Are Democrat PROGS an emotional base?


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
If you look at those who support Democrats one might conclude they’re an irrational people led by emotions. This seems to be supported by how easily they're strung along by the Medias while every one of their narrations proves at least intellectually dishonest, and that's where PROGS get lost. It's also supported by their actions and words when confronted with their own dispositions.

From there I suppose you check their base to see what types of people support them. Let's do that.....

Youth: The unwise easily influenced by teachers and professors, who are paid to teach but spread their political desires instead. Youth are especially vulnerable today because of the social medias built by PROGS. Youth are clearly an emotional bunch to begin with. So it's easy to understand why they fall prey to 24-7 propaganda.

Unmarried women: Yeah, it's a sad fact that most single women who fend for themselves are more likely support those serving victim roles and false promises. Are these women emotional? You bet.

Govt. employees: I served my time in govt., and can say with clear conscious the closer the agency is to entitlements the worse they're run. While these people turn a 1-hour job into 100 hours only to do it wrong, they generally have a very clear sense of entitlement. You should hear them when they’re faced with furloughs. Somehow they don’t understand they’re paid by taxes reduced under recessions. So they feel they’re victims and treated unfairly. They’re selfish is what they truly are, so lack the common sense to understand when business and WORKING employees bring in less it’s natural they do too. Meanwhile, where else can you warn 70K when you’re worth half that, all while receiving 45 paid days off a year and pensions too. At the end of the day, if you feel entitled to someone else’s money you can bet your ass you’re likely a Democrat.

Blacks: Quite a swing of late, good job blacks and Trump. Demonicrats teach us you’re not responsible for you or your family, the govt. is. Blacks have been exploited by Democrats since slavery, they just changed tactics. Look how they’re treated in preparation for all elections. Most people miss that FACT, but because Demonicrats spoon victim roles they’ve been able to capture the black vote.

Immigrants: The less you understand about something the more likely you are to make emotional-based decisions. This is a major reason Demonicrats desire free immigration. So the Demonicrats slide these people into victim roles, & promise entitlements, so it’s easy to understand why immigrants support Demonicrats.

Hollywood: These fuckers don’t know what it’s like in the real world; they’re spoiled from birth and live on camera 24-7. Acting and theatre are make-believe and involves a high count of emotions, critical thought is unnecessary. So it’s easy to understand why Hollywood types are an emotional bunch and therefore support Demonicrats.

Drug addicts: You figure drug addicts are rational or make emotionally-based decisions?

At the end of the day, if a person fails to think things through for themselves (dependency) which in of itself is a emotional response, then the more likely they're to support Demonicrats. As opposed accomplishments, honesty and frank, Demonicrats are supported because they trigger emotions (e.g., Trump is racist, treats women badly, repulsive, traitor blah blah). Assuming I’m wrong, then surely you can point to one tangible Demoncrat accomplishment they can run on.
When you compare it to Republican base.

The only group is...White.
Not comparatively.

Trumpsters are the most emotional, terrified, paranoid political group out there.


42 "Yes" votes to this poll:
Look how emotional Republicans are....

Their threads give them away.

Just peruse the titles of the majority of the threads on here.

It's all hateful, paranoid and outlandish anti-Democrat threads.

But we're supposed to believe it's the Democrats that are the emotional ones.

Those raised under poor environments also fall into this group. Evidenced by the FACT nearly all PROGS have the maturity level of spoiled young children.
Look how emotional Republicans are....

Their threads give them away.

Just peruse the titles of the majority of the threads on here.

It's all hateful, paranoid and outlandish anti-Democrat threads.

But we're supposed to believe it's the Democrats that are the emotional ones.

Well that's the democrat playbook, read a headline, don't even try to dig deeper, it explains why you people are dumb and have no idea what the truth is. Thanks for eloquently pointing that out.
Not comparatively.

Trumpsters are the most emotional, terrified, paranoid political group out there.


42 "Yes" votes to this poll:

Best of luck finding something like this from an American Trump supporter.


I have yet to meet a Trump supporter whose gender can not be determined. Now we know where the 62 genders come from.
Well that's the democrat playbook, read a headline, don't even try to dig deeper,

Exactly. When a toddler throws a tantrum, the important thing is to dig deeper and find out why they threw a tantrum.

So, do you think the OP needs a nap? A diaper change? A juice box? Maybe a big hug?

It wasn't the Democrats who started this weepy thread. It's not the Democrats starting endless "WAAAAH! THE OTHER SIDE IS ALL POOPYHEADS!" threads. It's your side here that's in perpetual emotional meltdown mode.
Intellectual dishonesty isn't just a Democrat thang- matter of fact, intellect seems beyond the grasp of many- that can be witnessed by the number who don't read what's posted- when a mind is made up the chances of changing it are slim- and none- it doesn't matter what stripe of the Duopoly is worn.

That's not to sat the OT isn't factual- it just doesn't present the entire portrait- there are 300+ million people here, many who call themselves educated and *feel* they're well informed which couldn't be furter from the truth if it came from the AP-
Not comparatively.

Trumpsters are the most emotional, terrified, paranoid political group out there.


42 "Yes" votes to this poll:
You interfere with people. Even when you help people, you do it in a disjointed piecemeal way. So as one example you will give out free college educations and then pay for all past college educations and give the person trying to survive not a thing.
PROGS aren't emotional. Some proof:

Trump was unfit to be POTUS cuz he said grab a pussy.

Trump is a traitor and cheated with the Russians to win.

Trump is racist because we say so. Biden is racist in action, but that's okay, because to think otherwise interferes with their sleep.

Biden won the debate for some reason.

Trump is a bad POTUS because stuff and stuff like that. Accomplishments have no reason.

Trump is why the riots.

Police kill blacks because of racism, not because they threaten police. The fact other races die as well is besides the point.

Trump said white supremacists are fine people. Doesn't matter he didn't, it's how we feel that's important.

PROGS handled Trump's election well.

How about some Yahoo fun, let's see what's on the front page triggering Mamooth's emotions:

Wisconsin officer who killed black ESCAPES charges.

Signatures required to remove electoral college, which is the only reason Trump is POTUS.

Jimmy Kimmel Thinks Donald Trump Jr. Just Said 'One Of Saddest Things I’ve Heard On Fox News'

Donald Trump—In His Latest Racist, Sexist Move—Calls Kamala Harris a ‘Monster’

Here Are the Billionaires Backing Donald Trump’s Campaign

Strongmen and strife: Before Trump, I thought America was exceptional, now I have doubts

Nancy Pelosi Says It’s Time To Talk About Donald Trump & The 25th Amendment

People Who Lost Loved Ones To Coronavirus React To Trump's Tweet

Facebook finds pro-Trump group helped make hundreds of accounts to spam comments with attacks on Biden

Here's a group of your typical non-emotional PROGS. You can tell they're rational and base their "protests" on the tangilbe. Oh wait, they're "counter-protestors". You know, like ANIFA is ANTI-FACIST.
Well that's the democrat playbook, read a headline, don't even try to dig deeper,

Exactly. When a toddler throws a tantrum, the important thing is to dig deeper and find out why they threw a tantrum.

So, do you think the OP needs a nap? A diaper change? A juice box? Maybe a big hug?

It wasn't the Democrats who started this weepy thread. It's not the Democrats starting endless "WAAAAH! THE OTHER SIDE IS ALL POOPYHEADS!" threads. It's your side here that's in perpetual emotional meltdown mode.
I Would, but he's correct. Pick an item you have an issue with
PROGS aren't emotional. Some proof:

A fine hysterical rant. We couldn't help imagine the spittle flying as you made up your hysterical stories about what liberals supposedly think.

However, since my point is how emotional Trump cultits are, being so emotional was probably not your best choice of action.

How about some Yahoo fun, let's see what's on the front page triggering Mamooth's emotions:

Your application to join my pout-stalker brigade has been received. However, that group is fully staffed right now.

I suggest you re-apply after the election. At that time, many Trump cultists will have either fled the board, had a mental breakdown or somehow offed themselves, and there will probably be a position open for you.

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