Another trump team loss in Michigan and Georgia....THEY MUST LOVE LOSING!


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

The assault on our Democracy continues. The attempted Coup is not going very well for the trump Regime.
CNBC has the report, too! So if CNN(?) has counted properly, that is 40 court challenges lost.

The reports are calling the Kraken cases--a monster in the sea that hunts with its own poop, according to one source. The Michigan opinion appears most literally to have concurred(?). "Poop" is a plausible name for the allegations. Why there were no sanctions is deeper than a sea mystery(?)!

In Southern California, ICU beds are apparently dropping below 10% capacity within hours. As Donald John Trump, Juvenile likely explains it: Covid-19, what problem(?)! Notice how hard it is to tell the family adult males apart, actually(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Moses would go from Reed Basket to wealth and riches--as just a little kid. According to Acts 7, along the way: He learned Egyptian stuff. So in Deut 23: 19-20--usury does not get charged among the ruling houses and families. Gouging and Screwing is what gets done to the subjugated. It's all right there in arithmetic, even(?)! Millions appear to have noticed! Billions appear to not have noticed(?)! So mostly Millions would be killed in Holocaust!)
Not so much anything adult male Trumped-Up is at issue. Recall Donald John Trump, Juvenile--and notice how impossible it is to really tell any of them at all apart. Then go the "Kraken" sense of the mythology. The sea-monster uses its own "Poop" to attract the fish it eats. Even more "Poop" gets created. So "Kraken" it was called, "Poop" it was found to be--but forty failed lawsuits with no sanctions imposed.

The New GOP does make stuff up--and able to be noticed all over!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Moses would go from Reed Basket to wealth and riches--as just a little kid. According to Acts 7, along the way: He learned Egyptian stuff. So in Deut 23: 19-20--usury does not get charged among the ruling houses and families. Gouging and Screwing is what gets done to the subjugated. It's all right there in arithmetic, even(?)! Millions appear to have noticed! Billions appear to not have noticed(?)! So mostly Millions would be killed in Holocaust!)

The assault on our Democracy continues. The attempted Coup is not going very well for the trump Regime.
Who does Trump think he is? Putin?

He wishes that he was...
But wait.........We have

Sidney Powell......idiot, way in over her head. Soon to be indicted, IF she actually tries to submit her FAKE evidence.
Rooody G.OMG. can you fall any farther? Yes you can. Covid19 GotU, I hope you recover so you can be indicted.
Joe DiGenvoa..A true mobster. Has the look of "oh that slicked back hair is so cool" see dtJR.
This Ellis chick, who hasn't said enough to be exposed just yet. Give it time.
Melissa Carone. OMG she says, there was so much cheating upon cheating. Good one Rooody G.,, RW scam sites.

Fabulous, just Fabulous. Keep up the RW work, it's currently working well against you.

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