Are any of you ready for this


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Kannapolis, N.C.
Food prices are on the raise due to shortages.

2011 has just begun and yet we are already seeing significant price shocks and serious food shortages in many areas of the globe. In fact, violent economic riots are now being reported in Algeria, in Chile and in Mozambique. Food shortages and price increases are also causing political unrest in other nations such as India, Bangladesh and Indonesia.

Price Shocks, Food Shortages And Global Economic Riots In 2011?
Also covered in "weather and recovery" thread. Shifting resources from finance to food production is going to be tricky.
Take your next check do not pay your bills and buy can foods and dry goods, and bottled water. If you aren't stocked up

That doesn't sound like a very smart idea.

One check will not hurt. If your credit cards get canceled they can only take the cards. They can't take anything else. It may hurt your credit scores, but what is a good credit score when your straving to death?
One check will not hurt. If your credit cards get canceled they can only take the cards. They can't take anything else. It may hurt your credit scores, but what is a good credit score when your straving to death?

Well you're assuming that there is going to be some global crisis where everybody will suddenly be starving this year. If you're wrong (which is highly likely) then you'll be fucking over everything you built up by not paying your bills.

One check will in fact hurt by the way.

From an article last month:

Survey: More Than Half of All Americans Living Paycheck to Paycheck

Only 16 percent of survey respondents felt satisfied with their current personal financial condition
More than half of all Americans – 55 percent – are living paycheck to paycheck, spending more than or all of their household income

60 percent of Americans do not have funds on hand to cover unanticipated financial emergencies
28 states’ respondents noted a 50 percent or greater drop in income during the past 12 months
40% of credit card holders indicated they have paid only the minimum amount owed over the past 12 months.

What you're suggesting is a large risk and the path to ruin.
Food prices are on the raise due to shortages.

2011 has just begun and yet we are already seeing significant price shocks and serious food shortages in many areas of the globe. In fact, violent economic riots are now being reported in Algeria, in Chile and in Mozambique. Food shortages and price increases are also causing political unrest in other nations such as India, Bangladesh and Indonesia.

Price Shocks, Food Shortages And Global Economic Riots In 2011?

The OP brings to mind a far larger danger, not that food prices would begin to rise...but that food would not be available at all!

On January 7, 2011, Hillsdale’s Kirby Center sponsored a lecture by Brian Kennedy, President of Claremont Institute, and Ballistic Missile Defense Project Director. It was carried on C-Span. During the lecture, Kennedy discussed the dangers of an electomagnetic pulse bomb exploded over the US by one of our several enemies...

1. Existential threats from abroad include Iran, whose beliefs include the necessity of destroying the infidel. They have developed advanced missiles that could destroy an American city, or if it could deliver the warhead as an electromagnetic pulse weapon, it could destroy the electronic infrastructure of the United States, causing hundreds of millions of United States deaths.

a. The pulse would destroy transformers, so that your lights won’t work, your refrigerator nor would the pumps that bring water to your home. Without transportation, food stores could not be restocked. The Electromagnetic Pulse Commission has estimated that after such an attack, the United States could support life for about 30 million people. The report makes for interesting reading:

b. Such an attack requires that a warhead be exploded in the high atmosphere, rather than reentering as in a missile attack. The Iranians have twice practiced such an attack in the Caspian Sea, exploding a dummy warhead in the high atmosphere to simulate a pulse bomb. How difficult would it be for them to position a ship off our coast?

The average home has food for about 3-5 days. Grocery stocks would be exhausted in a bit over a week. We have 300 million citizens; the country could lose over 200 million due to starvation and disease.

c. We do not currently have a missile defense to counter these weapons. The American people should be informed of this.

Did that make your day?
I've been witnessing this at the grocery stores in the produce section.

Take your next check do not pay your bills and buy can foods and dry goods, and bottled water. If you aren't stocked up

I started saving canned foods, dry goods two years ago and even learned how to can a lot of my garden. I've probably got a year's supply now.
One check will not hurt. If your credit cards get canceled they can only take the cards. They can't take anything else. It may hurt your credit scores, but what is a good credit score when your straving to death?

Well you're assuming that there is going to be some global crisis where everybody will suddenly be starving this year. If you're wrong (which is highly likely) then you'll be fucking over everything you built up by not paying your bills.

One check will in fact hurt by the way.

From an article last month:

Survey: More Than Half of All Americans Living Paycheck to Paycheck

Only 16 percent of survey respondents felt satisfied with their current personal financial condition
More than half of all Americans – 55 percent – are living paycheck to paycheck, spending more than or all of their household income

60 percent of Americans do not have funds on hand to cover unanticipated financial emergencies
28 states’ respondents noted a 50 percent or greater drop in income during the past 12 months
40% of credit card holders indicated they have paid only the minimum amount owed over the past 12 months.

What you're suggesting is a large risk and the path to ruin.

OK modbert use all the servey's you want to those people are exactly the ones that will be caught with nothing. Their's nothing worse than to hear the cry of a hungry child. But keep that great 769 credit score. I wonder how those numbers will taste when that all you have on the table.
I've been witnessing this at the grocery stores in the produce section.

Take your next check do not pay your bills and buy can foods and dry goods, and bottled water. If you aren't stocked up

I started saving canned foods, dry goods two years ago and even learned how to can a lot of my garden. I've probably got a year's supply now.

Guns too?

If not, what did you say your address was?
OK modbert use all the servey's you want to those people are exactly the ones that will be caught with nothing. Their's nothing worse than to hear the cry of a hungry child. But keep that great 769 credit score. I wonder how those numbers will taste when that all you have on the table.

You seem to not understand that people stand more to lose then just their credit score by not paying their bills. Going to be mighty difficult to protect your family and yourself if such a crisis did happen if you have no home. Or no place to put all that food and bottled water.

At this point all you're doing is irrational fear mongering but you're not the only one in the thread. Yes, we could be attacked by an electromagnetic pulse weapon, but we could also be blown up by one of the thousands of nuclear weapons out there. Yes, people in the U.S could starve because they don't have food supplies if a crisis happened.

However, you're acting like it's anything new that there is food shortages across the globe or that there are people starving. I'm not surprised countries with such high populations like India and Indonesia would have food shortages or political unrest. That's what happens when you have food waste. There is enough food on earth right now to feed everybody.

I recommend actually reading a book on the topic of food waste and educating yourself then suggesting people not pay their bills.

American Wasteland by Jonathan Bloom.
The United States can feed a lot of the world. The major impediment to doing this is the United States government.

We need a missile defense.

More important than Social Security, Medicare, etc.

“Look, I am the President of the United States…If we don’t have our security, we’ll have no need for social programs. We’re going to go ahead with these [defense] programs.” Peter Schweitzer, “Reagan’s War: The Epic Struggle and Final Triumph Over Communism,” p. 139-140
We need a missile defense.

More important than Social Security, Medicare, etc.

“Look, I am the President of the United States…If we don’t have our security, we’ll have no need for social programs. We’re going to go ahead with these [defense] programs.” Peter Schweitzer, “Reagan’s War: The Epic Struggle and Final Triumph Over Communism,” p. 139-140

Yes, we get it, you rather we spend all our money on defense like a good Big Government Social Conservative. Anything else?

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