Any Answers For This?


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2011
A supposedly justifiable shooting and Byrd is spirited away to a military base? Are all police that shoot citizens justifiably sent to military bases?

“We uncovered info that Babbitt shooter Lt. Byrd immediately after the shooting was housed at Joint Base Andrews. Why was he on a military base? Why was the military getting involved in a police shooting?”​

Democrats knew the shooting was NOT a 'righteous' shoot and was aftrais of a massive violent backlah, one as big possibly as Antifa's / BLM's community-destroying 'peaceful protests'


Byrd drew his weapon and fired blindly into a crowd of unarmed protestors, striking and killing an unarmed female veteran who had securiry officers near her.

Had this been a white officer firing blindly into a group of unarmed black protestors and killing an unarmed black female veteran we would most probably seen another 'mostly peaceful protest'.
A supposedly justifiable shooting and Byrd is spirited away to a military base? Are all police that shoot citizens justifiably sent to military bases?

“We uncovered info that Babbitt shooter Lt. Byrd immediately after the shooting was housed at Joint Base Andrews. Why was he on a military base? Why was the military getting involved in a police shooting?”​

To keep you freaks from hunting him down and killing him.
I suspect that in the coming months we will find out when a real investigation into the murder starts.....Oh they will let things cool off a bit after the 1/6 committee is shut down but it's answers to those types of questions that many subpoenas will be issued over.
Byrd drew his weapon and fired blindly into a crowd of unarmed protestors, striking and killing an unarmed female veteran who had securiry officers near her.

Why do you feel the need to lie about things all the time?

He did not fire blindly into a crowd, he aimed and hit dead center of the rioter that was climbing through the window.

It was a well aimed, righteous shot.

I hope he got a medal for his actions.
Why do you feel the need to lie about things all the time?

So you are saying Byrd looked through the hole after drawing his gun, saw his target, aimed at the unarmed female, and intentionally fired?!

Do you ever think before you parrot your BS / troll these threads?

I like your version, though - let's go with it.

According to you he intentionally murdered her instead of carelessly fired blindly into the unarmed crowd.
So you are saying Byrd looked through the hole after drawing his gun, saw his target, aimed at the unarmed female, and intentionally fired?!

You mean the hole that was big enough for her to be climbing through and was actually in the process of doing so when she was shot....yep that is what he did

I like your version, though - let's go with it. According to you he intentionally murdered her instead if carelessly fired blindly into the unarmed crowd.

Nope, no murder. She was at the front of a mob of people chanting for the death of those that were being protected behind that door. It was a 100% legal shot. The fact she was unnamed is totally irrelevant.
Not at all.

I tell you what, come to my house and climb through my window and see what happens to you.

Sorry that you melt down so easy when in reality, I am just setting the record straight!!

BTW, are you threatening me?
No big deal, Bravoasshole did it the other day.
You Bidenista's are so quick to turn to violence!
Not at all.

I tell you what, come to my house and climb through my window and see what happens to you.
Yet you seemingly support Biden's Open Border illegal immigration that allows traffickers, pedophiles, rapists, and terrorists to climb over our fence / in through our 'window' and into our 'house'...

You mean the hole that was big enough for her to be climbing through and was actually in the process of doing so when she was shot....yep that is what he did

Again, so you are saying Byrd saw his target clearly, saw she was unarmed, that this petite girl posed no serious threat, drew his pistol, and executed her.

Ya know, the more you talk the more I like it because you are just making my point for me.
Sorry that you melt down so easy when in reality, I am just setting the record straight!!

BTW, are you threatening me?
No big deal, Bravoasshole did it the other day.
You Bidenista's are so quick to turn to violence!

No melt down at all, just a simple invitation.

I would never threaten you, stop being such a snowflake
Again, so you are saying Byrd saw his target clearly, saw she was unarmed, that this petite girl posed no serious threat, drew his pistol, and executed her.

Ya know, the more you talk the more I like it because you are just making my point for me.

Yes, she was in the act of climbing through the window in the door when she was shot. She as told to stop and she ignored the command. Unarmed is 100% irrelevant. She had a backpack that could have been full of explosives for all anyone knew.

100% legit shot. If you had ever had any sort of deadly force training you would know this. But that would require you to get out of your basement so that will not happen.
The Feds were afraid that he would go before the media cameras and give a statement that might not be in line with the administration so they isolated and debriefed him as if he was involved in a military or political assassination rather than being nothing but a freaking goof ball. They needn't have bothered because the media was in lock step with the regime and the killing would be justified no matter what.

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