Another Staged Obama Moment:


[ame=""]A dedication to Bush in his flight suit - YouTube[/ame]

Bush was actually in a USN plane heading for a carrier. The flight suit was needed to protect him from g-forces and the possibility of ditching at sea.
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White House Tipped Off AP Photog Ahead of Michelle's TARGET Photo Op...

Figures. White House Tipped Off AP Reporter Ahead of Michelle Obama’s Target Photo-Op

Another staged moment in the lives of Barack and Michelle Obama.

Michelle Obama just had to get out to Target to do a little shopping last week. But, before the shopping run the White House tipped off AP photographer Charles Dharapak so that he would be at the store to memorialize the moment.

If she really missed shopping at Target why didn't she just quietly go shop at Target?

Oh wait, I see what she did there . . ..

when I first heard the story, that somehow an AP reporter had figured out , where she would be and got a nice clear shot, I was like what does the Secret Service think of an AP reporter figuring out the place Flotus would go unannounced? we know.

hey, at least she wasn't gobbling french frys...:lol:
White House Tipped Off AP Photog Ahead of Michelle's TARGET Photo Op...

Figures. White House Tipped Off AP Reporter Ahead of Michelle Obama’s Target Photo-Op

Another staged moment in the lives of Barack and Michelle Obama.

Michelle Obama just had to get out to Target to do a little shopping last week. But, before the shopping run the White House tipped off AP photographer Charles Dharapak so that he would be at the store to memorialize the moment.

If she really missed shopping at Target why didn't she just quietly go shop at Target?

Oh wait, I see what she did there . . ..

when I first heard the story, that somehow an AP reporter had figured out , where she would be and got a nice clear shot, I was like what does the Secret Service think of an AP reporter figuring out the place Flotus would go unannounced? we know.

hey, at least she wasn't gobbling french frys...:lol:

Flotus ? That some fancy word for fart or oral sex or something ?
If she really missed shopping at Target why didn't she just quietly go shop at Target?

Oh wait, I see what she did there . . ..

when I first heard the story, that somehow an AP reporter had figured out , where she would be and got a nice clear shot, I was like what does the Secret Service think of an AP reporter figuring out the place Flotus would go unannounced? we know.

hey, at least she wasn't gobbling french frys...:lol:

Flotus ? That some fancy word for fart or oral sex or something ?

I am not sure if you're kidding or not....its- first lady of the US.
when I first heard the story, that somehow an AP reporter had figured out , where she would be and got a nice clear shot, I was like what does the Secret Service think of an AP reporter figuring out the place Flotus would go unannounced? we know.

hey, at least she wasn't gobbling french frys...:lol:

Flotus ? That some fancy word for fart or oral sex or something ?

I am not sure if you're kidding or not....its- first lady of the US.

Yes I was goofing off. I apologize.
Don't care who started the war. Any man who would use the soldiers demise as a campaign photo op is the same type of man who would go through a dead mans wallet. Zero class.

Exactly. Bush had no class. You did know that I was referring to Bush's photo op at the expense of dead American soldiers, right?

Which one ? Does he have any along the lines of obamas ? Or is it just the one of him in his flight suet ?

I think the one in the flight suit was enough. I'm not sure how many soldiers had been killed at that point, but it sure was presidential of Bush to have a photo op at their expense. Something tells me those dead soldiers families didn't think the mission had been accomplished. By the way, the difference between the Obama photo with the caskets and Bush's flight suit photo op is that Obama was honoring the service members who died because of Bush's war, and Bush was just honoring himself.
Exactly. Bush had no class. You did know that I was referring to Bush's photo op at the expense of dead American soldiers, right?

Which one ? Does he have any along the lines of obamas ? Or is it just the one of him in his flight suet ?

I think the one in the flight suit was enough. I'm not sure how many soldiers had been killed at that point, but it sure was presidential of Bush to have a photo op at their expense. Something tells me those dead soldiers families didn't think the mission had been accomplished. By the way, the difference between the Obama photo with the caskets and Bush's flight suit photo op is that Obama was honoring the service members who died because of Bush's war, and Bush was just honoring himself.

actually the difference is more stark than that. one was supposed to be an event, the other supposed to be a closed private ceremony.

Look I don't like my c in c's jetting around playing johnny badass either and nor do I like a photo op at an event that was supposed to be closed to press pics etc.
White House Tipped Off AP Photog Ahead of Michelle's TARGET Photo Op...

Figures. White House Tipped Off AP Reporter Ahead of Michelle Obama’s Target Photo-Op

Another staged moment in the lives of Barack and Michelle Obama.

Michelle Obama just had to get out to Target to do a little shopping last week. But, before the shopping run the White House tipped off AP photographer Charles Dharapak so that he would be at the store to memorialize the moment.

Which one ? Does he have any along the lines of obamas ? Or is it just the one of him in his flight suet ?

I think the one in the flight suit was enough. I'm not sure how many soldiers had been killed at that point, but it sure was presidential of Bush to have a photo op at their expense. Something tells me those dead soldiers families didn't think the mission had been accomplished. By the way, the difference between the Obama photo with the caskets and Bush's flight suit photo op is that Obama was honoring the service members who died because of Bush's war, and Bush was just honoring himself.

actually the difference is more stark than that. one was supposed to be an event, the other supposed to be a closed private ceremony.

Look I don't like my c in c's jetting around playing johnny badass either and nor do I like a photo op at an event that was supposed to be closed to press pics etc.

And perhaps Obama wouldn't have been at the side of those caskets if Bush had done his damn job instead of starting unprovoked wars, prematurely declaring "mission accomplished", and telling the terrorists to "bring it on". But I'm glad that the right is more outraged that there is a photo of Obama saluting a dead soldier than they are over Bush's unprovoked and unfunded war that cost the lives of thousands of US men and women and countless innocent Iraqi civilians. Good to see that the right has their priorities and faux outrage straight.
Michelle shopped at Target back in Chicago and before the Presidency. I imagine it was fun to be as normal as you can and still be the First Lady. They would have had to provide security at Fifth Avenue too. This was local.

Can we shop online next time?

Did she call a photographer to come and take candid shots when she shopped at the Target in Chicago?

I don't thinkshe called the photographer this time. Someone at the White House did. What I really found funny about this whole thing is they said no one noticed but the cashier.

Seriously? The personal assistant alone would be pretty unusual. Been in Target a few times. Never saw somebody with a personal assist. Wives with husbands in tow, yes. Add to the personal assistant several Secret Service people and how can you NOT notice? I have watched body guards in action. Guys with folded up automatic weapons still stand out. They stand out a lot.

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