AOC Sends Out 'Mean Tweet' Over 'Jesus' Super Bowl Ads - SHE Doesn't Get Us

No one is born gay. It was a choice they made. They believe that they were born that way but they are wrong. God does not call anything a sin anything that people cannot control. Romans Chapter 1 makes it clear that God recognizes homosexuality to be a sin.

Romans??? Written by Paul, who never met Jesus, never talked with Jesus. Many of us have no use for Paul who projected his own beliefs and insecurities in his writings. Many people, myself included, don't put a lot of stock in Paul or his writings.
Jesus has empathy for LEGAL immigrants and foreigners...but not for INVADERS.

There was no such thing as "legal immigrants" in Jesus day. Refugees are NOT invaders.

I strongly suggest you read The Good Samaratan to read what Jesus thought of immigrants and foreigners. He didn't judge people based on their nationality, but rather by how they treated strangers in peril. He condemned the Rabbit who passed by on the other side of the road and didn't help.
for 1. Leviticus 19:34 God says to treat fairly, be kind to the foreigners living among you.
Ruth for example...not a criminal or illegal but came as the dnl of Naomi..and they were poor and Ruth was willing to live poor with Naomi and to care for her mnl. She did not sneak in.

2. God set boundaries of the sea and he also set the boundaries of nations. God believed in Walls for security and to keep invaders OUT.. That is why Nehemiah and others were sent back to Jerusalem to repair the walls and gates.
There is no egg. The species of the Homo sapiens in the zygote stage of life is not in question, and you cannot be inside yourself. You cannot become a member of your species, as by existing as a living organism, you already are.

You speak 100% jibberish in bad faith. Nothing you say has any coherence or relevance.

The only thing you can contribute to this, or any, conversation - or humanity - is leaving it.
You're a loonie.
A hate filled loonie.
You make me laugh.
Romans??? Written by Paul, who never met Jesus, never talked with Jesus. Many of us have no use for Paul who projected his own beliefs and insecurities in his writings. Many people, myself included, don't put a lot of stock in Paul or his writings.

There was no such thing as "legal immigrants" in Jesus day. Refugees are NOT invaders.

I strongly suggest you read The Good Samaratan to read what Jesus thought of immigrants and foreigners. He didn't judge people based on their nationality, but rather by how they treated strangers in peril. He condemned the Rabbit who passed by on the other side of the road and didn't help.
Nor would cities and nations put up with if they were strong criminal invaders who came to LIVE OFF the citizens. Another thing... Solomon put foreigners to work for his kingdom for something like 7 to 10 years. The foreigners after serving their time were taxed as other citizens. NO nation in the bible israel or gentile would allow hoards of 'refugees' to enter their country with no supervision.

Those called samaritans were placed IN israel when foreign kings took away israel's upper classes, elites and craftsmen and artisans. These foreign kings needed someone to work the land and also to water down israelite culture and genes. THESE people were foreigners but they had also accepted some of the israelite worship of God...they were STILL Looked down upon by fellow israelites. Samaritans gladly accepted and protected jewish criminals in their towns much like blue states and cities accept illegals and call themselves sanctuary cities.
And what exactly is this "tard version" of Christianity?
Accepting what is clearly called sin, thinking you're more "righteous" by encouraging and embracing sin.

Not respecting human life and believing the least among us (the preborn) are not deserving of life.

Accepting an invasion of our country and believing foreign invaders have the right to break into my home and expect me to subsidize their life in my home.

These are a few aspects of tard Christianity. Some of the dead liberal churches
I find such tactics beyond offensive. First off, it assumes that AOC doesn't already know this or that she has no faith of her own. So does the OP - "she doesn't get 'us'". Who is "us"??? Christians?????

Let's be really clear: every time you assume something about someone, it says more about Y0U than them. Maybe we should mock you at every turn and call you stupid, since that's what you and then think you're being clever.

Jesus never opined on either, and Jesus opined on a lot of human behaviours. But He did say to treat others as you would like them to treat you. I don't know of anyone who enjoys being mocked or bullied, or shunned, so that pretty much covers all of the fundamentalist behaviours towards gays, and racial minorities right there.

And He said "Let you without sin among you, throw the first stone". and "That which you have done to the least among you, you have also done to Me" which covers off all of the other behaviours like calling Democrats "demons" and "filth", or refugees "an infestation".

I doubt that you would find one of the 70 million who have been killed in the womb who would enjoy being killed. Not one. As to your other points, I really don't disagree.
You're a loonie.
You’re a cartoonishly stupid person devoid of any of the neccessary basic knowledge of the world an elementary school student who wasn’t flunking out should be expected to know.

You spread flagrant disinformation in service of hatred of those you want dead, ensuring their mass slaughter. You’re the worst kind of scum.
Romans??? Written by Paul, who never met Jesus, never talked with Jesus. Many of us have no use for Paul who projected his own beliefs and insecurities in his writings. Many people, myself included, don't put a lot of stock in Paul or his writings.

There was no such thing as "legal immigrants" in Jesus day. Refugees are NOT invaders.

I strongly suggest you read The Good Samaratan to read what Jesus thought of immigrants and foreigners. He didn't judge people based on their nationality, but rather by how they treated strangers in peril. He condemned the Rabbit who passed by on the other side of the road and didn't help.
Oh, you claim to be religious, and moreover a Christian? Why worship a deity that will burn you in a lake of fire forever for being such an utterly and unrepentantly vile person?

You spread a gospel of hate and slaughter, you have no answer for how free will excuses the homicide of innocent human beings of any age, and yet you still do it.
The He Gets Us campaign succeeded insofar as it portrayed Jesus as loving, compassionate, and willing to talk to anyone.

It fails spectacularly when it assumes to leave us at the "He Gets Us" stage. Yeah, he gets our sinful, broken state and says "go and sin no more". But because He knew we couldn't do it ourselves, He died FOR us. HE took the penalty and paid the price.

He gets you and can SAVE you would have been better.
Not true. All preborn fetuses need and get 24/7 care from mom's baby factory.
Through no conscious effort of her own, unlike her newborn that requires nearly constant care. In short, a newborn is no more viable than a pre-born, or a patient in a coma. Leave any of them alone and they die. The pre-born, however, lives, thrives and grows without any intervention by the mother.
You’re a cartoonishly stupid person devoid of any of the neccessary basic knowledge of the world an elementary school student who wasn’t flunking out should be expected to know.

You spread flagrant disinformation in service of hatred of those you want dead, ensuring their mass slaughter. You’re the worst kind of scum.
A loonie and a fabricator of lies.
You guys and your semantics. Yes, words have meanings. Ya'll just want a Blastocyst to mean the same thing as a live healthy baby.
You were once a little group of cells, and now look at you. Why not give the same right you had to life to others?

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