Anti zionist Israeli 5 cents


Gold Member
Jun 10, 2015
Hello haters and guys with some more brains and humanity.

Before I say anything You should know that an educated Hebrew won't spill any filth on his people, especially when it endangers them physically in times of "Informational warfare" that manifests in real world actions.

And it's simple: as much as I won't direct hate towards muslims abroad who shake my hand with a smile in the beginning but turn violent when hearing of my origin, I won't direct hate towards those in my land even if I think they act against me as a Hebrew or even those who have racial inclinations against arabs. But that's not to say that I want to cover for something or be called a 'self-hating jew', my only bias is my will to live.

Simply I understand what motivates both sides to express hatred, people are people- they suffer and react alike.

My opinion is relevant to both sides because I'm not Your regular Israeli-

I didn't serve in the army, actually had to go to an army-prison twice for standing this right. I've never put the uniform, shot a bullet shaved or listened to any orders. I'm a prof. musician since early years-I knew my way was around all this games from early on. I have Judaism and Islam with itsā€™ religious texts and lived in a Christian country for a long time..

But mind You I'm not a happy hippie since being bombed each couple of years easily erases that.

I'll start expressing my opinion by stressing that I've never had any misunderstandings with arabs directly NOT ANY. But I didn't use to hang too much time in those communities. Of course negativity and suspicion is felt in times of war, specially when You hear some guys crying a praise to their god, while being bombarded themselves in the same place. Go figure- Hebrews at the same time usually pray to our ancestors' God for families and the whole nation to be saved.

Although Israel was declared as a Jewish state it's legitimacy from a religious point is divided between 2 views- one stating as sworn by king Solomon that we aren't to return in a big wave to not appease the nations, while the second takes in account the 3rd condition given to the Nations by God, not to make his people's life in the diaspora a nightmare (actually it demands to just not make it hard beyond reason). Well there're idealists who stay abroad and lead communities and there're those who saw the signs abroad and interpreted them as a warning to start preparing for the final stages-as promised in the prophecy. And that's a key point to all our relations as I see them, more on this later..

While the point I've mentioned above are key to understand such a religious place, the state of Israel established itself as a high developed technologic oasis with secular values. The economic and social attitude play the biggest role. And here I must emphasize on a matter that Anti-Israeli trolls lie (let's be naĆÆve- because of lack of info) daily:

against all logic and lies- arabs are not discriminated anyhow! Say what You want, better check it Yourself- ISRAELI ARABS IS THE MOST PRIVILLEGED SECTOR OF COMMUNITY.

For example they are not obliged to pay the land tax and social security like every citizen, they have more social privileges than any holocaust survival to say the least. That's not to say that the state lacks budget in any way. In order to understand it, all You have to do is travel by some small arab village and compare the houses of an average Arabic family and the apartments of some jewish engineer or a doctor in the city. And of course not to forget- arabs are well represented in the highest-paid jobs: doctors, lawyers, nurses, engineers, bank workers etc. Of course it would be a mistake not to mention construction industry which is practically monopolized.

All this while the average Israeli has less and less worth for the salary, has to pay fully for education, social services and doesnā€™t even think to own an apartment before reaching 35 (which will becme his own only in 20-30 yrs). By the way each Israeli jewish family has a right to lease a piece of land for a limited amount of 50 years only, before renewing the permit. And Iā€™m not even mentioning the Hebrew families that lived there even before the state.

Itā€™s important to mention that the orthodox communities live in closed environments among themselves and mainly with the help of donations. As the arabs they have big families but get mistreated by the left (Gaza sympathizers) wing being falsely portrayed as ā€œnon-working who only study and prayā€, thus the only state money they are willing to take is for Yeshivas- religious intern schools.

Donā€™t get me wrong, Iā€™m not trying to shove You some extreme situation, Israel was called a ā€˜start-up nationā€™ for a reason- itā€™s a wonderful place if Youā€™re young and want to work in the field of technology, everything else suffers from mediocrity. But from the beginning an average arab has much more financial support so that only If you get an inheritance thereā€™s a fair chance initially. And with all of that do the arab parents still send their youngest children in tore dirty clothes to clean widescreens of sopping by cars on the highways?

UNFORTUNATELY YES! Do many of them look exactly like everyone, speak Hebrew with barely no accent and lead a healthy social life as equals? Iā€™M HAPPY THEY DO.

However now Iā€™ll get to the Zionsm problem. Zion is one among names of Jerusalem, the symbol of our people, that kept many generations in the diaspora ā€˜aliveā€™ as a nation. The hope to see Zion again tied people tightly locally and between further communities during hard times which were few. Thereā€™s even a sentence in a prayer ā€˜If I forget You Jerusalem, let my right hand be forgottenā€.

But Zionism led by Herzel was and is an extremely anti jewish political movement which merely uses the Hebrew people as a reason to dabble in world-geo-politics and some believe, to play religious gamesā€¦Itā€™s laws are extremely foreign to the culture as the leaders

who decide for the nation. It was so in the beginning, itā€™s so now.

Iā€™m not an orthodox (although studied in religious school), as most of Israelis Iā€™m secular celebrating the holidays, fasts and pray sometimes, but Iā€™m sorry call it however You like- the thing the Zionists declared as a jewish state has nothing to do with decent life as a Hebrew. It doesnā€™t care for our laws, it puts obstacles in the way hard working orthodox- who are the loyal keepers of our culture and the covenant- those values upon which this state was declared- ā€œas envisioned by our prophetsā€™. Especially being declared by B. Gurion- it was in my view it was an evil sarcasm, In my view it was designed so that a Hebrew man woman woul loose their connection to the roots and spirituality thus making them a naĆÆve pawn in the game of western nations. Pay attention I wrote ā€œHEBREW manā€™- not the zionist state.

The boldest examples are-

1.Not letting the Hebrew to go up the Temple Mount while letting the muslims play soccer in our holiest of places (fro which they like to throw rocks at the praying).

2. Making a Hebrew soldier who swore in Jerusalem to evict his own people out of their home by force, only to give that land to sworn enemies.

In perspective I see the rove of the state as a key player in the false end times theater.

Saying this I surely seem like that conspiracy freak, well I am to a point. Itā€™s elementary to accept that people of high ranks meet to discuss and decide on the key issues. Its elementary to see that thereā€™s an agenda to make it seem as if the prophecies the main 3 religions for the end times are fulfilling these days- a thin that makes them all clash finally.

And lastly those who have eyes can surely read ā€œMorals and Dogmaā€ by Albert Pikeā€¦

So of course the haters among You will blindly choose what they prefer to see and dismiss anything slightly conflicting to his/her propaganda. My intent was merely to express my self in purely self-exploratory pursue. All the arguments surrounding the internet on this topic are repeated endlessly in propaganda wars over young, still unformed minds that lack the ability to think critically for themselves. Whatā€™s even more prevalent is the unoriginality in them- arguments and techniques copied directly from Goebbels, Russian secret service and alike.

But thatā€™s for the rest of the world who live in a totally different dimension to be entertained in the illusion of self worth and high morale.

I wonā€™t even try to dispute that nonsense, all that Talmud citations are beyond ridiculous. I think people around the world got familiar with the ways of ā€˜INTERNET JIHADā€™ and the tendencies to respond in a certain way to cutting facts/evidence. People here donā€™t even get bothered too much, we know who we deal with and whatā€™s in the arsenal. And as further the enemy goes the more the prophecies get fulfilled on both sides- the story gets tighter and 3 traditions (basically 1 and 2 variations of the first) get into a final collision. And the most interesting thing is that each is wating for itā€™s redeemer, while the 2 copied versions insist that Hebrew peopleā€™s messiah is going to be a false one, while waiting for the 2nd one they just donā€™t know that our prophets promised us 2 redeemers.

p.s. How can anybody believe the nonsense of the "P"alestinian nation when it's inhabitants don't even have the first letter to pronounce it correctly? It's beyond naĆÆve.

Welcome to USMB Rylah.. I think your comments and opinions show how complex Israeli public opinion is and how stereotypes are not really useful.

Always great to have 1st hand thoughts from the Holy Land.. However, I did not see a reason in your thoughts WHY religious opinion is valuable when it comes to coexistance and mutual Arab-Israeli cooperation. CERTAINLY there are many reasons why Palestinians would benefit from normalized economic and security relations with Israel..

Just like the "privileged" Arab residents that you write about..
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Interesting post by itself but I'd like to know about your inspiration for 'Rylah' and what are you doing up at 5:30AM?! :D
Interesting post by itself but I'd like to know about your inspiration for 'Rylah' and what are you doing up at 5:30AM?! :D
What Does Name "Rylah" Mean

You are a law unto itself. Your tendency is to finish whatever you start. You are tolerant and like to help humanity. You are very active. You are generally warmhearted and gives freely of your time, energy, and sympathetic understanding. You have tolerance and acceptance of the frailties of others. Universal and humanitarian in outlook. This is very compassionate name. You are inventive, intuitive and extremely methodical. Since your will is so strong, you are hard to convince. You also dislike advice. You love beauty and philosophy, and you desire achievement. You have a strong need for freedom - physical, mental and spiritual.

You are always looking for a chance to do your own thing, to be your own person, and to have things done your own way.
Interesting post by itself but I'd like to know about your inspiration for 'Rylah' and what are you doing up at 5:30AM?! :D
What Does Name "Rylah" Mean

You are a law unto itself. Your tendency is to finish whatever you start. You are tolerant and like to help humanity. You are very active. You are generally warmhearted and gives freely of your time, energy, and sympathetic understanding. You have tolerance and acceptance of the frailties of others. Universal and humanitarian in outlook. This is very compassionate name. You are inventive, intuitive and extremely methodical. Since your will is so strong, you are hard to convince. You also dislike advice. You love beauty and philosophy, and you desire achievement. You have a strong need for freedom - physical, mental and spiritual.

You are always looking for a chance to do your own thing, to be your own person, and to have things done your own way.
I'm not buying all this, no downs-complimentary explanations is precisely what a good salesman would do just so you will refresh the page while checking other names and watch more of their ads.
But it wasn't my question, I'm simply curious for the origin of this name, never heard it before..unless it's a surname?
Interesting post by itself but I'd like to know about your inspiration for 'Rylah' and what are you doing up at 5:30AM?! :D
What Does Name "Rylah" Mean

You are a law unto itself. Your tendency is to finish whatever you start. You are tolerant and like to help humanity. You are very active. You are generally warmhearted and gives freely of your time, energy, and sympathetic understanding. You have tolerance and acceptance of the frailties of others. Universal and humanitarian in outlook. This is very compassionate name. You are inventive, intuitive and extremely methodical. Since your will is so strong, you are hard to convince. You also dislike advice. You love beauty and philosophy, and you desire achievement. You have a strong need for freedom - physical, mental and spiritual.

You are always looking for a chance to do your own thing, to be your own person, and to have things done your own way.
I'm not buying all this, no downs-complimentary explanations is precisely what a good salesman would do just so you will refresh the page while checking other names and watch more of their ads.
But it wasn't my question, I'm simply curious for the origin of this name, never heard it before..unless it's a surname?
The name Rylah is of English origin.

The meaning of Rylah is "little king".
Hello haters and guys with some more brains and humanity.

Before I say anything You should know that an educated Hebrew won't spill any filth on his people, especially when it endangers them physically in times of "Informational warfare" that manifests in real world actions.

And it's simple: as much as I won't direct hate towards muslims abroad who shake my hand with a smile in the beginning but turn violent when hearing of my origin, I won't direct hate towards those in my land even if I think they act against me as a Hebrew or even those who have racial inclinations against arabs. But that's not to say that I want to cover for something or be called a 'self-hating jew', my only bias is my will to live.

Simply I understand what motivates both sides to express hatred, people are people- they suffer and react alike.

My opinion is relevant to both sides because I'm not Your regular Israeli-

I didn't serve in the army, actually had to go to an army-prison twice for standing this right. I've never put the uniform, shot a bullet shaved or listened to any orders. I'm a prof. musician since early years-I knew my way was around all this games from early on. I have Judaism and Islam with itsā€™ religious texts and lived in a Christian country for a long time..

But mind You I'm not a happy hippie since being bombed each couple of years easily erases that.

I'll start expressing my opinion by stressing that I've never had any misunderstandings with arabs directly NOT ANY. But I didn't use to hang too much time in those communities. Of course negativity and suspicion is felt in times of war, specially when You hear some guys crying a praise to their god, while being bombarded themselves in the same place. Go figure- Hebrews at the same time usually pray to our ancestors' God for families and the whole nation to be saved.

Although Israel was declared as a Jewish state it's legitimacy from a religious point is divided between 2 views- one stating as sworn by king Solomon that we aren't to return in a big wave to not appease the nations, while the second takes in account the 3rd condition given to the Nations by God, not to make his people's life in the diaspora a nightmare (actually it demands to just not make it hard beyond reason). Well there're idealists who stay abroad and lead communities and there're those who saw the signs abroad and interpreted them as a warning to start preparing for the final stages-as promised in the prophecy. And that's a key point to all our relations as I see them, more on this later..

While the point I've mentioned above are key to understand such a religious place, the state of Israel established itself as a high developed technologic oasis with secular values. The economic and social attitude play the biggest role. And here I must emphasize on a matter that Anti-Israeli trolls lie (let's be naĆÆve- because of lack of info) daily:

against all logic and lies- arabs are not discriminated anyhow! Say what You want, better check it Yourself- ISRAELI ARABS IS THE MOST PRIVILLEGED SECTOR OF COMMUNITY.

For example they are not obliged to pay the land tax and social security like every citizen, they have more social privileges than any holocaust survival to say the least. That's not to say that the state lacks budget in any way. In order to understand it, all You have to do is travel by some small arab village and compare the houses of an average Arabic family and the apartments of some jewish engineer or a doctor in the city. And of course not to forget- arabs are well represented in the highest-paid jobs: doctors, lawyers, nurses, engineers, bank workers etc. Of course it would be a mistake not to mention construction industry which is practically monopolized.

All this while the average Israeli has less and less worth for the salary, has to pay fully for education, social services and doesnā€™t even think to own an apartment before reaching 35 (which will becme his own only in 20-30 yrs). By the way each Israeli jewish family has a right to lease a piece of land for a limited amount of 50 years only, before renewing the permit. And Iā€™m not even mentioning the Hebrew families that lived there even before the state.

Itā€™s important to mention that the orthodox communities live in closed environments among themselves and mainly with the help of donations. As the arabs they have big families but get mistreated by the left (Gaza sympathizers) wing being falsely portrayed as ā€œnon-working who only study and prayā€, thus the only state money they are willing to take is for Yeshivas- religious intern schools.

Donā€™t get me wrong, Iā€™m not trying to shove You some extreme situation, Israel was called a ā€˜start-up nationā€™ for a reason- itā€™s a wonderful place if Youā€™re young and want to work in the field of technology, everything else suffers from mediocrity. But from the beginning an average arab has much more financial support so that only If you get an inheritance thereā€™s a fair chance initially. And with all of that do the arab parents still send their youngest children in tore dirty clothes to clean widescreens of sopping by cars on the highways?

UNFORTUNATELY YES! Do many of them look exactly like everyone, speak Hebrew with barely no accent and lead a healthy social life as equals? Iā€™M HAPPY THEY DO.

However now Iā€™ll get to the Zionsm problem. Zion is one among names of Jerusalem, the symbol of our people, that kept many generations in the diaspora ā€˜aliveā€™ as a nation. The hope to see Zion again tied people tightly locally and between further communities during hard times which were few. Thereā€™s even a sentence in a prayer ā€˜If I forget You Jerusalem, let my right hand be forgottenā€.

But Zionism led by Herzel was and is an extremely anti jewish political movement which merely uses the Hebrew people as a reason to dabble in world-geo-politics and some believe, to play religious gamesā€¦Itā€™s laws are extremely foreign to the culture as the leaders

who decide for the nation. It was so in the beginning, itā€™s so now.

Iā€™m not an orthodox (although studied in religious school), as most of Israelis Iā€™m secular celebrating the holidays, fasts and pray sometimes, but Iā€™m sorry call it however You like- the thing the Zionists declared as a jewish state has nothing to do with decent life as a Hebrew. It doesnā€™t care for our laws, it puts obstacles in the way hard working orthodox- who are the loyal keepers of our culture and the covenant- those values upon which this state was declared- ā€œas envisioned by our prophetsā€™. Especially being declared by B. Gurion- it was in my view it was an evil sarcasm, In my view it was designed so that a Hebrew man woman woul loose their connection to the roots and spirituality thus making them a naĆÆve pawn in the game of western nations. Pay attention I wrote ā€œHEBREW manā€™- not the zionist state.

The boldest examples are-

1.Not letting the Hebrew to go up the Temple Mount while letting the muslims play soccer in our holiest of places (fro which they like to throw rocks at the praying).

2. Making a Hebrew soldier who swore in Jerusalem to evict his own people out of their home by force, only to give that land to sworn enemies.

In perspective I see the rove of the state as a key player in the false end times theater.

Saying this I surely seem like that conspiracy freak, well I am to a point. Itā€™s elementary to accept that people of high ranks meet to discuss and decide on the key issues. Its elementary to see that thereā€™s an agenda to make it seem as if the prophecies the main 3 religions for the end times are fulfilling these days- a thin that makes them all clash finally.

And lastly those who have eyes can surely read ā€œMorals and Dogmaā€ by Albert Pikeā€¦

So of course the haters among You will blindly choose what they prefer to see and dismiss anything slightly conflicting to his/her propaganda. My intent was merely to express my self in purely self-exploratory pursue. All the arguments surrounding the internet on this topic are repeated endlessly in propaganda wars over young, still unformed minds that lack the ability to think critically for themselves. Whatā€™s even more prevalent is the unoriginality in them- arguments and techniques copied directly from Goebbels, Russian secret service and alike.

But thatā€™s for the rest of the world who live in a totally different dimension to be entertained in the illusion of self worth and high morale.

I wonā€™t even try to dispute that nonsense, all that Talmud citations are beyond ridiculous. I think people around the world got familiar with the ways of ā€˜INTERNET JIHADā€™ and the tendencies to respond in a certain way to cutting facts/evidence. People here donā€™t even get bothered too much, we know who we deal with and whatā€™s in the arsenal. And as further the enemy goes the more the prophecies get fulfilled on both sides- the story gets tighter and 3 traditions (basically 1 and 2 variations of the first) get into a final collision. And the most interesting thing is that each is wating for itā€™s redeemer, while the 2 copied versions insist that Hebrew peopleā€™s messiah is going to be a false one, while waiting for the 2nd one they just donā€™t know that our prophets promised us 2 redeemers.

p.s. How can anybody believe the nonsense of the "P"alestinian nation when it's inhabitants don't even have the first letter to pronounce it correctly? It's beyond naĆÆve.

Very Interesting but isn't it a shame that you Assinated your own Prime Minister Mr RABIN.......and all carry collective Guilt for this one act.
Hello haters and guys with some more brains and humanity.

Before I say anything You should know that an educated Hebrew won't spill any filth on his people, especially when it endangers them physically in times of "Informational warfare" that manifests in real world actions.

And it's simple: as much as I won't direct hate towards muslims abroad who shake my hand with a smile in the beginning but turn violent when hearing of my origin, I won't direct hate towards those in my land even if I think they act against me as a Hebrew or even those who have racial inclinations against arabs. But that's not to say that I want to cover for something or be called a 'self-hating jew', my only bias is my will to live.

Simply I understand what motivates both sides to express hatred, people are people- they suffer and react alike.

My opinion is relevant to both sides because I'm not Your regular Israeli-

I didn't serve in the army, actually had to go to an army-prison twice for standing this right. I've never put the uniform, shot a bullet shaved or listened to any orders. I'm a prof. musician since early years-I knew my way was around all this games from early on. I have Judaism and Islam with itsā€™ religious texts and lived in a Christian country for a long time..

But mind You I'm not a happy hippie since being bombed each couple of years easily erases that.

I'll start expressing my opinion by stressing that I've never had any misunderstandings with arabs directly NOT ANY. But I didn't use to hang too much time in those communities. Of course negativity and suspicion is felt in times of war, specially when You hear some guys crying a praise to their god, while being bombarded themselves in the same place. Go figure- Hebrews at the same time usually pray to our ancestors' God for families and the whole nation to be saved.

Although Israel was declared as a Jewish state it's legitimacy from a religious point is divided between 2 views- one stating as sworn by king Solomon that we aren't to return in a big wave to not appease the nations, while the second takes in account the 3rd condition given to the Nations by God, not to make his people's life in the diaspora a nightmare (actually it demands to just not make it hard beyond reason). Well there're idealists who stay abroad and lead communities and there're those who saw the signs abroad and interpreted them as a warning to start preparing for the final stages-as promised in the prophecy. And that's a key point to all our relations as I see them, more on this later..

While the point I've mentioned above are key to understand such a religious place, the state of Israel established itself as a high developed technologic oasis with secular values. The economic and social attitude play the biggest role. And here I must emphasize on a matter that Anti-Israeli trolls lie (let's be naĆÆve- because of lack of info) daily:

against all logic and lies- arabs are not discriminated anyhow! Say what You want, better check it Yourself- ISRAELI ARABS IS THE MOST PRIVILLEGED SECTOR OF COMMUNITY.

For example they are not obliged to pay the land tax and social security like every citizen, they have more social privileges than any holocaust survival to say the least. That's not to say that the state lacks budget in any way. In order to understand it, all You have to do is travel by some small arab village and compare the houses of an average Arabic family and the apartments of some jewish engineer or a doctor in the city. And of course not to forget- arabs are well represented in the highest-paid jobs: doctors, lawyers, nurses, engineers, bank workers etc. Of course it would be a mistake not to mention construction industry which is practically monopolized.

All this while the average Israeli has less and less worth for the salary, has to pay fully for education, social services and doesnā€™t even think to own an apartment before reaching 35 (which will becme his own only in 20-30 yrs). By the way each Israeli jewish family has a right to lease a piece of land for a limited amount of 50 years only, before renewing the permit. And Iā€™m not even mentioning the Hebrew families that lived there even before the state.

Itā€™s important to mention that the orthodox communities live in closed environments among themselves and mainly with the help of donations. As the arabs they have big families but get mistreated by the left (Gaza sympathizers) wing being falsely portrayed as ā€œnon-working who only study and prayā€, thus the only state money they are willing to take is for Yeshivas- religious intern schools.

Donā€™t get me wrong, Iā€™m not trying to shove You some extreme situation, Israel was called a ā€˜start-up nationā€™ for a reason- itā€™s a wonderful place if Youā€™re young and want to work in the field of technology, everything else suffers from mediocrity. But from the beginning an average arab has much more financial support so that only If you get an inheritance thereā€™s a fair chance initially. And with all of that do the arab parents still send their youngest children in tore dirty clothes to clean widescreens of sopping by cars on the highways?

UNFORTUNATELY YES! Do many of them look exactly like everyone, speak Hebrew with barely no accent and lead a healthy social life as equals? Iā€™M HAPPY THEY DO.

However now Iā€™ll get to the Zionsm problem. Zion is one among names of Jerusalem, the symbol of our people, that kept many generations in the diaspora ā€˜aliveā€™ as a nation. The hope to see Zion again tied people tightly locally and between further communities during hard times which were few. Thereā€™s even a sentence in a prayer ā€˜If I forget You Jerusalem, let my right hand be forgottenā€.

But Zionism led by Herzel was and is an extremely anti jewish political movement which merely uses the Hebrew people as a reason to dabble in world-geo-politics and some believe, to play religious gamesā€¦Itā€™s laws are extremely foreign to the culture as the leaders

who decide for the nation. It was so in the beginning, itā€™s so now.

Iā€™m not an orthodox (although studied in religious school), as most of Israelis Iā€™m secular celebrating the holidays, fasts and pray sometimes, but Iā€™m sorry call it however You like- the thing the Zionists declared as a jewish state has nothing to do with decent life as a Hebrew. It doesnā€™t care for our laws, it puts obstacles in the way hard working orthodox- who are the loyal keepers of our culture and the covenant- those values upon which this state was declared- ā€œas envisioned by our prophetsā€™. Especially being declared by B. Gurion- it was in my view it was an evil sarcasm, In my view it was designed so that a Hebrew man woman woul loose their connection to the roots and spirituality thus making them a naĆÆve pawn in the game of western nations. Pay attention I wrote ā€œHEBREW manā€™- not the zionist state.

The boldest examples are-

1.Not letting the Hebrew to go up the Temple Mount while letting the muslims play soccer in our holiest of places (fro which they like to throw rocks at the praying).

2. Making a Hebrew soldier who swore in Jerusalem to evict his own people out of their home by force, only to give that land to sworn enemies.

In perspective I see the rove of the state as a key player in the false end times theater.

Saying this I surely seem like that conspiracy freak, well I am to a point. Itā€™s elementary to accept that people of high ranks meet to discuss and decide on the key issues. Its elementary to see that thereā€™s an agenda to make it seem as if the prophecies the main 3 religions for the end times are fulfilling these days- a thin that makes them all clash finally.

And lastly those who have eyes can surely read ā€œMorals and Dogmaā€ by Albert Pikeā€¦

So of course the haters among You will blindly choose what they prefer to see and dismiss anything slightly conflicting to his/her propaganda. My intent was merely to express my self in purely self-exploratory pursue. All the arguments surrounding the internet on this topic are repeated endlessly in propaganda wars over young, still unformed minds that lack the ability to think critically for themselves. Whatā€™s even more prevalent is the unoriginality in them- arguments and techniques copied directly from Goebbels, Russian secret service and alike.

But thatā€™s for the rest of the world who live in a totally different dimension to be entertained in the illusion of self worth and high morale.

I wonā€™t even try to dispute that nonsense, all that Talmud citations are beyond ridiculous. I think people around the world got familiar with the ways of ā€˜INTERNET JIHADā€™ and the tendencies to respond in a certain way to cutting facts/evidence. People here donā€™t even get bothered too much, we know who we deal with and whatā€™s in the arsenal. And as further the enemy goes the more the prophecies get fulfilled on both sides- the story gets tighter and 3 traditions (basically 1 and 2 variations of the first) get into a final collision. And the most interesting thing is that each is wating for itā€™s redeemer, while the 2 copied versions insist that Hebrew peopleā€™s messiah is going to be a false one, while waiting for the 2nd one they just donā€™t know that our prophets promised us 2 redeemers.

p.s. How can anybody believe the nonsense of the "P"alestinian nation when it's inhabitants don't even have the first letter to pronounce it correctly? It's beyond naĆÆve.

Very Interesting but isn't it a shame that you Assinated your own Prime Minister Mr RABIN.......and all carry collective Guilt for this one act.
Steve, quit assinating the King's English.
Hello haters and guys with some more brains and humanity.

Before I say anything You should know that an educated Hebrew won't spill any filth on his people, especially when it endangers them physically in times of "Informational warfare" that manifests in real world actions.

And it's simple: as much as I won't direct hate towards muslims abroad who shake my hand with a smile in the beginning but turn violent when hearing of my origin, I won't direct hate towards those in my land even if I think they act against me as a Hebrew or even those who have racial inclinations against arabs. But that's not to say that I want to cover for something or be called a 'self-hating jew', my only bias is my will to live.

Simply I understand what motivates both sides to express hatred, people are people- they suffer and react alike.

My opinion is relevant to both sides because I'm not Your regular Israeli-

I didn't serve in the army, actually had to go to an army-prison twice for standing this right. I've never put the uniform, shot a bullet shaved or listened to any orders. I'm a prof. musician since early years-I knew my way was around all this games from early on. I have Judaism and Islam with itsā€™ religious texts and lived in a Christian country for a long time..

But mind You I'm not a happy hippie since being bombed each couple of years easily erases that.

I'll start expressing my opinion by stressing that I've never had any misunderstandings with arabs directly NOT ANY. But I didn't use to hang too much time in those communities. Of course negativity and suspicion is felt in times of war, specially when You hear some guys crying a praise to their god, while being bombarded themselves in the same place. Go figure- Hebrews at the same time usually pray to our ancestors' God for families and the whole nation to be saved.

Although Israel was declared as a Jewish state it's legitimacy from a religious point is divided between 2 views- one stating as sworn by king Solomon that we aren't to return in a big wave to not appease the nations, while the second takes in account the 3rd condition given to the Nations by God, not to make his people's life in the diaspora a nightmare (actually it demands to just not make it hard beyond reason). Well there're idealists who stay abroad and lead communities and there're those who saw the signs abroad and interpreted them as a warning to start preparing for the final stages-as promised in the prophecy. And that's a key point to all our relations as I see them, more on this later..

While the point I've mentioned above are key to understand such a religious place, the state of Israel established itself as a high developed technologic oasis with secular values. The economic and social attitude play the biggest role. And here I must emphasize on a matter that Anti-Israeli trolls lie (let's be naĆÆve- because of lack of info) daily:

against all logic and lies- arabs are not discriminated anyhow! Say what You want, better check it Yourself- ISRAELI ARABS IS THE MOST PRIVILLEGED SECTOR OF COMMUNITY.

For example they are not obliged to pay the land tax and social security like every citizen, they have more social privileges than any holocaust survival to say the least. That's not to say that the state lacks budget in any way. In order to understand it, all You have to do is travel by some small arab village and compare the houses of an average Arabic family and the apartments of some jewish engineer or a doctor in the city. And of course not to forget- arabs are well represented in the highest-paid jobs: doctors, lawyers, nurses, engineers, bank workers etc. Of course it would be a mistake not to mention construction industry which is practically monopolized.

All this while the average Israeli has less and less worth for the salary, has to pay fully for education, social services and doesnā€™t even think to own an apartment before reaching 35 (which will becme his own only in 20-30 yrs). By the way each Israeli jewish family has a right to lease a piece of land for a limited amount of 50 years only, before renewing the permit. And Iā€™m not even mentioning the Hebrew families that lived there even before the state.

Itā€™s important to mention that the orthodox communities live in closed environments among themselves and mainly with the help of donations. As the arabs they have big families but get mistreated by the left (Gaza sympathizers) wing being falsely portrayed as ā€œnon-working who only study and prayā€, thus the only state money they are willing to take is for Yeshivas- religious intern schools.

Donā€™t get me wrong, Iā€™m not trying to shove You some extreme situation, Israel was called a ā€˜start-up nationā€™ for a reason- itā€™s a wonderful place if Youā€™re young and want to work in the field of technology, everything else suffers from mediocrity. But from the beginning an average arab has much more financial support so that only If you get an inheritance thereā€™s a fair chance initially. And with all of that do the arab parents still send their youngest children in tore dirty clothes to clean widescreens of sopping by cars on the highways?

UNFORTUNATELY YES! Do many of them look exactly like everyone, speak Hebrew with barely no accent and lead a healthy social life as equals? Iā€™M HAPPY THEY DO.

However now Iā€™ll get to the Zionsm problem. Zion is one among names of Jerusalem, the symbol of our people, that kept many generations in the diaspora ā€˜aliveā€™ as a nation. The hope to see Zion again tied people tightly locally and between further communities during hard times which were few. Thereā€™s even a sentence in a prayer ā€˜If I forget You Jerusalem, let my right hand be forgottenā€.

But Zionism led by Herzel was and is an extremely anti jewish political movement which merely uses the Hebrew people as a reason to dabble in world-geo-politics and some believe, to play religious gamesā€¦Itā€™s laws are extremely foreign to the culture as the leaders

who decide for the nation. It was so in the beginning, itā€™s so now.

Iā€™m not an orthodox (although studied in religious school), as most of Israelis Iā€™m secular celebrating the holidays, fasts and pray sometimes, but Iā€™m sorry call it however You like- the thing the Zionists declared as a jewish state has nothing to do with decent life as a Hebrew. It doesnā€™t care for our laws, it puts obstacles in the way hard working orthodox- who are the loyal keepers of our culture and the covenant- those values upon which this state was declared- ā€œas envisioned by our prophetsā€™. Especially being declared by B. Gurion- it was in my view it was an evil sarcasm, In my view it was designed so that a Hebrew man woman woul loose their connection to the roots and spirituality thus making them a naĆÆve pawn in the game of western nations. Pay attention I wrote ā€œHEBREW manā€™- not the zionist state.

The boldest examples are-

1.Not letting the Hebrew to go up the Temple Mount while letting the muslims play soccer in our holiest of places (fro which they like to throw rocks at the praying).

2. Making a Hebrew soldier who swore in Jerusalem to evict his own people out of their home by force, only to give that land to sworn enemies.

In perspective I see the rove of the state as a key player in the false end times theater.

Saying this I surely seem like that conspiracy freak, well I am to a point. Itā€™s elementary to accept that people of high ranks meet to discuss and decide on the key issues. Its elementary to see that thereā€™s an agenda to make it seem as if the prophecies the main 3 religions for the end times are fulfilling these days- a thin that makes them all clash finally.

And lastly those who have eyes can surely read ā€œMorals and Dogmaā€ by Albert Pikeā€¦

So of course the haters among You will blindly choose what they prefer to see and dismiss anything slightly conflicting to his/her propaganda. My intent was merely to express my self in purely self-exploratory pursue. All the arguments surrounding the internet on this topic are repeated endlessly in propaganda wars over young, still unformed minds that lack the ability to think critically for themselves. Whatā€™s even more prevalent is the unoriginality in them- arguments and techniques copied directly from Goebbels, Russian secret service and alike.

But thatā€™s for the rest of the world who live in a totally different dimension to be entertained in the illusion of self worth and high morale.

I wonā€™t even try to dispute that nonsense, all that Talmud citations are beyond ridiculous. I think people around the world got familiar with the ways of ā€˜INTERNET JIHADā€™ and the tendencies to respond in a certain way to cutting facts/evidence. People here donā€™t even get bothered too much, we know who we deal with and whatā€™s in the arsenal. And as further the enemy goes the more the prophecies get fulfilled on both sides- the story gets tighter and 3 traditions (basically 1 and 2 variations of the first) get into a final collision. And the most interesting thing is that each is wating for itā€™s redeemer, while the 2 copied versions insist that Hebrew peopleā€™s messiah is going to be a false one, while waiting for the 2nd one they just donā€™t know that our prophets promised us 2 redeemers.

p.s. How can anybody believe the nonsense of the "P"alestinian nation when it's inhabitants don't even have the first letter to pronounce it correctly? It's beyond naĆÆve.

Very Interesting but isn't it a shame that you Assinated your own Prime Minister Mr RABIN.......and all carry collective Guilt for this one act.
To blame an entire nation for murder that is quite exaggerated don't you think? I'm not talking about the fact it is the majority that elected him in the first place.
Welcome to USMB Rylah.. I think your comments and opinions show how complex Israeli public opinion is and how stereotypes are not really useful.

Always great to have 1st hand thoughts from the Holy Land.. However, I did not see a reason in your thoughts WHY religious opinion is valuable when it comes to coexistance and mutual Arab-Israeli cooperation. CERTAINLY there are many reasons why Palestinians would benefit from normalized economic and security relations with Israel..

Just like the "privileged" Arab residents that you write about..

Thank You for the the welcome.

First of all if You want a cooperation You should learn what motivates Your partner and what is the common ground.

The leaders of the arab world are mainly religious people, who lead nations with a collective cultured set of values. It means that an arab usually first thinks about how he is presenting himself to the community and his aspirations and boundaries are set accordingly.
The nation in Israel is brought up with a focus on individuality and self-development. The same can be said of Russia and USA.

As I see it the western world doesn't have the tools to perceive the structure of the ME and the mentality of its' inhabitants. Therefore it puts the arab into an uncomfortable position of dealing with untrusted mediators in the role of the western countries on one side, while actually negotiating with it's defeater and log term ideological enemy in whom they see a stepping stone to get their honor back and develop their nations towards the new tech. era.
That way they are left with no good position either way. They loose in the eyes of their people and more importantly in the eyes of their fellow colleagues- kings, presidents sheikhs and other religious leaders. Their predecessors burnt all their bridges to cooperation.

What's left is something that we both appreciate and honor. It's not the land of course but our mutual ancestors. And thats how it could maybe work with people who rationalize more than get drawn in emotions of self worth and pity.That's ME.
But that's still a weak diplomacy because it wouldn't be implemented by Israel for its' predominance of secular set of values- the opposite of arabs.

Now when a S-L-M is the root of both arabic words for 'peace' and 'submission' they get peace buy submitting to their god and us- by getting submitted to them. It's actually the only option for them to peace. The world outside of ME unfortunately just starts to get it.

A Hebrew's job is to be a light to the world, lead it to God by example, while their is to submit all to 'peace'. Thats actually the meaning of the phrase "Islam is the religion of peace". In our prophecies it's not a must that we get punished so that the redeemer has to fight the nations and die for us-depends on us. In the Christianity and the Islam a false messiah HAS to come and lead people astray- they see our redeemer as an antichrist.
Christianity and Islam are wired to conflict with Judaism.
When Judea comes closer to God we get much more serious and dangerous to deal with. It has to deal with archetypes and how they manifest publicly.

If i went too far here: just read a couple of suras in the Muslim book. You'll get the tone, the archetypes and instructions on how to direct a war against infidels.

Otherwise You'll just be served with lies and hypocritical politeness- another war strategy from that book.

Some maybe think that a religious person believes in social orders more rather than his holy script.

*I can go on on how easy it is to interpret the muslim book because the religion never reached a consensus and a set of concrete rules-no way around treating that book in its' literary meaning .
Very Interesting but isn't it a shame that you Assinated your own Prime Minister Mr RABIN.......and all carry collective Guilt for this one act.[/QUOTE]

Indeed intersing..Are You ashamed? Aren't You ashamed that a man who gave Egypt the Sinai in exchange for peace? Shouldn't You be ashamed for those who You support passionately? They've could worked with such a soft-looking character without hurting their pride.
What's more interesting is that Your tactics still fill You with false pride, merely choosing the most unrelated topic among those I've written about.

But I haven't seen any shame in my people, only sorrow for they didn't kill Rabin-it's a miscalculation on You side :) By the way the we know who ordered that but that's a concern for the zionists themelves, and their shame, for many of us simple Hebrew don't relate ourselves to that machine.

But let's flow Your Goebbelsian way- Shame what shame? Never heard of him, never has been a PM by this name, what are You talking about you zionist chuch? If someone was killed ever it was an arab dressed as a mossad agent right?
Very Interesting but isn't it a shame that you Assinated your own Prime Minister Mr RABIN.......and all carry collective Guilt for this one act.[/QUOTE]

Indeed intersing..Are You ashamed? Aren't You ashamed that a man who gave Egypt the Sinai in exchange for peace? Shouldn't You be ashamed for those who You support passionately? They've could worked with such a soft-looking character without hurting their pride.
What's more interesting is that Your tactics still fill You with false pride, merely choosing the most unrelated topic among those I've written about.

But I haven't seen any shame in my people, only sorrow for they didn't kill Rabin-it's a miscalculation on You side :) By the way the we know who ordered that but that's a concern for the zionists themelves, and their shame, for many of us simple Hebrew don't relate ourselves to that machine.

But let's flow Your Goebbelsian way- Shame what shame? Never heard of him, never has been a PM by this name, what are You talking about you zionist chuch? If someone was killed ever it was an arab dressed as a mossad agent right?[/QUOTE]
You need to elucidate better in your prose...........My point was very valid it was with Mr Rabin(and Mr Peres) that peace could have been achieved...but No some Jews were not having any of that..of course.....SO THEY MURDERED Mr Yes you do have collective Guilt and rightly so,the Jewish silence on this matter and at the time was was at this point in my opinion that changed the Jewish stance ......... and the Right Wing Yobbo's took control. You may not personally have felt Ashamed or your cohorts BUT the world did,and realized Israel was just another two-bit Republic who just Assinate their democratically Leader..........Yep I got it in one first time...Guiltiness.
Hello haters and guys with some more brains and humanity.

Before I say anything You should know that an educated Hebrew won't spill any filth on his people, especially when it endangers them physically in times of "Informational warfare" that manifests in real world actions.

And it's simple: as much as I won't direct hate towards muslims abroad who shake my hand with a smile in the beginning but turn violent when hearing of my origin, I won't direct hate towards those in my land even if I think they act against me as a Hebrew or even those who have racial inclinations against arabs. But that's not to say that I want to cover for something or be called a 'self-hating jew', my only bias is my will to live.

Simply I understand what motivates both sides to express hatred, people are people- they suffer and react alike.

My opinion is relevant to both sides because I'm not Your regular Israeli-

I didn't serve in the army, actually had to go to an army-prison twice for standing this right. I've never put the uniform, shot a bullet shaved or listened to any orders. I'm a prof. musician since early years-I knew my way was around all this games from early on. I have Judaism and Islam with itsā€™ religious texts and lived in a Christian country for a long time..

But mind You I'm not a happy hippie since being bombed each couple of years easily erases that.

I'll start expressing my opinion by stressing that I've never had any misunderstandings with arabs directly NOT ANY. But I didn't use to hang too much time in those communities. Of course negativity and suspicion is felt in times of war, specially when You hear some guys crying a praise to their god, while being bombarded themselves in the same place. Go figure- Hebrews at the same time usually pray to our ancestors' God for families and the whole nation to be saved.

Although Israel was declared as a Jewish state it's legitimacy from a religious point is divided between 2 views- one stating as sworn by king Solomon that we aren't to return in a big wave to not appease the nations, while the second takes in account the 3rd condition given to the Nations by God, not to make his people's life in the diaspora a nightmare (actually it demands to just not make it hard beyond reason). Well there're idealists who stay abroad and lead communities and there're those who saw the signs abroad and interpreted them as a warning to start preparing for the final stages-as promised in the prophecy. And that's a key point to all our relations as I see them, more on this later..

While the point I've mentioned above are key to understand such a religious place, the state of Israel established itself as a high developed technologic oasis with secular values. The economic and social attitude play the biggest role. And here I must emphasize on a matter that Anti-Israeli trolls lie (let's be naĆÆve- because of lack of info) daily:

against all logic and lies- arabs are not discriminated anyhow! Say what You want, better check it Yourself- ISRAELI ARABS IS THE MOST PRIVILLEGED SECTOR OF COMMUNITY.

For example they are not obliged to pay the land tax and social security like every citizen, they have more social privileges than any holocaust survival to say the least. That's not to say that the state lacks budget in any way. In order to understand it, all You have to do is travel by some small arab village and compare the houses of an average Arabic family and the apartments of some jewish engineer or a doctor in the city. And of course not to forget- arabs are well represented in the highest-paid jobs: doctors, lawyers, nurses, engineers, bank workers etc. Of course it would be a mistake not to mention construction industry which is practically monopolized.

All this while the average Israeli has less and less worth for the salary, has to pay fully for education, social services and doesnā€™t even think to own an apartment before reaching 35 (which will becme his own only in 20-30 yrs). By the way each Israeli jewish family has a right to lease a piece of land for a limited amount of 50 years only, before renewing the permit. And Iā€™m not even mentioning the Hebrew families that lived there even before the state.

Itā€™s important to mention that the orthodox communities live in closed environments among themselves and mainly with the help of donations. As the arabs they have big families but get mistreated by the left (Gaza sympathizers) wing being falsely portrayed as ā€œnon-working who only study and prayā€, thus the only state money they are willing to take is for Yeshivas- religious intern schools.

Donā€™t get me wrong, Iā€™m not trying to shove You some extreme situation, Israel was called a ā€˜start-up nationā€™ for a reason- itā€™s a wonderful place if Youā€™re young and want to work in the field of technology, everything else suffers from mediocrity. But from the beginning an average arab has much more financial support so that only If you get an inheritance thereā€™s a fair chance initially. And with all of that do the arab parents still send their youngest children in tore dirty clothes to clean widescreens of sopping by cars on the highways?

UNFORTUNATELY YES! Do many of them look exactly like everyone, speak Hebrew with barely no accent and lead a healthy social life as equals? Iā€™M HAPPY THEY DO.

However now Iā€™ll get to the Zionsm problem. Zion is one among names of Jerusalem, the symbol of our people, that kept many generations in the diaspora ā€˜aliveā€™ as a nation. The hope to see Zion again tied people tightly locally and between further communities during hard times which were few. Thereā€™s even a sentence in a prayer ā€˜If I forget You Jerusalem, let my right hand be forgottenā€.

But Zionism led by Herzel was and is an extremely anti jewish political movement which merely uses the Hebrew people as a reason to dabble in world-geo-politics and some believe, to play religious gamesā€¦Itā€™s laws are extremely foreign to the culture as the leaders

who decide for the nation. It was so in the beginning, itā€™s so now.

Iā€™m not an orthodox (although studied in religious school), as most of Israelis Iā€™m secular celebrating the holidays, fasts and pray sometimes, but Iā€™m sorry call it however You like- the thing the Zionists declared as a jewish state has nothing to do with decent life as a Hebrew. It doesnā€™t care for our laws, it puts obstacles in the way hard working orthodox- who are the loyal keepers of our culture and the covenant- those values upon which this state was declared- ā€œas envisioned by our prophetsā€™. Especially being declared by B. Gurion- it was in my view it was an evil sarcasm, In my view it was designed so that a Hebrew man woman woul loose their connection to the roots and spirituality thus making them a naĆÆve pawn in the game of western nations. Pay attention I wrote ā€œHEBREW manā€™- not the zionist state.

The boldest examples are-

1.Not letting the Hebrew to go up the Temple Mount while letting the muslims play soccer in our holiest of places (fro which they like to throw rocks at the praying).

2. Making a Hebrew soldier who swore in Jerusalem to evict his own people out of their home by force, only to give that land to sworn enemies.

In perspective I see the rove of the state as a key player in the false end times theater.

Saying this I surely seem like that conspiracy freak, well I am to a point. Itā€™s elementary to accept that people of high ranks meet to discuss and decide on the key issues. Its elementary to see that thereā€™s an agenda to make it seem as if the prophecies the main 3 religions for the end times are fulfilling these days- a thin that makes them all clash finally.

And lastly those who have eyes can surely read ā€œMorals and Dogmaā€ by Albert Pikeā€¦

So of course the haters among You will blindly choose what they prefer to see and dismiss anything slightly conflicting to his/her propaganda. My intent was merely to express my self in purely self-exploratory pursue. All the arguments surrounding the internet on this topic are repeated endlessly in propaganda wars over young, still unformed minds that lack the ability to think critically for themselves. Whatā€™s even more prevalent is the unoriginality in them- arguments and techniques copied directly from Goebbels, Russian secret service and alike.

But thatā€™s for the rest of the world who live in a totally different dimension to be entertained in the illusion of self worth and high morale.

I wonā€™t even try to dispute that nonsense, all that Talmud citations are beyond ridiculous. I think people around the world got familiar with the ways of ā€˜INTERNET JIHADā€™ and the tendencies to respond in a certain way to cutting facts/evidence. People here donā€™t even get bothered too much, we know who we deal with and whatā€™s in the arsenal. And as further the enemy goes the more the prophecies get fulfilled on both sides- the story gets tighter and 3 traditions (basically 1 and 2 variations of the first) get into a final collision. And the most interesting thing is that each is wating for itā€™s redeemer, while the 2 copied versions insist that Hebrew peopleā€™s messiah is going to be a false one, while waiting for the 2nd one they just donā€™t know that our prophets promised us 2 redeemers.

p.s. How can anybody believe the nonsense of the "P"alestinian nation when it's inhabitants don't even have the first letter to pronounce it correctly? It's beyond naĆÆve.

Very Interesting but isn't it a shame that you Assinated your own Prime Minister Mr RABIN.......and all carry collective Guilt for this one act.
Steve, quit assinating the King's English.
Actually Hoss it is "The Queens English"
Very Interesting but isn't it a shame that you Assinated your own Prime Minister Mr RABIN.......and all carry collective Guilt for this one act.

Indeed intersing..Are You ashamed? Aren't You ashamed that a man who gave Egypt the Sinai in exchange for peace? Shouldn't You be ashamed for those who You support passionately? They've could worked with such a soft-looking character without hurting their pride.
What's more interesting is that Your tactics still fill You with false pride, merely choosing the most unrelated topic among those I've written about.

But I haven't seen any shame in my people, only sorrow for they didn't kill Rabin-it's a miscalculation on You side :) By the way the we know who ordered that but that's a concern for the zionists themelves, and their shame, for many of us simple Hebrew don't relate ourselves to that machine.

But let's flow Your Goebbelsian way- Shame what shame? Never heard of him, never has been a PM by this name, what are You talking about you zionist chuch? If someone was killed ever it was an arab dressed as a mossad agent right?[/QUOTE]
You need to elucidate better in your prose...........My point was very valid it was with Mr Rabin(and Mr Peres) that peace could have been achieved...but No some Jews were not having any of that..of course.....SO THEY MURDERED Mr Yes you do have collective Guilt and rightly so,the Jewish silence on this matter and at the time was was at this point in my opinion that changed the Jewish stance ......... and the Right Wing Yobbo's took control. You may not personally have felt Ashamed or your cohorts BUT the world did,and realized Israel was just another two-bit Republic who just Assinate their democratically Leader..........Yep I got it in one first time...Guiltiness.[/QUOTE]

Well could've should've that's where You catch Your illusions. Your so called 'peace' couldve come with Barak and Olmert who proposed much much more than what was discussed earlier. Or the the Ntanyahu proposal or the Sharon leaving Gaza...or during the 20 years before 67-didn't work! Peace would ruin the arab league, their whole world. The'd be left only with the US to blame and gather masses. But they know how quickly the US would deal with them. How many cuntries did they burn in a year before and after Libya?

No better to pick on the small and demand everything for nothing. Who cares the children are dumb and starving- it's better for the sheikhs- easier to manipulate while counting the money. No why peace? the they'd actally have to work for their people's well being.

Now about silencing in the Rabin project- each year there're ceremonies in his memory in each school when the Leftists and the Right winged forget all their political propoganda and just give appreciation toa person who was killed for pursuing his ways by some coward puppet.

It's so sweet that You talk for ALL THE NATIONS otherwise i guess You wouldn't feel sure enough about your bs. It's the crowd effect- WHAT A SHEEPLE.

If You admire Rabin so much at least internalize one property of his character- he went in spite of crowd opinion rather than only if stood behind him.
rylah, et al,

May I add my welcome as well!

This is a thoughtful, honest and eloquent presentation.

First of all if You want a cooperation You should learn what motivates Your partner and what is the common ground.

I don't believe that at this time and period of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict there is real common ground for a peaceful settlement. I believe that both sides have been at an impasse since early 1948 and that the Arab Palestinian has not changed in its position in the intervening period. This is not to say that common ground cannot be found, but that the demands of the Arab Palestinian have been and continue to be the capitulation of the State of Israel.

Whether or not we call it "motivation" or not, the basic obstacle to peace in 1948 is still essentially the same asit is today:

13. In conclusion said:

(a) The Arabs of Palestine will never recognise the validity of the extorted partition recommendations or the authority of the United Nations to make them.

(b) The Arabs of Palestine consider that any attempt by the Jews or any power group of powers to establish a Jewish state in Arab territory is an act of aggression which will be resisted in self-defense.

(c) It is very unwise and fruitless to ask any commission to proceed to Palestine because not a single Arab will cooperate with the said Commission.

(d) The United Nations or its Commission should not be misled to believe that its efforts in the partition plan will meet with any success. It will be far better for the eclipsed prestige of this organization not to start on this adventure.

(e) The United Nations prestige will be better served by abandoning, not enforcing such an injustice.

(f) The determination of every Arab in Palestine is to oppose in every way the partition of that country.

(g) The Arabs of Palestine made a solemn declaration before the United Nations, before God and history, that they will never submit or yield to any power going to Palestine to enforce partition. The only way to establish partition is first to wipe them out ā€” man, woman and child.​
SOURCE: Statement of 6 February 1948 Communicated to the Secretary-General by Mr. Isa Nakhleh, Representative of the Arab Higher Committee

The leaders of the arab world are mainly religious people, who lead nations with a collective cultured set of values. It means that an arab usually first thinks about how he is presenting himself to the community and his aspirations and boundaries are set accordingly.
The nation in Israel is brought up with a focus on individuality and self-development. The same can be said of Russia and USA.

Yes, this is probably accurate. But in saying so, this is neither a backbone for conflict, nor the cornerstone for peace. The conflict is all about power, demands and influence. But one has to ask, have these adjacent countries really benefited their respective cultures and their constituents? And are the past results really what the Arab Palestinian and the adjacent cultures want?

IMF cuts 2014 growth forecast for Middle East - Al Arabiya ...
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has cut its growth forecast for the Arab world, despite the global economy being expected to pick up in 2014.

Middle East tension the top concern for 2014: WEF - CNBC
Middle East tension the top concern for 2014 WEF
Social tensions in the Middle East and North Africa will dominate the international agenda next year, according to new global survey.​

Merely looking at the adjacent post-War states in comparison to Israel, you can (just merely walking down the streets) see the impact. While pictures, at a distance, of the adjacent Arab States may show similarities, there are huge differences when examined more closely [gross national income (GNI)].

When we examine the "leadership," we also must look at the tangibles; and ask what is it that the Arab-Palestinian wants ("aspirations and boundaries")?

As I see it the western world doesn't have the tools to perceive the structure of the ME and the mentality of its' inhabitants. Therefore it puts the arab into an uncomfortable position of dealing with untrusted mediators in the role of the western countries on one side, while actually negotiating with it's defeater and log term ideological enemy in whom they see a stepping stone to get their honor back and develop their nations towards the new tech. era.
That way they are left with no good position either way. They loose in the eyes of their people and more importantly in the eyes of their fellow colleagues- kings, presidents sheikhs and other religious leaders. Their predecessors burnt all their bridges to cooperation.

Some part of this might be true if we had the answer to the question (relative to --- "actually negotiating with it's defeater and log term ideological enemy") over what are they negotiating? The reasons that negotiations are not workable is because neither country is totally committed to the outcomes that benefit their respective populations. Even though the Arab Palestinian demands the totality of the territory formerly under mandate (less the Hashemite Kingdom), they are not acting in the best interest of their people. One glance at the GNI data demonstrates that this is not unique to just the Palestinians; but reflective of all the adjacent Arab countries. It is the culture that keeps the Arab citizenry in the economic development frame they now find themselves in.

What's left is something that we both appreciate and honor. It's not the land of course but our mutual ancestors. And thats how it could maybe work with people who rationalize more than get drawn in emotions of self worth and pity.That's ME.
But that's still a weak diplomacy because it wouldn't be implemented by Israel for its' predominance of secular set of values- the opposite of arabs.

Now when a S-L-M is the root of both arabic words for 'peace' and 'submission' they get peace buy submitting to their god and us- by getting submitted to them. It's actually the only option for them to peace. The world outside of ME unfortunately just starts to get it.

Let's not get confused here. It is not reasonable to assume that Shin-Lamedh-Mem (S-L-M) is a root that any Arab Palestinian truly believes at the cultural level. This is Jihad, and it is argued every day, even in this forum, that the Arab Palestinian has the right to resistance following the perception of having been slighted a half century ago. There is no foundation that they lay or pretense:
  • Jihad is its path and death for the sake of Allah is the loftiest of its wishes.
  • Jihad becomes the individual duty of every Moslem.
  • In face of the Jews' usurpation of Palestine, it is compulsory that the banner of Jihad be raised.
  • There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad.
There is no S-L-M! There is no 'peace' and 'submission' --- ! All that is talked about is the right to further aggression through Jihad and Armed Resistance.

A Hebrew's job is to be a light to the world, lead it to God by example, while their is to submit all to 'peace'. Thats actually the meaning of the phrase "Islam is the religion of peace". In our prophecies it's not a must that we get punished so that the redeemer has to fight the nations and die for us-depends on us. In the Christianity and the Islam a false messiah HAS to come and lead people astray- they see our redeemer as an antichrist.
Christianity and Islam are wired to conflict with Judaism.
When Judea comes closer to God we get much more serious and dangerous to deal with. It has to deal with archetypes and how they manifest publicly.

If i went too far here: just read a couple of suras in the Muslim book. You'll get the tone, the archetypes and instructions on how to direct a war against infidels.

Otherwise You'll just be served with lies and hypocritical politeness- another war strategy from that book.

Some maybe think that a religious person believes in social orders more rather than his holy script.

*I can go on on how easy it is to interpret the muslim book because the religion never reached a consensus and a set of concrete rules-no way around treating that book in its' literary meaning .

We must remember that nowhere in the philosophy of Shin-Lamedh-Mem (S-L-M) or the moral values of the Arab Palestinian culture that places any form of "peace" ahead of the Endorphin rush of Jihad.

Most respectfully,
Very Interesting but isn't it a shame that you Assinated your own Prime Minister Mr RABIN.......and all carry collective Guilt for this one act.

Indeed intersing..Are You ashamed? Aren't You ashamed that a man who gave Egypt the Sinai in exchange for peace? Shouldn't You be ashamed for those who You support passionately? They've could worked with such a soft-looking character without hurting their pride.
What's more interesting is that Your tactics still fill You with false pride, merely choosing the most unrelated topic among those I've written about.

But I haven't seen any shame in my people, only sorrow for they didn't kill Rabin-it's a miscalculation on You side :) By the way the we know who ordered that but that's a concern for the zionists themelves, and their shame, for many of us simple Hebrew don't relate ourselves to that machine.

But let's flow Your Goebbelsian way- Shame what shame? Never heard of him, never has been a PM by this name, what are You talking about you zionist chuch? If someone was killed ever it was an arab dressed as a mossad agent right?
You need to elucidate better in your prose...........My point was very valid it was with Mr Rabin(and Mr Peres) that peace could have been achieved...but No some Jews were not having any of that..of course.....SO THEY MURDERED Mr Yes you do have collective Guilt and rightly so,the Jewish silence on this matter and at the time was was at this point in my opinion that changed the Jewish stance ......... and the Right Wing Yobbo's took control. You may not personally have felt Ashamed or your cohorts BUT the world did,and realized Israel was just another two-bit Republic who just Assinate their democratically Leader..........Yep I got it in one first time...Guiltiness.[/QUOTE]

Well could've should've that's where You catch Your illusions. Your so called 'peace' couldve come with Barak and Olmert who proposed much much more than what was discussed earlier. Or the the Ntanyahu proposal or the Sharon leaving Gaza...or during the 20 years before 67-didn't work! Peace would ruin the arab league, their whole world. The'd be left only with the US to blame and gather masses. But they know how quickly the US would deal with them. How many cuntries did they burn in a year before and after Libya?

No better to pick on the small and demand everything for nothing. Who cares the children are dumb and starving- it's better for the sheikhs- easier to manipulate while counting the money. No why peace? the they'd actally have to work for their people's well being.

Now about silencing in the Rabin project- each year there're ceremonies in his memory in each school when the Leftists and the Right winged forget all their political propoganda and just give appreciation toa person who was killed for pursuing his ways by some coward puppet.

It's so sweet that You talk for ALL THE NATIONS otherwise i guess You wouldn't feel sure enough about your bs. It's the crowd effect- WHAT A SHEEPLE.

If You admire Rabin so much at least internalize one property of his character- he went in spite of crowd opinion rather than only if stood behind him.[/QUOTE]
As being head of the Israeli Military(and all those conitations)sic ..then Israeli Prime Minister he realised the only way forward was to have Peace with the Palestinians...............In my opinion both he and Mr Peres were wonderful Jews,in a morass of wasters......and this right wing scurge we have had for sometime in Israel and those Zionists,Israel have a major problem actually and it's the various Jews who are in NO WAY harmonious,I know I've been there.

Your Myopia is so much like those Terrorist Zionists of whom I believe you belong........You are merely another TWO-BIT Slaughtered your Prime Minister,and as a nation you Failed and are the Guilty.Look as a nation you are only 22 million and far too much time and Money is wasted on you......You think the world owes You.....No we don't,your behaviour since 1948 is shameful both to the Palestinians,the world in general and Mr Rabin.

You think you can spew your opinions on here and think you can get away with it,trying to degrade everyone.......Sorry but as I said You Are Just A Two-Bit Puppet..........excuse my spelling this evening.........steve
Hello haters and guys with some more brains and humanity.

Before I say anything You should know that an educated Hebrew won't spill any filth on his people, especially when it endangers them physically in times of "Informational warfare" that manifests in real world actions.

And it's simple: as much as I won't direct hate towards muslims abroad who shake my hand with a smile in the beginning but turn violent when hearing of my origin, I won't direct hate towards those in my land even if I think they act against me as a Hebrew or even those who have racial inclinations against arabs. But that's not to say that I want to cover for something or be called a 'self-hating jew', my only bias is my will to live.

Simply I understand what motivates both sides to express hatred, people are people- they suffer and react alike.

My opinion is relevant to both sides because I'm not Your regular Israeli-

I didn't serve in the army, actually had to go to an army-prison twice for standing this right. I've never put the uniform, shot a bullet shaved or listened to any orders. I'm a prof. musician since early years-I knew my way was around all this games from early on. I have Judaism and Islam with itsā€™ religious texts and lived in a Christian country for a long time..

But mind You I'm not a happy hippie since being bombed each couple of years easily erases that.

I'll start expressing my opinion by stressing that I've never had any misunderstandings with arabs directly NOT ANY. But I didn't use to hang too much time in those communities. Of course negativity and suspicion is felt in times of war, specially when You hear some guys crying a praise to their god, while being bombarded themselves in the same place. Go figure- Hebrews at the same time usually pray to our ancestors' God for families and the whole nation to be saved.

Although Israel was declared as a Jewish state it's legitimacy from a religious point is divided between 2 views- one stating as sworn by king Solomon that we aren't to return in a big wave to not appease the nations, while the second takes in account the 3rd condition given to the Nations by God, not to make his people's life in the diaspora a nightmare (actually it demands to just not make it hard beyond reason). Well there're idealists who stay abroad and lead communities and there're those who saw the signs abroad and interpreted them as a warning to start preparing for the final stages-as promised in the prophecy. And that's a key point to all our relations as I see them, more on this later..

While the point I've mentioned above are key to understand such a religious place, the state of Israel established itself as a high developed technologic oasis with secular values. The economic and social attitude play the biggest role. And here I must emphasize on a matter that Anti-Israeli trolls lie (let's be naĆÆve- because of lack of info) daily:

against all logic and lies- arabs are not discriminated anyhow! Say what You want, better check it Yourself- ISRAELI ARABS IS THE MOST PRIVILLEGED SECTOR OF COMMUNITY.

For example they are not obliged to pay the land tax and social security like every citizen, they have more social privileges than any holocaust survival to say the least. That's not to say that the state lacks budget in any way. In order to understand it, all You have to do is travel by some small arab village and compare the houses of an average Arabic family and the apartments of some jewish engineer or a doctor in the city. And of course not to forget- arabs are well represented in the highest-paid jobs: doctors, lawyers, nurses, engineers, bank workers etc. Of course it would be a mistake not to mention construction industry which is practically monopolized.

All this while the average Israeli has less and less worth for the salary, has to pay fully for education, social services and doesnā€™t even think to own an apartment before reaching 35 (which will becme his own only in 20-30 yrs). By the way each Israeli jewish family has a right to lease a piece of land for a limited amount of 50 years only, before renewing the permit. And Iā€™m not even mentioning the Hebrew families that lived there even before the state.

Itā€™s important to mention that the orthodox communities live in closed environments among themselves and mainly with the help of donations. As the arabs they have big families but get mistreated by the left (Gaza sympathizers) wing being falsely portrayed as ā€œnon-working who only study and prayā€, thus the only state money they are willing to take is for Yeshivas- religious intern schools.

Donā€™t get me wrong, Iā€™m not trying to shove You some extreme situation, Israel was called a ā€˜start-up nationā€™ for a reason- itā€™s a wonderful place if Youā€™re young and want to work in the field of technology, everything else suffers from mediocrity. But from the beginning an average arab has much more financial support so that only If you get an inheritance thereā€™s a fair chance initially. And with all of that do the arab parents still send their youngest children in tore dirty clothes to clean widescreens of sopping by cars on the highways?

UNFORTUNATELY YES! Do many of them look exactly like everyone, speak Hebrew with barely no accent and lead a healthy social life as equals? Iā€™M HAPPY THEY DO.

However now Iā€™ll get to the Zionsm problem. Zion is one among names of Jerusalem, the symbol of our people, that kept many generations in the diaspora ā€˜aliveā€™ as a nation. The hope to see Zion again tied people tightly locally and between further communities during hard times which were few. Thereā€™s even a sentence in a prayer ā€˜If I forget You Jerusalem, let my right hand be forgottenā€.

But Zionism led by Herzel was and is an extremely anti jewish political movement which merely uses the Hebrew people as a reason to dabble in world-geo-politics and some believe, to play religious gamesā€¦Itā€™s laws are extremely foreign to the culture as the leaders

who decide for the nation. It was so in the beginning, itā€™s so now.

Iā€™m not an orthodox (although studied in religious school), as most of Israelis Iā€™m secular celebrating the holidays, fasts and pray sometimes, but Iā€™m sorry call it however You like- the thing the Zionists declared as a jewish state has nothing to do with decent life as a Hebrew. It doesnā€™t care for our laws, it puts obstacles in the way hard working orthodox- who are the loyal keepers of our culture and the covenant- those values upon which this state was declared- ā€œas envisioned by our prophetsā€™. Especially being declared by B. Gurion- it was in my view it was an evil sarcasm, In my view it was designed so that a Hebrew man woman woul loose their connection to the roots and spirituality thus making them a naĆÆve pawn in the game of western nations. Pay attention I wrote ā€œHEBREW manā€™- not the zionist state.

The boldest examples are-

1.Not letting the Hebrew to go up the Temple Mount while letting the muslims play soccer in our holiest of places (fro which they like to throw rocks at the praying).

2. Making a Hebrew soldier who swore in Jerusalem to evict his own people out of their home by force, only to give that land to sworn enemies.

In perspective I see the rove of the state as a key player in the false end times theater.

Saying this I surely seem like that conspiracy freak, well I am to a point. Itā€™s elementary to accept that people of high ranks meet to discuss and decide on the key issues. Its elementary to see that thereā€™s an agenda to make it seem as if the prophecies the main 3 religions for the end times are fulfilling these days- a thin that makes them all clash finally.

And lastly those who have eyes can surely read ā€œMorals and Dogmaā€ by Albert Pikeā€¦

So of course the haters among You will blindly choose what they prefer to see and dismiss anything slightly conflicting to his/her propaganda. My intent was merely to express my self in purely self-exploratory pursue. All the arguments surrounding the internet on this topic are repeated endlessly in propaganda wars over young, still unformed minds that lack the ability to think critically for themselves. Whatā€™s even more prevalent is the unoriginality in them- arguments and techniques copied directly from Goebbels, Russian secret service and alike.

But thatā€™s for the rest of the world who live in a totally different dimension to be entertained in the illusion of self worth and high morale.

I wonā€™t even try to dispute that nonsense, all that Talmud citations are beyond ridiculous. I think people around the world got familiar with the ways of ā€˜INTERNET JIHADā€™ and the tendencies to respond in a certain way to cutting facts/evidence. People here donā€™t even get bothered too much, we know who we deal with and whatā€™s in the arsenal. And as further the enemy goes the more the prophecies get fulfilled on both sides- the story gets tighter and 3 traditions (basically 1 and 2 variations of the first) get into a final collision. And the most interesting thing is that each is wating for itā€™s redeemer, while the 2 copied versions insist that Hebrew peopleā€™s messiah is going to be a false one, while waiting for the 2nd one they just donā€™t know that our prophets promised us 2 redeemers.

p.s. How can anybody believe the nonsense of the "P"alestinian nation when it's inhabitants don't even have the first letter to pronounce it correctly? It's beyond naĆÆve.

Very Interesting but isn't it a shame that you Assinated your own Prime Minister Mr RABIN.......and all carry collective Guilt for this one act.
To blame an entire nation for murder that is quite exaggerated don't you think? I'm not talking about the fact it is the majority that elected him in the first place.
I just think it was Bad for Israel and Jews Period, Daniel,this act demeaned your nation and people that's all..steve

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