Are diehard BLM enthusiasts mentality ill?


Platinum Member
Aug 30, 2011
I think they are. They consider this country a tribal society and all they think of is racism 24/7. They have persecution complexes that need to be treated by science and therapy. It’s literally impossible to reason with these people and they are oblivious to facts. We really need to treat this as a condition.
More like Classically Conditioned and taught by Critical Theory or Pedagogy and not Critical Thinking.

A whole lesson on it:

The way things used to be taught:

Sorry, I got interested in this stuff back in like late 2015 with all the snowflake meltdowns and hearing about this "safe space", "triggered", and "microaggression" mumbo jumbo. "Da fuq is this shit?!"
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I think they are. They consider this country a tribal society and all they think of is racism 24/7. They have persecution complexes that need to be treated by science and therapy. It’s literally impossible to reason with these people and they are oblivious to facts. We really need to treat this as a condition.

No they are just marxists.

They take a simple statement that everyone can agree with "black lives matter", then impregnate with so much bullshit, that now blacks considered sacred cows, we have to get rid of the police, and a lot of other bullshit.

This is just a typical marxist trick that has been done since the start of the ideology.
I think they are. They consider this country a tribal society and all they think of is racism 24/7. They have persecution complexes that need to be treated by science and therapy. It’s literally impossible to reason with these people and they are oblivious to facts. We really need to treat this as a condition.

No they are just marxists.

They take a simple statement that everyone can agree with "black lives matter", then impregnate with so much bullshit, that now blacks considered sacred cows, we have to get rid of the police, and a lot of other bullshit.

This is just a typical marxist trick that has been done since the start of the ideology.
I don't believe most of the rank and file know what a Marxist is, or a genuine racist for that matter. But as we have seen some of the leadership they do have an affinity for Marx.
I think they are. They consider this country a tribal society and all they think of is racism 24/7. They have persecution complexes that need to be treated by science and therapy. It’s literally impossible to reason with these people and they are oblivious to facts. We really need to treat this as a condition.

No they are just marxists.

They take a simple statement that everyone can agree with "black lives matter", then impregnate with so much bullshit, that now blacks considered sacred cows, we have to get rid of the police, and a lot of other bullshit.

This is just a typical marxist trick that has been done since the start of the ideology.
I don't believe most of the rank and file know what a Marxist is, or a genuine racist for that matter. But as we have seen some of the leadership they do have an affinity for Marx.

The rank and file are just useful idiots
Virtue signaling is all about the need for attention and praise. It is certainly neurotic behavior and reveals a rather extreme lack of self-esteem but I'm not sure if I consider it as mental illness.

Mostly, I just consider it pathetic.
I think they are. They consider this country a tribal society and all they think of is racism 24/7. They have persecution complexes that need to be treated by science and therapy. It’s literally impossible to reason with these people and they are oblivious to facts. We really need to treat this as a condition.
Its not that BLM is mentally ill. Its you and the other whites that are mentally ill due to your love affair with racism. You cant reason with anyone if you are not right in the head yourself.

I think they are. They consider this country a tribal society and all they think of is racism 24/7. They have persecution complexes that need to be treated by science and therapy. It’s literally impossible to reason with these people and they are oblivious to facts. We really need to treat this as a condition.

Whether they are or not, is debatable. But I'm doing everything I can to push the tards over the edge. I live in a small town of about 5,000 people, and some idiot put up some BLM, "end racism", and other posters around town.

I went to town the other night and scribbled 'TRUMP 2020" and "MAGA" all over them with a big fat Magic marker. They stayed like that for a couple days, and then someone replaced them with new posters.

So I got up at 3 AM this morning, grabbed a can of black spray paint, and headed to town. It was a beautiful Summer morning: The moon had set, and it was almost pitch black. I completely obscured every sign in town with black spray paint, even the one posted on the lawn of the courthouse.

And I will do it again, and again, and again, and again....

And if I run out of paint, Walmart is always open.
Mentally ill people are usually not a threat.

They have communism and feminism - much more dangerous than the virus that is lurking about.
They are delusional
Everybody knows lives matter and act accordingly
9, count em NINE, incidences in 2019 of a white police shooting a unarmed black Two investigations ongoing. 5 dismissed, two police in jail. Two.

When facts don’t support your emotions it just doesn’t matter, push forward with demonstrable fakery and responsibility reassignment
I think they are. They consider this country a tribal society and all they think of is racism 24/7. They have persecution complexes that need to be treated by science and therapy. It’s literally impossible to reason with these people and they are oblivious to facts. We really need to treat this as a condition.

No they are just marxists.

They take a simple statement that everyone can agree with "black lives matter", then impregnate with so much bullshit, that now blacks considered sacred cows, we have to get rid of the police, and a lot of other bullshit.

This is just a typical marxist trick that has been done since the start of the ideology.

I think we’re both right
we have to get rid of the police, and a lot of other bullshit.
You gotta admit it's the most successful propaganda we have ever seen in our lifetimes given that cops kill proportionately more unarmed white guys. When a white guy gets killed he's just so much white trash but when black guy gets killed, even for shooting the arresting officer with his own gun, he becomes a great hero to white liberals overcome by their white guilt!!
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I think they are. They consider this country a tribal society and all they think of is racism 24/7. They have persecution complexes that need to be treated by science and therapy. It’s literally impossible to reason with these people and they are oblivious to facts. We really need to treat this as a condition.

No they are just marxists.

They take a simple statement that everyone can agree with "black lives matter", then impregnate with so much bullshit, that now blacks considered sacred cows, we have to get rid of the police, and a lot of other bullshit.

This is just a typical marxist trick that has been done since the start of the ideology.
I agree. How long are we going to put up with it?
Its you and the other whites that are mentally ill due to your love affair with racism.

love affair????? where do you see evidence of racism let alone a love affair with it? Care to give us your best example?? How will the liberal learn if he is afraid to try?
I think they are. They consider this country a tribal society and all they think of is racism 24/7. They have persecution complexes that need to be treated by science and therapy. It’s literally impossible to reason with these people and they are oblivious to facts. We really need to treat this as a condition.

No they are just marxists.

They take a simple statement that everyone can agree with "black lives matter", then impregnate with so much bullshit, that now blacks considered sacred cows, we have to get rid of the police, and a lot of other bullshit.

This is just a typical marxist trick that has been done since the start of the ideology.
I agree. How long are we going to put up with it?

we’re peaceful people. They are not. So we’re forced to put up with it Until it reaches a boiling point
I think they are. They consider this country a tribal society and all they think of is racism 24/7. They have persecution complexes that need to be treated by science and therapy. It’s literally impossible to reason with these people and they are oblivious to facts. We really need to treat this as a condition.

No they are just marxists.

They take a simple statement that everyone can agree with "black lives matter", then impregnate with so much bullshit, that now blacks considered sacred cows, we have to get rid of the police, and a lot of other bullshit.

This is just a typical marxist trick that has been done since the start of the ideology.
I agree. How long are we going to put up with it?

we’re peaceful people. They are not. So we’re forced to put up with it Until it reaches a boiling point
I'm almost there.
I think they are. They consider this country a tribal society and all they think of is racism 24/7. They have persecution complexes that need to be treated by science and therapy. It’s literally impossible to reason with these people and they are oblivious to facts. We really need to treat this as a condition.
Being that most of those people are college edumucateded er, indoctrinated ...its funny, in the last 9 months we have had a poorly driven impeachment procedure followed on the heels a cheezy Chinese drivin disease Covid lock down followed by race riots because the media conveniently is playing it up? This reeks of George Soros. Putrid.

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