Another SURGE of foreigners heading our way. Upwards of 15k are heading to the US border.

65,000 are KNOWN to be crossing the border every month already according to recent reports.
You can safely multiply that by a factor of 5.
So these caravans are a drop in the bucket.

Do you think this indicates just how successful the last group has been at getting in? (They DO have cell phones and can call their folks back home ya know)

I wonder if the people in the last caravan (most of whom are now safely and permanently IN the USA now) are all calling their friends and family back in South America with the good news and encouraging them to "Come on UP!"

Whether you know it or not, the powers that be ARE diluting the US population at a staggering rate. We will be a Hispanic nation if the current rate continues in just over two more decades because you have to also factor in the prolific "Rabbit Like" pace at which Hispanics already here are reproducing (FAR faster than American blacks & whites combined)

Who wants to take bets on when the first Hispanic / Socialist is elected Prez? 2020? nah, but maybe 2024
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Isn't it interesting, that these migrant caravans now suddenly pop up around the world? Not before but just now, suddenly. It started with the Syrian caravans to Europe. Then right after that, we get Latino caravans to the USA. Doesn't this whole phenomenon worldwide look orchestrated?

No, it looks like the same thing that has been seen throughout history. When violence ravages a region the people flee and seek refuge elsewhere.
But there weren't caravans a year ago. They are just now. Did their violence just start now?
The Democrats just took over the House this month?

Says the illegal immigrant sympathizer.....:rolleyes:

Show us YOUR proof it isn't so first.

There have been a number of News stories lately about groups of hundreds of the immigrants being dropped off in Arizona and various cities etc. Why would the media (whihx is assisting the invasion) give us the entire and accurate story. It's only logical that most have entered.

You may have missed them all but I'm POSITIVE many here also saw them.
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.,.the people in the last caravan (most of whom are now safely and permanently IN the USA now) ......

There have been a number of News stories lately about groups of hundreds of the immigrants being dropped off in Arizona and various cities etc. Why would the media (whihx is assisting the invasion) give us the entire and accurate story. It's only logical that most have entered.

You may have missed them all but I'm POSITIVE many here also saw them.

...the prolific "Rabbit Like" pace at which Hispanics already here are reproducing ...

Dumb. Fertility rates are falling fastest among Latinos.

PROOF their fertility rates are dropping ????? (Wait, the left has a fabricated rebuttal to every legitimate argument)

That's not what I see around here. every young latina has at LEAST two or three babies they're lugging around. If i didn't speak Spanish, I would only have a couple of neighbors remaining i could speak with. Most of them are nice people btw.
i think you're willfully playing ignorant. It IS a ruse....isn't it?
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The Economist, Forbes, Washington Post, etc. Facts, not your preconceived notions.

That's not proof......

Do you have proof of what you said?

I agree I 'm going by what I SEE IN REALITY with my own eyes.

But it'd be interesting to see the validity of reports that support what you said.
but since we know for a fact the left media lies to support it's agenda I'm not sure any "proof" you posted would be legitimate anyway. Catch 22

Also important to note - The fertility rates you are going by are for DOCUMENTED AMERICAN CITIZEN hispanics. But we all know the vast majority of hispanics are UN-documented
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The Economist, Forbes, Washington Post, etc. Facts, not your preconceived notions.

That's not proof......

Do you have proof of what you said?

I agree I 'm going by what I SEE IN REALITY with my own eyes.

But it'd be interesting to see the validity of reports that support what you said.
but since we know for a fact the left media lies to support it's agenda I'm not sure any "proof" you posted would be legitimate anyway. Catch 22

Dozens of sources all saying the same thing are far more persuasive than the dubious anecdotes of some asshole on the internet.
I think a majority of Americans don't believe what the government says about immigration.
I think we are lied to often.

You really have to be a liberal, prog, regressive goon to be gullible enough to believe every thing CNN. MSLSD and the government says.

Who makes up the majority of gubbment employees? The same ones who worship big gubbment.

Dozens of sources all saying the same thing are far more persuasive than the dubious anecdotes of some asshole on the internet.

Dozens of Gubbment or left wing media sources.....right...cause you can ALWAYS trust whatever the Gubbment or CNN says :laughing0301:

And why are you talking about yourself that way?

Left wing like Forbes, or the Economist?
I think a majority of Americans don't believe what the government says about immigration.
I think we are lied to often.

You really have to be a liberal, prog, regressive goon to be gullible enough to believe every thing CNN. MSLSD and the government says.

Who makes up the majority of gubbment employees? The same ones who worship big gubbment.


If reality is this much of a problem for you, maybe you should take your act over to the conspiracy forum.
So, that would be a 'no' on the proof.

Nope. My "proof" is equivalent to your "Global warming" claims on this one.

except I'm probably more credible than your Global warming fear mongers :abgg2q.jpg:

I'm not sure if I should point out that global warming is completely off topic, or that my only 'claims' on the subject are to ridicule the 'fear mongers' you mention.

Either way, congratulations for making an ass out of yourself.

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