Apparently Democrats and the media are pretending this whole Trump/Russia thing never happened...

Hello? Today Pelosi brought to the floor a bill to have the Mueller Investigation information, released in full...

and every member of the House voted in FAVOR of the resolution, all republican congress critters and all Democratic congress critters... WANT the Special Counsel investigative report released.

We'll see what AG Barr does.

No one has given up on it!!! the right is hoping the whole report vindicates Trump, and the left is hoping it proves Trump is as crooked as they come.

Eh, they all know the Mueller report won't be released. "in full" to the public... it's a stupid waste of time and effort, much like the investigation itself. It's too bad voters don't require legislative results over swamp politics and parasite news fantasies.
It will be, eventually

The Starr report was released in full, including Bill Clinton's grand jury testimony

The Watergate special investigators report was release in full, including the executive privileged Nixon tapes...

We the people paid for the report/investigation and it was a counterintelligence investigation in to Russia's interference in to our election, and by law, even for the classified stuff, counter intelligence investigations have to be reported to the Intelligence Select committee people, the gang of 8.

It's inevitable.... could take time, but at the latest, as soon as president trump is out of office and not in the way of hiding everything from us, we will get it, with some redactions of anything top secret.

I'm thinkin that you are correct .. :thewave:

... and good news ... you'll have plenty of time to prepare all your apologies .. ;)
Maybe it'll be me, but maybe it will be you doing the apologies...and groveling to me? :p

mmm.. that might be kinda fun, alas, it's just a dream.. :smiliehug:
If Mueller had something on Trump he would have moved on it by now. Prosecutors don't hide the findings of their investigations.
You sure you work in the legal field? You don't seem to be very knowledgeable. Mueller is leading the INVESTIGATION. You do know what that means, don't you? And INVESTIGATORS don't release their findings until they are done INVESTIGATING. Why is it you are so weak on what is supposed to be your field? Is it all a lie?
If Mueller had something on Trump he would have moved on it by now. Prosecutors don't hide the findings of their investigations.

Are you really that fucking stupid? You expect Mueller to share his findings as he goes along before he completes his investigation? Christ, don't you even watch Law and Order? BTW, House Democrats are VERY busy working on this.
Can you believe that that poster "claims" to work in law? :71:
The only reason the Clintons were not prosecuted and put in jail was because the prosecutors didn't want to put a President and First Lady in jail, it would make our country look bad if it happened. Also, lots of people who could testify against the Clintons have conveniently died.
Well, that and the fact that after a 6 year investigation 3 different Special Prosecutors couldn’t come up with JACK SHIT to charge them with. :lol:
/——/ Whitewater was a crime and actually happened, but Mueller was looking for one and failed.
Oh? And the Clintons' indictments/convictions for Whitewater are................where?
You fuckers are desperate. Mueller will release his report soon enough.

I like what ranking Republican Doug Collins (GA) is doing, though. He’s going against our intelligence agencies and releasing the testimony of Lisa Page and Peter Strzok UNREDACTED! He’s endangering national security for some gotcha. The thing is, their testimony MAKES THEM LOOK GOOD! :laugh:

How does it make them look good?
You’ll have to watch something intellectual. Are you up to it?

GOP's transcript release gambit backfires upon actual reading GOP's transcript release gambit backfires upon actual reading

I read it. Doesn't make them look "good". Sorry
You didn’t “read” it. It was a video - you probably didn’t even click on the link.

I win again!

Our operational definition of "good" differs it seems. Enjoy your victory? Want a lolipop?

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