AOC Wants To Sell Her Tesla After Elon Musk Teased Her Online


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2019
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) now wants to sell her Tesla, following a Twitter dustup with tech billionaire Elon Musk last month.

The socialist darling bought a Model 3 Tesla back in 2020, which now sell for about $46,990. But after Musk teased her online, she’s singing a different tune.

“At the time, it was the only EV that could get me from New York to Washington on like one, or one-and-a-half charges,” AOC told Bloomberg News this week. “I would love to switch.”

“He’s a billionaire. I could care less what he thinks,” Ocasio-Cortez said of Musk’s apparent support of the GOP.

“Ocasio-Cortez bought her Model 3 to travel between Washington and her Bronx-Queens district after Covid-19 hit in 2020,” the Bloomberg report noted. “Now, the New York representative wants to ditch it for an electric vehicle made by unionized workers.”

Last month, Musk teased the far-Left representative after she complained online about billionaires for the umpteenth time. “Stop hitting on me, I’m really shy,” Musk tweeted at AOC.

This is why everyday American's detest you damn Pros. You are nothing but hypocrites.
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) now wants to sell her Tesla, following a Twitter dustup with tech billionaire Elon Musk last month.

The socialist darling bought a Model 3 Tesla back in 2020, which now sell for about $46,990. But after Musk teased her online, she’s singing a different tune.

“At the time, it was the only EV that could get me from New York to Washington on like one, or one-and-a-half charges,” AOC told Bloomberg News this week. “I would love to switch.”

“He’s a billionaire. I could care less what he thinks,” Ocasio-Cortez said of Musk’s apparent support of the GOP.

“Ocasio-Cortez bought her Model 3 to travel between Washington and her Bronx-Queens district after Covid-19 hit in 2020,” the Bloomberg report noted. “Now, the New York representative wants to ditch it for an electric vehicle made by unionized workers.”

Last month, Musk teased the far-Left representative after she complained online about billionaires for the umpteenth time. “Stop hitting on me, I’m really shy,” Musk tweeted at AOC.

This is why everyday American's detest you damn Pros. You are nothing but hypocrites.
Does ANYONE with a modicum of intelligence give two shits what this dingbat thinks or does?
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AOC needed some media attention. She must be feeling neglected.

In other news water is wet…
Musk has been a fool. I've come across more and more comments online where liberals now see his brand as poison.
I bet his board of directors is furious with him! Musk is a very smart man, so why for god's sake would he take a side on anything?!!
No, there is NOTHING attractive about this bitch. She's got a huge horse mouth with a crazy overbite. Huge fucking eyeballs and two rolls of shag carpet for eyebrows.

The worst part is her natural blonde brain activity
There is NOTHING WRONG with the brain activity of natural blondes!!!!!!!!!! These prejudiced people, even hate hair color!!!! Darn. 🧝‍♀️
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) now wants to sell her Tesla, following a Twitter dustup with tech billionaire Elon Musk last month.

The socialist darling bought a Model 3 Tesla back in 2020, which now sell for about $46,990. But after Musk teased her online, she’s singing a different tune.

“At the time, it was the only EV that could get me from New York to Washington on like one, or one-and-a-half charges,” AOC told Bloomberg News this week. “I would love to switch.”

“He’s a billionaire. I could care less what he thinks,” Ocasio-Cortez said of Musk’s apparent support of the GOP.

“Ocasio-Cortez bought her Model 3 to travel between Washington and her Bronx-Queens district after Covid-19 hit in 2020,” the Bloomberg report noted. “Now, the New York representative wants to ditch it for an electric vehicle made by unionized workers.”

Last month, Musk teased the far-Left representative after she complained online about billionaires for the umpteenth time. “Stop hitting on me, I’m really shy,” Musk tweeted at AOC.

This is why everyday American's detest you damn Pros. You are nothing but hypocrites.
How does she afford rent on 2 apartments AND a Tesla on a Congress salary?
Some of us worship blonde brain activity. Just ask my wife.
When we got married I looked her in the eyes and said "I am going to spoil you so badly no man will ever be able to replace me". We are both spoiled rotten.
Now THAT works. In the South we call that "petting." As in, I so pet that man. He is just spoilt.
Not sure but most likely Tesla has the technology to know whether or not Sandy Cortez actually ever used the $50K+ vehicle to visit her adopted borough of the Bronx. The fact is Tesla's use coal, natural gas, petroleum or nuclear power to give them juice.

Was talking with someone today who has the complete Tesla ecosystem which is brilliant and makes driving on a charge 100% free and with zero emissions at a power plant. It cost about $40K after tax benefit for the Tesla home solar panel system. It does not need sunny days to absorb the sun's energy. But during the summer he actually gets credits from the electric company since his system is so efficient it powers the power the street lines to some extent. It automatically shuts off that feature in the event of a general power outage so no danger to powerline workers. But if there was a general power outage, he would not have any worries unless the dead of winter the batteries may not be able to get fully charged each day.
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Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) now wants to sell her Tesla, following a Twitter dustup with tech billionaire Elon Musk last month.

The socialist darling bought a Model 3 Tesla back in 2020, which now sell for about $46,990. But after Musk teased her online, she’s singing a different tune.

“At the time, it was the only EV that could get me from New York to Washington on like one, or one-and-a-half charges,” AOC told Bloomberg News this week. “I would love to switch.”

“He’s a billionaire. I could care less what he thinks,” Ocasio-Cortez said of Musk’s apparent support of the GOP.

“Ocasio-Cortez bought her Model 3 to travel between Washington and her Bronx-Queens district after Covid-19 hit in 2020,” the Bloomberg report noted. “Now, the New York representative wants to ditch it for an electric vehicle made by unionized workers.”

Last month, Musk teased the far-Left representative after she complained online about billionaires for the umpteenth time. “Stop hitting on me, I’m really shy,” Musk tweeted at AOC.

This is why everyday American's detest you damn Pros. You are nothing but hypocrites.

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