AOC wants to impeach USSC judges

Good ol' AOC .. the Economics graduate who know little to nothing about economics, wants to advance the "Green New Deal" with unrealistic expectations that would continue to damage the economy, doesn't understand basic voting processes (like when she won the primary and thought she'd won the election), and complains about people overspending and greedy corporations as she owns a Tesla, flies between New York and Washington and then has the audacity to blame others for the shape of her relatives homes in Puerto Rico ..

I suggest people actually do homework and learn about the stupid politicians they put in office.

But she knows how gum works
AOC is usually to much of a crackpot for me but she does bring up a good point. SCOTUS judges are not above the law and above consequence. If they lied or misled or commit crimes etc then they can be impeached, correct? The question is, Where do we draw the line?
When real survival cones to us all, AOC will be nowhere to be seen. But she will have helped to cause the situation.
2 weeks ago at 12:15PM EST, AOC was being interviewed by Mrs Horseface on CNN.
AOC said that winning an election should be a lifetime appointment and that since the overwhelming number of US citizens are people of color that all representatives should be people of color.
She will not endorse President Biden in anyway whatsoever because he is White.
AOC is the dumbest piece of shit in Congress.
2 weeks ago at 12:15PM EST, AOC was being interviewed by Mrs Horseface on CNN.
AOC said that winning an election should be a lifetime appointment and that since the overwhelming number of US citizens are people of color that all representatives should be people of color.
She will not endorse President Biden in anyway whatsoever because he is White.
AOC is the dumbest piece of shit in Congress.
It's a close one with AOC and Sheila Jackson Lee.........tough call.
The fact these SCOTUS appointees committed perjury is not relevant compared to their real crime.
Which the obvious violation of the 14th amendment, in order to give states the illegal authority to dictate religious views on abortion.
States have no standing when it comes to the personal opinion as to what a fetus is or who has to deal with it.
States can not then legally make any laws on abortion at all.

The 6 who ruled against Roe Vs Wade then violated basic aspect of a republic, and committed treason.
They over threw our government in a conspiracy of those who want to replace it with a Christian theocracy, when even the Christian Bible is not against abortion.
What’s that supposed to mean?

I think what lcid22 meant is:
When real survival comes to us all, AOC will be nowhere to be seen. But she will have helped to cause the situation.
Meaning that the division conflict is increasing and AOC is not going to be helping to prevent it.
However, let the chips fall where they may.
If we have a religious right constantly attacking individual rights, such as Prohibition, the War on Drugs, mandatory sentences, asset forfeiture, abortion bans, etc., then a civil war might be worth it if that is what it takes to have real individual freedom?
She's nuts. No one lied during their confirmation hearings. What a fucking moron.

Sure they all did.
They were all asked if they thought Roe vs Wade was legal, and they all said in the affirmative.
They then could not now rule against it without having had lied then.
Sure they all did.
They were all asked if they thought Roe vs Wade was legal, and they all said in the affirmative.
They then could not now rule against it without having had lied then.
Of course it was legal. That isn't a lie. You, AOC, and many others don't get it. The law is whatever the Supreme Court says is legal, even if it's bad law. Slavery was once legal according to the Supreme Court. Did they lie?
Of course it was legal. That isn't a lie. You, AOC, and many others don't get it. The law is whatever the Supreme Court says is legal, even if it's bad law. Slavery was once legal according to the Supreme Court. Did they lie?
That's not true .. the judicial system doesn't make law .. the legislative branch does. The Supreme Court determines what is and what is not constitutional based on current legislation.
Using her standard you could impeach every justice on the court. Something that also seems to be going on is politicans wanting assurances from those nominated for the Court that they will vote a sepcific way in some cases if it should come before the court. That could be seen as politicans trying to bride a potential Justice in voting the way they want in exchange for them to vote in favor of confirmation.
2 weeks ago at 12:15PM EST, AOC was being interviewed by Mrs Horseface on CNN.
AOC said that winning an election should be a lifetime appointment and that since the overwhelming number of US citizens are people of color that all representatives should be people of color.
She will not endorse President Biden in anyway whatsoever because he is White.
AOC is the dumbest piece of shit in Congress.
Nice rant, do you feel better? Care to address the topic?
AOC is vacant in the head. Surviving will bypass her. And anyone after the worse happens listens to her will die.
Ok so what?! that has nothing to do with this thread. By you dismissing the content of the thread to call somebody stupid puts you in the same category as the person you are trying to demean. Do better
And appropriately so – they lied while under oath during their confirmation hearings.

Whether they should be removed from the bench is for the impeachment process to determine – but impeachment is clearly warranted.

You know this is going no where, right? Lol

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