Are liberals still chanting the party line that we should just admit 65,000 syrian refugees ?


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said Sunday that the United States should accept 65,000 refugees from Syria to help alleviate the humanitarian crisis created by the war there.

"We're facing the worst refugee crisis since the end of World War II and I think the United States has to do more," the former secretary of state said Sunday on CBS' "Face the Nation." "I would like to see us move from what is a good start with 10,000 to 65,000 and begin immediately to put into place the mechanisms for vetting the people that we would take in."

She said there should be a focus on admitting the most vulnerable, like persecuted religious minorities, or those who had been brutalized, like the Yazidi women.

Hillary Clinton: U.S. should take 65,000 Syrian refugees

Remember when those of us who can think for ourselves said what a bullshit goal this is? Then when we all warned what was going to happen to Europe as a result of allowing the refugees to INVADE their countries?

(remember how a country like China would never allow this.)

Paris terror attacks after the queen kuuuunt made her brilliant comments and defended by her stupid ass blind sheep.


Countless organized rapes of women all across Europe and justified by the stink smelly muslims.


Attacks in Brussels. Great socialist gun free country. Yeah, they must be safe. I mean they welcome those stink bombs from that toilet known as the Middle East.


I am wondering. What is the fucking stance by that fucking witch now? How about her stupid fucking mindless followers?

Now get ready folks for the standard answers.

But but but Christians commit murder too......


All religions need to be done away with.....


A lot of giggles and laughter.

Do you know the left still think the fake man made global warming scam is real and a bigger danger than these stink bombs from the Middle East?

Do you know they hate some white guy named Eddie living in Montana who is an NRA member more than these stink bombs that throw gay men off of rooftops and stone women for being raped?

The truly scary part is how many of them there are in this country.
I saw a report a couple days ago that reported that ISIS has sent 400 operatives into Europe for future attacks. Many of those terrorists infiltrated via the refugees flooding the various countries.

We need Syrian refugees like we need a bullet in the head...LITERALLY

I have no problem with completely stopping ALL migration from the middle east.
What a reprehensible attempt to try and label people fleeing for their lives as terrorists. Fuck me, Goebbels would be proud of this filth.

You are scum.
The question of "Are conservatives still wetting the bed?" has been answered by this thread.

That's why conservative need to be kept out of position of power. They're too emotional, cowardly, hysterical and easily manipulated. Look at 'em now, allowing ISIS to play them for rubes.
What a reprehensible attempt to try and label people fleeing for their lives as terrorists. Fuck me, Goebbels would be proud of this filth.

You are scum.
An example of an uninformed moron who gets to override an informed voter with his ideological ignorant vote.

Paris, Brussels....when Germany gets their desserts he may change his mind
The question of "Are conservatives still wetting the bed?" has been answered by this thread.

That's why conservative need to be kept out of position of power. They're too emotional, cowardly, hysterical and easily manipulated. Look at 'em now, allowing ISIS to play them for rubes.
Speaking of being emotional. There is NOTHING factual in your post. Only the emotional outburst of someone who has no substance to offer to the subject.
What a reprehensible attempt to try and label people fleeing for their lives as terrorists. Fuck me, Goebbels would be proud of this filth.

You are scum.

who has suggested that the Syrian refugees are "TERRORISTS"?----the issue is that AMONGST them are terrorists------a kinda proven fact. Another problem is the
economic strain they place on the countries that accept them. It it were not true that the flood of muslim immigrants into England in the mid 20th century did not cause LINGERING problems and the flood of muslim immigrants into France in
the mid 20th century did not cause LINGERING problems----you might have a point.
The HUMANITARIAN ISSUE has been answered-----there are DOZENS of countries that IDENTIFY THEMSELVES AS ISLAMIC LANDS----thus, no shortage of destinations for muslims from the Middle East. Christians and persons of non
muslim faiths-----might have a problem and that issue should be addressed by
non muslim nations
What a reprehensible attempt to try and label people fleeing for their lives as terrorists. Fuck me, Goebbels would be proud of this filth.

You are scum.
Here we are folks. The fucking pathetic academia left wing piece of shit who refuses to learn the lesson. Everything happening is exactly what WE all said would happen you piece of shit.

You fucking "caring left wing" asshole.

Lets see you take them into your fucking house. Your attempt at trying to make me believe how smart you are has failed.

You are a fucking moron.
Secure the Border, Reform our Immigration System, and leave all Muslim lands. Otherwise we'll be engaged in endless war, both abroad and here at home.
The question of "Are conservatives still wetting the bed?" has been answered by this thread.

That's why conservative need to be kept out of position of power. They're too emotional, cowardly, hysterical and easily manipulated. Look at 'em now, allowing ISIS to play them for rubes.
The question of "Are conservatives still wetting the bed?" has been answered by this thread.

That's why conservative need to be kept out of position of power. They're too emotional, cowardly, hysterical and easily manipulated. Look at 'em now, allowing ISIS to play them for rubes.
The sign of a intellectually bankrupt individual.

What a reprehensible attempt to try and label people fleeing for their lives as terrorists. Fuck me, Goebbels would be proud of this filth.

You are scum.
View attachment 68747
the typical rightwing pants shitters, and bed wetters, a gift for you on your easter
Ahhhh, go hump a bagel, guno.

Bat Shit boy should finally realize just how irrelevant he really is
What a reprehensible attempt to try and label people fleeing for their lives as terrorists. Fuck me, Goebbels would be proud of this filth.

You are scum.
An example of an uninformed moron who gets to override an informed voter with his ideological ignorant vote.

Paris, Brussels....when Germany gets their desserts he may change his mind

Another one who can't tell the difference between the enemy and their victims.

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