Antifa trying to murder journalists they don't like


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Yet another way the Left tries to control the press.

Why can't they just censor all the news off social media and the general media instead of trying to kill people now?

After all, it works for elections. That much has already been proven.
Was always their next step.

They consider speech they don't like as an act of violence therefore giving them justification to strike out first and commit acts of thuggery in some sort of pre-emptive defence.

They'll see murder as justified next towards anyone that's not on board with them using similar logic about the means justifying the end.

This is where things go when you let lunatics roam free and actively encourage them and by that I'm not talking about some useless cops or influential bloggers, I'm talking Biden, senators, mayors, mainstream media, the courts etc.

They've all got blood on their hands.
Was always their next step.

They consider speech they don't like as an act of violence therefore giving them justification to strike out first and commit acts of thuggery in some sort of pre-emptive defence.

They'll see murder as justified next towards anyone that's not on board with them using similar logic about the means justifying the end.

This is where things go when you let lunatics roam free and actively encourage them and by that I'm not talking about some useless cops or influential bloggers, I'm talking Biden, senators, mayors, mainstream media, the courts etc.

They've all got blood on their hands.
The Brown shirts run the show now apparently.

And who is there to stop them?

Was always their next step.

They consider speech they don't like as an act of violence therefore giving them justification to strike out first and commit acts of thuggery in some sort of pre-emptive defence.

They'll see murder as justified next towards anyone that's not on board with them using similar logic about the means justifying the end.

This is where things go when you let lunatics roam free and actively encourage them and by that I'm not talking about some useless cops or influential bloggers, I'm talking Biden, senators, mayors, mainstream media, the courts etc.

They've all got blood on their hands.
The Brown shirts run the show now apparently.

And who is there to stop them?

View attachment 497219
The first thing Antifa done after Biden was confirmed was torch and destroy his Portland or Seattle HQ - was there a peep from him in condemnation of his friends?

Imagine that was Trump supporters that done that - he'd still be playing on it to this day.
If they want to murder a journalist; they should take a page from the Saudi can totally murder a US journalist and chop him up long as you have a US president to help cover for you....

Maybe Biden will help Antifa murder journalists and cover it up for them....but first, you would have to find a journalist...because Andy Ngo isn't one
LoLing at anyone who'd actually anything that comes out of that crooked orfice of a mouth.

I must admit journalists are leftist scum so i dont have alot of sympathy when the leftist stormtroopers, antifa, go after leftists.
They are ANTI fascist!

They are TOO DUMB to define "fascist" properly.

They parrot some pathetic lie of a left wing list, that includes "sexism" as a practice of fascists. When asked to provide ANY evidence that the NAZIs were sexist.... they searched for hours and found none, because there is none - hitler was advancing women faster, he was PROGRESSIVE on SEXISM just like those who support KAMALA....

Do fascists support gun control?
Are fascists socialists?

If you gave a quiz on fascism to an average ANTIFA, the ANTIFA would maybe get 10% right.....maybe.
Which journalists make ANTIFA's enemies list?

The ones who ask them to define the word fascist.... which the dumb funks cannot even do....
They are ANTI fascist!

They are TOO DUMB to define "fascist" properly.

They parrot some pathetic lie of a left wing list, that includes "sexism" as a practice of fascists. When asked to provide ANY evidence that the NAZIs were sexist.... they searched for hours and found none, because there is none - hitler was advancing women faster, he was PROGRESSIVE on SEXISM just like those who support KAMALA....

Do fascists support gun control?
Are fascists socialists?

If you gave a quiz on fascism to an average ANTIFA, the ANTIFA would maybe get 10% right.....maybe.
Leftists are rather stupid so they dont understand the origins of Fascism. Its a leftist ideology that worships totalitarianism. It was born in the marxist idea of Anarcho-Syndicalism. Antifa is the democrats SA.
They are ANTI fascist!

They are TOO DUMB to define "fascist" properly.

They parrot some pathetic lie of a left wing list, that includes "sexism" as a practice of fascists. When asked to provide ANY evidence that the NAZIs were sexist.... they searched for hours and found none, because there is none - hitler was advancing women faster, he was PROGRESSIVE on SEXISM just like those who support KAMALA....

Do fascists support gun control?
Are fascists socialists?

If you gave a quiz on fascism to an average ANTIFA, the ANTIFA would maybe get 10% right.....maybe.
Leftists are rather stupid so they dont understand the origins of Fascism. Its a leftist ideology that worships totalitarianism. It was born in the marxist idea of Anarcho-Syndicalism. Antifa is the democrats SA.

ANTIFA - anti (the idiot in the mirror)

Yet another way the Left tries to control the press.

Why can't they just censor all the news off social media and the general media instead of trying to kill people now?

After all, it works for elections. That much has already been proven.

Yep......and this sends a message to main stream democrat party journalists........keep the party line or else........blm and antifa are the new klan...and the democrat party will use them to attack the party enemies...

Yet another way the Left tries to control the press.

Why can't they just censor all the news off social media and the general media instead of trying to kill people now?

After all, it works for elections. That much has already been proven.
Did you see the name of his book?
He deserves a touch up for printing lies.
You didn't care about republicans storming the capitol and threatening to kill people. You hypocrite.

Yet another way the Left tries to control the press.

Why can't they just censor all the news off social media and the general media instead of trying to kill people now?

After all, it works for elections. That much has already been proven.
Did you see the name of his book?
He deserves a touch up for printing lies.
You didn't care about republicans storming the capitol and threatening to kill people. You hypocrite.
For the record, anyone percieved printing lies can be attacked.

I assume you only mean right wingers

As for storming the Capital, I never condoned it and only questioned why an unarmed woman was shot dead with no investigation and a media refusing to release the name of the police officer.

It seems rather hypocritical compared how this would have played out elsewhere, especially if the woman was black.
They are ANTI fascist!

They are TOO DUMB to define "fascist" properly.

They parrot some pathetic lie of a left wing list, that includes "sexism" as a practice of fascists. When asked to provide ANY evidence that the NAZIs were sexist.... they searched for hours and found none, because there is none - hitler was advancing women faster, he was PROGRESSIVE on SEXISM just like those who support KAMALA....

Do fascists support gun control?
Are fascists socialists?

If you gave a quiz on fascism to an average ANTIFA, the ANTIFA would maybe get 10% right.....maybe.
Leftists are rather stupid so they dont understand the origins of Fascism. Its a leftist ideology that worships totalitarianism. It was born in the marxist idea of Anarcho-Syndicalism. Antifa is the democrats SA.


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