Are aliens really going to have to land on this planet

I see the Religionists ignored my questions.

Happens every time
Religionists? Who are those? Why did you ignore my reply?

It dawned on me this morning coming into work. Ok, so basically religious people think that life happening on earth was "a miracle". And it sure does seem like one doesn't it? I mean, for the earth to be in the right place/distance from the sun and how the moon helps life happen and then if the meteor didn't hit dinosaurs would still rule. So I see why religous people think we are alone and that it's highly unlikely that all these things happened by chance, or without some divine help. But take into account that for billions of years earth was not friendly to life. It took a long time for conditions to be right. And someday life will stop existing on this planet. So it makes sense that eventually, around every star, life will eventually happen.

And it may be happening more than just here on earth. Europa may have life in it.

I think this is why religous people don't want to find life anywhere else. They want to think we are all their is. Because that would help confirm that we are special.

But also notice that even if we found other life, that wouldn't stop believers from believing. So I don't even think even you guys understand why you don't want there to be life elsewhere. It goes against the thinking that you are special and that it was a miracle. It's not a miracle. It's a scientifically explainable thing. We just don't know how life got started.

And yes, when a star explodes it spews out life. Did I use the word microbe? Clearly I'm not a scientist. Maybe it was a fungus or protein or amino acid or bacteria. Point is, life spews out of stars and that's where life on earth came from. This makes a lot more sense than thinking god waved his wand and land creatures appeared. And it's crazy that I'm not joking. You guys literally believe that a god willed/wished it and then land creatures, birds, reptiles, fish, mammals all magically appeared. Seriously? This is your "theory"?
"religious people" are not a homogeneous group. Beliefs vary in both content and degree. Among Protestants alone, their beliefs can vary from "creationists" to a belief that God created the Big Bang and let it go at that.

Through fusion, stars create heavier elements, but not "microbes" or life.

Ok, but whatever creates life, originally came from within a star. Or maybe not. Maybe if you fuck with dark matter it creates the things that create life.

I have to admit, I don't have all the answers. But neither do you. So when you stump me, it doesn't prove god did it. You know that right?
How did life begin? There can hardly be a bigger question. For much of human history, almost everyone believed some version of "the gods did it". Any other explanation was inconceivable.

That is no longer true. Over the last century, a few scientists have tried to figure out how the first life might have sprung up. They have even tried to recreate this Genesis moment in their labs: to create brand-new life from scratch.

So far nobody has managed it, but we have come a long way. Today, many of the scientists studying the origin of life are confident that they are on the right track – and they have the experiments to back up their confidence.

This is the story of our quest to discover our ultimate origin. It is a story of obsession, struggle and brilliant creativity, which encompasses some of the greatest discoveries of modern science. The endeavour to understand life's beginnings has sent men and women to the furthest corners of our planet. Some of the scientists involved have been bedevilled as monsters, while others had to do their work under the heel of brutal totalitarian governments.

This is the story of the birth of life on Earth.

The secret of how life on Earth began
It appears we have a "God gene". I would assume evolved with intelligence. Humans invent Gods to explain the unexplainable. Poor crops, sickness, etc. Every civilization invented a religion.
I see the Religionists ignored my questions.

Happens every time
Religionists? Who are those? Why did you ignore my reply?
It should be obvious who Religionists are, you just are not smart enough. It is a play on words, since they call us Evolutionists.

As for your reply, there was nothing there.

You wanna throw some meat into the game? What's your hypothesis on the origin of life? Or will you continue to troll?
Fun with the Bible

Genesis 1:26New King James Version (NKJV)
26 Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”

Bible Gateway passage: Genesis 1:26 - New King James Version

1) our image, our likeness ~ Religionists have a tough time with this one. We look like God

2) Our ~ Mentioned twice. Not my image, my likeness. How many Gods are there?

It sounds like God was talking to an audience of other humanlike gods. Did they then vote?
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I see the Religionists ignored my questions.

Happens every time
Religionists? Who are those? Why did you ignore my reply?

It dawned on me this morning coming into work. Ok, so basically religious people think that life happening on earth was "a miracle". And it sure does seem like one doesn't it? I mean, for the earth to be in the right place/distance from the sun and how the moon helps life happen and then if the meteor didn't hit dinosaurs would still rule. So I see why religous people think we are alone and that it's highly unlikely that all these things happened by chance, or without some divine help. But take into account that for billions of years earth was not friendly to life. It took a long time for conditions to be right. And someday life will stop existing on this planet. So it makes sense that eventually, around every star, life will eventually happen.

And it may be happening more than just here on earth. Europa may have life in it.

I think this is why religous people don't want to find life anywhere else. They want to think we are all their is. Because that would help confirm that we are special.

But also notice that even if we found other life, that wouldn't stop believers from believing. So I don't even think even you guys understand why you don't want there to be life elsewhere. It goes against the thinking that you are special and that it was a miracle. It's not a miracle. It's a scientifically explainable thing. We just don't know how life got started.

And yes, when a star explodes it spews out life. Did I use the word microbe? Clearly I'm not a scientist. Maybe it was a fungus or protein or amino acid or bacteria. Point is, life spews out of stars and that's where life on earth came from. This makes a lot more sense than thinking god waved his wand and land creatures appeared. And it's crazy that I'm not joking. You guys literally believe that a god willed/wished it and then land creatures, birds, reptiles, fish, mammals all magically appeared. Seriously? This is your "theory"?
"religious people" are not a homogeneous group. Beliefs vary in both content and degree. Among Protestants alone, their beliefs can vary from "creationists" to a belief that God created the Big Bang and let it go at that.

Through fusion, stars create heavier elements, but not "microbes" or life.

Ok, but whatever creates life, originally came from within a star. Or maybe not. Maybe if you fuck with dark matter it creates the things that create life.

I have to admit, I don't have all the answers. But neither do you. So when you stump me, it doesn't prove god did it. You know that right?
No doubt all elements heavier than hydrogen were forged in a star.

Finding out what dark matter and dark energy are will add to our knowledge of the Universe in which we live. Their role in life is unknown since we don't even know what they are.

I don' known the answers either, only the questions.
If we listened to religion we wouldn't know the big bang theory o

It's physically IMPOSSIBLE to travel to another star. For us and for "them" to visit us.

You claim to worship science, but you live a fantasy
It is not physically impossible. In fact we have evidence that it is quite literally possible.
I see the Religionists ignored my questions.

Happens every time
Religionists? Who are those? Why did you ignore my reply?
It should be obvious who Religionists are, you just are not smart enough. It is a play on words, since they call us Evolutionists.

As for your reply, there was nothing there.

You wanna throw some meat into the game? What's your hypothesis on the origin of life? Or will you continue to troll?
Exactly. Every once in awhile I have to remind myself what their theory is. As they make fun and argue with us, I remember that their story is that man was made out of dust and women were made out of man's ribs.

And God poofed fully grown land animals into existence. They didn't evolve into what they are now. No no.

And God said, "Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: the livestock, the creatures that move along the ground, and the wild animals, each according to its kind." And it was so.
Fun with the Bible

Genesis 1:26New King James Version (NKJV)
26 Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”

Bible Gateway passage: Genesis 1:26 - New King James Version

1) our image, our likeness ~ Religionists have a tough time with this one. We look like God

2) Our ~ Mentioned twice. Not my image, my likeness. How many Gods are there?

It sounds like God was talking to an audience of other humanlike gods. Did they then vote?
Freudian slip? Maybe the authors of the bible accidentally said US instead of ME or MY.
If we listened to religion we wouldn't know the big bang theory o

It's physically IMPOSSIBLE to travel to another star. For us and for "them" to visit us.

You claim to worship science, but you live a fantasy

Yes, impossible today. BUT, a fully accelerated Bussard ramscoop, if we could build such a thing, would be capable of reaching nearby galaxies without taking so long that the crew would die along the way. Time dilation is handy that way.

Bussard [1] proposed a ramjet variant of a fusion rocket capable of reasonable interstellar travel, using enormous electromagnetic fields (ranging from kilometers to many thousands of kilometers in diameter) as a ram scoop to collect and compress hydrogen from the interstellar medium. High speeds force the reactive mass into a progressively constricted magnetic field, compressing it until thermonuclear fusion occurs. The magnetic field then directs the energy as rocket exhaust opposite to the intended direction of travel, thereby accelerating the vessel.

Make a semi-organic clone with skin and nerves 3D printed over a mechanical body, the human on earth enters a chamber where his body goes into a coma and his mind resides now in the mechanical one, memories are copied in real time to the body in a coma. A special machine developed solely to let the "clones" reproduct with the human DNA. The chamber wakes the human in case of any loss of connection or in case the body re-enters one of the chambers that hold the body. The body is upgrades everytime it's accessed but possesses an on board AI that learns about the person to be able to reproduct its personality in cases of emergency where the original person can't be reached or a virtual copy of his mind. That would allow to live and reproduct in two diferent planet's switching between them instantly.
Option 2: Teleporter equiped space drones.
Option 3: Space warping, a.k.a. now you're thinking with portals.

A lot of crazy hypothesis'. None of them are possible yet but one day one of these crazy genious' will figure out everything you say is impossible. They always do.

My grandmother always said there isn't anything you can think of that can't be done eventually. If you can think it then it can be done.
I see the Religionists ignored my questions.

Happens every time
Religionists? Who are those? Why did you ignore my reply?
It should be obvious who Religionists are, you just are not smart enough. It is a play on words, since they call us Evolutionists.

As for your reply, there was nothing there.

You wanna throw some meat into the game? What's your hypothesis on the origin of life? Or will you continue to troll?
Exactly. Every once in awhile I have to remind myself what their theory is. As they make fun and argue with us, I remember that their story is that man was made out of dust and women were made out of man's ribs.

And God poofed fully grown land animals into existence. They didn't evolve into what they are now. No no.

And God said, "Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: the livestock, the creatures that move along the ground, and the wild animals, each according to its kind." And it was so.
Even if we accept the Religionist origin hypothesis, it does not make Abiogenesis false. It could be both.

What is really funny, is when they accuse us of magic. Magic is exactly what their God hypothesis is. God apparently can teleport, make space warps, time travel, all the scifi stuff.

1969 was a very tough year for my grandmother. She said if God wanted us on the moon, he would have put us there.
I see the Religionists ignored my questions.

Happens every time
Religionists? Who are those? Why did you ignore my reply?
It should be obvious who Religionists are, you just are not smart enough. It is a play on words, since they call us Evolutionists.

As for your reply, there was nothing there.

You wanna throw some meat into the game? What's your hypothesis on the origin of life? Or will you continue to troll?
Exactly. Every once in awhile I have to remind myself what their theory is. As they make fun and argue with us, I remember that their story is that man was made out of dust and women were made out of man's ribs.

And God poofed fully grown land animals into existence. They didn't evolve into what they are now. No no.

And God said, "Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: the livestock, the creatures that move along the ground, and the wild animals, each according to its kind." And it was so.
Even if we accept the Religionist origin hypothesis, it does not make Abiogenesis false. It could be both.

What is really funny, is when they accuse us of magic. Magic is exactly what their God hypothesis is. God apparently can teleport, make space warps, time travel, all the scifi stuff.

1969 was a very tough year for my grandmother. She said if God wanted us on the moon, he would have put us there.

Back when I still believed in god(s) but rejected every religion I was sure that god planted the life seed on earth and then evolution kicked in after that. In other words if something created us it just planted the seed and left.
I see the Religionists ignored my questions.

Happens every time
Religionists? Who are those? Why did you ignore my reply?
It should be obvious who Religionists are, you just are not smart enough. It is a play on words, since they call us Evolutionists.

As for your reply, there was nothing there.

You wanna throw some meat into the game? What's your hypothesis on the origin of life? Or will you continue to troll?
Exactly. Every once in awhile I have to remind myself what their theory is. As they make fun and argue with us, I remember that their story is that man was made out of dust and women were made out of man's ribs.

And God poofed fully grown land animals into existence. They didn't evolve into what they are now. No no.

And God said, "Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: the livestock, the creatures that move along the ground, and the wild animals, each according to its kind." And it was so.
Even if we accept the Religionist origin hypothesis, it does not make Abiogenesis false. It could be both.

What is really funny, is when they accuse us of magic. Magic is exactly what their God hypothesis is. God apparently can teleport, make space warps, time travel, all the scifi stuff.

1969 was a very tough year for my grandmother. She said if God wanted us on the moon, he would have put us there.

Regarding this: And God said, "Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: the livestock, the creatures that move along the ground, and the wild animals, each according to its kind." And it was so.

I have heard religionists say "1 day to god could be a billion or million years". So even this quote "let the land produce...." could just be an allegory not to be taken literally. This could just mean god planted the life seed 3.8 billion years ago and knew eventually all the diversity we see today would eventually appear.

In other words just because old religionists think god POOFED land animals onto the land, that doesn't mean he had to have literally poofed them in a moments notice.

If they decided to accept evolution as a fact then they would then be able to convince themselves that god did it and that the creation story is just another allegory.

"Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: the livestock, the creatures that move along the ground, and the wild animals, each according to its kind." was just another allegory.
If we listened to religion we wouldn't know the big bang theory o

It's physically IMPOSSIBLE to travel to another star. For us and for "them" to visit us.

You claim to worship science, but you live a fantasy
It is not physically impossible. In fact we have evidence that it is quite literally possible.
Agreed. It's a technological problem. Nothing that requires magic, divine intervention or anything else that violates the natural laws of the Universe. Now, doing it like we see in the movies is another matter.
....I have heard religionists say "1 day to god could be a billion or million years". So even this quote "let the land produce...." could just be an allegory not to be taken literally. This could just mean god planted the life seed 3.8 billion years ago and knew eventually all the diversity we see today would eventually appear.

In other words just because old religionists think god POOFED land animals onto the land, that doesn't mean he had to have literally poofed them in a moments notice.

If they decided to accept evolution as a fact then they would then be able to convince themselves that god did it and that the creation story is just another allegory.

"Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: the livestock, the creatures that move along the ground, and the wild animals, each according to its kind." was just another allegory.
IMO, you're making the same mistake as Duffy; putting anyone who believes in a spiritual entity in the same box. In this case, it's commonly understood that you and Duffy are talking about Christians, not Muslims or Jews. Even so, there are dozens, if not hundreds of Christian denominations in the US. The graphic and link below not only delineates the most common ones, but gives a percentage on how many accept evolution.

FWIW, I fully accept evolution as a matter of fact. This doesn't mean a "God" still couldn't have created the Big Bang and set it all into motion knowing that 13.8 Billion years later we'd be talking about it on the Internet. It only means there are discrepancies between what we know of the Universe and how Genesis describes the beginning of the Universe...not to mention its age.

What do Christians REALLY Believe about Evolution? | NCSE
As for Genesis, only if you take the Bible literally.
He meant what He said.
Who? The Bible was canonized by a group of guys in 325AD, it wasn't handed down by God as the Ten Commandments were to Moses. Do you only accept the King James interpretation?
As a matter of Fact that IS the only version I accept.
Why? Why is only the King James version the only acceptable version of the Bible?

Do you take Genesis literally? That the world is only about 6000 years old? That God created Adam then Eve? Who did their children mate with to have grandchildren for Adam and Eve?

How about Noah's family after the Flood?
There are lots of arguments that contradict this argument. They could have visited billions of years ago when trilobites ruled.

Maybe they did seed our planet. We don't know how life got started.

Maybe they are watching us and we don't know it.

Maybe the pharohs and kings were aliens who breed us into humans from monkeys?

No one knows but religion claims to know all the answers. Not buying it.
Yes, lots of arguments, not a shred of evidence. Why?

People who claim their religion is "the true religion" are fooling themselves. Religion is a path to spiritual enlightenment much like a martial art is a path to self-defense. To say only one is the correct one and all others are false is to totally misunderstand the point.
Because it's too far away for our puny brains to find or see.

Because instead of a space race we are in an arms race and war with another religion.

Why? Because we are primitive and new.

We are getting there. Be patient. We would never find out if all humans were as negative as you. Luckily we have smart ones who are positive
While the human race would, indeed, be better off focusing on exploration than war, the fact remains human nature is still very primitive, tribal and competitive.

There is nothing to suggest that human life, our planet or our universe are uniquely privileged nor intended. On the contrary, the sheer scale of the universe in both space and time and our understanding of its development indicate we are non-central to the scheme of things; mere products of chance, physical laws and evolution. To believe otherwise amounts to an argument from incredulity and a hubris mix of anthropocentrism and god of the gaps thinking.

The conditions that we observe, namely, those around our Sun and on Earth, simply seem fine-tuned to us because we evolved to suit them.

Without actual proof of creation, naturalistic explanations for the properties of this universe cannot be wholly ruled out.

“Imagine a puddle waking up one morning and thinking, ‘This is an interesting world I find myself in, an interesting hole I find myself in, fits me rather neatly, doesn’t it? In fact it fits me staggeringly well, must have been made to have me in it!’ This is such a powerful idea that as the sun rises in the sky and the air heats up and the puddle gets smaller and smaller, it’s still frantically hanging on to the notion that everything’s going to be all right, because this world was meant to have him in it, was built to have him in it; so the moment he disappears catches him rather by surprise.” – Douglas Adams
Scientifically, there is no evidence of other life forms. That's all it means.

While we can extrapolate the idea that if it happened once, it can happen again, the fact we've found no signs of other civilizations, much less any signs of extraterrestrial life, is a very curious issue. Perhaps we're missing something.
Ya we are missing the ability through technology to check distant systems with anything remotely like an ability to tell if life resides on any planets.
As for Genesis, only if you take the Bible literally.
He meant what He said.
Who? The Bible was canonized by a group of guys in 325AD, it wasn't handed down by God as the Ten Commandments were to Moses. Do you only accept the King James interpretation?
As a matter of Fact that IS the only version I accept.
Why? Why is only the King James version the only acceptable version of the Bible?

Do you take Genesis literally? That the world is only about 6000 years old? That God created Adam then Eve? Who did their children mate with to have grandchildren for Adam and Eve?

How about Noah's family after the Flood?
In Genesis it is clear that Cain went and lived with OTHER people. The bible is not a source to claim only those God Created were on the Earth. As for 6000 years only a fool believes that as we have reams of data to prove life existed before then.
Fun with the Bible

Genesis 1:26New King James Version (NKJV)
26 Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”

Bible Gateway passage: Genesis 1:26 - New King James Version

1) our image, our likeness ~ Religionists have a tough time with this one. We look like God

2) Our ~ Mentioned twice. Not my image, my likeness. How many Gods are there?

It sounds like God was talking to an audience of other humanlike gods. Did they then vote?
He was talking to the Angels which he also made.
Yes, lots of arguments, not a shred of evidence. Why?

People who claim their religion is "the true religion" are fooling themselves. Religion is a path to spiritual enlightenment much like a martial art is a path to self-defense. To say only one is the correct one and all others are false is to totally misunderstand the point.
Because it's too far away for our puny brains to find or see.

Because instead of a space race we are in an arms race and war with another religion.

Why? Because we are primitive and new.

We are getting there. Be patient. We would never find out if all humans were as negative as you. Luckily we have smart ones who are positive
While the human race would, indeed, be better off focusing on exploration than war, the fact remains human nature is still very primitive, tribal and competitive.

There is nothing to suggest that human life, our planet or our universe are uniquely privileged nor intended. On the contrary, the sheer scale of the universe in both space and time and our understanding of its development indicate we are non-central to the scheme of things; mere products of chance, physical laws and evolution. To believe otherwise amounts to an argument from incredulity and a hubris mix of anthropocentrism and god of the gaps thinking.

The conditions that we observe, namely, those around our Sun and on Earth, simply seem fine-tuned to us because we evolved to suit them.

Without actual proof of creation, naturalistic explanations for the properties of this universe cannot be wholly ruled out.

“Imagine a puddle waking up one morning and thinking, ‘This is an interesting world I find myself in, an interesting hole I find myself in, fits me rather neatly, doesn’t it? In fact it fits me staggeringly well, must have been made to have me in it!’ This is such a powerful idea that as the sun rises in the sky and the air heats up and the puddle gets smaller and smaller, it’s still frantically hanging on to the notion that everything’s going to be all right, because this world was meant to have him in it, was built to have him in it; so the moment he disappears catches him rather by surprise.” – Douglas Adams
Scientifically, there is no evidence of other life forms. That's all it means.

While we can extrapolate the idea that if it happened once, it can happen again, the fact we've found no signs of other civilizations, much less any signs of extraterrestrial life, is a very curious issue. Perhaps we're missing something.
Ya we are missing the ability through technology to check distant systems with anything remotely like an ability to tell if life resides on any planets.
SETI is pretty good at listening for radio signals or another signs that an advanced civilization could send, but agreed we don't presently have a means to visually determine if there is life on other worlds.

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