*Arab Spring In Works In America: Keep Powder Dry*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. This could get dicey folks.
2. Some Obama Czar has decided to launch an Ayab Spring here in America!
3. This administration looks to be the worst of *ALL TIME*!!
4. I blame the Head Shit Stirer In Chief*!
5. Link:http://washingtonexaminer.com/polit...-plans-american’s-“arab-spring”-revolt/453666

"An Egypt-styled “Arab Spring,” which has put radicals in charge of the government, will be launched in the United States this spring with a war on “corporate power, Wall Street greed and the political corruption of the 1 percent,” according to the group headed by former Obama green aide Van Jones.

“They’re really not going to like the 99 percent Spring,” said Rebuild the Dream in an organizing email Friday.

Comparing the collection of protests last year that are symbolized by the 99 percent campaign and Occupy movement, to those of Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr., the group said that “we were all inspired by the protesters of the Arab Spring who stood up to totalitarian governments, and inspired the Occupy movement here in America.”

The plan for now is to hold protest training sessions around the nation next week. Over 900 are scheduled so far."

6. I drop this pile of shit in Obamas lap!:badgrin:


i say all scantily clad young women have the right to protest whatever they want.....

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how's 99% of underendowed women being deprived of being tied up in police barrier tape strike you?

American populism, welcome back, where have you been for so long?
Note to self: Buy stock in pepper spray manufacturer.
Note to self: Buy stock in pepper spray manufacturer.

Don't laugh, these people are taking to the streets knowing that our overly militarized police will probably do some pretty horrible things to them, the fake populist tea party would never have left home if there was even the slightest chance of getting a similar response from the powers they were "protesting". I have pride that some Americans still have some courage in their convictions.
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