Anyone else notice the Left’s narrative in the Capital march is changing?


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2019
For days it was solily because Trump’s speech that day caused a “riot”. Now, as facts come out destroying that bullshit, they are changing their story.

Well, he whipped them up for months......

Funny to watch them scramble.
For days it was solily because Trump’s speech that day caused a “riot”. Now, as facts come out destroying that bullshit, they are changing their story.

Well, he whipped them up for months......

Funny to watch them scramble.
They are starting to find that fascists aka antifa and blm were the ones attacking again and can't hide these facts ...and they are discovering that instead of discouraging aka terrorifying the american citizens from rising up that their attacks on little old ladies and other taxpayers trying to protest our corrupt congress is only pissing others off more.
For days it was solily because Trump’s speech that day caused a “riot”. Now, as facts come out destroying that bullshit, they are changing their story.

Well, he whipped them up for months......

Funny to watch them scramble.
Heads up!
You seem to have forgotten a Link.
For days it was solily because Trump’s speech that day caused a “riot”. Now, as facts come out destroying that bullshit, they are changing their story.

Well, he whipped them up for months......

Funny to watch them scramble.
Heads up!
You seem to have forgotten a Link.
Here is one, but the assclowns are having to do it in several threads.

Is this like Ted Cruz citing bullshit that he helped propagate as a reason to oppose the counting of electoral votes?

“People are talking”

The narrative hasn’t changed one bit. Trump is a seditionist. End of story.
Smarter Dimwingers are trying to change their story as the original one blew up in their faces........single digit IQ morons like you are still trying to push the debunked bullshit original story.
Meantime, Trumper insurgents are being arrested every day and the US Military is preparing for them nationwide. Be prepared for random Trump terrorist bombings and civilian casualties.
Is this like Ted Cruz citing bullshit that he helped propagate as a reason to oppose the counting of electoral votes?

“People are talking”

The narrative hasn’t changed one bit. Trump is a seditionist. End of story.
Smarter Dimwingers are trying to change their story as the original one blew up in their faces........single digit IQ morons like you are still trying to push the debunked bullshit original story.
Ok traitor
PJ Media

Did CNN Accidentally Prove That Trump Did NOT Call for Violence at the Capitol?


The political Left and their allies in the mainstream media have gloated over the second impeachment of Trump. In record time, an article of impeachment alleging President Trump incited an insurrection at the U.S. Capitol were filed and approved by the House of Representatives.

Here is the key claim of the article of impeachment against President Trump:



CNN comes along with a report showing that it is other groups doing the violence.

The FBI also warned the Police of groups planning to attack the day before.

Just as I suspected, the rush to impeachment is all politics, they didn't wait for the evidence first.
Is this like Ted Cruz citing bullshit that he helped propagate as a reason to oppose the counting of electoral votes?

“People are talking”

The narrative hasn’t changed one bit. Trump is a seditionist. End of story.
The Trumpsters are just looking for something to grasp on to besides their terrorism.

They've lost it all, and like a battered wife, they can't bring themselves to blame the man they adore.
Is this like Ted Cruz citing bullshit that he helped propagate as a reason to oppose the counting of electoral votes?

“People are talking”

The narrative hasn’t changed one bit. Trump is a seditionist. End of story.
The Trumpsters are just looking for something to grasp on to besides their terrorism.

They've lost it all, and like a battered wife, they can't bring themselves to blame the man they adore.
You clowns are the ones having to change your stories, Clown.
Is this like Ted Cruz citing bullshit that he helped propagate as a reason to oppose the counting of electoral votes?

“People are talking”

The narrative hasn’t changed one bit. Trump is a seditionist. End of story.
The Trumpsters are just looking for something to grasp on to besides their terrorism.

They've lost it all, and like a battered wife, they can't bring themselves to blame the man they adore.
You clowns are the ones having to change your stories, Clown.
Only in your distorted mind, Trumpster.

But it's all you have. Enjoy.
Is this like Ted Cruz citing bullshit that he helped propagate as a reason to oppose the counting of electoral votes?

“People are talking”

The narrative hasn’t changed one bit. Trump is a seditionist. End of story.
Smarter Dimwingers are trying to change their story as the original one blew up in their faces........single digit IQ morons like you are still trying to push the debunked bullshit original story.

Once again, you post proveable bullshit without a single source to back up your fuckboi seditionist dreams.

As one of the investigators said on the day after the insurrection, when all of the facts come out, the American people are going to be truly shocked at what almost happened here.

Oh, and that weird looking tatooed "Viking Man" that you fools claimed was "proof positive" that the people who stormed the Capital were BLM protestors from the summer because he was at last summers' BLM protests, here are the photos?? That guy is a Qanon founder who has been arrested as one of the organizers of the insurrection. I guess his arrest proves what the left has been saying all along - the violence, looting and trouble at the BLM protests this past summer were largely the work of right wing extremists trying to start a civil war.
Is this like Ted Cruz citing bullshit that he helped propagate as a reason to oppose the counting of electoral votes?

“People are talking”

The narrative hasn’t changed one bit. Trump is a seditionist. End of story.
The Trumpsters are just looking for something to grasp on to besides their terrorism.

They've lost it all, and like a battered wife, they can't bring themselves to blame the man they adore.
You clowns are the ones having to change your stories, Clown.

You've used "clown" in the same sentence twice, FuckBoi. When people call you "stupid", "uneducated", and otherwise denigrate your debating skills or your intelligence, it's because of posts like this.
Is this like Ted Cruz citing bullshit that he helped propagate as a reason to oppose the counting of electoral votes?

“People are talking”

The narrative hasn’t changed one bit. Trump is a seditionist. End of story.
Smarter Dimwingers are trying to change their story as the original one blew up in their faces........single digit IQ morons like you are still trying to push the debunked bullshit original story.

Once again, you post proveable bullshit without a single source to back up your fuckboi seditionist dreams.

As one of the investigators said on the day after the insurrection, when all of the facts come out, the American people are going to be truly shocked at what almost happened here.

Oh, and that weird looking tatooed "Viking Man" that you fools claimed was "proof positive" that the people who stormed the Capital were BLM protestors from the summer because he was at last summers' BLM protests, here are the photos?? That guy is a Qanon founder who has been arrested as one of the organizers of the insurrection. I guess his arrest proves what the left has been saying all along - the violence, looting and trouble at the BLM protests this past summer were largely the work of right wing extremists trying to start a civil war.
No, fuckstick....I posted pics of the two Antifa idiots standing next to him to prove Antifa was there.

And your lies about the 8 months of Dimwinger BLM and Antifa riots. Looting, rapes, and murders is laughable.

You are a joke, a lying sack of shit, and stupid beyond belief.
Is this like Ted Cruz citing bullshit that he helped propagate as a reason to oppose the counting of electoral votes?

“People are talking”

The narrative hasn’t changed one bit. Trump is a seditionist. End of story.
The Trumpsters are just looking for something to grasp on to besides their terrorism.

They've lost it all, and like a battered wife, they can't bring themselves to blame the man they adore.
You clowns are the ones having to change your stories, Clown.

You've used "clown" in the same sentence twice, FuckBoi. When people call you "stupid", "uneducated", and otherwise denigrate your debating skills or your intelligence, it's because of posts like this.
You are a KKKanadian Klown, Klown.

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