Any Vietnam era vets on this forum?

I've been thinking of something to post but no words seem to fit except to say
the country turned its back of those returning from VN.
The country still has it's back turned.
Visit any Veterans Hospital and see for yourselves.
It's a disgrace what's not happening.
Go into homeless shelters and see how old many men there are. These men were in the prime of life during the VN era.
Many many of these veterans will never stop suffering from the crushing feeling of guilt that they made it home when their friends did not.
I blame both political parties equally for their disgraceful inactions.
I need a drink.
That's all.
A good movie to watch right now is

It might cheer you up a bit.

I've been thinking of something to post but no words seem to fit except to say
the country turned its back of those returning from VN.
The country still has it's back turned.
Visit any Veterans Hospital and see for yourselves.
It's a disgrace what's not happening.
Go into homeless shelters and see how old many men there are. These men were in the prime of life during the VN era.
Many many of these veterans will never stop suffering from the crushing feeling of guilt that they made it home when their friends did not.
I blame both political parties equally for their disgraceful inactions.
I need a drink.
That's all.
A good movie to watch right now is

It might cheer you up a bit.

I love the movie and the TV series.
Got more laughs from the series though.
I have such negative feelings about everything to do with VN.
Thanks for the advice.
I've been thinking of something to post but no words seem to fit except to say
the country turned its back of those returning from VN.
The country still has it's back turned.
Visit any Veterans Hospital and see for yourselves.
It's a disgrace what's not happening.
Go into homeless shelters and see how old many men there are. These men were in the prime of life during the VN era.
Many many of these veterans will never stop suffering from the crushing feeling of guilt that they made it home when their friends did not.
I blame both political parties equally for their disgraceful inactions.
I need a drink.
That's all.
A good movie to watch right now is

It might cheer you up a bit.

I love the movie and the TV series.
Got more laughs from the series though.
I have such negative feelings about everything to do with VN.
Thanks for the advice.

MASH was created to be a protest movie on Vietnam, but they decided to make it less so by changing to the Korean War.
I've been thinking of something to post but no words seem to fit except to say
the country turned its back of those returning from VN.
The country still has it's back turned.
Visit any Veterans Hospital and see for yourselves.
It's a disgrace what's not happening.
Go into homeless shelters and see how old many men there are. These men were in the prime of life during the VN era.
Many many of these veterans will never stop suffering from the crushing feeling of guilt that they made it home when their friends did not.
I blame both political parties equally for their disgraceful inactions.
I need a drink.
That's all.
A good movie to watch right now is

It might cheer you up a bit.

I love the movie and the TV series.
Got more laughs from the series though.
I have such negative feelings about everything to do with VN.
Thanks for the advice.

MASH was created to be a protest movie on Vietnam, but they decided to make it less so by changing to the Korean War.

Ya I know.
They also lightened it up in the TV show so as to reach a broader audience politically.
Arlington, November 11, 2015 with some of the gang. On Saturday Nov,14 we celebrated the beginning of the Battle of Ia Drang Valley at LZ X-RAY. Had my baseball hat on.

We Were Soldiers Once and Young: Ia Drang Valley 1965 withLisa Soltow Brannon and 9 others at Vietnam Veterans Memorial.

November 11 · Washington, District of Columbia, DC · ·

Is that Bruce Crandall in front (in the jacket) ?
No but if you click on the link in my original post that says 'We were soldiers once and young: Ia Drang Valley 1965" it takes you to the FB page of Freddie Owens who owns the page. There pictures of Bruce in there wearing a leather bomber jacket and a Stetson, He has white whiskers.
I just turned 18 in 1972 and walked into an Air Force recruiting office and enlisted because my father had waded ashore at Normandy. All three of my brothers served. Spent basic in San Antonio, TX and then tech school at the same. Got on a plane and went to Vietnam. Spent 16 months there (was supposed to leave at 12 but I stayed so a guy with kids could go home). I remember the sound that a round makes as it whizzes by your head. I also remember being so scared at night when the VC would come to the wire and lob grenades onto the hammer head. One maintenance guy caught a stray round one night and I remember him screaming. He lived, but at night, in a firefight, that sound is something you'll never forget. The tracers going down range, the smell, the sounds. About ready to shit all over yourself, praying to God in heaven to just get you out of there. Then you head home and you have to worry about the low life, sleaze ball, scumbags who would humiliate you if they got the chance.

I made many friends there. Some I still talk to and I can tell you right now, I would give my life and everything I owned to any one of them if they asked. But they won't. Those maggots who protested, who spit and threw stuff onto those returning vets are beneath contempt. They are nothing more than scum. Not even worthy enough to wipe the sweat off those guys balls. They are a waste of human flesh. Their opinions are meaningless.

I took off my uniform like they told us to when I returned and THAT is the biggest regret I have. I now wear my Vietnam Veteran jacket with pride and every time I see a man or woman in uniform, I tell them God bless and that I support them. Every time...
Politicians are always willing to sacrifice your life for their cause, no matter how many wars they loose.

Every war America has been in after WWII has been for the egotistical desires of politicians to be the world dictator. And like Hitler, we lost them all.... Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan.

There is no glory in coming home in a box. There is no honor in sacrificing a limb for corporate profits.

All the chicken hawks give lip service, "Thanks for your service" and "Our brave heroes", but deny the vets their healthcare and the honor of a decent job when they get home.

Those that have been in war know the ugliness. They have to live with the horrors the rest of their lives. The have to live with the memories of dead children, and innocent civilians they've killed. Most of them are to forked up enough to hold a job.

Today I came out of WalMart, and a vet came up to me and asked it I could help out a vet. Our brave heroes are reduced to beggars. How honorable.

BTW, I served from 1970-73. But they sent me to Iran instead of Nam. Please, spare me your lip service.
Politicians are always willing to sacrifice your life for their cause, no matter how many wars they loose.

Every war America has been in after WWII has been for the egotistical desires of politicians to be the world dictator. And like Hitler, we lost them all.... Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan.

There is no glory in coming home in a box. There is no honor in sacrificing a limb for corporate profits.

All the chicken hawks give lip service, "Thanks for your service" and "Our brave heroes", but deny the vets their healthcare and the honor of a decent job when they get home.

Those that have been in war know the ugliness. They have to live with the horrors the rest of their lives. The have to live with the memories of dead children, and innocent civilians they've killed. Most of them are to forked up enough to hold a job.

Today I came out of WalMart, and a vet came up to me and asked it I could help out a vet. Our brave heroes are reduced to beggars. How honorable.

BTW, I served from 1970-73. But they sent me to Iran instead of Nam. Please, spare me your lip service.

Even worse is having to put up with idiots assholes and ingrates like yourself.
Politicians are always willing to sacrifice your life for their cause, no matter how many wars they loose.

Every war America has been in after WWII has been for the egotistical desires of politicians to be the world dictator. And like Hitler, we lost them all.... Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan.

There is no glory in coming home in a box. There is no honor in sacrificing a limb for corporate profits.

All the chicken hawks give lip service, "Thanks for your service" and "Our brave heroes", but deny the vets their healthcare and the honor of a decent job when they get home.

Those that have been in war know the ugliness. They have to live with the horrors the rest of their lives. The have to live with the memories of dead children, and innocent civilians they've killed. Most of them are to forked up enough to hold a job.

Today I came out of WalMart, and a vet came up to me and asked it I could help out a vet. Our brave heroes are reduced to beggars. How honorable.

BTW, I served from 1970-73. But they sent me to Iran instead of Nam. Please, spare me your lip service.

Even worse is having to put up with idiots assholes and ingrates like yourself.
It's really funny when a moron calls a vet an ingrate. BWAH HA HA!
Arlington, November 11, 2015 with some of the gang. On Saturday Nov,14 we celebrated the beginning of the Battle of Ia Drang Valley at LZ X-RAY. Had my baseball hat on.

We Were Soldiers Once and Young: Ia Drang Valley 1965 withLisa Soltow Brannon and 9 others at Vietnam Veterans Memorial.

November 11 · Washington, District of Columbia, DC · ·

Is that Bruce Crandall in front (in the jacket) ?
Sun Devil 92 Just found this picture of Bruce Crandall

Politicians are always willing to sacrifice your life for their cause, no matter how many wars they loose.

Every war America has been in after WWII has been for the egotistical desires of politicians to be the world dictator. And like Hitler, we lost them all.... Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan.

There is no glory in coming home in a box. There is no honor in sacrificing a limb for corporate profits.

All the chicken hawks give lip service, "Thanks for your service" and "Our brave heroes", but deny the vets their healthcare and the honor of a decent job when they get home.

Those that have been in war know the ugliness. They have to live with the horrors the rest of their lives. The have to live with the memories of dead children, and innocent civilians they've killed. Most of them are to forked up enough to hold a job.

Today I came out of WalMart, and a vet came up to me and asked it I could help out a vet. Our brave heroes are reduced to beggars. How honorable.

BTW, I served from 1970-73. But they sent me to Iran instead of Nam. Please, spare me your lip service.

Even worse is having to put up with idiots assholes and ingrates like yourself.
It's really funny when a moron calls a vet an ingrate. BWAH HA HA!
So, you were a Chaplains assistant, right?
I just turned 18 in 1972 and walked into an Air Force recruiting office and enlisted because my father had waded ashore at Normandy. All three of my brothers served. Spent basic in San Antonio, TX and then tech school at the same. Got on a plane and went to Vietnam. Spent 16 months there (was supposed to leave at 12 but I stayed so a guy with kids could go home). I remember the sound that a round makes as it whizzes by your head. I also remember being so scared at night when the VC would come to the wire and lob grenades onto the hammer head. One maintenance guy caught a stray round one night and I remember him screaming. He lived, but at night, in a firefight, that sound is something you'll never forget. The tracers going down range, the smell, the sounds. About ready to shit all over yourself, praying to God in heaven to just get you out of there. Then you head home and you have to worry about the low life, sleaze ball, scumbags who would humiliate you if they got the chance.

I made many friends there. Some I still talk to and I can tell you right now, I would give my life and everything I owned to any one of them if they asked. But they won't. Those maggots who protested, who spit and threw stuff onto those returning vets are beneath contempt. They are nothing more than scum. Not even worthy enough to wipe the sweat off those guys balls. They are a waste of human flesh. Their opinions are meaningless.

I took off my uniform like they told us to when I returned and THAT is the biggest regret I have. I now wear my Vietnam Veteran jacket with pride and every time I see a man or woman in uniform, I tell them God bless and that I support them. Every time...

And God bless you.
Arlington, November 11, 2015 with some of the gang. On Saturday Nov,14 we celebrated the beginning of the Battle of Ia Drang Valley at LZ X-RAY. Had my baseball hat on.

We Were Soldiers Once and Young: Ia Drang Valley 1965 withLisa Soltow Brannon and 9 others at Vietnam Veterans Memorial.

November 11 · Washington, District of Columbia, DC · ·

Is that Bruce Crandall in front (in the jacket) ?
Sun Devil 92 Just found this picture of Bruce Crandall


It's so cool they gave him the MOH after it was shown what he did in the Ia Drang.
Politicians are always willing to sacrifice your life for their cause, no matter how many wars they loose.

Every war America has been in after WWII has been for the egotistical desires of politicians to be the world dictator. And like Hitler, we lost them all.... Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan.

There is no glory in coming home in a box. There is no honor in sacrificing a limb for corporate profits.

All the chicken hawks give lip service, "Thanks for your service" and "Our brave heroes", but deny the vets their healthcare and the honor of a decent job when they get home.

Those that have been in war know the ugliness. They have to live with the horrors the rest of their lives. The have to live with the memories of dead children, and innocent civilians they've killed. Most of them are to forked up enough to hold a job.

Today I came out of WalMart, and a vet came up to me and asked it I could help out a vet. Our brave heroes are reduced to beggars. How honorable.

BTW, I served from 1970-73. But they sent me to Iran instead of Nam. Please, spare me your lip service.

Even worse is having to put up with idiots assholes and ingrates like yourself.
It's really funny when a moron calls a vet an ingrate. BWAH HA HA!

What? Didn't they have any innocent civilians for you to kill in Iran? Poor Baby!! And everyone knows what real tigers Era vets are too. Such a shame! Unfortunately being a vet does in no way give you a right to slander the service or sacrifice of myself my friends and this great Nation. Doing so could result in cancellation of your heath insurance coverage.
Politicians are always willing to sacrifice your life for their cause, no matter how many wars they loose.

Every war America has been in after WWII has been for the egotistical desires of politicians to be the world dictator. And like Hitler, we lost them all.... Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan.

There is no glory in coming home in a box. There is no honor in sacrificing a limb for corporate profits.

All the chicken hawks give lip service, "Thanks for your service" and "Our brave heroes", but deny the vets their healthcare and the honor of a decent job when they get home.

Those that have been in war know the ugliness. They have to live with the horrors the rest of their lives. The have to live with the memories of dead children, and innocent civilians they've killed. Most of them are to forked up enough to hold a job.

Today I came out of WalMart, and a vet came up to me and asked it I could help out a vet. Our brave heroes are reduced to beggars. How honorable.

BTW, I served from 1970-73. But they sent me to Iran instead of Nam. Please, spare me your lip service.
The ONLY ONES screwing over the veteran is Barry and his criminal thug buddies permanently housed in Washington. You want to see how badly vets can be treated? If Hillary Clinton becomes President, she will only cross the street to piss on a vet. You know, I volunteer at two places. One is a veteran's center run by the VFW. Funny how I NEVER see vets there who are liberal. Oh, you can hear them whine and moan like you do and they always write letters to the editor or they post on boards like this. But they NEVER show up. Never sit with a vet who's shaking and crying over something that happened in Bien Hoa or Falujah. Or talking one out of eating a bullet.

"The have to live with the memories of dead children, and innocent civilians they've killed" Are you really that stupid? Good God in heaven above. A person who has supposedly put on the uniform of his country and you sit there and call us 'baby killers.' You are no goddamn better than the maggots who threw urine on those vets or screamed those names at them.

9thIDdoc and those men and women like him. I've never served with them, don't know them. But they are hero's none-the-less. In me they have a brother in arms. In you they have a pain-in-the-ass wanna be who, quite frankly, NEVER will be...
I just turned 18 in 1972 and walked into an Air Force recruiting office and enlisted because my father had waded ashore at Normandy. All three of my brothers served. Spent basic in San Antonio, TX and then tech school at the same. Got on a plane and went to Vietnam. Spent 16 months there (was supposed to leave at 12 but I stayed so a guy with kids could go home). I remember the sound that a round makes as it whizzes by your head. I also remember being so scared at night when the VC would come to the wire and lob grenades onto the hammer head. One maintenance guy caught a stray round one night and I remember him screaming. He lived, but at night, in a firefight, that sound is something you'll never forget. The tracers going down range, the smell, the sounds. About ready to shit all over yourself, praying to God in heaven to just get you out of there. Then you head home and you have to worry about the low life, sleaze ball, scumbags who would humiliate you if they got the chance.

I made many friends there. Some I still talk to and I can tell you right now, I would give my life and everything I owned to any one of them if they asked. But they won't. Those maggots who protested, who spit and threw stuff onto those returning vets are beneath contempt. They are nothing more than scum. Not even worthy enough to wipe the sweat off those guys balls. They are a waste of human flesh. Their opinions are meaningless.

I took off my uniform like they told us to when I returned and THAT is the biggest regret I have. I now wear my Vietnam Veteran jacket with pride and every time I see a man or woman in uniform, I tell them God bless and that I support them. Every time...

Thanks for a great post. Hit very close to home.
Politicians are always willing to sacrifice your life for their cause, no matter how many wars they loose.

Every war America has been in after WWII has been for the egotistical desires of politicians to be the world dictator. And like Hitler, we lost them all.... Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan.

There is no glory in coming home in a box. There is no honor in sacrificing a limb for corporate profits.

All the chicken hawks give lip service, "Thanks for your service" and "Our brave heroes", but deny the vets their healthcare and the honor of a decent job when they get home.

Those that have been in war know the ugliness. They have to live with the horrors the rest of their lives. The have to live with the memories of dead children, and innocent civilians they've killed. Most of them are to forked up enough to hold a job.

Today I came out of WalMart, and a vet came up to me and asked it I could help out a vet. Our brave heroes are reduced to beggars. How honorable.

BTW, I served from 1970-73. But they sent me to Iran instead of Nam. Please, spare me your lip service.

Even worse is having to put up with idiots assholes and ingrates like yourself.

What the hell's wrong with the post? I agree with almost every word of it.

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