Arctic Ice Gain Embarrasses Global Warming Scientists. 40-Year Meteorologist: “Don’t Be Surprised Ov


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2018
More bad news for the warmists propagandist, the Arctic region has stabilized with a forecast of increasing summer ice cover into the future. It never did agree with overrated warmist scientists who study that region, with their overblown no summer ice cover forecasts made in the PREVIOUS decade.

No Tricks Zone

Arctic Ice Gain Embarrasses Global Warming Scientists. 40-Year Meteorologist: “Don’t Be Surprised Over What Happens Next 10 -15 Years!

By P Gosselin on 21. April 2019


Yesterday I wrote here how some scientists misrepresent the observed data concerning Greenland ice melt in order to get the alarming results they want. There we see that Greenland has been melting, but recently much more slowly than what we are often led to believe.

Looking at the latest Greenland ice volume data from the Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI), we see that currently the ice volume is below normal, but well within the range of the past 17 years:

Data source: Danish Meteorological Institute. Chart by Kirye

It appears the Arctic sea have bottomed out, with increasing confidence of ice gain forecast into the near future. The silly overconfident predictions of the last decade have failed utterly. Summer Ice cover has stabilized or increased slightly in size since 2007.

The North Atlantic show signs of a cooling phase in the near future as well, already had some short cooling spells recently. The data shows a flattened trend of the last decade, meaning no more increasing warming trend anymore, the warming outflow is decreasing.
More bad news for the warmists propagandist, the Arctic region has stabilized with a forecast of increasing summer ice cover into the future. It never did agree with overrated warmist scientists who study that region, with their overblown no summer ice cover forecasts made in the PREVIOUS decade.

No Tricks Zone

Arctic Ice Gain Embarrasses Global Warming Scientists. 40-Year Meteorologist: “Don’t Be Surprised Over What Happens Next 10 -15 Years!

By P Gosselin on 21. April 2019


Yesterday I wrote here how some scientists misrepresent the observed data concerning Greenland ice melt in order to get the alarming results they want. There we see that Greenland has been melting, but recently much more slowly than what we are often led to believe.

Looking at the latest Greenland ice volume data from the Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI), we see that currently the ice volume is below normal, but well within the range of the past 17 years:

Data source: Danish Meteorological Institute. Chart by Kirye

It appears the Arctic sea have bottomed out, with increasing confidence of ice gain forecast into the near future. The silly overconfident predictions of the last decade have failed utterly. Summer Ice cover has stabilized or increased slightly in size since 2007.

The North Atlantic show signs of a cooling phase in the near future as well, already had some short cooling spells recently. The data shows a flattened trend of the last decade, meaning no more increasing warming trend anymore, the warming outflow is decreasing.
The decrease in solar output affecting oceans is now becoming painfully apparent for the alarmists... Little or no warming at depth and what warming that has surfaced is falling off fast.

Cooling at depth is coming soon to the surface.


Soon there will be no place to hide as the ENSO is now cooling rapidly.


The Antarctic has also gained ice. That is why all those "Man Made Global Warming" research ships housing kook, partying college students get stuck in the ice. Then the ships that go to rescue them get stuck in the ice.

However, it doesn't matter. If the planet cools, and we have more ice it is MAN's fault also. That is why the changed the name to Man Made Climate Change. Bunch of liars.
Almost May and snow predicted in three northern states. It's nothing unusual but the crazy left can't let the myth of MM GW go.
More bad news for the warmists propagandist, the Arctic region has stabilized with a forecast of increasing summer ice cover into the future

If such evidence-free religious beliefs comfort you, I suppose they're a good thing. Just don't expect any rational people to pay attention to them.

This simple graphic illustrates the fallacy of your reasoning.. You're focusing on short-term noise, and ignoring the long-term trend.

The Antarctic has also gained ice.

No, it's losing mass. Who fed you such nonsense, and why did you fall for it?

However, it doesn't matter. If the planet cools, and we have more ice it is MAN's fault also.

You seem confused. Warming means warming. Why do so many deniers think that cooling means warming? You never see anyone on the rational side making that claim.

That is why the changed the name to Man Made Climate Change. Bunch of liars.

The conservative Bush admin did that, to downplay the problem. You didn't know that? Ruh-roh. That means your cult lied to your face. What do you plan to do about that? I mean besides running back to them, dropping to your knees, licking their boots, thanking them for lying to you, and begging for more lies?
The Antarctic has also gained ice.

No, it's losing mass. Who fed you such nonsense, and why did you fall for it?

However, it doesn't matter. If the planet cools, and we have more ice it is MAN's fault also.

You seem confused. Warming means warming. Why do so many deniers think that cooling means warming? You never see anyone on the rational side making that claim.

That is why the changed the name to Man Made Climate Change. Bunch of liars.

The conservative Bush admin did that, to downplay the problem. You didn't know that? Ruh-roh. That means your cult lied to your face. What do you plan to do about that? I mean besides running back to them, dropping to your knees, licking their boots, thanking them for lying to you, and begging for more lies?
son, this is message board and you are allowed to spew whatever it is you feel you need to. Having said that, the info you do spew is pooh. Plain and simple. saying anything to say something I call it. how many links do you need before you accept the gain fact? Or is it purely, because you said so, enough will never be enough? yeah, that's it.
Almost May and snow predicted in three northern states. It's nothing unusual but the crazy left can't let the myth of MM GW go.

Fascinating. What used to be routine is now so rare, people take note of it.

Thanks for proving our point about the warming world.

I see that you swallowed that highly misleading unsceptical science narrative.

For one thing most skeptics have acknowledged the decline, which happened before nearly 100 years earlier, then it came back up to the probably Century high in the late 1970's, before a new decline sets in. The warmists dishonesty in starting in 1979 as the starting point, which was probably at the highest point in 100 years, when there were SEVEN more years of satellite data that had lower sea ice values, which warmists routinely leave out, while the IPCC included them in their first two reports.

Here is what unsceptical science doesn't want you to see evidence that the decline stopped after 2007, now showing a tiny increase, in SEPTEMBER:


while a tiny decrease, in MARCH:



Here is the overall picture based on two different sea ice data sets, a flat to a slight increase:




The decline has stopped for 12 years now, in defiance of numerous predictions of zero SUMMER sea ice cover made since 2007. Here are a few of them you warmists continually ignore/forget to show how poor their understanding of cycling Arctic sea ice changes really are.

Ice-Free Arctic Forecasts

Despite all that undisputed decline since the 1970's, Polar Bears TRIPLED in population size to a new official high of around 30,000 today. This despite the lower Summer Sea Ice levels that supposedly horrible to them.

As usual your unsceptical science visits make you weak and ignorant.
The warmists dishonesty in starting in 1979 as the starting point, which was probably at the highest point in 100 years,

Who told you such a stupid lie, and why did you fall for it? Remember, you can fool your fellow cultists with that kind of fraud, but people who know the actual fact know you're peddling fraud.

By 1979, the ice decline was already well underway. Previous years had higher Arctic Sea Ice levels.


when there were SEVEN more years of satellite data that had lower sea ice values, which warmists routinely leave out, while the IPCC included them in their first two reports.

Partial satellite data. The complete data started in 1979. Being how you left that fact out, clearly the only dishonesty here is on your part.

Here is what unsceptical science doesn't want you to see evidence that the decline stopped after 2007, now showing a tiny increase, in SEPTEMBER:

You're not even trying to defend your stupid and dishonest tactic of looking at the short term instead of the trend. You just repeat your fallacy over and over. Making the same mistake with 4 different graphs doesn't make it any less of a mistake.

The decline has stopped for 12 years now,

Delusional. Does this look like a stopped decline? Not to anyone sane and honest.


in defiance of numerous predictions of zero SUMMER sea ice cover made since 2007.

That was never a consensus prediction. Your article lied by cherrypicking there. Do you possess the intellectual capacity to understand that, or do I need to explain it in smaller words?
More bad news for the warmists propagandist, the Arctic region has stabilized with a forecast of increasing summer ice cover into the future

If such evidence-free religious beliefs comfort you, I suppose they're a good thing. Just don't expect any rational people to pay attention to them.

This simple graphic illustrates the fallacy of your reasoning.. You're focusing on short-term noise, and ignoring the long-term trend.


Looking at the ice cover in the arctic over the past 10,000 years, how do you suppose that chart shows anything other than natural variability? The fact is that there is more ice there now than there has been for most of the past 10,000 years.

The warmists dishonesty in starting in 1979 as the starting point, which was probably at the highest point in 100 years,

Who told you such a stupid lie, and why did you fall for it? Remember, you can fool your fellow cultists with that kind of fraud, but people who know the actual fact know you're peddling fraud.

By 1979, the ice decline was already well underway. Previous years had higher Arctic Sea Ice levels.


Your mystery graph is as heavily adjusted as the temperature record.

Antarctic sea ice extent from 1960s to present



Seems that you will believe any manner of bullshit so long as it fits your political leanings...
So in ten or twelve years when nothing has changed, and none of the dire predictions come true, what will you say then? Give it another ten years then watch?
So in ten or twelve years when nothing has changed, and none of the dire predictions come true, what will you say then? Give it another ten years then watch?

That is the nature of real science, the first time a hypothesis fails at a prediction, the hypothesis is either shit canned in favor of another hypothesis which hopefully won't have predictive failures, or the hypothesis is modified in one way or another in hopes that the modifications will allow it to make accurate predictions. In pseudoscience, predictive failures are fine...and any number of them are acceptable so long as the funding continues.
More bad news for the warmists propagandist, the Arctic region has stabilized with a forecast of increasing summer ice cover into the future

If such evidence-free religious beliefs comfort you, I suppose they're a good thing. Just don't expect any rational people to pay attention to them.

This simple graphic illustrates the fallacy of your reasoning.. You're focusing on short-term noise, and ignoring the long-term trend.

Actually, what is evidence-free is your stance on "climate change"... You can't even define the terminology in a non-circular way... It must make reference to something outside of itself in order to be a valid (meaningful) definition...

Also, "Climate Change" due to "global warming" and "greenhouse gases" rejects not only logic (as described above), but science and mathematics as well...
You seem confused. Warming means warming. Why do so many deniers think that cooling means warming? You never see anyone on the rational side making that claim.
Because the circularly-defined terminology is all over the place, depending upon whatever is most convenient to use at the moment...

You need to define your terminology in a non-circular manner...

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