Another Result Of The Left's Divisiveness


Have you ever heard "the left" call President Obama an Uncle Tom?

Stupid fucking fake outrage thread.

Is it required for USMB nutters to whine and bitch about divisiveness......while promoting actual laws and policies that divide? I think it is.

Why would they call him an "Uncle Tom?" He's a liberal Democrat. Only conservative republican blacks get called "Uncle Tom."

Ar you really that fucking stupid?

The OP made a claim. You are a retard and can't follow the discussion. Try again.

Yes, it did make a claim, and it was not that the left calls black liberal Democrats insulting names.

No, dummy....but it was as follows:

"This happens every damn time a minority speaks properly. It's always the left using the "Uncle Tom" insult, as if people are traitors to their race for not following the stereotype."

Now.....please eat shit.

Have you ever heard "the left" call President Obama an Uncle Tom?

Stupid fucking fake outrage thread.

Is it required for USMB nutters to whine and bitch about divisiveness......while promoting actual laws and policies that divide? I think it is.

Why would they call him an "Uncle Tom?" He's a liberal Democrat. Only conservative republican blacks get called "Uncle Tom."

Ar you really that fucking stupid?

The OP made a claim. You are a retard and can't follow the discussion. Try again.

Yes, it did make a claim, and it was not that the left calls black liberal Democrats insulting names.

No, dummy....but it was as follows:

"This happens every damn time a minority speaks properly. It's always the left using the "Uncle Tom" insult, as if people are traitors to their race for not following the stereotype."

Now.....please eat shit.

Obama grew up around whites. That's why he wasn't called names and speaks properly as a result.
Given the right's hostility to the civil liberties of gay Americans, women, African-Americans, and immigrants, the OP is clearly oblivious as to the idiocy of his post.

Conservatives live in a very large glass house.
Do you have proof of this idiotic claim of yours? Can you show us an example of a conservative or Republican who is against liberty?

Have you ever heard "the left" call President Obama an Uncle Tom?

Stupid fucking fake outrage thread.

Is it required for USMB nutters to whine and bitch about divisiveness......while promoting actual laws and policies that divide? I think it is.

There were comments from the left taking note of Obama's speaking ability. Biden said Obama was the first black candidate that was clean and articulate, as if that was unique for a black guy. Another stated that his lighter skin was less scary. Another comment was made regarding his lack of typical black dialect, which made him a viable candidate. Yes, the left is painfully aware of it when a black doesn't fit the typical stereotype they group most minorities into.

When they see black Republicans showing a great deal of intelligence and class, they act like it's not real and that they are merely trained by the right. They can't believe that any minority succeeded on their own and assume that someone allowed them to prosper for nefarious reasons. The only reason I can think of that a person would hold such skewed beliefs is that they believe everyone really thinks the way they do. The left has no faith in minorities to be equal with white on all levels, so they react with skepticism when they see a wealthy, articulate black. Calling them Uncle Toms shows that they doubt the person is genuine and treat them as backstabbers to the black race. The real reason, I believe, is that the left is afraid that these "Uncle Toms" will serve as role models and lead more blacks from the liberal plantation. They don't want their political slaves getting any big ideas.

The left believes that blacks must be aided in their elevation. That is why they choose to hire people based on race alone. Obama chose a Hispanic for the supreme court. Nothing wrong in that except that he decided before even looking at the potential candidates that it had to be a Hispanic woman. Then he nominated the first one he found. It's all backwards. If they had faith in people, they would consistently choose the most qualified. Not only would there be diversity, but we would have the best qualified people. When you simply plan according to color being balanced, you will end up with the least qualified people in many cases. But the left fears that there are no minorities who are qualified, so they set about bringing about their twisted brand of social justice by affirmative action, which is solely based on color and not talent. If they believed, like Republicans do, that there is endless ability among all minorities, they would realize that the best people, regardless of color, would fill positions. The Dems apparently don't believe there are qualified people with dark skin so they play big brother and pull strings to make themselves look benevolent.
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Libcom's use lies to foment division, its the only way they can win elections. They don't care that division is bad for the country, they hate America anyway and many hate themselves, libs are pretty screwed up in the head.

Have you ever heard "the left" call President Obama an Uncle Tom?

Stupid fucking fake outrage thread.

Is it required for USMB nutters to whine and bitch about divisiveness......while promoting actual laws and policies that divide? I think it is.

There were comments from the left taking note of Obama's speaking ability. Biden said Obama was the first black candidate that was clean and articulate, as if that was unique for a black guy. Another stated that his lighter skin was less scary. Another comment was made regarding his lack of typical black dialect, which made him a viable candidate. Yes, the left is painfully aware of it when a black doesn't fit the typical stereotype they group most minorities into.

When they see black Republicans showing a great deal of intelligence and class, they act like it's not real and that they are merely trained by the right. They can't believe that any minority succeeded on their own and assume that someone allowed them to prosper for nefarious reasons. The only reason I can think of that a person would hold such skewed beliefs is that they believe everyone really thinks the way they do. The left has no faith in minorities to be equal with white on all levels, so they react with skepticism when they see a wealthy, articulate black. Calling them Uncle Toms shows that they doubt the person is genuine and treat them as backstabbers to the black race. The real reason, I believe, is that the left is afraid that these "Uncle Toms" will serve as role models and lead more blacks from the liberal plantation. They don't want their political slaves getting any big ideas.

You did not answer the question.

The rest of your shit is just really stupid. Really stupid.
Why do republicans struggle so much with the concept of demographics?

The only demographic they are concerned with are rich white Christian males
Its funny you singled out gays. Maybe check some statistics out of how many girls/boys are molested by hetero people.
God this is to easy to point out what a hypocrite and how ignorant you are.

Given the right's hostility to the civil liberties of gay Americans, women, African-Americans, and immigrants, the OP is clearly oblivious as to the idiocy of his post.
Conservatives live in a very large glass house.

Yes, and I'll go to my grave fighting to deny "married" queers the "right" to adopt and rape little boys. What about the rights of innocent children, big mouth, let's hear your opinions on their rights.

Have you ever heard "the left" call President Obama an Uncle Tom?

Stupid fucking fake outrage thread.

Is it required for USMB nutters to whine and bitch about divisiveness......while promoting actual laws and policies that divide? I think it is.

There were comments from the left taking note of Obama's speaking ability. Biden said Obama was the first black candidate that was clean and articulate, as if that was unique for a black guy. Another stated that his lighter skin was less scary. Another comment was made regarding his lack of typical black dialect, which made him a viable candidate. Yes, the left is painfully aware of it when a black doesn't fit the typical stereotype they group most minorities into.

When they see black Republicans showing a great deal of intelligence and class, they act like it's not real and that they are merely trained by the right. They can't believe that any minority succeeded on their own and assume that someone allowed them to prosper for nefarious reasons. The only reason I can think of that a person would hold such skewed beliefs is that they believe everyone really thinks the way they do. The left has no faith in minorities to be equal with white on all levels, so they react with skepticism when they see a wealthy, articulate black. Calling them Uncle Toms shows that they doubt the person is genuine and treat them as backstabbers to the black race. The real reason, I believe, is that the left is afraid that these "Uncle Toms" will serve as role models and lead more blacks from the liberal plantation. They don't want their political slaves getting any big ideas.

The left believes that blacks must be aided in their elevation. That is why they choose to hire people based on race alone. Obama chose a Hispanic for the supreme court. Nothing wrong in that except that he decided before even looking at the potential candidates that it had to be a Hispanic woman. Then he nominated the first one he found. It's all backwards. If they had faith in people, they would consistently choose the most qualified. Not only would there be diversity, but we would have the best qualified people. When you simply plan according to color being balanced, you will end up with the least qualified people in many cases. But the left fears that there are no minorities who are qualified, so they set about bringing about their twisted brand of social justice by affirmative action, which is solely based on color and not talent. If they believed, like Republicans do, that there is endless ability among all minorities, they would realize that the best people, regardless of color, would fill positions. The Dems apparently don't believe there are qualified people with dark skin so they play big brother and pull strings to make themselves look benevolent.
The left does group people according to color. Then they make assumptions about how the people in each group should feel about things and how they should express themselves. The result is people not being allowed to be themselves because they aren't supposed to think outside the box.

A school punished students for putting on sombreros and eating tacos because it's a 'Mexican thing.' Whites aren't supposed to embrace other cultures because they don't have that right.

Blacks don't have the right to speak well or live the American dream like Herman Cain or Ben Carson. It's not considered black culture to be eloquent and reserved. They are treated like traitors if they speak well.

We are not a melting pot anymore. We are a country divided by race and it is never welcomed these days when people enjoy different cultures or just choose to be themselves. Some can't tolerate it when blacks do things that are only supposed to be done in white groups.

This black woman was tired of seeing other blacks being ridiculed for mastering the English language instead of Ebonics. Of course, that is not allowed, so she is being called names. How dare this minority think she can speak articulately and get away with it? Doesn't she know her place?

According to many idiots, speaking properly is a 'white thing.'

It's bullshit, but happens every time.

Instead of addressing each group differently, the way liberals do, someone should just speak to Americans and tell them it's okay to do as you please because you have a right to do so and you are not a traitor to your race if you don't act a certain way.

Eat what you want, even if it's food from another country. Wear what you want, even if it's a style from another culture. Speak the way you want because it's okay to express yourself how you see fit.

No one should be forced to fit into a stereotype that feels wrong to them, but that is what's happening these days and you can blame political correctness.

I wish the left wasn't so damn obsessed with color.

Woman Says Blacks Speaking Properly Aren t Talking White - Attacked as an Uncle Tom - Top Right News

It has less to do with talking to and more to do with shutting up and listening. But, I'm not a democrat. Unless you need me to point out how many racist groups are associated with the right and just ask you where your Klan hat is at right off the bat.

BTW, that melting pot when everyone held hands and wanted to buy the world a Coke? It wasn't so peachy keen as you like to pretend.
Given the right's hostility to the civil liberties of gay Americans, women, African-Americans, and immigrants, the OP is clearly oblivious as to the idiocy of his post.

Conservatives live in a very large glass house.
Do you have proof of this idiotic claim of yours? Can you show us an example of a conservative or Republican who is against liberty?

By "anti-liberty" he means anti-abortion. That's all liberals mean when they talk about "liberty."
Are democrats ever going to quit hating us for freeing the slaves?

No... That's why they invented the KKK, race based politics, and Welfare... To hurt Blacks as much as possible.

Yep. I'll bet most of the lefty dough heads in here don't know that there was hardly a self-respecting black person in the US right up through the 50's, who'd vote democrat. It was only in the 50's, when lefties paved a road to hell with their highly destructive social welfare programs, entrenching ghettoes, monolithic housing projects, welfare, the death of the black family, and 80% illegitimacy, that blacks accepted their role as dependents and started voting anew for their old slave-masters, the democrats. The American left destroys everything it touches.
The left does group people according to color. Then they make assumptions about how the people in each group should feel about things and how they should express themselves. The result is people not being allowed to be themselves because they aren't supposed to think outside the box.

Reminds me of the ideal family that was presented to 1950s America by the right. It led to so many divorces it's crazy.

I even had a great experience with a girl from Nebraska. I said "it's not a matter of when Brad Pitt and Jennifer Annison get married, it's a matter of when they get divorced", said in the summer of 2000. I got told in no uncertain terms that people get married and live happily ever after. Yeah, so, what happened to this marriage then?

And this attitude leads people to get married when marriage isn't the happily ever after they think it is, and you actually have to work at things, and your kids might not be the perfect 1950s kids and your cooking might not be perfect and you might not always have the money on the table.

Also reminds me of how you can only be a patriot if you support the troops, and you can only support the troops if you support the war, and if you don't support the war then you're a bad person. Oh, we're not trying tell you what to think, we're not trying to stop you being yourselves, but you have to be like us.

And then comes the gay issue. Oh, you can be how you like, but no, you can't be abnormal or anything.
Are democrats ever going to quit hating us for freeing the slaves?

No... That's why they invented the KKK, race based politics, and Welfare... To hurt Blacks as much as possible.

Yep. I'll bet most of the lefty dough heads in here don't know that there was hardly a self-respecting black person in the US right up through the 50's, who'd vote democrat. It was only in the 50's, when lefties paved a road to hell with their highly destructive social welfare programs, entrenching ghettoes, monolithic housing projects, welfare, the death of the black family, and 80% illegitimacy, that blacks accepted their role as dependents and started voting anew for their old slave-masters, the democrats. The American left destroys everything it touches.
Far from true

Democrats started getting the majority of the black vote under FDR

Tell me any reason blacks should vote republican
Are democrats ever going to quit hating us for freeing the slaves?

You freed the slaves? That's make you, what, at least 170 years old......

Yes that's exactly right, frigidweirdo. I turned 172 on Tuesday. Now go tell Nurse Abercrombie it's time for your meds and your afternoon nap. Maybe she'll change your adult diaper, then read you a nice bedtime story.
Are democrats ever going to quit hating us for freeing the slaves?

No... That's why they invented the KKK, race based politics, and Welfare... To hurt Blacks as much as possible.

Yep. I'll bet most of the lefty dough heads in here don't know that there was hardly a self-respecting black person in the US right up through the 50's, who'd vote democrat. It was only in the 50's, when lefties paved a road to hell with their highly destructive social welfare programs, entrenching ghettoes, monolithic housing projects, welfare, the death of the black family, and 80% illegitimacy, that blacks accepted their role as dependents and started voting anew for their old slave-masters, the democrats. The American left destroys everything it touches.
Far from true

Democrats started getting the majority of the black vote under FDR

Tell me any reason blacks should vote republican

Same reason why whites or any other group should vote republican, they offer more freedom than dems.
Are democrats ever going to quit hating us for freeing the slaves?

No... That's why they invented the KKK, race based politics, and Welfare... To hurt Blacks as much as possible.

Yep. I'll bet most of the lefty dough heads in here don't know that there was hardly a self-respecting black person in the US right up through the 50's, who'd vote democrat. It was only in the 50's, when lefties paved a road to hell with their highly destructive social welfare programs, entrenching ghettoes, monolithic housing projects, welfare, the death of the black family, and 80% illegitimacy, that blacks accepted their role as dependents and started voting anew for their old slave-masters, the democrats. The American left destroys everything it touches.
Far from true

Democrats started getting the majority of the black vote under FDR

Tell me any reason blacks should vote republican

Same reason why whites or any other group should vote republican, they offer more freedom than dems.
Freedom.......can you come up with any more platitudes?

Simple task for Republicans. Convince blacks that voting Republican will make their lives better

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