Anyone Tired of Black Privilege?

Conservative hatred
liberals rule the ghetto and have for 50 years and somehow conservatives are responsible? See why they say liberals are not so smart? Before liberals took over the ghetto black teen unemployment was lower than white teen employment and black families were as intact as white families. Do you understand??
Link to where Liberals took over the ghetto in 1970
Link to where Liberals took over the ghetto in 1970
Now here’s the kicker. Of the 20 most dangerous major cities, all but one had a Democratic mayor. In many of these cities, the Democratic Party has ruled for a half-century or more. Only Tulsa, Oklahoma, with 17.3 murders per 100,000 residents, had a Republican mayor.
‪"(Kids raised without fathers are) 5 times more likely to be poor...9 times more likely to drop out...20 times more likely to end up in jail."‬
Cops kill a black guy and they want to burn down their own neighborhoods. Cops kill more white guys than black guys and they could care less. They kill each other and they could care less.

It seems liberals are responsible for this perverse attitude. Can anyone explain why?
As a neutral immigrant. Who traveled the world and I love this country, american culture is filled with aggressiveness and selfishness.
Savage capitalism created a huge gap between the top and the was just a matter of time before things go south.
Increase salaries and tax the rich little more , you don't have to pay a CEO millions of dollars while the workers make minimum wage.
The world is watching as our nation burns. It’s time to stop watching and take action!
They have the privilege of being murdered by cops.
thats a privilege we all have,,,
But for no good reason?? Show me where a white was choked to death or shot in the back over BS? A counterfeit $20 ?

Cops shoot unarmed white guys more frequently and it is always over very very petty street crimes. We are not dealing with high society here!!!
The outrage is not over shooting someone in the line of duty.

It is over killing an unarmed man, in handcuffs, on the ground, surrounded by four armed officers.

That is part of it. Perhaps you can share with us how going after Foot Locker for sneakers is going to solve anything???
Conservative hatred
liberals rule the ghetto and have for 50 years and somehow conservatives are responsible? See why they say liberals are not so smart? Before liberals took over the ghetto black teen unemployment was lower than white teen employment and black families were as intact as white families. Do you understand??
Link to where Liberals took over the ghetto in 1970
He can't. Hes a liar.
Did the cops kill the unarmed white guy while he was handcuffed on the ground and pleading for air?

Dummy, can you read? Cops kill as many unarmed white men!!

Shouldn't be an issue linking it then, should there? BTW, they would need to kill about four times as many whites for it to be as 'many'. After all, we are talking per capita, not literal numbers.
I think both sides have an argument. I also think Obama got to get the best of both sides. How much racism did he experience growing up compared to Ben Carson? Anyone familiar with the white supremacy chain in Honolulu??
Shouldn't be an issue linking it then, should there? BTW, they would need to kill about four times as many whites for it to be as 'many'. After all, we are talking per capita, not literal numbers.

As I said, 44 unarmed killed by cops last year, only 9 were black. When you think you've made a good point, remember you're a liberal
Link to where Liberals took over the ghetto in 1970
He can't. Hes a liar.

Now here’s the kicker. Of the 20 most dangerous major cities, all but one had a Democratic mayor. In many of these cities, the Democratic Party has ruled for a half-century or more. Only Tulsa, Oklahoma, with 17.3 murders per 100,000 residents, had a Republican mayor.
Cops kill a black guy and they want to burn down their own neighborhoods. Cops kill more white guys than black guys and they could care less. They kill each other and they could care less.

It seems liberals are responsible for this perverse attitude. Can anyone explain why?

Did the cops kill the unarmed white guy while he was handcuffed on the ground and pleading for air?
Yeah they’ve done it a lot. Look up the stats jackass. Way more overall, and more per capita. It’s just unarmed white guys getting murked by cops isn’t good for ratings or narrative. Turn on CNN, if you look close enough at their arms, you can see the anchors masturbating under the table to all this.

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