Any idiot could become a millionaire..even liberal/progressives/Obama supporters!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
In a previous thread the power of compound interest was NOT addressed by ignorant people but attacks on the numbers used.

So it should be very simple to understand that ANY "dummy" could do it!

If Congress allowed as Bush wanted for ANYONE under age 55..
again NOT anyone OVER 55 or anyone retired..
Maybe I need to shout!
Changes in social security would NOT affect current seniors or would it affect anyone over AGE 55.. BUT only those ALSO who want to it wasn't compulsory!

If a 23 year old worker starting at $30,000/year receiving increases over 47 years retires at 70 years would have paid in as well as the employer share over $300,000.

If left to accumulate over 47 years at the historical savings rate of since 1970 rates of 7% for Certificate of Deposits: $2,315,615 would be available to the idiot/dummy
because the forced savings of $250/month on average for 47 years!

Why is this so complicated?

As a result any idiot/dummy would have $2.3 million that without touching the $2.3 million receive a monthly AGAIN not touching principle
a check for $13,000 a MONTH! Ten times what SS pays today!

All by having his government forced savings plan put into interest generating account over 47 years the $300,000 payroll taxes!

NO payments OWED by the government to the worker!
NO Medicare payments paid by the government!

Come on fellow intelligent people WHAT is the problem?
The money is guaranteed !
The interest is guaranteed!
Think folks !
Oh one minor side benefit of letting us idiot/dummies keep our $300,000 paid in over 47 years and accumulating over $2.3 million ...

NO MORE NATIONAL DEBT of $14 TRILLION and ENTITLEMENT obligations of trillions more!

The reason is the current payments are considered expenditures by our government!
And as a result NO borrowing to pay social security payments if the individual dummy has responsibility for accumulation!

If there is no more borrowing.. means paying off the national debt completely by the time the 23 year old retires!

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