Are political views a choice?

of course.. and, as soon as israel starts treating palis like we treat jews ill be happy to be pro israel.

So, without the qualification the answer is actually no. Got it.

do you feel the need to manufacture drama in light of this rather easy question of your thread? Again, I look forward to supporting israel after they treat palis like we do jews. When equality and democracy become more important than david duke style racism. WHEN THAT HAPPENS I will change my political view of isreal per your original question. Hopefully it happens today.

I thought Ravi was the drama queen... sheesh.

I second the :rolleyes:

You've pretty much stated that while yes technically you possess the power to change your mind, that your views are not a choice but dictated by Israeli policy. I can't say I'm surprised you can't wrap your head around this.
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Did you choose the political views you now hold? :eusa_think:

Yes, I think I did.

I was a libertarian before the term was invented (or at least anybody I knew had ever heard of it).

When I was about 13 or so I became enchanted with Ayn Rand and so I sounded (re: matters of society and the individual, at least) much like many of you sound today.

And then for a while I flirted with political anarchism (the real kind, not the fake European type) while I in the NAV. An overreaction, no doubt, to having to live in a fascistic classist society.

What I believe today is, I think, an outcome of having given questions about society and the individual a whole lot of thought, and having seen society from more than one place in it, too.

Having gone from being fairly poor, to fairly well off and then back to grinding poverty and once again back to being fairly well off, certainly helped me round out my POV, too.
So, without the qualification the answer is actually no. Got it.

do you feel the need to manufacture drama in light of this rather easy question of your thread? Again, I look forward to supporting israel after they treat palis like we do jews. When equality and democracy become more important than david duke style racism. WHEN THAT HAPPENS I will change my political view of isreal per your original question. Hopefully it happens today.

I thought Ravi was the drama queen... sheesh.

I second the :rolleyes:

You've pretty much stated that while yes technically you possess the power to change your mind, that your views are not a choice but dictated by Israeli policy. I can't say I'm surprised you can't wrap your head around this.
The :rolleyes: was directed at you, it was just a bonus that it qualified as a response to Soggy's silly post.
In some cases we accept our parents views just because or may go the opposite for the same reason.

I really believe a lot of our political views are strongly impacted by our personality type and our value system which includes religious, social, personal etc.

Some of us may change over time based on experiences and data, others may remain locked in a belief system and never take on any new data to challenge the current belief system.

Neither side has all the answers and only an idealogue believes his/her political system is the only one for our country.

Despite what some extremist believe, the moderates will normally be closer to the truth on most issues and trust me don't think that a moderate won't stand up and blow you away if you threaten to blow them away. Middle of the road does not mean acquiescient at all.

Otherwise we are just all screwed up.:lol:

i can go along with this.....especially paragraphs 4-5
i was born a democrat, but choose to vote republican :lol:

i to was born into a Dem family,but unlike my dad,i will vote for a non-dem candidate if i feel he is the better old man did not seem to care....its Democrat or nothing...kinda like Bobo...:eusa_whistle:
Of course we choose our political views. And, consequently, can chance them. I think this is the distinguishing answer to your question.

So you're saying you could choose today to be pro-Israel?

of course.. and, as soon as israel starts treating palis like we treat jews ill be happy to be pro israel.

are the Palis expected to reciprocate?.....just askin....
I posted this yesterday, which is in the same vein, but it got "moved" to the Flame Zone and didn't attract much attention. I thought it was interesting that maybe our "politics" are a reflection of something we were simply born with.

The psychology of liberals v. conservatives


It's not just politics.


May 28, 2009
Op-Ed Columnist

Would You Slap Your Father? If So, YouÂ’re a Liberal

If you want to tell whether someone is conservative or liberal, what are a couple of completely nonpolitical questions that will give a good clue?

HowÂ’s this: Would you be willing to slap your father in the face, with his permission, as part of a comedy skit?

And, second: Does it disgust you to touch the faucet in a public restroom?

Studies suggest that conservatives are more often distressed by actions that seem disrespectful of authority, such as slapping Dad. Liberals donÂ’t worry as long as Dad has given permission.

Likewise, conservatives are more likely than liberals to sense contamination or perceive disgust. People who would be disgusted to find that they had accidentally sipped from an acquaintanceÂ’s drink are more likely to identify as conservatives.

so are you saying that the Conservative person will wash his hands after he touches a public doorknob.....while the liberal person will not,and eventually put his hand in his mouth.....the so-called "GERM FACTOR"....
I posted this yesterday, which is in the same vein, but it got "moved" to the Flame Zone and didn't attract much attention. I thought it was interesting that maybe our "politics" are a reflection of something we were simply born with.

The psychology of liberals v. conservatives


It's not just politics.


May 28, 2009
Op-Ed Columnist

Would You Slap Your Father? If So, YouÂ’re a Liberal

If you want to tell whether someone is conservative or liberal, what are a couple of completely nonpolitical questions that will give a good clue?

HowÂ’s this: Would you be willing to slap your father in the face, with his permission, as part of a comedy skit?

And, second: Does it disgust you to touch the faucet in a public restroom?

Studies suggest that conservatives are more often distressed by actions that seem disrespectful of authority, such as slapping Dad. Liberals donÂ’t worry as long as Dad has given permission.

Likewise, conservatives are more likely than liberals to sense contamination or perceive disgust. People who would be disgusted to find that they had accidentally sipped from an acquaintanceÂ’s drink are more likely to identify as conservatives.

so are you saying that the Conservative person will wash his hands after he touches a public doorknob.....while the liberal person will not,and eventually put his hand in his mouth.....the so-called "GERM FACTOR"....

It was only a hypothetical example. Nice try. Read the article. I've seen others similar, so it's not a new concept, by the way.
...only an idealogue believes his/her political system is the only one for our country.


I think political decisions should be based on logic rather than emotion. Practicality rather than ideology. Why vote for someone you share a view point with if you know they will never try to influence law regarding that subject. We must seriously examine this before letting our beliefs hijack our vote. I personaly dont believe in abortion or gay marraige but I will not have it decide who I vote for. Dont be a sucker. Politicians spend countless time and money figuring out how to get your vote with no intention on ever doing anything about your cause. You may also ask yourself this. Is it practical or even possible for our government to enforce or create laws that envolve activities that will continue regardless of the existence of that law. Drugs, abortion, gay marraige and others are going to continue in one form or another. Is it possible for us to stop? Would laws have a possitive or negative impacts on those activities or just the way we feel about them.
So shogun as soon as israel kills all the Palestinians er sorry ex Transjordanians, you'll be happy intriguing...
Some problems have conservative solutions, and some problems have liberal solutions.

I want a president that asks one simple question, "Will this work?"