Anti-Gay Pizzeria Says God 'Has Blessed Us' With Over $800,000 For 'Standing Up'

Tell you what, when you start paying my bills, then I'll consider your advice, until then, shut up!!
So you're allowed to spout crap but nobody else is?

She is also allowed to donate who she wants to but she holds you in contempt for donating to anything she does think is worthy.

Typical liberal nutter.

Donating to haters, murderers, and bet I think its unworthy and so does GOD!!!

Which haters, murderers, and rapists are you talking about?

I'll go with The New Black Panthers....

Uh, they already have dates, but nice try. I hear the Catholic church is looking for a few good men
Traygone was into PCP style drugs, he owned up to drinking what they call "lean" or "purple drank"

And of course you know this because?????? Don't tell me, the night Zimmy murdered him, you and he had a text messaging war going on, gotcha!!
View attachment 39065

It was in the trial? Look fool you're fooling stop trying

THC was the only thing in the Autopsy reports, which is mj....fool!!

While you're acting like a fool I proved he was into PCP style drugs. Nice try though.....fool

Forget about the transcripts, they can say anything, the autopsy results.....THC was all that was found, not get a fuckin life and eat your bunny for easter!!

LMAO His own texts confirms he was into PCP style drugs, fool. Gawd you're ignorant. The wannabe thug Traygone died like a thug wannabe. No loss and society is better off.
Memories Pizza never did a thing to a homosexual person or threatened anyone. They were sucker punched by a reporter trolling for a story and they lost their livelyhood and they became (still are apparently judging by the post) targets of hate filled crazy people. They were even threatened with arson by a freaking teacher who should have known better.
Of course. It's that reporter's fault.

The reporters fault for calling out a racist.

I didn't know that gays were a race. When did that become a law?

Oh, so you have to hate a particular race in order to be a racist? Learn something new each and every day. Interesting!!

A gay person is not classified as belonging to any particular race. They come in all colors, sizes, and genders. Glad to add to your rather limited knowledge.
Decent people???? Uh, its these so called "small towns" as you put it that hosts some of the most backwardess homophobic racist creatures on the planet. Mayberry it ain't!!

Bigot ignorant response. How utterly amazing.

I''ll tell you whats absolutely amazing, here it Easter and both you and I and the other simplistic nuts are all here bickering over a slice of fuckin pizza some racist redneck won't give to the gay that's anyone?

Gay is a race?

Yeah and he/she calls us ignorant.

Oh, I don't just call you ignorant, I know your ignorant...own it and then keep it moving!!

Says the idiot that doesn't know the difference between "your" and the correct "you're". If you're, notice the correct use, going to call someone ignorant, don't look stupid doing it. It weakens you claim to the point that people who matter laugh at you. If they don't laugh at you, they don't matter.
Huzzah! The great and omni-benevolent God Almighty has showered rewards on this brave pizzeria for hating teh gheys! What a kind and loving God we have! Do his good work and ye shall be rewarded!



Since you aren't helping you think they should all have been aborted right?

My sentiments exactly....the thing about conservatives, these christian family value loons, would starve a child to death if they could, just to save tax dollars....all the while protesting women who seek abortions. In short, they love a child while in the womb, but hate on the child who don't have food, they're such hypocrites, really they are. With so many antil abortion lunatics in the country and thier so called family values, every single child needing....should have. But these fools are all talk and no action....unless its a tax deduction and in the headlines.
And that's thee problem with you people. Your idea of action is taxing someone else, never yourselves of course, to do something. Our idea of doing something is actually getting off your ass with your own time, effort and money and doing something. You worthless ass people are all about doing as long as someone else is doing and paying not you. You're pathetic.
It was an obvious publicity stunt, since they don't cater to weddings anyways. They intended to make a lot of money off people's stupidity, and it worked. Just not in the way they intended.
And of course you know this because?????? Don't tell me, the night Zimmy murdered him, you and he had a text messaging war going on, gotcha!!
View attachment 39065

It was in the trial? Look fool you're fooling stop trying

THC was the only thing in the Autopsy reports, which is mj....fool!!

While you're acting like a fool I proved he was into PCP style drugs. Nice try though.....fool

Forget about the transcripts, they can say anything, the autopsy results.....THC was all that was found, not get a fuckin life and eat your bunny for easter!!

LMAO His own texts confirms he was into PCP style drugs, fool. Gawd you're ignorant. The wannabe thug Traygone died like a thug wannabe. No loss and society is better off.

When I was 17 I tried cocaine and weed. Had I been murdered at 17, I would have been busted.....but at 57????? Regardless of what the kid said or may or may not have taken in his short life...the night he was STALKED BY THAT FAT RACIST MURDERED, THE KID HAD SMALL TRACES OF THC IN HIS BODY, NOW EITHER DEAL WITH FACTS OR SHUT THE HELL UP, YOUR STARTING TO BECOME ANNOYING like a house
Trayvon was a violent, drug abusing, thug who was killed by someone in self-defense.

It's disgusting that morons like you exploit his death.

Schooling idiots like you is not exploiting. What is exploiting are morons like you who support murderers and finance them. And just for the record you simp, weed is not a drug.
Weed is a drug.
the dried leaves and female flowers of the hempplant, used in cigarette form as a narcotic orhallucinogen.
Marijuana Define Marijuana at
Narcotics and hallucinogens are drugs.

Weed is what Treyvon used and trust me, I have never seen anyone high do stupid shit but eat and laugh and sleep.

Traygone was into PCP style drugs, he owned up to drinking what they call "lean" or "purple drank"

And of course you know this because?????? Don't tell me, the night Zimmy murdered him, you and he had a text messaging war going on, gotcha!!
View attachment 39065

Again the lie about a murder. Lefty nutters can't tell the truth.
It was in the trial? Look fool you're fooling stop trying

THC was the only thing in the Autopsy reports, which is mj....fool!!

While you're acting like a fool I proved he was into PCP style drugs. Nice try though.....fool

Forget about the transcripts, they can say anything, the autopsy results.....THC was all that was found, not get a fuckin life and eat your bunny for easter!!

LMAO His own texts confirms he was into PCP style drugs, fool. Gawd you're ignorant. The wannabe thug Traygone died like a thug wannabe. No loss and society is better off.

When I was 17 I tried cocaine and weed. Had I been murdered at 17, I would have been busted.....but at 57????? Regardless of what the kid said or may or may not have taken in his short life...the night he was STALKED BY THAT FAT RACIST MURDERED, THE KID HAD SMALL TRACES OF THC IN HIS BODY, NOW EITHER DEAL WITH FACTS OR SHUT THE HELL UP, YOUR STARTING TO BECOME ANNOYING like a house View attachment 39069
Huzzah! The great and omni-benevolent God Almighty has showered rewards on this brave pizzeria for hating teh gheys! What a kind and loving God we have! Do his good work and ye shall be rewarded!



Since you aren't helping you think they should all have been aborted right?

My sentiments exactly....the thing about conservatives, these christian family value loons, would starve a child to death if they could, just to save tax dollars....all the while protesting women who seek abortions. In short, they love a child while in the womb, but hate on the child who don't have food, they're such hypocrites, really they are. With so many antil abortion lunatics in the country and thier so called family values, every single child needing....should have. But these fools are all talk and no action....unless its a tax deduction and in the headlines.
And that's thee problem with you people. Your idea of action is taxing someone else, never yourselves of course, to do something. Our idea of doing something is actually getting off your ass with your own time, effort and money and doing something. You worthless ass people are all about doing as long as someone else is doing and paying not you. You're pathetic.

(sigh)....thus far...we've debated, taxes, gays, muslims, poor 3rd world country kids, treyvon and rabbits.....all because some racist didn't want to give the gay a slice of pizza!!
Schooling idiots like you is not exploiting. What is exploiting are morons like you who support murderers and finance them. And just for the record you simp, weed is not a drug.
Weed is a drug.
the dried leaves and female flowers of the hempplant, used in cigarette form as a narcotic orhallucinogen.
Marijuana Define Marijuana at
Narcotics and hallucinogens are drugs.

Weed is what Treyvon used and trust me, I have never seen anyone high do stupid shit but eat and laugh and sleep.

Traygone was into PCP style drugs, he owned up to drinking what they call "lean" or "purple drank"

And of course you know this because?????? Don't tell me, the night Zimmy murdered him, you and he had a text messaging war going on, gotcha!!
View attachment 39065

Again the lie about a murder. Lefty nutters can't tell the truth.

Prove me wrong...or shut up!!
LOLOLOLOLOL.....Well, it seems as though the Indiana based anti-gay Pizza joint, has been Zimmered.......when I say Zimmered, I'm speaking of course of ol George Z, who murdered the black kid, and suddenly had all this money from haters pouring in for support.....just to stick it to the family and minorities and once again, the Zimmer brood is at it again.....but for those of us who are accepting and allowing only GOD to be our patient. If we are to ever learn anything throughout the history of the world and nationally.......the wheels of change stops for no one.

Hatred never ever wins, just pick up a history book someday. Good bye Anti-gay Pizzeria, your days are numbered.

I don't think any one claimed they were hateful. Unlike your post clearly is. However, with 800,000 in their pockets, I would have to say the joke is on you.

800 grand for hate, not bad, but eternal life is priceless, I'd rather have that, cause money can't get you to heaven!!

Where have they been hateful? I see that they refused to cater a gay wedding. How is that hateful? Did they call the gay couple names first? Or did they just say that due to their religious beliefs they could not cater the event? Huge difference don't you think? Or do you view all religious people as hateful?
Huzzah! The great and omni-benevolent God Almighty has showered rewards on this brave pizzeria for hating teh gheys! What a kind and loving God we have! Do his good work and ye shall be rewarded!



Since you aren't helping you think they should all have been aborted right?

My sentiments exactly....the thing about conservatives, these christian family value loons, would starve a child to death if they could, just to save tax dollars....all the while protesting women who seek abortions. In short, they love a child while in the womb, but hate on the child who don't have food, they're such hypocrites, really they are. With so many antil abortion lunatics in the country and thier so called family values, every single child needing....should have. But these fools are all talk and no action....unless its a tax deduction and in the headlines.
And that's thee problem with you people. Your idea of action is taxing someone else, never yourselves of course, to do something. Our idea of doing something is actually getting off your ass with your own time, effort and money and doing something. You worthless ass people are all about doing as long as someone else is doing and paying not you. You're pathetic.

(sigh)....thus far...we've debated, taxes, gays, muslims, poor 3rd world country kids, treyvon and rabbits.....all because some racist didn't want to give the gay a slice of pizza!!

Your rhetoric is pins the bogometer. Being against Gay Marriage is not Racism.
Tell you what, when you start paying my bills, then I'll consider your advice, until then, shut up!!
So you're allowed to spout crap but nobody else is?

She is also allowed to donate who she wants to but she holds you in contempt for donating to anything she does think is worthy.

Typical liberal nutter.

Donating to haters, murderers, and bet I think its unworthy and so does GOD!!!

Which haters, murderers, and rapists are you talking about?

Uh, go find a mirror and then lets talk!!

View attachment 39068

Who did I donate to that was a hater, mud ever or rapist? I love how you make accusations but can't back it up. Lefty liars, got to love the whack jobs.
It was an obvious publicity stunt, since they don't cater to weddings anyways. They intended to make a lot of money off people's stupidity, and it worked. Just not in the way they intended.

One thing about hating conservatives....they love to throw money at people, as long as they hate liberals, gays and minorities...all the while whining about high taxes and the government taking all their money...these people are lunatics.
Weed is a drug.
the dried leaves and female flowers of the hempplant, used in cigarette form as a narcotic orhallucinogen.
Marijuana Define Marijuana at
Narcotics and hallucinogens are drugs.

Weed is what Treyvon used and trust me, I have never seen anyone high do stupid shit but eat and laugh and sleep.

Traygone was into PCP style drugs, he owned up to drinking what they call "lean" or "purple drank"

And of course you know this because?????? Don't tell me, the night Zimmy murdered him, you and he had a text messaging war going on, gotcha!!
View attachment 39065

Again the lie about a murder. Lefty nutters can't tell the truth.

Prove me wrong...or shut up!!

Zimmerman was acquitted, therefore not a murderer.
Huzzah! The great and omni-benevolent God Almighty has showered rewards on this brave pizzeria for hating teh gheys! What a kind and loving God we have! Do his good work and ye shall be rewarded!



Since you aren't helping you think they should all have been aborted right?

My sentiments exactly....the thing about conservatives, these christian family value loons, would starve a child to death if they could, just to save tax dollars....all the while protesting women who seek abortions. In short, they love a child while in the womb, but hate on the child who don't have food, they're such hypocrites, really they are. With so many antil abortion lunatics in the country and thier so called family values, every single child needing....should have. But these fools are all talk and no action....unless its a tax deduction and in the headlines.
And that's thee problem with you people. Your idea of action is taxing someone else, never yourselves of course, to do something. Our idea of doing something is actually getting off your ass with your own time, effort and money and doing something. You worthless ass people are all about doing as long as someone else is doing and paying not you. You're pathetic.

(sigh)....thus far...we've debated, taxes, gays, muslims, poor 3rd world country kids, treyvon and rabbits.....all because some racist didn't want to give the gay a slice of pizza!!

Your rhetoric is pins the bogometer. Being against Gay Marriage is not Racism.

Tomatoes tamotoes, who gives a crap....its my opinion and I'm sticking to it
Weed is what Treyvon used and trust me, I have never seen anyone high do stupid shit but eat and laugh and sleep.

Traygone was into PCP style drugs, he owned up to drinking what they call "lean" or "purple drank"

And of course you know this because?????? Don't tell me, the night Zimmy murdered him, you and he had a text messaging war going on, gotcha!!
View attachment 39065

Again the lie about a murder. Lefty nutters can't tell the truth.

Prove me wrong...or shut up!!

Zimmerman was acquitted, therefore not a murderer.

OJ was acquitted too, so was every southern redneck in the south during the 60's that murdered, Emmit Til, Medgar Evers and 3 little black girls....and your point?

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