Another tragedy rooted in mental illness.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
Just days after the family of 8 in Utah was murdered, a family of 5 in North Carolina is murdered, both by mentally ill Fathers. It's not about gun control, it's not about skin color it's about mental illness.

Probably both heavily Vaxxed and this was always a likelihood .

Of course these two specific incidents lack support evidence in any direction yet, but an overall increase in anger and mental stability was a near certain forecast Vaxxed consequence .

Watch out, watch about
Impure ones about .
Probably both heavily Vaxxed and this was always a likelihood .

Of course these two specific incidents lack support evidence in any direction yet, but an overall increase in anger and mental stability was a near certain forecast Vaxxed consequence .

Watch out, watch about
Impure ones about .
In the North Carolina tragedy, the Father had a history of interventions for his mental state going back several years so at least in that instance it wasn't Vax related. My point is that whether it's Sandy Hook, The Buffalo shooter, or these cherry picked family tragedies, the Left immediately uses them to push either gun control or White Supremacy narratives or both.
In the North Carolina tragedy, the Father had a history of interventions for his mental state going back several years so at least in that instance it wasn't Vax related. My point is that whether it's Sandy Hook, The Buffalo shooter, or these cherry picked family tragedies, the Left immediately uses them to push either gun control or White Supremacy narratives or both.

Are you focused on the politics of these murders?
Just days after the family of 8 in Utah was murdered, a family of 5 in North Carolina is murdered, both by mentally ill Fathers. It's not about gun control, it's not about skin color it's about mental illness.

18% of the population struggles with some form of mental illness.
That sounds like a good reason to make guns harder to get, not easier.
Is there a common issue, or circumstance in the lives of both of these men, that needs to be looked at, and possibly modified to prevent tragedies such as this from occurring in the future..?
In the North Carolina tragedy, the Father had a history of interventions for his mental state going back several years so at least in that instance it wasn't Vax related. My point is that whether it's Sandy Hook, The Buffalo shooter, or these cherry picked family tragedies, the Left immediately uses them to push either gun control or White Supremacy narratives or both.
It’s very likely he was taking various big pharma drugs for mental illness, as has been suspected of many mass shooters. Of course, like that football player’s vax status, big pharma is protected from exposure so drug use is never released.
18% of the population struggles with some form of mental illness.
That sounds like a good reason to make guns harder to get, not easier.

From an outsider's view , the opposite is much preferred .
The more they suicide themselves and each other, the better .

It's like having a bunch of wild animals living next door and being told they are lovely once you get to know them .

P.S I seriously doubt the 18% figure . My feeling is that fresh research would show 33% or higher .
In my dealings I assume around 80% and find it works well .
Here seems to support my estimate !

From an outsider's view , the opposite is much preferred .
The more they suicide themselves and each other, the better .

It's like having a bunch of wild animals living next door and being told they are lovely once you get to know them .

P.S I seriously doubt the 18% figure . My feeling is that fresh research would show 33% or higher .
In my dealings I assume around 80% and find it works well .
Here seems to support my estimate !

Make up more shit no one believes yous anyways.
If they had a red flag law in Utah and the sheriff had taken the time to confiscate this man's guns when his wife was worried about him, then this tragedy could have been avoided.

Of course, if we denied guns to the crazies, that would be most of the Gun Industry's key market.
All kinds of things we could do if we trampled people's rights without due process. So... Should we just do away with rights in general?
Come get them coward. And be honest, there can be no discussion with you lying scum.

You miss the point. No one expects to reason with you nuts... just show everyone else how nuts you are.

All kinds of things we could do if we trampled people's rights without due process. So... Should we just do away with rights in general?
Gun ownership isn't a right, it's a privilege. Yes, we take away your license if you are caught driving drunk, we take away your guns when you start threatening people. Makes sense to me.

I am focused on how DEMOCRATS continuously make tragic incidents like these political. How about you?
How can they NOT be political. This is the ONLY country in the world where this kind of thing happens on a regular basis. We go from one mass shooting to another. We've become numb to it, with 125 gun deaths a day, you have to have something really spectacular to get us to rise from our torpor.
You miss the point. No one expects to reason with you nuts... just show everyone else how nuts you are.

Gun ownership isn't a right, it's a privilege. Yes, we take away your license if you are caught driving drunk, we take away your guns when you start threatening people. Makes sense to me.

How can they NOT be political. This is the ONLY country in the world where this kind of thing happens on a regular basis. We go from one mass shooting to another. We've become numb to it, with 125 gun deaths a day, you have to have something really spectacular to get us to rise from our torpor.
We're nuts? Then you should be very afraid howler monkey. When we take over you can have your choice of prisons to house you.

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