Anti-Gay Documentary Warns Of The 'Criminalization Of Christianity'

To liberals the criminalization of Christianity is what they want. That will justify the muslim slaughter of Christians.
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Once again, the party of stupid ( Piyush "Bobby" Jindal's words) are on the wrong side of history
Only idiots, the uneducated, and the malignantly motivated say that anyone wants to criminalize Christianity in the U.S.

GOP Presidential Hopefuls And Members Of Congress Appear In New Anti-Gay 'Documentary' -

GOP Presidential Hopefuls And Members Of Congress Appear In New Anti-Gay Documentary Right Wing Watch

Just ask Phil Robinson of Duck Dynasty, the young couple from the Dugger family, the former Miss America contestant, the cake baker, the photographer, the Chic Filet CEO or anyone else in the past who has been asked what do they think of gay marriage, and this while being in an influential position in life. Then look at the storm that followed quickly afterwards. I see nothing wrong with the concerns of this film, because the facts are simply what they are, and people aren't stupid to those facts no matter how they are attempted to be covered up or explained differently from what they actually are by some who attempt to do such a thing as that. Christians for some reason had fallen asleep in the nation over time, and slowly while they slept their freedoms to practice what they preach whether it be to their friends or to their own families, has been stolen from them in certain venues, public forums or places in which they were once free just as anyone else is in order to be a part of in life. The problem comes when they (the Christians) are asked to ignore their biblical teachings in life (become silent about them), and to go along with things that are not Biblical or moral in their understandings of, and worse to do such a thing in front of their own children upon demand now.

RW watch eh ? How about lets all place our children first again in life, and finally quit caving to all the woe's in the world, and this by joining in on those woe's due to the pressures now (or) caving in to the trends or fads that keep coming about in society in which are sinful in nature now, but yet are being masked as good.

How about us maybe starting again to create goodness instead of sorrows in our society, and to do it for those who seek after good in the forms that are compliant with the biblical form of what good actually is again to us, and not be in compliance with that which is known to be sinful forms of so called good to some, and for whom see sin as a good thing and not as a bad thing in their lives. Hey everybody sins of course, but it doesn't have to be condoned or looked at as if it is something to be proud of in life when it happens, especially when we all being as sinners know that it is wrong when it happens, and therefore everyone should always seek to learn from sinful things in life, and then to turn from sinful things before it is too late in life.

There are many testimonies in people who finally had taken enough of sin dominating in their lives, and they are praised for speaking out against it by many who can relate to their stories and testimonies in life. In fact there are countless shows about prisons and the youth who have been turned also from their sins in that respect, and who were on the highway to hell once upon a time in their lives also. There are also countless documentaries to these facts as well, so who are the present lovers of sin trying to fool in life, other than their own sinning selves in which they want to include others as well in their sin ? I guess misery loves company, so a sinner tries to get as many on the sin wagon as they possibly can, and I think this is just so they won't feel so lonely while doing their thing when riding it.
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The fantasy world of "gay rights" includes butt-ugly hairy transvestites traumatizing real women by using the ladies room. The fantasy world of "gay rights" includes forcing boys to endure pedophile advances from homosexual men. America is the most tolerant Country in the world but sissies never stop whining. You gotta wonder about the sanity of homosexual advocates when they defend the jihad muslem monsters who would put homosexuals to death if they gained power from sharia law.
Ake Green, pastor of a Pentecostal congregation in Kalmar, Sweden, was sentenced to one month in prison on a charge of inciting hatred against homosexuals. Pastor Green was prosecuted for his sermon in a January hearing, where he was found guilty of "hate speech against homosexuals" for a sermon preached in 2003. Criminalizing Christianity Sweden s Hate Speech Law - Albert Mohler
Now if he was inciting hatred against his fellow human beings in his sermons (preaching to hate the sinner instead of his or her sins aside from them being lost in their lives as human beings) then he was wrong, but if his sermon was just being informative about what the Biblical teachings of what sin is in ones life, and how the bible explains that we all should lean the differences in such things in life, then that should have been OK, and also that we should seek to not be sinful then it should have been OK.... We are instead to flee or stay away from sin as best that we can, and this concerning all the many sinful things that we are exposed to daily, and if he preached in this way then it should have been acceptable just as it is here to preach the word as we always have done in America the same.
The fantasy world of "gay rights" includes butt-ugly hairy transvestites traumatizing real women by using the ladies room. The fantasy world of "gay rights" includes forcing boys to endure pedophile advances from homosexual men. America is the most tolerant Country in the world but sissies never stop whining. You gotta wonder about the sanity of homosexual advocates when they defend the jihad muslem monsters who would put homosexuals to death if they gained power from sharia law.
If it's insanity, hatred of Christians drove them insane. Gays really believe that muslims are more tolerant of homosexuality.
The fantasy world of "gay rights" includes butt-ugly hairy transvestites traumatizing real women by using the ladies room. The fantasy world of "gay rights" includes forcing boys to endure pedophile advances from homosexual men. America is the most tolerant Country in the world but sissies never stop whining. You gotta wonder about the sanity of homosexual advocates when they defend the jihad muslem monsters who would put homosexuals to death if they gained power from sharia law.
If it's insanity, hatred of Christians drove them insane. Gays really believe that muslims are more tolerant of homosexuality.

What homosexuals believe that?

Where do you get these ideas? Do you just make them up?

Liberals want the 1st Amendment to apply to ALL religions, not just Christianity. I don't like Islam anymore than Christianity, less actually, but that doesn't mean Muslims should be oppressed in this country established with freedom of religion. No liberal supports the radical extremist in any religion, especially ISIS or Al Qaida.

And just because most Christians in this country don't want to execute gay people doesn't mean gay people should be grateful that many Christians only want to oppress and discriminate against them.

GOP Presidential Hopefuls And Members Of Congress Appear In New Anti-Gay 'Documentary' -

GOP Presidential Hopefuls And Members Of Congress Appear In New Anti-Gay Documentary Right Wing Watch

Just ask Phil Robinson of Duck Dynasty, the young couple from the Dugger family, the former Miss America contestant, the cake baker, the photographer, the Chic Filet CEO or anyone else in the past who has been asked what do they think of gay marriage, and this while being in an influential position in life. Then look at the storm that followed quickly afterwards. I see nothing wrong with the concerns of this film, because the facts are simply what they are, and people aren't stupid to those facts no matter how they are attempted to be covered up or explained differently from what they actually are by some who attempt to do such a thing as that. Christians for some reason had fallen asleep in the nation over time, and slowly while they slept their freedoms to practice what they preach whether it be to their friends or to their own families, has been stolen from them in certain venues, public forums or places in which they were once free just as anyone else is in order to be a part of in life. The problem comes when they (the Christians) are asked to ignore their biblical teachings in life (become silent about them), and to go along with things that are not Biblical or moral in their understandings of, and worse to do such a thing in front of their own children upon demand now.

RW watch eh ? How about lets all place our children first again in life, and finally quit caving to all the woe's in the world, and this by joining in on those woe's due to the pressures now (or) caving in to the trends or fads that keep coming about in society in which are sinful in nature now, but yet are being masked as good.

How about us maybe starting again to create goodness instead of sorrows in our society, and to do it for those who seek after good in the forms that are compliant with the biblical form of what good actually is again to us, and not be in compliance with that which is known to be sinful forms of so called good to some, and for whom see sin as a good thing and not as a bad thing in their lives. Hey everybody sins of course, but it doesn't have to be condoned or looked at as if it is something to be proud of in life when it happens, especially when we all being as sinners know that it is wrong when it happens, and therefore everyone should always seek to learn from sinful things in life, and then to turn from sinful things before it is too late in life.

There are many testimonies in people who finally had taken enough of sin dominating in their lives, and they are praised for speaking out against it by many who can relate to their stories and testimonies in life. In fact there are countless shows about prisons and the youth who have been turned also from their sins in that respect, and who were on the highway to hell once upon a time in their lives also. There are also countless documentaries to these facts as well, so who are the present lovers of sin trying to fool in life, other than their own sinning selves in which they want to include others as well in their sin ? I guess misery loves company, so a sinner tries to get as many on the sin wagon as they possibly can, and I think this is just so they won't feel so lonely while doing their thing when riding it.

Blah blah blah. Sin sin sin.

I don't believe in sin and you don't get to legislate it. You don't like homosexuality, then don't be gay.

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