Are only democrats, the 10 Native American tribes, the European countries and African nations going to pay reparations?


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
You know, actual slave owners?

If Ulysses Grant counts as having a slave, even though William Jones wasn't actually owned by Grant but owned by his father in law and Grant set him free in 1859 before the Emancipation Proclamation passed by republicans? Then fine. How much in reparations do the republicans owe for that one slave even though that one slave wasn't actually owned by Grant, and was set free by Grant? $1000?
You know, actual slave owners?

If Ulysses Grant counts as having a slave, even though William Jones wasn't actually owned by Grant but owned by his father in law and Grant set him free in 1859 before the Emancipation Proclamation passed by republicans? Then fine. How much in reparations do the republicans owe for that one slave even though that one slave wasn't actually owned by Grant, and was set free by Grant? $1000?

Why do we keep pretending this myth that only Blacks have been or were slaves? And why should Blacks get repaid for it and none of the billions others? What makes being Black so damned special and better than anyone else? Don't people know that slavery went on for thousands of years all over the globe with most every race and nationality?
You know, actual slave owners?

If Ulysses Grant counts as having a slave, even though William Jones wasn't actually owned by Grant but owned by his father in law and Grant set him free in 1859 before the Emancipation Proclamation passed by republicans? Then fine. How much in reparations do the republicans owe for that one slave even though that one slave wasn't actually owned by Grant, and was set free by Grant? $1000?

Why do we keep pretending this myth that only Blacks have been or were slaves? And why should Blacks get repaid for it and none of the billions others? What makes being Black so damned special and better than anyone else? Don't people know that slavery went on for thousands of years all over the globe with most every race and nationality?
Buying votes to destroy America.....

They will never see the money..

Oh some will, don't kid yourself. The useful idiots won't as usual. That is what it is and always is.

Look at democrat run cities from Chicago to Baltimore. Check how long it's been since republicans ran those cities, see how many fundraisers they have for those cities, see who got rich, and see how those cities remain run down roach infested shitholes and anyone that says that is relelentlessly attacked as racists.

Those fucking people will never get it..


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