Anyone for rats?


Aug 28, 2003
New York
PHNOM PENH (Reuters) - Bird flu may have decimated poultry businesses across Asia, but rat dealers have never had it so good.

"I've got a constant stream of customers," Van Vath, a rat butcher in the western Cambodian town of Battambang, told Wednesday's edition of Cambodge Soir.

With customers shying away from chicken for fear of catching the deadly flu virus that has killed millions of birds and at least 20 people, she has been selling more than 400 pounds of rodent meat every morning -- twice her normal turnover.

In far-flung corners of the jungle-clad and impoverished Southeast Asian nation, rat -- fried, grilled or roasted with garlic and vegetables -- is a highly prized delicacy.
In far-flung corners of the jungle-clad and impoverished Southeast Asian nation, rat -- fried, grilled or roasted with garlic and vegetables -- is a highly prized delicacy.

you guys have a rat problem in NY city???? import some veitnamese...they will fix those rats...with hot sauce..sweet-n-sour sauce...soya sauce....think of the guy in forrest get the picture...:D
you eat squarrals??? they are tree eat lobster?? they are sea cockroaches......catfish? the rottener it is the better they like to eat it....rat would be easy to eat...damn sure would take a bunch of em for a feed wouldnt it???
Send the rats down South, Rednecks like to eat all sorts of strange things, just throw some sauce on it and it's good to them! hahahaha
Hey sandy...whats the name of the rodent like animal in the bayou....and i heard they taste good??? Believe me I am not of the redneck class but deep south cooking is a #1 in my book....gator anyone??:D

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