically geared towards visual acuity instead of intelligence producing grey matter.
I’ve already agreed “bigger head” doesn’t automatically mean smarter. But a bigger brain doesn’t hurt either.

Heres the point I’m trying to make. All dogs have a similar ancestor. The wolves. Look at all the different breeds we have been able to make in such a short time. Everyone of them including the smartest one might not be as smart as the original wolf. Doesn’t matter. The fact is in a very short time we were able to create breeds of dogs some smarter than others. Very short time period.

So, I think we fucked over blacks by not allowing them to read or write for 500 years.

Doesnt matter if our brains got bigger in that time. I’m simply suggesting we could be border collies and blacks could be labs.
I get what you are saying but you forget Blacks have tens of thousands of years head start with the accumulation of knowledge. Even during the 300-400 year time period Blacks were still reading and being taught to read by some whites.

Using your wolf to dog analogy one has to agree there is no dog that is going to be more intelligent than the wolf. The wolf is the original, the primitive root for canines. Black people are the same for humans.

the first National Bee was in 1925

On July 8, Zaila Avant-garde became the first African American middle school student to win the Scripps National Spelling Bee

If blacks are smarter how come only one has won the spelling bee?

"If blacks are smarter how come only one has won the spelling bee?"

Who told you winning a spelling bee is the only way to determine if you are smart? I'm pretty sure that if winning the spelling bee was something most Black kids set as a goal they would dominate it.

I'll give you a good example using basketball. Whites frequently claimed Blacks didnt have what it took to play in the NBA. I guess you can figure out just how wrong they were because they used the same logic you are using now.
You're talking about physical compared to intelligence. Why didn't you say blacks can't coach or be quarterbacks. That still seems to hold true. A couple exceptions but most of the great coaches and QB's are white guys.

No one said spelling bee's are the only way to measure intelligence but it's one way. And in 100 years only one black has cared about spelling bees? Maybe that's your problem. Instead of focusing on spelling bees you guys are playing basketball.

Ok, if spelling isn't a good way to measure intelligence name another way where blacks exceed white intelligence. What way of testing IQ do blacks shine?

Maybe this black winning will inspire blacks in the hood to start trying. That may turn out to be their problem. They don't even try.

Oh, and maybe the reason no black has won is because for 500 years we held your black brains back developmentally. So today's black American is 500 years behind whites. Not your fault. We didn't even allow you to learn to read and write for 400 years. I'll accept full responsibility for the differences between us. It wasn't fair what we did to you. Still the fact is your people are 400 years behind us. Now many of you blacks have white genes in your DNA. You may not have this problem as much as a 100% American negro.
"You're talking about physical compared to intelligence. "

No I'm not. Your brain controls both physical and mental responses. They are one and the same. You arent out there just blindly moving. Youre thinking, plotting, and strategizing as you move. You must have never played a sport?

I'll give you an example thats more to your liking though. 2 years after slavery ended Blacks were starting to dominate the political whites fearing they couldnt compete ended Reconstrucion.

"Ok, if spelling isn't a good way to measure intelligence name another way where blacks exceed white intelligence. What way of testing IQ do blacks shine?"

Thats easy. Blacks are the ones that taught whites on not one but two occasions. They were the first to write books and have written languages. If whites were smart they would have done it first.

The IQ test is a fable. A myth. White people are not smart enough to make a test to gauge intelligence. The IQ test is basically the equivalent of the Puritans practice of burning someone alive to find out if they are a witch or not. Its based on false assumptions, the major one being that white people are the ones that define what intellect is. How are you going to try to define something you had to be taught and are new to?

"Still the fact is your people are 400 years behind us. Now many of you blacks have white genes in your DNA. You may not have this problem as much as a 100% American negro."

Blacks world wide are thousands of years ahead of whites for the reasons I already mentioned. If whites had been held back for 400 years they would have experienced a Dark Age. Oh wait! You guys did experience a dark age that we had to come rescue you from. :)
Can you show me a link to a source that shows how blacks saved us from a dark age?

Can you explain how blacks today are thousands of years ahead of whites? In what way? Where?
Go read about the Moors. Not the fake anglo-saxon version.

I already told you. You guys were still living in caves when we created civilizations. We freely educated you via the Greeks and then did it again when you forgot your own history.
True back then. Yes. What year was that?
From dogs being "proof of evolution" to a pissing contest in turkey hunting.
Pretty pathetic when the *Moderator* (sick) is in the middle of it and can't untie his little weenie from the pissing contest.

And a poster getting pissy about where a thread went.

Feel free to report me.
That's it I am notifying the hall monitor about you and after school I am telling your Mommy that you said a bad word

I have a feeling you were one of those kids in school who would do just that.
So do you still have a picture of your alcoholic father hanging over your full bar?


You should have read the rules, asshole.
Let’s get back on subject. I was thinking about how we might be smarter than black people because for 400 plus years we didn’t even let them read. So we held their brain development back. People will say that’s racist but there is truth to it. I saw this
The human brain has evolved gradually over the passage of time; a series of incremental changes occurred as a result of external stimuli and conditions.

There have been studies that strongly support the idea that the level of intelligence associated with humans is not unique to our species. Scholars suggest that this could have, in part, been caused by convergent evolution. One common characteristic that is present in species of "high degree intelligence" (i.e. dolphins, great apes, and humans - Homo sapiens) is a brain of enlarged size.
A big head doesnt automatically mean you are smarter. Look how big the Neanderthals heads were and how stupid they were. All that space was taken up by circuitry specifically geared towards visual acuity instead of intelligence producing grey matter.
I’ve already agreed “bigger head” doesn’t automatically mean smarter. But a bigger brain doesn’t hurt either.

Heres the point I’m trying to make. All dogs have a similar ancestor. The wolves. Look at all the different breeds we have been able to make in such a short time. Everyone of them including the smartest one might not be as smart as the original wolf. Doesn’t matter. The fact is in a very short time we were able to create breeds of dogs some smarter than others. Very short time period.

So, I think we fucked over blacks by not allowing them to read or write for 500 years.

Doesnt matter if our brains got bigger in that time. I’m simply suggesting we could be border collies and blacks could be labs.
I get what you are saying but you forget Blacks have tens of thousands of years head start with the accumulation of knowledge. Even during the 300-400 year time period Blacks were still reading and being taught to read by some whites.

Using your wolf to dog analogy one has to agree there is no dog that is going to be more intelligent than the wolf. The wolf is the original, the primitive root for canines. Black people are the same for humans.

the first National Bee was in 1925

On July 8, Zaila Avant-garde became the first African American middle school student to win the Scripps National Spelling Bee

If blacks are smarter how come only one has won the spelling bee?

"If blacks are smarter how come only one has won the spelling bee?"

Who told you winning a spelling bee is the only way to determine if you are smart? I'm pretty sure that if winning the spelling bee was something most Black kids set as a goal they would dominate it.

I'll give you a good example using basketball. Whites frequently claimed Blacks didnt have what it took to play in the NBA. I guess you can figure out just how wrong they were because they used the same logic you are using now.
You're talking about physical compared to intelligence. Why didn't you say blacks can't coach or be quarterbacks. That still seems to hold true. A couple exceptions but most of the great coaches and QB's are white guys.

No one said spelling bee's are the only way to measure intelligence but it's one way. And in 100 years only one black has cared about spelling bees? Maybe that's your problem. Instead of focusing on spelling bees you guys are playing basketball.

Ok, if spelling isn't a good way to measure intelligence name another way where blacks exceed white intelligence. What way of testing IQ do blacks shine?

Maybe this black winning will inspire blacks in the hood to start trying. That may turn out to be their problem. They don't even try.

Oh, and maybe the reason no black has won is because for 500 years we held your black brains back developmentally. So today's black American is 500 years behind whites. Not your fault. We didn't even allow you to learn to read and write for 400 years. I'll accept full responsibility for the differences between us. It wasn't fair what we did to you. Still the fact is your people are 400 years behind us. Now many of you blacks have white genes in your DNA. You may not have this problem as much as a 100% American negro.
"You're talking about physical compared to intelligence. "

No I'm not. Your brain controls both physical and mental responses. They are one and the same. You arent out there just blindly moving. Youre thinking, plotting, and strategizing as you move. You must have never played a sport?

I'll give you an example thats more to your liking though. 2 years after slavery ended Blacks were starting to dominate the political whites fearing they couldnt compete ended Reconstrucion.

"Ok, if spelling isn't a good way to measure intelligence name another way where blacks exceed white intelligence. What way of testing IQ do blacks shine?"

Thats easy. Blacks are the ones that taught whites on not one but two occasions. They were the first to write books and have written languages. If whites were smart they would have done it first.

The IQ test is a fable. A myth. White people are not smart enough to make a test to gauge intelligence. The IQ test is basically the equivalent of the Puritans practice of burning someone alive to find out if they are a witch or not. Its based on false assumptions, the major one being that white people are the ones that define what intellect is. How are you going to try to define something you had to be taught and are new to?

"Still the fact is your people are 400 years behind us. Now many of you blacks have white genes in your DNA. You may not have this problem as much as a 100% American negro."

Blacks world wide are thousands of years ahead of whites for the reasons I already mentioned. If whites had been held back for 400 years they would have experienced a Dark Age. Oh wait! You guys did experience a dark age that we had to come rescue you from. :)
Can you show me a link to a source that shows how blacks saved us from a dark age?

Can you explain how blacks today are thousands of years ahead of whites? In what way? Where?
Go read about the Moors. Not the fake anglo-saxon version.

I already told you. You guys were still living in caves when we created civilizations. We freely educated you via the Greeks and then did it again when you forgot your own history.
Unkotare is a Republican/Conservative. They believe there are so few black CEO's in America because the whites who get those jobs are just more qualified. There's no bias. If he does believe bias exists he has yet to admit it.

So, I'm curious why he thinks there are so few black spelling bee champs. Is it because black kids aren't trying? Is spelling bias? You blacks claim the intelligence tests are racist because they were created by whites. I remember on Good Times they said if you asked a black about George Washington Carver, he would do better but instead the tests are euro centric tests that are unfair to black kids. Well are you saying that about spelling too? Are spelling bees unfair?

And I think you are saying that blacks would win if they cared. Is that true? If not, why aren't black kids ever winning? Either way, you're busted. Because many of us say the problem with the African American community is that they just aren't trying. So which is it? Are blacks not as smart as us or are they just not trying?
From dogs being "proof of evolution" to a pissing contest in turkey hunting.
Pretty pathetic when the *Moderator* (sick) is in the middle of it and can't untie his little weenie from the pissing contest.

And a poster getting pissy about where a thread went.

Feel free to report me.
That's it I am notifying the hall monitor about you and after school I am telling your Mommy that you said a bad word

I have a feeling you were one of those kids in school who would do just that.
So do you still have a picture of your alcoholic father hanging over your full bar?


You should have read the rules, asshole.
Let’s get back on subject. I was thinking about how we might be smarter than black people because for 400 plus years we didn’t even let them read. So we held their brain development back. People will say that’s racist but there is truth to it. I saw this
The human brain has evolved gradually over the passage of time; a series of incremental changes occurred as a result of external stimuli and conditions.

There have been studies that strongly support the idea that the level of intelligence associated with humans is not unique to our species. Scholars suggest that this could have, in part, been caused by convergent evolution. One common characteristic that is present in species of "high degree intelligence" (i.e. dolphins, great apes, and humans - Homo sapiens) is a brain of enlarged size.
A big head doesnt automatically mean you are smarter. Look how big the Neanderthals heads were and how stupid they were. All that space was taken up by circuitry specifically geared towards visual acuity instead of intelligence producing grey matter.
I’ve already agreed “bigger head” doesn’t automatically mean smarter. But a bigger brain doesn’t hurt either.

Heres the point I’m trying to make. All dogs have a similar ancestor. The wolves. Look at all the different breeds we have been able to make in such a short time. Everyone of them including the smartest one might not be as smart as the original wolf. Doesn’t matter. The fact is in a very short time we were able to create breeds of dogs some smarter than others. Very short time period.

So, I think we fucked over blacks by not allowing them to read or write for 500 years.

Doesnt matter if our brains got bigger in that time. I’m simply suggesting we could be border collies and blacks could be labs.
I get what you are saying but you forget Blacks have tens of thousands of years head start with the accumulation of knowledge. Even during the 300-400 year time period Blacks were still reading and being taught to read by some whites.

Using your wolf to dog analogy one has to agree there is no dog that is going to be more intelligent than the wolf. The wolf is the original, the primitive root for canines. Black people are the same for humans.

the first National Bee was in 1925

On July 8, Zaila Avant-garde became the first African American middle school student to win the Scripps National Spelling Bee

If blacks are smarter how come only one has won the spelling bee?

"If blacks are smarter how come only one has won the spelling bee?"

Who told you winning a spelling bee is the only way to determine if you are smart? I'm pretty sure that if winning the spelling bee was something most Black kids set as a goal they would dominate it.

I'll give you a good example using basketball. Whites frequently claimed Blacks didnt have what it took to play in the NBA. I guess you can figure out just how wrong they were because they used the same logic you are using now.
You're talking about physical compared to intelligence. Why didn't you say blacks can't coach or be quarterbacks. That still seems to hold true. A couple exceptions but most of the great coaches and QB's are white guys.

No one said spelling bee's are the only way to measure intelligence but it's one way. And in 100 years only one black has cared about spelling bees? Maybe that's your problem. Instead of focusing on spelling bees you guys are playing basketball.

Ok, if spelling isn't a good way to measure intelligence name another way where blacks exceed white intelligence. What way of testing IQ do blacks shine?

Maybe this black winning will inspire blacks in the hood to start trying. That may turn out to be their problem. They don't even try.

Oh, and maybe the reason no black has won is because for 500 years we held your black brains back developmentally. So today's black American is 500 years behind whites. Not your fault. We didn't even allow you to learn to read and write for 400 years. I'll accept full responsibility for the differences between us. It wasn't fair what we did to you. Still the fact is your people are 400 years behind us. Now many of you blacks have white genes in your DNA. You may not have this problem as much as a 100% American negro.
"You're talking about physical compared to intelligence. "

No I'm not. Your brain controls both physical and mental responses. They are one and the same. You arent out there just blindly moving. Youre thinking, plotting, and strategizing as you move. You must have never played a sport?

I'll give you an example thats more to your liking though. 2 years after slavery ended Blacks were starting to dominate the political whites fearing they couldnt compete ended Reconstrucion.

"Ok, if spelling isn't a good way to measure intelligence name another way where blacks exceed white intelligence. What way of testing IQ do blacks shine?"

Thats easy. Blacks are the ones that taught whites on not one but two occasions. They were the first to write books and have written languages. If whites were smart they would have done it first.

The IQ test is a fable. A myth. White people are not smart enough to make a test to gauge intelligence. The IQ test is basically the equivalent of the Puritans practice of burning someone alive to find out if they are a witch or not. Its based on false assumptions, the major one being that white people are the ones that define what intellect is. How are you going to try to define something you had to be taught and are new to?

"Still the fact is your people are 400 years behind us. Now many of you blacks have white genes in your DNA. You may not have this problem as much as a 100% American negro."

Blacks world wide are thousands of years ahead of whites for the reasons I already mentioned. If whites had been held back for 400 years they would have experienced a Dark Age. Oh wait! You guys did experience a dark age that we had to come rescue you from. :)
Can you show me a link to a source that shows how blacks saved us from a dark age?

Can you explain how blacks today are thousands of years ahead of whites? In what way? Where?
Go read about the Moors. Not the fake anglo-saxon version.

I already told you. You guys were still living in caves when we created civilizations. We freely educated you via the Greeks and then did it again when you forgot your own history.
True back then. Yes. What year was that?
Its irrelevant what year it was. The point is that we were already thousands of years ahead of you. Your claim was that Blacks being held back 400 years from learning (which never happened btw) made whites smarter. If we were held back 400 years and we were already thousands of years ahead of you then that 400 years would be like small blip in time.

Heres another example. I got into IT without knowing a single person that was in the field. I literally took a book, read it, and passed the test all in one month. The racist manager of the group got fired because he wouldn't let me in the network group. (thats another story). The lady that took over brought me in and I found out that the test I had taken and passed in 1 month none of the other white guys had passed after years of trying. These guys were mostly graduates of MIT. How does a guy from a horrible public school system do that?
You need to stop trying to tell other people what they believe, asshole. Every discuss you enter is just a discussion with yourself, because you are too stupid and incompetent to respond to what people actually say. In your straw man land you just make up whatever bullshit you want to respond to then pretend you are having a discussion with the person to whom you attribute it. In other words, you are too stupid and dishonest to have a real discussion.
From dogs being "proof of evolution" to a pissing contest in turkey hunting.
Pretty pathetic when the *Moderator* (sick) is in the middle of it and can't untie his little weenie from the pissing contest.

And a poster getting pissy about where a thread went.

Feel free to report me.
That's it I am notifying the hall monitor about you and after school I am telling your Mommy that you said a bad word

I have a feeling you were one of those kids in school who would do just that.
So do you still have a picture of your alcoholic father hanging over your full bar?


You should have read the rules, asshole.
Let’s get back on subject. I was thinking about how we might be smarter than black people because for 400 plus years we didn’t even let them read. So we held their brain development back. People will say that’s racist but there is truth to it. I saw this
The human brain has evolved gradually over the passage of time; a series of incremental changes occurred as a result of external stimuli and conditions.

There have been studies that strongly support the idea that the level of intelligence associated with humans is not unique to our species. Scholars suggest that this could have, in part, been caused by convergent evolution. One common characteristic that is present in species of "high degree intelligence" (i.e. dolphins, great apes, and humans - Homo sapiens) is a brain of enlarged size.
A big head doesnt automatically mean you are smarter. Look how big the Neanderthals heads were and how stupid they were. All that space was taken up by circuitry specifically geared towards visual acuity instead of intelligence producing grey matter.
I’ve already agreed “bigger head” doesn’t automatically mean smarter. But a bigger brain doesn’t hurt either.

Heres the point I’m trying to make. All dogs have a similar ancestor. The wolves. Look at all the different breeds we have been able to make in such a short time. Everyone of them including the smartest one might not be as smart as the original wolf. Doesn’t matter. The fact is in a very short time we were able to create breeds of dogs some smarter than others. Very short time period.

So, I think we fucked over blacks by not allowing them to read or write for 500 years.

Doesnt matter if our brains got bigger in that time. I’m simply suggesting we could be border collies and blacks could be labs.
I get what you are saying but you forget Blacks have tens of thousands of years head start with the accumulation of knowledge. Even during the 300-400 year time period Blacks were still reading and being taught to read by some whites.

Using your wolf to dog analogy one has to agree there is no dog that is going to be more intelligent than the wolf. The wolf is the original, the primitive root for canines. Black people are the same for humans.

the first National Bee was in 1925

On July 8, Zaila Avant-garde became the first African American middle school student to win the Scripps National Spelling Bee

If blacks are smarter how come only one has won the spelling bee?

"If blacks are smarter how come only one has won the spelling bee?"

Who told you winning a spelling bee is the only way to determine if you are smart? I'm pretty sure that if winning the spelling bee was something most Black kids set as a goal they would dominate it.

I'll give you a good example using basketball. Whites frequently claimed Blacks didnt have what it took to play in the NBA. I guess you can figure out just how wrong they were because they used the same logic you are using now.
You're talking about physical compared to intelligence. Why didn't you say blacks can't coach or be quarterbacks. That still seems to hold true. A couple exceptions but most of the great coaches and QB's are white guys.

No one said spelling bee's are the only way to measure intelligence but it's one way. And in 100 years only one black has cared about spelling bees? Maybe that's your problem. Instead of focusing on spelling bees you guys are playing basketball.

Ok, if spelling isn't a good way to measure intelligence name another way where blacks exceed white intelligence. What way of testing IQ do blacks shine?

Maybe this black winning will inspire blacks in the hood to start trying. That may turn out to be their problem. They don't even try.

Oh, and maybe the reason no black has won is because for 500 years we held your black brains back developmentally. So today's black American is 500 years behind whites. Not your fault. We didn't even allow you to learn to read and write for 400 years. I'll accept full responsibility for the differences between us. It wasn't fair what we did to you. Still the fact is your people are 400 years behind us. Now many of you blacks have white genes in your DNA. You may not have this problem as much as a 100% American negro.
"You're talking about physical compared to intelligence. "

No I'm not. Your brain controls both physical and mental responses. They are one and the same. You arent out there just blindly moving. Youre thinking, plotting, and strategizing as you move. You must have never played a sport?

I'll give you an example thats more to your liking though. 2 years after slavery ended Blacks were starting to dominate the political whites fearing they couldnt compete ended Reconstrucion.

"Ok, if spelling isn't a good way to measure intelligence name another way where blacks exceed white intelligence. What way of testing IQ do blacks shine?"

Thats easy. Blacks are the ones that taught whites on not one but two occasions. They were the first to write books and have written languages. If whites were smart they would have done it first.

The IQ test is a fable. A myth. White people are not smart enough to make a test to gauge intelligence. The IQ test is basically the equivalent of the Puritans practice of burning someone alive to find out if they are a witch or not. Its based on false assumptions, the major one being that white people are the ones that define what intellect is. How are you going to try to define something you had to be taught and are new to?

"Still the fact is your people are 400 years behind us. Now many of you blacks have white genes in your DNA. You may not have this problem as much as a 100% American negro."

Blacks world wide are thousands of years ahead of whites for the reasons I already mentioned. If whites had been held back for 400 years they would have experienced a Dark Age. Oh wait! You guys did experience a dark age that we had to come rescue you from. :)
Can you show me a link to a source that shows how blacks saved us from a dark age?

Can you explain how blacks today are thousands of years ahead of whites? In what way? Where?
Go read about the Moors. Not the fake anglo-saxon version.

I already told you. You guys were still living in caves when we created civilizations. We freely educated you via the Greeks and then did it again when you forgot your own history.
Unkotare is a Republican/Conservative. They believe there are so few black CEO's in America because the whites who get those jobs are just more qualified. There's no bias. If he does believe bias exists he has yet to admit it.

So, I'm curious why he thinks there are so few black spelling bee champs. Is it because black kids aren't trying? Is spelling bias? You blacks claim the intelligence tests are racist because they were created by whites. I remember on Good Times they said if you asked a black about George Washington Carver, he would do better but instead the tests are euro centric tests that are unfair to black kids. Well are you saying that about spelling too? Are spelling bees unfair?

And I think you are saying that blacks would win if they cared. Is that true? If not, why aren't black kids ever winning? Either way, you're busted. Because many of us say the problem with the African American community is that they just aren't trying. So which is it? Are blacks not as smart as us or are they just not trying?
I won the only spelling bee I was ever in so I cant answer that question.

I have absolutely zero doubt Black people would dominate in whatever took their interest and whites were not actively shutting them out. I personally didnt know anyone whos aspiration in life was to win a spelling bee. I dont understand why you think I am busted though. What does trying to win a spelling bee have to do with making more money and creating generational wealth?
From dogs being "proof of evolution" to a pissing contest in turkey hunting.
Pretty pathetic when the *Moderator* (sick) is in the middle of it and can't untie his little weenie from the pissing contest.

And a poster getting pissy about where a thread went.

Feel free to report me.
That's it I am notifying the hall monitor about you and after school I am telling your Mommy that you said a bad word

I have a feeling you were one of those kids in school who would do just that.
So do you still have a picture of your alcoholic father hanging over your full bar?


You should have read the rules, asshole.
Let’s get back on subject. I was thinking about how we might be smarter than black people because for 400 plus years we didn’t even let them read. So we held their brain development back. People will say that’s racist but there is truth to it. I saw this
The human brain has evolved gradually over the passage of time; a series of incremental changes occurred as a result of external stimuli and conditions.

There have been studies that strongly support the idea that the level of intelligence associated with humans is not unique to our species. Scholars suggest that this could have, in part, been caused by convergent evolution. One common characteristic that is present in species of "high degree intelligence" (i.e. dolphins, great apes, and humans - Homo sapiens) is a brain of enlarged size.
A big head doesnt automatically mean you are smarter. Look how big the Neanderthals heads were and how stupid they were. All that space was taken up by circuitry specifically geared towards visual acuity instead of intelligence producing grey matter.
I’ve already agreed “bigger head” doesn’t automatically mean smarter. But a bigger brain doesn’t hurt either.

Heres the point I’m trying to make. All dogs have a similar ancestor. The wolves. Look at all the different breeds we have been able to make in such a short time. Everyone of them including the smartest one might not be as smart as the original wolf. Doesn’t matter. The fact is in a very short time we were able to create breeds of dogs some smarter than others. Very short time period.

So, I think we fucked over blacks by not allowing them to read or write for 500 years.

Doesnt matter if our brains got bigger in that time. I’m simply suggesting we could be border collies and blacks could be labs.
I get what you are saying but you forget Blacks have tens of thousands of years head start with the accumulation of knowledge. Even during the 300-400 year time period Blacks were still reading and being taught to read by some whites.

Using your wolf to dog analogy one has to agree there is no dog that is going to be more intelligent than the wolf. The wolf is the original, the primitive root for canines. Black people are the same for humans.

the first National Bee was in 1925

On July 8, Zaila Avant-garde became the first African American middle school student to win the Scripps National Spelling Bee

If blacks are smarter how come only one has won the spelling bee?

"If blacks are smarter how come only one has won the spelling bee?"

Who told you winning a spelling bee is the only way to determine if you are smart? I'm pretty sure that if winning the spelling bee was something most Black kids set as a goal they would dominate it.

I'll give you a good example using basketball. Whites frequently claimed Blacks didnt have what it took to play in the NBA. I guess you can figure out just how wrong they were because they used the same logic you are using now.
You're talking about physical compared to intelligence. Why didn't you say blacks can't coach or be quarterbacks. That still seems to hold true. A couple exceptions but most of the great coaches and QB's are white guys.

No one said spelling bee's are the only way to measure intelligence but it's one way. And in 100 years only one black has cared about spelling bees? Maybe that's your problem. Instead of focusing on spelling bees you guys are playing basketball.

Ok, if spelling isn't a good way to measure intelligence name another way where blacks exceed white intelligence. What way of testing IQ do blacks shine?

Maybe this black winning will inspire blacks in the hood to start trying. That may turn out to be their problem. They don't even try.

Oh, and maybe the reason no black has won is because for 500 years we held your black brains back developmentally. So today's black American is 500 years behind whites. Not your fault. We didn't even allow you to learn to read and write for 400 years. I'll accept full responsibility for the differences between us. It wasn't fair what we did to you. Still the fact is your people are 400 years behind us. Now many of you blacks have white genes in your DNA. You may not have this problem as much as a 100% American negro.
"You're talking about physical compared to intelligence. "

No I'm not. Your brain controls both physical and mental responses. They are one and the same. You arent out there just blindly moving. Youre thinking, plotting, and strategizing as you move. You must have never played a sport?

I'll give you an example thats more to your liking though. 2 years after slavery ended Blacks were starting to dominate the political whites fearing they couldnt compete ended Reconstrucion.

"Ok, if spelling isn't a good way to measure intelligence name another way where blacks exceed white intelligence. What way of testing IQ do blacks shine?"

Thats easy. Blacks are the ones that taught whites on not one but two occasions. They were the first to write books and have written languages. If whites were smart they would have done it first.

The IQ test is a fable. A myth. White people are not smart enough to make a test to gauge intelligence. The IQ test is basically the equivalent of the Puritans practice of burning someone alive to find out if they are a witch or not. Its based on false assumptions, the major one being that white people are the ones that define what intellect is. How are you going to try to define something you had to be taught and are new to?

"Still the fact is your people are 400 years behind us. Now many of you blacks have white genes in your DNA. You may not have this problem as much as a 100% American negro."

Blacks world wide are thousands of years ahead of whites for the reasons I already mentioned. If whites had been held back for 400 years they would have experienced a Dark Age. Oh wait! You guys did experience a dark age that we had to come rescue you from. :)
Can you show me a link to a source that shows how blacks saved us from a dark age?

Can you explain how blacks today are thousands of years ahead of whites? In what way? Where?
Go read about the Moors. Not the fake anglo-saxon version.

I already told you. You guys were still living in caves when we created civilizations. We freely educated you via the Greeks and then did it again when you forgot your own history.
True back then. Yes. What year was that?
Its irrelevant what year it was. The point is that we were already thousands of years ahead of you. Your claim was that Blacks being held back 400 years from learning (which never happened btw) made whites smarter. If we were held back 400 years and we were already thousands of years ahead of you then that 400 years would be like small blip in time.

Heres another example. I got into IT without knowing a single person that was in the field. I literally took a book, read it, and passed the test all in one month. The racist manager of the group got fired because he wouldn't let me in the network group. (thats another story). The lady that took over brought me in and I found out that the test I had taken and passed in 1 month none of the other white guys had passed after years of trying. These guys were mostly graduates of MIT. How does a guy from a horrible public school system do that?
Yes you were ahead of us long time ago. But from 1500 to current not so much.

How did you do that? Your slave ancestor probably was raped by her white master and you have white in you.

What do you mean it never happened? We didn't stop black slaves from reading and writing? The movie Roots lied?
From dogs being "proof of evolution" to a pissing contest in turkey hunting.
Pretty pathetic when the *Moderator* (sick) is in the middle of it and can't untie his little weenie from the pissing contest.

And a poster getting pissy about where a thread went.

Feel free to report me.
That's it I am notifying the hall monitor about you and after school I am telling your Mommy that you said a bad word

I have a feeling you were one of those kids in school who would do just that.
So do you still have a picture of your alcoholic father hanging over your full bar?


You should have read the rules, asshole.
Let’s get back on subject. I was thinking about how we might be smarter than black people because for 400 plus years we didn’t even let them read. So we held their brain development back. People will say that’s racist but there is truth to it. I saw this
The human brain has evolved gradually over the passage of time; a series of incremental changes occurred as a result of external stimuli and conditions.

There have been studies that strongly support the idea that the level of intelligence associated with humans is not unique to our species. Scholars suggest that this could have, in part, been caused by convergent evolution. One common characteristic that is present in species of "high degree intelligence" (i.e. dolphins, great apes, and humans - Homo sapiens) is a brain of enlarged size.
A big head doesnt automatically mean you are smarter. Look how big the Neanderthals heads were and how stupid they were. All that space was taken up by circuitry specifically geared towards visual acuity instead of intelligence producing grey matter.
I’ve already agreed “bigger head” doesn’t automatically mean smarter. But a bigger brain doesn’t hurt either.

Heres the point I’m trying to make. All dogs have a similar ancestor. The wolves. Look at all the different breeds we have been able to make in such a short time. Everyone of them including the smartest one might not be as smart as the original wolf. Doesn’t matter. The fact is in a very short time we were able to create breeds of dogs some smarter than others. Very short time period.

So, I think we fucked over blacks by not allowing them to read or write for 500 years.

Doesnt matter if our brains got bigger in that time. I’m simply suggesting we could be border collies and blacks could be labs.
I get what you are saying but you forget Blacks have tens of thousands of years head start with the accumulation of knowledge. Even during the 300-400 year time period Blacks were still reading and being taught to read by some whites.

Using your wolf to dog analogy one has to agree there is no dog that is going to be more intelligent than the wolf. The wolf is the original, the primitive root for canines. Black people are the same for humans.

the first National Bee was in 1925

On July 8, Zaila Avant-garde became the first African American middle school student to win the Scripps National Spelling Bee

If blacks are smarter how come only one has won the spelling bee?

"If blacks are smarter how come only one has won the spelling bee?"

Who told you winning a spelling bee is the only way to determine if you are smart? I'm pretty sure that if winning the spelling bee was something most Black kids set as a goal they would dominate it.

I'll give you a good example using basketball. Whites frequently claimed Blacks didnt have what it took to play in the NBA. I guess you can figure out just how wrong they were because they used the same logic you are using now.
You're talking about physical compared to intelligence. Why didn't you say blacks can't coach or be quarterbacks. That still seems to hold true. A couple exceptions but most of the great coaches and QB's are white guys.

No one said spelling bee's are the only way to measure intelligence but it's one way. And in 100 years only one black has cared about spelling bees? Maybe that's your problem. Instead of focusing on spelling bees you guys are playing basketball.

Ok, if spelling isn't a good way to measure intelligence name another way where blacks exceed white intelligence. What way of testing IQ do blacks shine?

Maybe this black winning will inspire blacks in the hood to start trying. That may turn out to be their problem. They don't even try.

Oh, and maybe the reason no black has won is because for 500 years we held your black brains back developmentally. So today's black American is 500 years behind whites. Not your fault. We didn't even allow you to learn to read and write for 400 years. I'll accept full responsibility for the differences between us. It wasn't fair what we did to you. Still the fact is your people are 400 years behind us. Now many of you blacks have white genes in your DNA. You may not have this problem as much as a 100% American negro.
"You're talking about physical compared to intelligence. "

No I'm not. Your brain controls both physical and mental responses. They are one and the same. You arent out there just blindly moving. Youre thinking, plotting, and strategizing as you move. You must have never played a sport?

I'll give you an example thats more to your liking though. 2 years after slavery ended Blacks were starting to dominate the political whites fearing they couldnt compete ended Reconstrucion.

"Ok, if spelling isn't a good way to measure intelligence name another way where blacks exceed white intelligence. What way of testing IQ do blacks shine?"

Thats easy. Blacks are the ones that taught whites on not one but two occasions. They were the first to write books and have written languages. If whites were smart they would have done it first.

The IQ test is a fable. A myth. White people are not smart enough to make a test to gauge intelligence. The IQ test is basically the equivalent of the Puritans practice of burning someone alive to find out if they are a witch or not. Its based on false assumptions, the major one being that white people are the ones that define what intellect is. How are you going to try to define something you had to be taught and are new to?

"Still the fact is your people are 400 years behind us. Now many of you blacks have white genes in your DNA. You may not have this problem as much as a 100% American negro."

Blacks world wide are thousands of years ahead of whites for the reasons I already mentioned. If whites had been held back for 400 years they would have experienced a Dark Age. Oh wait! You guys did experience a dark age that we had to come rescue you from. :)
Can you show me a link to a source that shows how blacks saved us from a dark age?

Can you explain how blacks today are thousands of years ahead of whites? In what way? Where?
Go read about the Moors. Not the fake anglo-saxon version.

I already told you. You guys were still living in caves when we created civilizations. We freely educated you via the Greeks and then did it again when you forgot your own history.
Unkotare is a Republican/Conservative. They believe there are so few black CEO's in America because the whites who get those jobs are just more qualified. There's no bias. If he does believe bias exists he has yet to admit it.

So, I'm curious why he thinks there are so few black spelling bee champs. Is it because black kids aren't trying? Is spelling bias? You blacks claim the intelligence tests are racist because they were created by whites. I remember on Good Times they said if you asked a black about George Washington Carver, he would do better but instead the tests are euro centric tests that are unfair to black kids. Well are you saying that about spelling too? Are spelling bees unfair?

And I think you are saying that blacks would win if they cared. Is that true? If not, why aren't black kids ever winning? Either way, you're busted. Because many of us say the problem with the African American community is that they just aren't trying. So which is it? Are blacks not as smart as us or are they just not trying?
I won the only spelling bee I was ever in so I cant answer that question.

I have absolutely zero doubt Black people would dominate in whatever took their interest and whites were not actively shutting them out. I personally didnt know anyone whos aspiration in life was to win a spelling bee. I dont understand why you think I am busted though. What does trying to win a spelling bee have to do with making more money and creating generational wealth?
Well you sound like an exception to the rule not the norm. Smarter than MIT grads and you won a spelling bee.

Today I'm not saying all blacks are dumber than all whites. There are smart blacks that are smarter than dumb whites but the smartest whites are smarter than the smartest blacks. And Asians are smarter than both of us. Am I wrong?
From dogs being "proof of evolution" to a pissing contest in turkey hunting.
Pretty pathetic when the *Moderator* (sick) is in the middle of it and can't untie his little weenie from the pissing contest.

And a poster getting pissy about where a thread went.

Feel free to report me.
That's it I am notifying the hall monitor about you and after school I am telling your Mommy that you said a bad word

I have a feeling you were one of those kids in school who would do just that.
So do you still have a picture of your alcoholic father hanging over your full bar?


You should have read the rules, asshole.
Let’s get back on subject. I was thinking about how we might be smarter than black people because for 400 plus years we didn’t even let them read. So we held their brain development back. People will say that’s racist but there is truth to it. I saw this
The human brain has evolved gradually over the passage of time; a series of incremental changes occurred as a result of external stimuli and conditions.

There have been studies that strongly support the idea that the level of intelligence associated with humans is not unique to our species. Scholars suggest that this could have, in part, been caused by convergent evolution. One common characteristic that is present in species of "high degree intelligence" (i.e. dolphins, great apes, and humans - Homo sapiens) is a brain of enlarged size.
A big head doesnt automatically mean you are smarter. Look how big the Neanderthals heads were and how stupid they were. All that space was taken up by circuitry specifically geared towards visual acuity instead of intelligence producing grey matter.
I’ve already agreed “bigger head” doesn’t automatically mean smarter. But a bigger brain doesn’t hurt either.

Heres the point I’m trying to make. All dogs have a similar ancestor. The wolves. Look at all the different breeds we have been able to make in such a short time. Everyone of them including the smartest one might not be as smart as the original wolf. Doesn’t matter. The fact is in a very short time we were able to create breeds of dogs some smarter than others. Very short time period.

So, I think we fucked over blacks by not allowing them to read or write for 500 years.

Doesnt matter if our brains got bigger in that time. I’m simply suggesting we could be border collies and blacks could be labs.
I get what you are saying but you forget Blacks have tens of thousands of years head start with the accumulation of knowledge. Even during the 300-400 year time period Blacks were still reading and being taught to read by some whites.

Using your wolf to dog analogy one has to agree there is no dog that is going to be more intelligent than the wolf. The wolf is the original, the primitive root for canines. Black people are the same for humans.

the first National Bee was in 1925

On July 8, Zaila Avant-garde became the first African American middle school student to win the Scripps National Spelling Bee

If blacks are smarter how come only one has won the spelling bee?

"If blacks are smarter how come only one has won the spelling bee?"

Who told you winning a spelling bee is the only way to determine if you are smart? I'm pretty sure that if winning the spelling bee was something most Black kids set as a goal they would dominate it.

I'll give you a good example using basketball. Whites frequently claimed Blacks didnt have what it took to play in the NBA. I guess you can figure out just how wrong they were because they used the same logic you are using now.
You're talking about physical compared to intelligence. Why didn't you say blacks can't coach or be quarterbacks. That still seems to hold true. A couple exceptions but most of the great coaches and QB's are white guys.

No one said spelling bee's are the only way to measure intelligence but it's one way. And in 100 years only one black has cared about spelling bees? Maybe that's your problem. Instead of focusing on spelling bees you guys are playing basketball.

Ok, if spelling isn't a good way to measure intelligence name another way where blacks exceed white intelligence. What way of testing IQ do blacks shine?

Maybe this black winning will inspire blacks in the hood to start trying. That may turn out to be their problem. They don't even try.

Oh, and maybe the reason no black has won is because for 500 years we held your black brains back developmentally. So today's black American is 500 years behind whites. Not your fault. We didn't even allow you to learn to read and write for 400 years. I'll accept full responsibility for the differences between us. It wasn't fair what we did to you. Still the fact is your people are 400 years behind us. Now many of you blacks have white genes in your DNA. You may not have this problem as much as a 100% American negro.
"You're talking about physical compared to intelligence. "

No I'm not. Your brain controls both physical and mental responses. They are one and the same. You arent out there just blindly moving. Youre thinking, plotting, and strategizing as you move. You must have never played a sport?

I'll give you an example thats more to your liking though. 2 years after slavery ended Blacks were starting to dominate the political whites fearing they couldnt compete ended Reconstrucion.

"Ok, if spelling isn't a good way to measure intelligence name another way where blacks exceed white intelligence. What way of testing IQ do blacks shine?"

Thats easy. Blacks are the ones that taught whites on not one but two occasions. They were the first to write books and have written languages. If whites were smart they would have done it first.

The IQ test is a fable. A myth. White people are not smart enough to make a test to gauge intelligence. The IQ test is basically the equivalent of the Puritans practice of burning someone alive to find out if they are a witch or not. Its based on false assumptions, the major one being that white people are the ones that define what intellect is. How are you going to try to define something you had to be taught and are new to?

"Still the fact is your people are 400 years behind us. Now many of you blacks have white genes in your DNA. You may not have this problem as much as a 100% American negro."

Blacks world wide are thousands of years ahead of whites for the reasons I already mentioned. If whites had been held back for 400 years they would have experienced a Dark Age. Oh wait! You guys did experience a dark age that we had to come rescue you from. :)
Can you show me a link to a source that shows how blacks saved us from a dark age?

Can you explain how blacks today are thousands of years ahead of whites? In what way? Where?
Go read about the Moors. Not the fake anglo-saxon version.

I already told you. You guys were still living in caves when we created civilizations. We freely educated you via the Greeks and then did it again when you forgot your own history.
True back then. Yes. What year was that?
Its irrelevant what year it was. The point is that we were already thousands of years ahead of you. Your claim was that Blacks being held back 400 years from learning (which never happened btw) made whites smarter. If we were held back 400 years and we were already thousands of years ahead of you then that 400 years would be like small blip in time.

Heres another example. I got into IT without knowing a single person that was in the field. I literally took a book, read it, and passed the test all in one month. The racist manager of the group got fired because he wouldn't let me in the network group. (thats another story). The lady that took over brought me in and I found out that the test I had taken and passed in 1 month none of the other white guys had passed after years of trying. These guys were mostly graduates of MIT. How does a guy from a horrible public school system do that?
Yes you were ahead of us long time ago. But from 1500 to current not so much.

How did you do that? Your slave ancestor probably was raped by her white master and you have white in you.

What do you mean it never happened? We didn't stop black slaves from reading and writing? The movie Roots lied?
So if we were ahead by thousands of years we are smarter than you.

Thats failed logic. :) The white guys were 100% white.

Never happened. They tried to keep Blacks from learning but we were smarter than them and found ways to learn anyway.
From dogs being "proof of evolution" to a pissing contest in turkey hunting.
Pretty pathetic when the *Moderator* (sick) is in the middle of it and can't untie his little weenie from the pissing contest.

And a poster getting pissy about where a thread went.

Feel free to report me.
That's it I am notifying the hall monitor about you and after school I am telling your Mommy that you said a bad word

I have a feeling you were one of those kids in school who would do just that.
So do you still have a picture of your alcoholic father hanging over your full bar?


You should have read the rules, asshole.
Let’s get back on subject. I was thinking about how we might be smarter than black people because for 400 plus years we didn’t even let them read. So we held their brain development back. People will say that’s racist but there is truth to it. I saw this
The human brain has evolved gradually over the passage of time; a series of incremental changes occurred as a result of external stimuli and conditions.

There have been studies that strongly support the idea that the level of intelligence associated with humans is not unique to our species. Scholars suggest that this could have, in part, been caused by convergent evolution. One common characteristic that is present in species of "high degree intelligence" (i.e. dolphins, great apes, and humans - Homo sapiens) is a brain of enlarged size.
A big head doesnt automatically mean you are smarter. Look how big the Neanderthals heads were and how stupid they were. All that space was taken up by circuitry specifically geared towards visual acuity instead of intelligence producing grey matter.
I’ve already agreed “bigger head” doesn’t automatically mean smarter. But a bigger brain doesn’t hurt either.

Heres the point I’m trying to make. All dogs have a similar ancestor. The wolves. Look at all the different breeds we have been able to make in such a short time. Everyone of them including the smartest one might not be as smart as the original wolf. Doesn’t matter. The fact is in a very short time we were able to create breeds of dogs some smarter than others. Very short time period.

So, I think we fucked over blacks by not allowing them to read or write for 500 years.

Doesnt matter if our brains got bigger in that time. I’m simply suggesting we could be border collies and blacks could be labs.
I get what you are saying but you forget Blacks have tens of thousands of years head start with the accumulation of knowledge. Even during the 300-400 year time period Blacks were still reading and being taught to read by some whites.

Using your wolf to dog analogy one has to agree there is no dog that is going to be more intelligent than the wolf. The wolf is the original, the primitive root for canines. Black people are the same for humans.

the first National Bee was in 1925

On July 8, Zaila Avant-garde became the first African American middle school student to win the Scripps National Spelling Bee

If blacks are smarter how come only one has won the spelling bee?

"If blacks are smarter how come only one has won the spelling bee?"

Who told you winning a spelling bee is the only way to determine if you are smart? I'm pretty sure that if winning the spelling bee was something most Black kids set as a goal they would dominate it.

I'll give you a good example using basketball. Whites frequently claimed Blacks didnt have what it took to play in the NBA. I guess you can figure out just how wrong they were because they used the same logic you are using now.
You're talking about physical compared to intelligence. Why didn't you say blacks can't coach or be quarterbacks. That still seems to hold true. A couple exceptions but most of the great coaches and QB's are white guys.

No one said spelling bee's are the only way to measure intelligence but it's one way. And in 100 years only one black has cared about spelling bees? Maybe that's your problem. Instead of focusing on spelling bees you guys are playing basketball.

Ok, if spelling isn't a good way to measure intelligence name another way where blacks exceed white intelligence. What way of testing IQ do blacks shine?

Maybe this black winning will inspire blacks in the hood to start trying. That may turn out to be their problem. They don't even try.

Oh, and maybe the reason no black has won is because for 500 years we held your black brains back developmentally. So today's black American is 500 years behind whites. Not your fault. We didn't even allow you to learn to read and write for 400 years. I'll accept full responsibility for the differences between us. It wasn't fair what we did to you. Still the fact is your people are 400 years behind us. Now many of you blacks have white genes in your DNA. You may not have this problem as much as a 100% American negro.
"You're talking about physical compared to intelligence. "

No I'm not. Your brain controls both physical and mental responses. They are one and the same. You arent out there just blindly moving. Youre thinking, plotting, and strategizing as you move. You must have never played a sport?

I'll give you an example thats more to your liking though. 2 years after slavery ended Blacks were starting to dominate the political whites fearing they couldnt compete ended Reconstrucion.

"Ok, if spelling isn't a good way to measure intelligence name another way where blacks exceed white intelligence. What way of testing IQ do blacks shine?"

Thats easy. Blacks are the ones that taught whites on not one but two occasions. They were the first to write books and have written languages. If whites were smart they would have done it first.

The IQ test is a fable. A myth. White people are not smart enough to make a test to gauge intelligence. The IQ test is basically the equivalent of the Puritans practice of burning someone alive to find out if they are a witch or not. Its based on false assumptions, the major one being that white people are the ones that define what intellect is. How are you going to try to define something you had to be taught and are new to?

"Still the fact is your people are 400 years behind us. Now many of you blacks have white genes in your DNA. You may not have this problem as much as a 100% American negro."

Blacks world wide are thousands of years ahead of whites for the reasons I already mentioned. If whites had been held back for 400 years they would have experienced a Dark Age. Oh wait! You guys did experience a dark age that we had to come rescue you from. :)
Can you show me a link to a source that shows how blacks saved us from a dark age?

Can you explain how blacks today are thousands of years ahead of whites? In what way? Where?
Go read about the Moors. Not the fake anglo-saxon version.

I already told you. You guys were still living in caves when we created civilizations. We freely educated you via the Greeks and then did it again when you forgot your own history.
Unkotare is a Republican/Conservative. They believe there are so few black CEO's in America because the whites who get those jobs are just more qualified. There's no bias. If he does believe bias exists he has yet to admit it.

So, I'm curious why he thinks there are so few black spelling bee champs. Is it because black kids aren't trying? Is spelling bias? You blacks claim the intelligence tests are racist because they were created by whites. I remember on Good Times they said if you asked a black about George Washington Carver, he would do better but instead the tests are euro centric tests that are unfair to black kids. Well are you saying that about spelling too? Are spelling bees unfair?

And I think you are saying that blacks would win if they cared. Is that true? If not, why aren't black kids ever winning? Either way, you're busted. Because many of us say the problem with the African American community is that they just aren't trying. So which is it? Are blacks not as smart as us or are they just not trying?
I won the only spelling bee I was ever in so I cant answer that question.

I have absolutely zero doubt Black people would dominate in whatever took their interest and whites were not actively shutting them out. I personally didnt know anyone whos aspiration in life was to win a spelling bee. I dont understand why you think I am busted though. What does trying to win a spelling bee have to do with making more money and creating generational wealth?

Chinese students are the smartest. Slightly smarter than Japanese or Korean students, definitely smarter than the smartest Europeans, and even intellectually superior to their American peers.

It was 2009 when Shanghai first took part in the study, which tests fifteen-year olds on reading comprehension, maths and science. The Chinese promptly ended up at the top, a feat they repeated three years later. They surpassed the best European country, Finland, in every category. In maths, Shanghai even performed 20% better than the OECD average. The Netherlands has been hovering around that average for years.

So you see I'm not saying whites are the smartest. Just not the dumbest. Guess who is at the bottom?

And Asians aren't perfect

You might almost think today’s young Europeans are a lost generation, intellectually overshadowed by their Chinese peers. But what does this kind of score on an educational ranking actually say?

Not much, says Ard Lazonder, Professor of Educational Science at Radboud University, reassuringly. China’s standardised education, with its strong focus on cognitive development, may help students excel in PISA scores, he says, but it does so at the expense of other things. ‘For example soft skills, like teamwork and presentation techniques. These skills aren’t paid much attention in Chinese education, whereas European countries really focus on them.’


Creativity suffers too, as studies show. For example, in 2012, US researchers concluded in scientific journal On the Horizon that China struggles to produce innovative and creative entrepreneurs. For its innovation the country is highly dependent on students being educated abroad and returning home with new ideas. If China doesn’t rigorously reform its education, the researchers conclude, it’s unlikely to ever develop the innovation- driven higher education system it dreams of.
From dogs being "proof of evolution" to a pissing contest in turkey hunting.
Pretty pathetic when the *Moderator* (sick) is in the middle of it and can't untie his little weenie from the pissing contest.

And a poster getting pissy about where a thread went.

Feel free to report me.
That's it I am notifying the hall monitor about you and after school I am telling your Mommy that you said a bad word

I have a feeling you were one of those kids in school who would do just that.
So do you still have a picture of your alcoholic father hanging over your full bar?


You should have read the rules, asshole.
Let’s get back on subject. I was thinking about how we might be smarter than black people because for 400 plus years we didn’t even let them read. So we held their brain development back. People will say that’s racist but there is truth to it. I saw this
The human brain has evolved gradually over the passage of time; a series of incremental changes occurred as a result of external stimuli and conditions.

There have been studies that strongly support the idea that the level of intelligence associated with humans is not unique to our species. Scholars suggest that this could have, in part, been caused by convergent evolution. One common characteristic that is present in species of "high degree intelligence" (i.e. dolphins, great apes, and humans - Homo sapiens) is a brain of enlarged size.
A big head doesnt automatically mean you are smarter. Look how big the Neanderthals heads were and how stupid they were. All that space was taken up by circuitry specifically geared towards visual acuity instead of intelligence producing grey matter.
I’ve already agreed “bigger head” doesn’t automatically mean smarter. But a bigger brain doesn’t hurt either.

Heres the point I’m trying to make. All dogs have a similar ancestor. The wolves. Look at all the different breeds we have been able to make in such a short time. Everyone of them including the smartest one might not be as smart as the original wolf. Doesn’t matter. The fact is in a very short time we were able to create breeds of dogs some smarter than others. Very short time period.

So, I think we fucked over blacks by not allowing them to read or write for 500 years.

Doesnt matter if our brains got bigger in that time. I’m simply suggesting we could be border collies and blacks could be labs.
I get what you are saying but you forget Blacks have tens of thousands of years head start with the accumulation of knowledge. Even during the 300-400 year time period Blacks were still reading and being taught to read by some whites.

Using your wolf to dog analogy one has to agree there is no dog that is going to be more intelligent than the wolf. The wolf is the original, the primitive root for canines. Black people are the same for humans.

the first National Bee was in 1925

On July 8, Zaila Avant-garde became the first African American middle school student to win the Scripps National Spelling Bee

If blacks are smarter how come only one has won the spelling bee?

"If blacks are smarter how come only one has won the spelling bee?"

Who told you winning a spelling bee is the only way to determine if you are smart? I'm pretty sure that if winning the spelling bee was something most Black kids set as a goal they would dominate it.

I'll give you a good example using basketball. Whites frequently claimed Blacks didnt have what it took to play in the NBA. I guess you can figure out just how wrong they were because they used the same logic you are using now.
You're talking about physical compared to intelligence. Why didn't you say blacks can't coach or be quarterbacks. That still seems to hold true. A couple exceptions but most of the great coaches and QB's are white guys.

No one said spelling bee's are the only way to measure intelligence but it's one way. And in 100 years only one black has cared about spelling bees? Maybe that's your problem. Instead of focusing on spelling bees you guys are playing basketball.

Ok, if spelling isn't a good way to measure intelligence name another way where blacks exceed white intelligence. What way of testing IQ do blacks shine?

Maybe this black winning will inspire blacks in the hood to start trying. That may turn out to be their problem. They don't even try.

Oh, and maybe the reason no black has won is because for 500 years we held your black brains back developmentally. So today's black American is 500 years behind whites. Not your fault. We didn't even allow you to learn to read and write for 400 years. I'll accept full responsibility for the differences between us. It wasn't fair what we did to you. Still the fact is your people are 400 years behind us. Now many of you blacks have white genes in your DNA. You may not have this problem as much as a 100% American negro.
"You're talking about physical compared to intelligence. "

No I'm not. Your brain controls both physical and mental responses. They are one and the same. You arent out there just blindly moving. Youre thinking, plotting, and strategizing as you move. You must have never played a sport?

I'll give you an example thats more to your liking though. 2 years after slavery ended Blacks were starting to dominate the political whites fearing they couldnt compete ended Reconstrucion.

"Ok, if spelling isn't a good way to measure intelligence name another way where blacks exceed white intelligence. What way of testing IQ do blacks shine?"

Thats easy. Blacks are the ones that taught whites on not one but two occasions. They were the first to write books and have written languages. If whites were smart they would have done it first.

The IQ test is a fable. A myth. White people are not smart enough to make a test to gauge intelligence. The IQ test is basically the equivalent of the Puritans practice of burning someone alive to find out if they are a witch or not. Its based on false assumptions, the major one being that white people are the ones that define what intellect is. How are you going to try to define something you had to be taught and are new to?

"Still the fact is your people are 400 years behind us. Now many of you blacks have white genes in your DNA. You may not have this problem as much as a 100% American negro."

Blacks world wide are thousands of years ahead of whites for the reasons I already mentioned. If whites had been held back for 400 years they would have experienced a Dark Age. Oh wait! You guys did experience a dark age that we had to come rescue you from. :)
Can you show me a link to a source that shows how blacks saved us from a dark age?

Can you explain how blacks today are thousands of years ahead of whites? In what way? Where?
Go read about the Moors. Not the fake anglo-saxon version.

I already told you. You guys were still living in caves when we created civilizations. We freely educated you via the Greeks and then did it again when you forgot your own history.
True back then. Yes. What year was that?
Its irrelevant what year it was. The point is that we were already thousands of years ahead of you. Your claim was that Blacks being held back 400 years from learning (which never happened btw) made whites smarter. If we were held back 400 years and we were already thousands of years ahead of you then that 400 years would be like small blip in time.

Heres another example. I got into IT without knowing a single person that was in the field. I literally took a book, read it, and passed the test all in one month. The racist manager of the group got fired because he wouldn't let me in the network group. (thats another story). The lady that took over brought me in and I found out that the test I had taken and passed in 1 month none of the other white guys had passed after years of trying. These guys were mostly graduates of MIT. How does a guy from a horrible public school system do that?
Yes you were ahead of us long time ago. But from 1500 to current not so much.

How did you do that? Your slave ancestor probably was raped by her white master and you have white in you.

What do you mean it never happened? We didn't stop black slaves from reading and writing? The movie Roots lied?
So if we were ahead by thousands of years we are smarter than you.

Thats failed logic. :) The white guys were 100% white.

Never happened. They tried to keep Blacks from learning but we were smarter than them and found ways to learn anyway.
Yes, Africans are very smart. I'm talking about African Americans. You guys have taken a 500 year step backward.

African immigrants are more educated than most — including people born in U.S.​

It's not your fault. We didn't let you guys learn for 500 years and the ones we let learn, we put in shitty ghettos with inferior books and inferior teachers like unkotare.
Bobobrainless cites a TV mini series as his 'evidence.' :rolleyes:

Because in only certain parts of the country at only certain times there were laws against educating slaves, that means those laws were universally followed? Jefferson didn't follow them. During the time period you are imagining, there were many blacks in the country who became better educated (and vastly more intelligent) than you will ever be. So, because there were some laws in some places the extent to which they were followed we cannot know, this created evolutionary changes in the DNA of all black people in America? The depths of your stupidity are unfathomable.
African Americans score lower than European Americans on vocabulary, reading, and math tests, as well as on tests that claim to measure scholastic aptitude and intelligence. The gap appears before children enter kindergarten and it persists into adulthood. It has narrowed since 1970, but the typical American black still scores below 75 percent of American whites on almost every standardized test.

Explain how I'm wrong exactly.
From dogs being "proof of evolution" to a pissing contest in turkey hunting.
Pretty pathetic when the *Moderator* (sick) is in the middle of it and can't untie his little weenie from the pissing contest.

And a poster getting pissy about where a thread went.

Feel free to report me.
That's it I am notifying the hall monitor about you and after school I am telling your Mommy that you said a bad word

I have a feeling you were one of those kids in school who would do just that.
So do you still have a picture of your alcoholic father hanging over your full bar?


You should have read the rules, asshole.
Let’s get back on subject. I was thinking about how we might be smarter than black people because for 400 plus years we didn’t even let them read. So we held their brain development back. People will say that’s racist but there is truth to it. I saw this
The human brain has evolved gradually over the passage of time; a series of incremental changes occurred as a result of external stimuli and conditions.

There have been studies that strongly support the idea that the level of intelligence associated with humans is not unique to our species. Scholars suggest that this could have, in part, been caused by convergent evolution. One common characteristic that is present in species of "high degree intelligence" (i.e. dolphins, great apes, and humans - Homo sapiens) is a brain of enlarged size.
A big head doesnt automatically mean you are smarter. Look how big the Neanderthals heads were and how stupid they were. All that space was taken up by circuitry specifically geared towards visual acuity instead of intelligence producing grey matter.
I’ve already agreed “bigger head” doesn’t automatically mean smarter. But a bigger brain doesn’t hurt either.

Heres the point I’m trying to make. All dogs have a similar ancestor. The wolves. Look at all the different breeds we have been able to make in such a short time. Everyone of them including the smartest one might not be as smart as the original wolf. Doesn’t matter. The fact is in a very short time we were able to create breeds of dogs some smarter than others. Very short time period.

So, I think we fucked over blacks by not allowing them to read or write for 500 years.

Doesnt matter if our brains got bigger in that time. I’m simply suggesting we could be border collies and blacks could be labs.
I get what you are saying but you forget Blacks have tens of thousands of years head start with the accumulation of knowledge. Even during the 300-400 year time period Blacks were still reading and being taught to read by some whites.

Using your wolf to dog analogy one has to agree there is no dog that is going to be more intelligent than the wolf. The wolf is the original, the primitive root for canines. Black people are the same for humans.

the first National Bee was in 1925

On July 8, Zaila Avant-garde became the first African American middle school student to win the Scripps National Spelling Bee

If blacks are smarter how come only one has won the spelling bee?

"If blacks are smarter how come only one has won the spelling bee?"

Who told you winning a spelling bee is the only way to determine if you are smart? I'm pretty sure that if winning the spelling bee was something most Black kids set as a goal they would dominate it.

I'll give you a good example using basketball. Whites frequently claimed Blacks didnt have what it took to play in the NBA. I guess you can figure out just how wrong they were because they used the same logic you are using now.
You're talking about physical compared to intelligence. Why didn't you say blacks can't coach or be quarterbacks. That still seems to hold true. A couple exceptions but most of the great coaches and QB's are white guys.

No one said spelling bee's are the only way to measure intelligence but it's one way. And in 100 years only one black has cared about spelling bees? Maybe that's your problem. Instead of focusing on spelling bees you guys are playing basketball.

Ok, if spelling isn't a good way to measure intelligence name another way where blacks exceed white intelligence. What way of testing IQ do blacks shine?

Maybe this black winning will inspire blacks in the hood to start trying. That may turn out to be their problem. They don't even try.

Oh, and maybe the reason no black has won is because for 500 years we held your black brains back developmentally. So today's black American is 500 years behind whites. Not your fault. We didn't even allow you to learn to read and write for 400 years. I'll accept full responsibility for the differences between us. It wasn't fair what we did to you. Still the fact is your people are 400 years behind us. Now many of you blacks have white genes in your DNA. You may not have this problem as much as a 100% American negro.
"You're talking about physical compared to intelligence. "

No I'm not. Your brain controls both physical and mental responses. They are one and the same. You arent out there just blindly moving. Youre thinking, plotting, and strategizing as you move. You must have never played a sport?

I'll give you an example thats more to your liking though. 2 years after slavery ended Blacks were starting to dominate the political whites fearing they couldnt compete ended Reconstrucion.

"Ok, if spelling isn't a good way to measure intelligence name another way where blacks exceed white intelligence. What way of testing IQ do blacks shine?"

Thats easy. Blacks are the ones that taught whites on not one but two occasions. They were the first to write books and have written languages. If whites were smart they would have done it first.

The IQ test is a fable. A myth. White people are not smart enough to make a test to gauge intelligence. The IQ test is basically the equivalent of the Puritans practice of burning someone alive to find out if they are a witch or not. Its based on false assumptions, the major one being that white people are the ones that define what intellect is. How are you going to try to define something you had to be taught and are new to?

"Still the fact is your people are 400 years behind us. Now many of you blacks have white genes in your DNA. You may not have this problem as much as a 100% American negro."

Blacks world wide are thousands of years ahead of whites for the reasons I already mentioned. If whites had been held back for 400 years they would have experienced a Dark Age. Oh wait! You guys did experience a dark age that we had to come rescue you from. :)
Can you show me a link to a source that shows how blacks saved us from a dark age?

Can you explain how blacks today are thousands of years ahead of whites? In what way? Where?
Go read about the Moors. Not the fake anglo-saxon version.

I already told you. You guys were still living in caves when we created civilizations. We freely educated you via the Greeks and then did it again when you forgot your own history.
Unkotare is a Republican/Conservative. They believe there are so few black CEO's in America because the whites who get those jobs are just more qualified. There's no bias. If he does believe bias exists he has yet to admit it.

So, I'm curious why he thinks there are so few black spelling bee champs. Is it because black kids aren't trying? Is spelling bias? You blacks claim the intelligence tests are racist because they were created by whites. I remember on Good Times they said if you asked a black about George Washington Carver, he would do better but instead the tests are euro centric tests that are unfair to black kids. Well are you saying that about spelling too? Are spelling bees unfair?

And I think you are saying that blacks would win if they cared. Is that true? If not, why aren't black kids ever winning? Either way, you're busted. Because many of us say the problem with the African American community is that they just aren't trying. So which is it? Are blacks not as smart as us or are they just not trying?
I won the only spelling bee I was ever in so I cant answer that question.

I have absolutely zero doubt Black people would dominate in whatever took their interest and whites were not actively shutting them out. I personally didnt know anyone whos aspiration in life was to win a spelling bee. I dont understand why you think I am busted though. What does trying to win a spelling bee have to do with making more money and creating generational wealth?

Chinese students are the smartest. Slightly smarter than Japanese or Korean students, definitely smarter than the smartest Europeans, and even intellectually superior to their American peers.

It was 2009 when Shanghai first took part in the study, which tests fifteen-year olds on reading comprehension, maths and science. The Chinese promptly ended up at the top, a feat they repeated three years later. They surpassed the best European country, Finland, in every category. In maths, Shanghai even performed 20% better than the OECD average. The Netherlands has been hovering around that average for years.

So you see I'm not saying whites are the smartest. Just not the dumbest. Guess who is at the bottom?

And Asians aren't perfect

You might almost think today’s young Europeans are a lost generation, intellectually overshadowed by their Chinese peers. But what does this kind of score on an educational ranking actually say?

Not much, says Ard Lazonder, Professor of Educational Science at Radboud University, reassuringly. China’s standardised education, with its strong focus on cognitive development, may help students excel in PISA scores, he says, but it does so at the expense of other things. ‘For example soft skills, like teamwork and presentation techniques. These skills aren’t paid much attention in Chinese education, whereas European countries really focus on them.’


Creativity suffers too, as studies show. For example, in 2012, US researchers concluded in scientific journal On the Horizon that China struggles to produce innovative and creative entrepreneurs. For its innovation the country is highly dependent on students being educated abroad and returning home with new ideas. If China doesn’t rigorously reform its education, the researchers conclude, it’s unlikely to ever develop the innovation- driven higher education system it dreams of.
Without quotation marks that is plagiarism, criminal. And no, the material you plagiarized does not prove the point you are imagining, racist.
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Bobobrainless is stupid enough to engage in a stupid conversation with a fellow idiot who is trying proclaim an imaginary 'black superiority' story. Both of your motivations are obvious and ridiculous.
Bobobrainless cites a TV mini series as his 'evidence.' :rolleyes:

Because in only certain parts of the country at only certain times there were laws against educating slaves, that means those laws were universally followed? Jefferson didn't follow them. During the time period you are imagining, there were many blacks in the country who became better educated (and vastly more intelligent) than you will ever be. So, because there were some laws in some places the extent to which they were followed we cannot know, this created evolutionary changes in the DNA of all black people in America? The depths of your stupidity are unfathomable.
I'm trying to explain the results we have today. Ok, so blacks up north were allowed to go to school. What school? Detroit Public Schools? Ok then explain this:

For a fourth straight time, Detroit students have scored the lowest among big-city districts in math and reading, according to national test results released Wednesday.

Detroit Public Schools’ fourth- and eighth-graders lagged students in 20 other districts included in the National Assessment of Educational Progress Trial Urban District Assessment. DPS also ranked lowest in 2009, 2011 and 2013.

Achievement levels on the exam are basic, proficient and advanced. Students who score below basic lack fundamental skills.

The results did include some positive news for the state’s largest district. Average scores in Detroit ticked upward in fourth- and eighth-grade math, as did basic skill rates.

In math, 36 percent of DPS fourth-graders achieved at or above basic level, up from 35 percent in 2013, while 27 percent of eighth-graders tested at or above basic, up from 24 percent.

In reading, 27 percent of Detroit fourth-graders tested at or above basic, down from 30 percent in 2013, while 44 percent of eighth-graders were at or above basic, down from 46 percent.

You claim to teach in a inner city school. I'm sure you deal with this too.

Education expert Kenneth Wong, chairman of the education department at Brown University, said the test results illustrate the need for broad changes in Detroit’s education system.

Blame teacher like you who need to be better trained. One of the solutions is an increased emphasis on professional development for teachers.
Bobobrainless is stupid enough to engage in a stupid conversation with a fellow idiot who is trying proclaim an imaginary 'black superiority' story. Both of your motivations are obvious and ridiculous.
Bingo. I'm just trying to get to the truth. Or what YOU think is the truth. No bullshit.

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