
You said the police were pussies for using guns instead of table condiments
I never said anything like that at all. Why don't you produce the post and prove it, junior? Funny how you can never back up anything you claim.
I said too many cops appear to need more and better training in handling situations other than just gunning everyone down in cold blood if things don't go as hoped or expected.

Right around the time you told them to shoot at knees
Your memory is faulty. I suggested knees as just one of many non-lethal places you can shoot someone that isn't immediately fatal. It all depends on the circumstances and situation. I'm a big supporter of the police but that particular case was just so tragic and unnecessary that it begs for solutions.
And the epic meltdown continues...

Being wrong about what? You've not proven me wrong about ANYTHING. Meanwhile,
  1. You held a grudge for 4-5 years about an old thread which didn't even concern you.
  2. ....

Seems like Salty has been stewing over all this for quite some time.

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