Anyone remember when "racism" was real?

Racism still exists today. The people who pretend it doesn't exist are generally the ones practicing it.
Correct. I take it you have no mirrors in your home.
Lol! We got jokes. Again, your attempt to gaslight me will fail. I know what racism is and it's not pointing out the record of continuing racism that has been practiced by whites in this country.
If you knew what racism is, then you'd stop being one. Provided you think it is wrong. Clearly, you do not.
I know what racism is. You're crying about me being a racist because you can't handle being shown YOUR racism by someone black.
We arent thats
For God's sakes how many times do we have to explain the difference between PERSONAL and SYSTEMIC Racism. Yes there are Racists walking around today of ALL COLORS. No there is no SYSTEMIC Racism. You have polices that protect bad police officers from being fired. That is a union issue not a systemic Racism issue.
99.999% of the time, police problems have nothing to do with race
Pretty sure thats true of the white population. When you turn Black and live in a police state let me know. Otherwise you dont know what youre talking about.

we are done being lectured. you have 50 plus years of that. it is done.
I wasnt lecturing you. I was just stating facts. If you dont like it then dont read my posts.

it was a general statement. we are done being lectured. you have had 50 plus years, where we were happy to stand there, and just listen to your shit, like it had some sort of weight.

now, it is our turn. time for you to do some listening.
There are no "turns" here, bubba. This isn't the wheel of fortune. We could coexist, but NO, BLM and black activists make this about dominance instead. Blacks don't drive constuctive positive things in American society. Now they want to destroy us, because they fail to thrive and adapt. Noticing that is not "racism". No, its just hard as nails realism. Get over it.
" We could coexist "

Not true. As long as the whites that are frightened by Black power are in charge and intent on keeping Black people from simply existing then there will be no coexistence. There may be some whites that will get a pass but its going to be bad for the majority of whites. I understand its all based on fear. I get it. Napolean himself understood this fact.
Blacks murder each other in huge numbers. White cops or AHHEM "racism" are literally the least of the black communities problem. Literally.

Whites murder, rape, vandalize, batter, embezzle and almost every other crime way more than anyone else. White racism is our number 1 problem. Literally.
Nonsense. Hatred has twisted your mind. You must be a very unhappy person. I feel sorry for you.
For God's sakes how many times do we have to explain the difference between PERSONAL and SYSTEMIC Racism. Yes there are Racists walking around today of ALL COLORS. No there is no SYSTEMIC Racism. You have polices that protect bad police officers from being fired. That is a union issue not a systemic Racism issue.
YOU don't explain anything. Systemic racism does exist. As far as what you call individual racism, you have one group practicing racism calling the other group racists for being angry about being mistreated because of their race.
There is not one group "practicing Racism". That is a fantasy that you and other White haters perpetuate. There are individuals of every skin color who are biased against people not matching their skin color. There will always be people like that, but hopefully their numbers will continue to wane.

As I have posted before, I personally saw systemic racism when it was very real in the early 60s. That was America at it's ugliest. By the 90s it was gone and replaced with Affirmative action designed to help Blacks enter college and the work force.
I saw the old Jim Crow racism in the sixties. Beginning with Reagan, I have seen a resurgence of racism and it's done differently. Please stop being white trying to tell me what I have personally experienced doesn't happen. This forum is full of racists. Most of them have jobs. Some of them own businesses. Flash retired from corporate management. The following are his words:

“I can say for sure that happens because I did it. Before retirement I was an Engineer. The last 20 years of my career I was a Manager and Director and I hired hundreds of people. I reviewed well over a thousand resumes for all kinds of positions. Everything from Secretaries to Engineering Managers. Both Salary and Hourly. I always culled out the resumes with Black Ethnic names. Never short listed anybody with a Black Ethnic name. Never hired them.”

“Since the Fortune 50 company I worked for had a stupid "affirmative action" hiring policies I never mentioned it to anybody and I always got away with it. A couple of times I was instructed to improve my departmental "diversity" demographics but I always ignored it and never got into any trouble. My stereotype is that anybody with a stupid ghetto Black ethnic name is probably worthless. I could have been wrong a couple of times but I was also probably right 99% of the time.

Glad I did it. I would do it again.”
From his 20's up until his very last day of life, John Lewis fought white racism. I know some people tried telling Lewis how he should stop and how he was the racist. How he was obsessed with an issue that didn't apply now. That he hated white people and that he didn't speak for black people. Lewis was born during the overt era of American apartheid. He was 24 before he could vote. He saw the worst and up until his transition he declared not that everything was great, or how he was happy therefore the problem doesn't exist. The man served 33 years in congress, but his focus on justice would be considered by some to be the ranting of an unhappy man.

John Lewis will go down in history as one of the greatest Americans of all time. His sacrifice made it so blacks can vote and can talk about how we have succeeded in business. By every measure this was a successful man. But up to his last breath, Lewis told us that regardless of the improvements we have seen, that there is still work to do. So if Lewis, a man who saw the harsh reality of the past can say that, black sell outs have NOTHING to say. Lewis was a legendary freedom fighter. A warrior for justice every second he breathed. He set the example and if we do not follow this example, we have failed.

When a man like the great John Lewis, who saw the worst of segregation, a man who got his skull busted so that I am able to do the things I can today, said that we have come a long way but we still have a long way to go, that's the undisputed truth no one can deny.

That includes YOU.
I do. Now? It's just a empty accusation by leftist creeps as a tool to shut down debate. By lefties/BLM that want to demonize whites or anyone that disagrees with them.
The ultra right did the same thing back in the 50's calling anyone they didn't approve of as "communists" under MacCarthy.
But the McCarthyist right didn't riot and destroy stuff and take over parts of our cities as a form of blackmail. Nope, this is an example of how SHIT the BLM/democrats are.
The McCarthy right incarcerated people, blacklisted them from employment. They did not need to riot. They had the force of the government behind them.
Last edited:
We arent thats
For God's sakes how many times do we have to explain the difference between PERSONAL and SYSTEMIC Racism. Yes there are Racists walking around today of ALL COLORS. No there is no SYSTEMIC Racism. You have polices that protect bad police officers from being fired. That is a union issue not a systemic Racism issue.
99.999% of the time, police problems have nothing to do with race
Pretty sure thats true of the white population. When you turn Black and live in a police state let me know. Otherwise you dont know what youre talking about.

we are done being lectured. you have 50 plus years of that. it is done.
I wasnt lecturing you. I was just stating facts. If you dont like it then dont read my posts.

it was a general statement. we are done being lectured. you have had 50 plus years, where we were happy to stand there, and just listen to your shit, like it had some sort of weight.

now, it is our turn. time for you to do some listening.
There are no "turns" here, bubba. This isn't the wheel of fortune. We could coexist, but NO, BLM and black activists make this about dominance instead. Blacks don't drive constuctive positive things in American society. Now they want to destroy us, because they fail to thrive and adapt. Noticing that is not "racism". No, its just hard as nails realism. Get over it.
" We could coexist "

Not true. As long as the whites that are frightened by Black power are in charge and intent on keeping Black people from simply existing then there will be no coexistence. There may be some whites that will get a pass but its going to be bad for the majority of whites. I understand its all based on fear. I get it. Napolean himself understood this fact.
Blacks murder each other in huge numbers. White cops or AHHEM "racism" are literally the least of the black communities problem. Literally.

Whites murder, rape, vandalize, batter, embezzle and almost every other crime way more than anyone else. White racism is our number 1 problem. Literally.
Nonsense. Hatred has twisted your mind. You must be a very unhappy person. I feel sorry for you.
I think I know better than you what the number 1 problem is for blacks. Feel sorry for yourself, because you enslave yourself with a racist lie. Meanwhile, I feel great. Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. Stop lying to yourself.
The ultra right did the same thing back in the 50's calling anyone they didn't approve of as "communists" under MacCarthy.
Yes, and now the Trumpsters are doing it again. Just look at dang near any thread on USMB. Weird.

As far as racism goes, who knows what happened to it?

This is pipe dream shit meant to feed the n-I-g-g-e-r-s and the s-p-I-c-s because they're stupid enough to believe that shit.
Today blacks act like animals because they are BARELY evolved past the Ape and need a strong central figure (the white man) to keep them in place and acting like normal people.
Sick of their shit and we should not hide it anymore. When they call me a fucking racist, and I say you damn right I am!!! Fuck those fucking people!
Why do Browns ("people of color") feel compelled to steal, assault, rape, murder Whites, their obvious superior beings? Browns should be worshiping Whites instead of being jealous douchebag criminals.'
Blacks... prone to violence, think they're still in the jungle, low IQ blacks.
How can you look at the world and not see that ALL ADVANCEMENTS came from Europe and America? Yeah, we're the superior race on the earth. All others developed because of whites
Look, he is actually intelligent and an actual person of color! How often does that happen?
“We swear muthafuckers, you take our beaners from us and we’ll come for your guns one day” Filthy fucks!
MAGA! This is great news! Everything is falling into place so we can build the Wall and thwart this invasion of brown diseease ridden third worlders who are a threat to our sovereignty, culture and American traditions.
Being the elected representative of a bunch of dumbass ghetto Jungle Monkeys doesn't take intelligence. It take a ghetto dialect and a promise to get them more welfare.
Valerie Jarrett.... Is she that light skinned negro who looks like that ape in Planet of the Apes (negroes?)
I thought she was an ape...Next you'll be telling me Mooch isn't really a shaved wookie.
The asians made fun of obama.....the asians refer to negroes as 'monkey people' and not in jest....they are serious....and why shouldn't they be?
Pay the pavement ape or he will get very angry and burn his house down.
Yawn, Kambala wants every African American crack addict to have their own home while White, Red, and Yellow Americans some disabled vets rot on the street.
Nigga's acting like a Nigga...must be part of the Thugery... most blacks don't act like that!
Engage me and die, n'gr.
Folks, you couldn't today pay me enough to live anywhere near a large black population.
I believe the black race is inferior to both the white and yellow races....I can prove it by taking a look at the world map and income, innovation/scientific discoveries, and prison populations. Maybe you have some other mysterious way of defining the word but you never seem to say what it is.
Most intelligent people understand how stupid blacks are....average i.q. of 85.....being one you should know.
Come on people you blacks are better than this shit every fucking week....stand BEHIND your police, you do the crime you get locked fuck with THE MAN, he has every right to beat the shit out of you, and your community standing behind you just shows what stupid, low life idiots you are!
Fuck off House Negro. Shine my boots bitch
You're talking about balkanization. I'm all for it. I'm also for restoring the 1790 Naturalization Act, the very first legislation by the first Congress making only White people U.S. Citizens.
Hasn't it been proven, in the last few days, that blacks are incapable of living in the environment of civilization? Send them back to Africa.
..just like Africa is the shithole of the world, the black US communities mirror that
You can take a negro out of the ghetto. But you can't take the ghetto out of the negro.
your list is silly --doesn't prove crap hahahhahahah
it proves you really don't have any proof of white racism

Obviously...he left me off the list.
We arent thats
For God's sakes how many times do we have to explain the difference between PERSONAL and SYSTEMIC Racism. Yes there are Racists walking around today of ALL COLORS. No there is no SYSTEMIC Racism. You have polices that protect bad police officers from being fired. That is a union issue not a systemic Racism issue.
99.999% of the time, police problems have nothing to do with race
Pretty sure thats true of the white population. When you turn Black and live in a police state let me know. Otherwise you dont know what youre talking about.

we are done being lectured. you have 50 plus years of that. it is done.
I wasnt lecturing you. I was just stating facts. If you dont like it then dont read my posts.

it was a general statement. we are done being lectured. you have had 50 plus years, where we were happy to stand there, and just listen to your shit, like it had some sort of weight.

now, it is our turn. time for you to do some listening.
There are no "turns" here, bubba. This isn't the wheel of fortune. We could coexist, but NO, BLM and black activists make this about dominance instead. Blacks don't drive constuctive positive things in American society. Now they want to destroy us, because they fail to thrive and adapt. Noticing that is not "racism". No, its just hard as nails realism. Get over it.
" We could coexist "

Not true. As long as the whites that are frightened by Black power are in charge and intent on keeping Black people from simply existing then there will be no coexistence. There may be some whites that will get a pass but its going to be bad for the majority of whites. I understand its all based on fear. I get it. Napolean himself understood this fact.
I throw my hands in the air as if I didnt really care...racism is less a threat than say getting hit by lightning or attacked by a shark, it a convenient target for race baiting demagogue that hate whites. Get real here.
Racism is less of a threat for you. For Blacks its a method to hold them back. Like I said, I get it. We Black people are overwhelmingly strong and present even in small numbers. I know there is an instinctive fear whites have of us. This has been proven many times throughout history. If this wasnt true why would whites create systems to hold Black people back? If youre truly strong and not afraid you dont shackle your competition.

we have been fighting to help you for generations.

but more and more, we are done with that. enjoy what you have now. it is going away, one way or another.
What exactly does that mean?
For God's sakes how many times do we have to explain the difference between PERSONAL and SYSTEMIC Racism. Yes there are Racists walking around today of ALL COLORS. No there is no SYSTEMIC Racism. You have polices that protect bad police officers from being fired. That is a union issue not a systemic Racism issue.
99.999% of the time, police problems have nothing to do with race
Pretty sure thats true of the white population. When you turn Black and live in a police state let me know. Otherwise you dont know what youre talking about.

we are done being lectured. you have 50 plus years of that. it is done.
I wasnt lecturing you. I was just stating facts. If you dont like it then dont read my posts.

it was a general statement. we are done being lectured. you have had 50 plus years, where we were happy to stand there, and just listen to your shit, like it had some sort of weight.

now, it is our turn. time for you to do some listening.
There are no "turns" here, bubba. This isn't the wheel of fortune. We could coexist, but NO, BLM and black activists make this about dominance instead. Blacks don't drive constuctive positive things in American society. Now they want to destroy us, because they fail to thrive and adapt. Noticing that is not "racism". No, its just hard as nails realism. Get over it.
What you posted is the picture boy example of racism.
For God's sakes how many times do we have to explain the difference between PERSONAL and SYSTEMIC Racism. Yes there are Racists walking around today of ALL COLORS. No there is no SYSTEMIC Racism. You have polices that protect bad police officers from being fired. That is a union issue not a systemic Racism issue.
99.999% of the time, police problems have nothing to do with race
Pretty sure thats true of the white population. When you turn Black and live in a police state let me know. Otherwise you dont know what youre talking about.

we are done being lectured. you have 50 plus years of that. it is done.
I wasnt lecturing you. I was just stating facts. If you dont like it then dont read my posts.

it was a general statement. we are done being lectured. you have had 50 plus years, where we were happy to stand there, and just listen to your shit, like it had some sort of weight.

now, it is our turn. time for you to do some listening.
There are no "turns" here, bubba. This isn't the wheel of fortune. We could coexist, but NO, BLM and black activists make this about dominance instead. Blacks don't drive constuctive positive things in American society. Now they want to destroy us, because they fail to thrive and adapt. Noticing that is not "racism". No, its just hard as nails realism. Get over it.
What you posted is the picture boy example of racism.

in fact---no MORE RACIST than your drivel IM-jerk
For God's sakes how many times do we have to explain the difference between PERSONAL and SYSTEMIC Racism. Yes there are Racists walking around today of ALL COLORS. No there is no SYSTEMIC Racism. You have polices that protect bad police officers from being fired. That is a union issue not a systemic Racism issue.
99.999% of the time, police problems have nothing to do with race
Pretty sure thats true of the white population. When you turn Black and live in a police state let me know. Otherwise you dont know what youre talking about.

we are done being lectured. you have 50 plus years of that. it is done.
I wasnt lecturing you. I was just stating facts. If you dont like it then dont read my posts.

it was a general statement. we are done being lectured. you have had 50 plus years, where we were happy to stand there, and just listen to your shit, like it had some sort of weight.

now, it is our turn. time for you to do some listening.
There are no "turns" here, bubba. This isn't the wheel of fortune. We could coexist, but NO, BLM and black activists make this about dominance instead. Blacks don't drive constuctive positive things in American society. Now they want to destroy us, because they fail to thrive and adapt. Noticing that is not "racism". No, its just hard as nails realism. Get over it.
What you posted is the picture boy example of racism.

in fact---no MORE RACIST than your drivel IM-jerk
No irosie, it's not the same. I know racists like yourself like making that claim but your claim has no merit.
We arent thats
For God's sakes how many times do we have to explain the difference between PERSONAL and SYSTEMIC Racism. Yes there are Racists walking around today of ALL COLORS. No there is no SYSTEMIC Racism. You have polices that protect bad police officers from being fired. That is a union issue not a systemic Racism issue.
99.999% of the time, police problems have nothing to do with race
Pretty sure thats true of the white population. When you turn Black and live in a police state let me know. Otherwise you dont know what youre talking about.

we are done being lectured. you have 50 plus years of that. it is done.
I wasnt lecturing you. I was just stating facts. If you dont like it then dont read my posts.

it was a general statement. we are done being lectured. you have had 50 plus years, where we were happy to stand there, and just listen to your shit, like it had some sort of weight.

now, it is our turn. time for you to do some listening.
There are no "turns" here, bubba. This isn't the wheel of fortune. We could coexist, but NO, BLM and black activists make this about dominance instead. Blacks don't drive constuctive positive things in American society. Now they want to destroy us, because they fail to thrive and adapt. Noticing that is not "racism". No, its just hard as nails realism. Get over it.
" We could coexist "

Not true. As long as the whites that are frightened by Black power are in charge and intent on keeping Black people from simply existing then there will be no coexistence. There may be some whites that will get a pass but its going to be bad for the majority of whites. I understand its all based on fear. I get it. Napolean himself understood this fact.
Blacks murder each other in huge numbers. White cops or AHHEM "racism" are literally the least of the black communities problem. Literally.

Whites murder, rape, vandalize, batter, embezzle and almost every other crime way more than anyone else. White racism is our number 1 problem. Literally.
You just dropped some serious facts. All the worlds ills can basically be attributed to white racism. By far white culture promotes colonization, genocide, rape, theft, vandalism, lying etc etc. I cant think of one indigenous population that has not been bewildered and then brutalized by the white cultures penchant for murder, mayhem, and the love of inanimate objects over the value of human life.
The ultra right did the same thing back in the 50's calling anyone they didn't approve of as "communists" under MacCarthy.
Yes, and now the Trumpsters are doing it again. Just look at dang near any thread on USMB. Weird.

As far as racism goes, who knows what happened to it?

This is pipe dream shit meant to feed the n-I-g-g-e-r-s and the s-p-I-c-s because they're stupid enough to believe that shit.
Today blacks act like animals because they are BARELY evolved past the Ape and need a strong central figure (the white man) to keep them in place and acting like normal people.
Sick of their shit and we should not hide it anymore. When they call me a fucking racist, and I say you damn right I am!!! Fuck those fucking people!
Why do Browns ("people of color") feel compelled to steal, assault, rape, murder Whites, their obvious superior beings? Browns should be worshiping Whites instead of being jealous douchebag criminals.'
Blacks... prone to violence, think they're still in the jungle, low IQ blacks.
How can you look at the world and not see that ALL ADVANCEMENTS came from Europe and America? Yeah, we're the superior race on the earth. All others developed because of whites
Look, he is actually intelligent and an actual person of color! How often does that happen?
“We swear muthafuckers, you take our beaners from us and we’ll come for your guns one day” Filthy fucks!
MAGA! This is great news! Everything is falling into place so we can build the Wall and thwart this invasion of brown diseease ridden third worlders who are a threat to our sovereignty, culture and American traditions.
Being the elected representative of a bunch of dumbass ghetto Jungle Monkeys doesn't take intelligence. It take a ghetto dialect and a promise to get them more welfare.
Valerie Jarrett.... Is she that light skinned negro who looks like that ape in Planet of the Apes (negroes?)
I thought she was an ape...Next you'll be telling me Mooch isn't really a shaved wookie.
The asians made fun of obama.....the asians refer to negroes as 'monkey people' and not in jest....they are serious....and why shouldn't they be?
Pay the pavement ape or he will get very angry and burn his house down.
Yawn, Kambala wants every African American crack addict to have their own home while White, Red, and Yellow Americans some disabled vets rot on the street.
Nigga's acting like a Nigga...must be part of the Thugery... most blacks don't act like that!
Engage me and die, n'gr.
Folks, you couldn't today pay me enough to live anywhere near a large black population.
I believe the black race is inferior to both the white and yellow races....I can prove it by taking a look at the world map and income, innovation/scientific discoveries, and prison populations. Maybe you have some other mysterious way of defining the word but you never seem to say what it is.
Most intelligent people understand how stupid blacks are....average i.q. of 85.....being one you should know.
Come on people you blacks are better than this shit every fucking week....stand BEHIND your police, you do the crime you get locked fuck with THE MAN, he has every right to beat the shit out of you, and your community standing behind you just shows what stupid, low life idiots you are!
Fuck off House Negro. Shine my boots bitch
You're talking about balkanization. I'm all for it. I'm also for restoring the 1790 Naturalization Act, the very first legislation by the first Congress making only White people U.S. Citizens.
Hasn't it been proven, in the last few days, that blacks are incapable of living in the environment of civilization? Send them back to Africa.
..just like Africa is the shithole of the world, the black US communities mirror that
You can take a negro out of the ghetto. But you can't take the ghetto out of the negro.

Wait.......I'm a couldn't find a racist comment from me ???

Oh well, I guess you can't say ALL Righties are racist. You mad?
Many are not. Unfortunately, many of THAT group are ENABLERS of racism, which may even be worse.

For example, I notice you didn't hold any of those posters accountable for their ugly words, and instead chose to attack me.

Right on cue.
We arent thats
For God's sakes how many times do we have to explain the difference between PERSONAL and SYSTEMIC Racism. Yes there are Racists walking around today of ALL COLORS. No there is no SYSTEMIC Racism. You have polices that protect bad police officers from being fired. That is a union issue not a systemic Racism issue.
99.999% of the time, police problems have nothing to do with race
Pretty sure thats true of the white population. When you turn Black and live in a police state let me know. Otherwise you dont know what youre talking about.

we are done being lectured. you have 50 plus years of that. it is done.
I wasnt lecturing you. I was just stating facts. If you dont like it then dont read my posts.

it was a general statement. we are done being lectured. you have had 50 plus years, where we were happy to stand there, and just listen to your shit, like it had some sort of weight.

now, it is our turn. time for you to do some listening.
There are no "turns" here, bubba. This isn't the wheel of fortune. We could coexist, but NO, BLM and black activists make this about dominance instead. Blacks don't drive constuctive positive things in American society. Now they want to destroy us, because they fail to thrive and adapt. Noticing that is not "racism". No, its just hard as nails realism. Get over it.
" We could coexist "

Not true. As long as the whites that are frightened by Black power are in charge and intent on keeping Black people from simply existing then there will be no coexistence. There may be some whites that will get a pass but its going to be bad for the majority of whites. I understand its all based on fear. I get it. Napolean himself understood this fact.
Blacks murder each other in huge numbers. White cops or AHHEM "racism" are literally the least of the black communities problem. Literally.

Whites murder, rape, vandalize, batter, embezzle and almost every other crime way more than anyone else. White racism is our number 1 problem. Literally.

i would hope the demographic that is 70% of the population would commit crime more than everyone else.

the only way any other group could compete, would be if they commit crime at a vastly higher rate.

and of course, that the majority ethnic group, commits the majority of the crime, is not evidence of any "ism" and it would take a fucking retarded asshole to try to claim it is.

you, im2, are that retarded asshole.
For God's sakes how many times do we have to explain the difference between PERSONAL and SYSTEMIC Racism. Yes there are Racists walking around today of ALL COLORS. No there is no SYSTEMIC Racism. You have polices that protect bad police officers from being fired. That is a union issue not a systemic Racism issue.
99.999% of the time, police problems have nothing to do with race
Pretty sure thats true of the white population. When you turn Black and live in a police state let me know. Otherwise you dont know what youre talking about.

we are done being lectured. you have 50 plus years of that. it is done.
I wasnt lecturing you. I was just stating facts. If you dont like it then dont read my posts.

it was a general statement. we are done being lectured. you have had 50 plus years, where we were happy to stand there, and just listen to your shit, like it had some sort of weight.

now, it is our turn. time for you to do some listening.
There are no "turns" here, bubba. This isn't the wheel of fortune. We could coexist, but NO, BLM and black activists make this about dominance instead. Blacks don't drive constuctive positive things in American society. Now they want to destroy us, because they fail to thrive and adapt. Noticing that is not "racism". No, its just hard as nails realism. Get over it.
What you posted is the picture boy example of racism.

in fact---no MORE RACIST than your drivel IM-jerk
No irosie, it's not the same. I know racists like yourself like making that claim but your claim has no merit.
he's not a racist though
We arent thats
For God's sakes how many times do we have to explain the difference between PERSONAL and SYSTEMIC Racism. Yes there are Racists walking around today of ALL COLORS. No there is no SYSTEMIC Racism. You have polices that protect bad police officers from being fired. That is a union issue not a systemic Racism issue.
99.999% of the time, police problems have nothing to do with race
Pretty sure thats true of the white population. When you turn Black and live in a police state let me know. Otherwise you dont know what youre talking about.

we are done being lectured. you have 50 plus years of that. it is done.
I wasnt lecturing you. I was just stating facts. If you dont like it then dont read my posts.

it was a general statement. we are done being lectured. you have had 50 plus years, where we were happy to stand there, and just listen to your shit, like it had some sort of weight.

now, it is our turn. time for you to do some listening.
There are no "turns" here, bubba. This isn't the wheel of fortune. We could coexist, but NO, BLM and black activists make this about dominance instead. Blacks don't drive constuctive positive things in American society. Now they want to destroy us, because they fail to thrive and adapt. Noticing that is not "racism". No, its just hard as nails realism. Get over it.
" We could coexist "

Not true. As long as the whites that are frightened by Black power are in charge and intent on keeping Black people from simply existing then there will be no coexistence. There may be some whites that will get a pass but its going to be bad for the majority of whites. I understand its all based on fear. I get it. Napolean himself understood this fact.
Blacks murder each other in huge numbers. White cops or AHHEM "racism" are literally the least of the black communities problem. Literally.

Whites murder, rape, vandalize, batter, embezzle and almost every other crime way more than anyone else. White racism is our number 1 problem. Literally.
Nonsense. Hatred has twisted your mind. You must be a very unhappy person. I feel sorry for you.
I think I know better than you what the number 1 problem is for blacks. Feel sorry for yourself, because you enslave yourself with a racist lie. Meanwhile, I feel great. Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. Stop lying to yourself.

You want to ignore what is killing blacks in large numbers to focus on... outsiders, who have a different skin color than yourself.

hate has twisted your mind.
We arent thats
For God's sakes how many times do we have to explain the difference between PERSONAL and SYSTEMIC Racism. Yes there are Racists walking around today of ALL COLORS. No there is no SYSTEMIC Racism. You have polices that protect bad police officers from being fired. That is a union issue not a systemic Racism issue.
99.999% of the time, police problems have nothing to do with race
Pretty sure thats true of the white population. When you turn Black and live in a police state let me know. Otherwise you dont know what youre talking about.

we are done being lectured. you have 50 plus years of that. it is done.
I wasnt lecturing you. I was just stating facts. If you dont like it then dont read my posts.

it was a general statement. we are done being lectured. you have had 50 plus years, where we were happy to stand there, and just listen to your shit, like it had some sort of weight.

now, it is our turn. time for you to do some listening.
There are no "turns" here, bubba. This isn't the wheel of fortune. We could coexist, but NO, BLM and black activists make this about dominance instead. Blacks don't drive constuctive positive things in American society. Now they want to destroy us, because they fail to thrive and adapt. Noticing that is not "racism". No, its just hard as nails realism. Get over it.
" We could coexist "

Not true. As long as the whites that are frightened by Black power are in charge and intent on keeping Black people from simply existing then there will be no coexistence. There may be some whites that will get a pass but its going to be bad for the majority of whites. I understand its all based on fear. I get it. Napolean himself understood this fact.
I throw my hands in the air as if I didnt really care...racism is less a threat than say getting hit by lightning or attacked by a shark, it a convenient target for race baiting demagogue that hate whites. Get real here.
Racism is less of a threat for you. For Blacks its a method to hold them back. Like I said, I get it. We Black people are overwhelmingly strong and present even in small numbers. I know there is an instinctive fear whites have of us. This has been proven many times throughout history. If this wasnt true why would whites create systems to hold Black people back? If youre truly strong and not afraid you dont shackle your competition.

we have been fighting to help you for generations.

but more and more, we are done with that. enjoy what you have now. it is going away, one way or another.
What exactly does that mean?

1. hopefully, whites as a group, stop supporting this idiocy.

2. and if not, if nothing else changes, soon, all levers of power will be in dem hands, which will be a minority dominated party by then, and we won't be in a position to be responsible for anything and the whole country can look like la and detroit and chigago. ie liberal utopia. hell for everyone else. but the media will always blame white wacist, so at least there is that.
I do. Now? It's just a empty accusation by leftist creeps as a tool to shut down debate. By lefties/BLM that want to demonize whites or anyone that disagrees with them.
The ultra right did the same thing back in the 50's calling anyone they didn't approve of as "communists" under MacCarthy.
But the McCarthyist right didn't riot and destroy stuff and take over parts of our cities as a form of blackmail. Nope, this is an example of how SHIT the BLM/democrats are.
Racism was real yesterday, reared its ugly head with the divisive Trump and that is why we have this display today. Do I like it and support the looting and the outsiders who are encouraging the action? Hell no, but I do understand the reasoning. You don't.
I remember the MacCarthy era and many innocent people were arrested and incarcerated due to his antics.
I do. Now? It's just a empty accusation by leftist creeps as a tool to shut down debate. By lefties/BLM that want to demonize whites or anyone that disagrees with them.
The ultra right did the same thing back in the 50's calling anyone they didn't approve of as "communists" under MacCarthy.
But the McCarthyist right didn't riot and destroy stuff and take over parts of our cities as a form of blackmail. Nope, this is an example of how SHIT the BLM/democrats are.
Racism was real yesterday, reared its ugly head with the divisive Trump and that is why we have this display today. Do I like it and support the looting and the outsiders who are encouraging the action? Hell no, but I do understand the reasoning. You don't.
I remember the MacCarthy era and many innocent people were arrested and incarcerated due to his antics.
what racism? specify it
I do. Now? It's just a empty accusation by leftist creeps as a tool to shut down debate. By lefties/BLM that want to demonize whites or anyone that disagrees with them.
The ultra right did the same thing back in the 50's calling anyone they didn't approve of as "communists" under MacCarthy.
But the McCarthyist right didn't riot and destroy stuff and take over parts of our cities as a form of blackmail. Nope, this is an example of how SHIT the BLM/democrats are.
Racism was real yesterday, reared its ugly head with the divisive Trump and that is why we have this display today. Do I like it and support the looting and the outsiders who are encouraging the action? Hell no, but I do understand the reasoning. You don't.
I remember the MacCarthy era and many innocent people were arrested and incarcerated due to his antics.
if anyone is racist, it's Obama--Michele also:

he thought a white woman wasn't good enough:

...he nominated 2 blacks in a row for AG, even though blacks are less qualified

...he sent his AG to comfort the family of a BLACK criminal that ATTACKED a white cop

etc etc
I do. Now? It's just a empty accusation by leftist creeps as a tool to shut down debate. By lefties/BLM that want to demonize whites or anyone that disagrees with them.
The ultra right did the same thing back in the 50's calling anyone they didn't approve of as "communists" under MacCarthy.
But the McCarthyist right didn't riot and destroy stuff and take over parts of our cities as a form of blackmail. Nope, this is an example of how SHIT the BLM/democrats are.
Racism was real yesterday, reared its ugly head with the divisive Trump and that is why we have this display today. Do I like it and support the looting and the outsiders who are encouraging the action? Hell no, but I do understand the reasoning. You don't.
I remember the MacCarthy era and many innocent people were arrested and incarcerated due to his antics.
what racism? specify it

the racism!! it's everywhere!!! they put in the water!! they hide little speakers in the walls, and racist messages are constantly screaming at him!!! the government builds little robot cockroaches that crawl into his ears at night and whisper vile racsit thoughts into his dreams!!!

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