Another reason to support Newt~ Balance the budget in 5 yrs

I don't recall the DOJ being in the Constitution. Is the bloated defense budget a libbie social program? How about SS, Medicare and Medicaid? More libbie crap? I guess that means that conservatives don't take advantage of either one :lol::lol::lol:

Hey Stoooopid, it's more than obvious you're a dumbwit when it comes to anything related to the Constitution. A well regulated Militia is provided for in the Constitution.. Liberals must have been dropped out of a meat grinder with shit for brains. The Constitution says NOTHING of medicare, social security, and Medicaid.. ZERO and I defy you to find it..

Social Security was ruled constitutional in the 1930's.

When FDR stacked the court... yet nobody can really tell us where in the constitution that the power is specifically granted..

It was one of the early things where little grabs of unconstitutional power was done by the government... And it has continued from there with more and more little grabs that seem to go unnoticed, until you look back and see how far we have strayed
1st post
Hey Stoooopid, it's more than obvious you're a dumbwit when it comes to anything related to the Constitution. A well regulated Militia is provided for in the Constitution.. Liberals must have been dropped out of a meat grinder with shit for brains. The Constitution says NOTHING of medicare, social security, and Medicaid.. ZERO and I defy you to find it..

Social Security was ruled constitutional in the 1930's.

When FDR stacked the court... yet nobody can really tell us where in the constitution that the power is specifically granted..

It was one of the early things where little grabs of unconstitutional power was done by the government... And it has continued from there with more and more little grabs that seem to go unnoticed, until you look back and see how far we have strayed

Right, the Supreme Court should check in with internet guy DiamondDave on a regular basis to make sure they're adhering to his interpretation of the Constitution.
LMAO What mandatory spending?? All of the libbie social programs? I don't recall welfare being in the Constitution. Newt can and will balance the budget.. He's a proven self starter where the budget is concerned.. unlike your messiah.

I don't recall the DOJ being in the Constitution. Is the bloated defense budget a libbie social program? How about SS, Medicare and Medicaid? More libbie crap? I guess that means that conservatives don't take advantage of either one :lol::lol::lol:

Hey Stoooopid, it's more than obvious you're a dumbwit when it comes to anything related to the Constitution. A well regulated Militia is provided for in the Constitution.. Liberals must have been dropped out of a meat grinder with shit for brains. The Constitution says NOTHING of medicare, social security, and Medicaid.. ZERO and I defy you to find it..

It's more than obvious that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about - ever. A "well regulated militia" isn't the DOJ. Now, if you want to say that the DOJ could be made to fit the vague definition of a well regulated militia, fine; but if you're going to make that argument, then you have to agree that the same could be said about social programs fitting into the vague definition of providing for the welfare of the nation. You can't have it both ways. Anyway, it's all moot. SS, Medicare and Medicaid became law decades ago. You can whine about them being unconstitutional, but I'm pretty sure that the SCOTUS disagrees with you.
I'm glad you asked :) Newts plan:

Jobs and the Economy | Newt Gingrich 2012

Stop the 2013 tax increases to promote stability in the economy. Job creation improved after Congress extended tax relief for two years in December. We should make the rates permanent.
Make the United States the most desirable location for new business investment through a bold series of tax cuts, including: Eliminating the capital gains tax to make American entrepreneurs more competitive against those in other countries; Dramatically reducing the corporate income tax (among highest in the world) to 12.5%; Allowing for 100% expensing of new equipment to spur innovation and American manufacturing; Ending the death tax permanently.
Move toward an optional flat tax of 15% that would allow Americans the freedom to choose to file their taxes on a postcard, saving hundreds of billions in unnecessary costs each year. This optional flat tax system will preserve deductions on charitable giving and home ownership, and create a new personal deduction of $12,000 for every American. This deduction is well above the current poverty level, ensuring that this new system does not unfairly target the poor.
Strengthen the dollar by returning to the Reagan-era monetary policies that stopped runaway inflation and reforming the Federal Reserve to promote transparency.
Remove obstacles to job creation imposed by destructive and ineffective regulations, programs and bureaucracies. Steps include: Repealing the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, which did nothing to prevent the financial crisis and is holding companies back from making new investments in the U.S; Repealing the Community Reinvestment Act, the abuse of which helped cause the financial crisis; Repealing the Dodd-Frank Law which is killing small independent banks, crippling loans to small businesses and crippling home sales; Breaking up Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, moving their smaller successors off government guarantees and into the free market; Replacing the Environmental Protection Agency with an Environmental Solutions Agency that works collaboratively with local government and industry to achieve better results; and Modernizing the Food and Drug Administration to get lifesaving medicines and technologies to patients faster.
Implement an American energy policy that removes obstacles to responsible energy development and creates jobs in the United States.
Balance the budget by growing the economy, controlling spending, implementing money saving reforms, and replacing destructive policies and regulatory agencies with new approaches.
Repeal and replace Obamacare with a pro-jobs, pro-responsibility health plan that puts doctors and patients in charge of health decisions instead of bureaucrats.

Fundamental reform of entitlement programs with the advice and help of the American people.

What is the revenue projection on that tax plan?

We are currently borrowing 40% of what we spend. Balancing the budget in 5 years without touching defense AND cutting taxes?

This is nothing more than another rendition of classic GOP pie in the sky no pain all gain fantasy.
" It's the whole "I am divorcing you because your cancer diagnosis is just inconvenient for me". That's a character flaw."
Wrong. Newt's wife did not have cancer. She is very much alive. Her BENIGN tumor was not the reason for the divorce.. SHE requested the divorce. It happens all the time.

Google Jackie Gingrich Cushman for details. She is their daughter.

It's time to see what qualities a person has to lead the country instead of bringing up human flaws that would not have a thing to do with the qualifications of being president. Very few could pass the righteous litmus test we are putting on these candidates. No wonder we find the most qualified don't bother to run for office.

He's for mandating that people buy healthcare. That's enough for me to say kick his ass to the curb.

No he's not and stop the damn lies.. I just listed WITH proof where he stands on the issues of mandating healthcare.. you're beginning to remind me of a leftist.. You have to LIE in order to advance your own agenda.
You just listen with proof?
Why did he say he was for it back in the 90's? But now he's not for it? What exactly caused him to change his mind? I am trying to be nice and as honest as possible. Why is it that he can say one thing and turn around and say something else and not lie, someone you don't support lies all the time or lies a little bit? He's against obamacare now because a lot of Americans do not like the idea of being forced to buy something by the government.
The only thing being rejected in our nation today is LIBERALISM.. It's a beautiful morning in America.. 2012 is around the corner. Makes ya wanna sing, hmm? lol

it's great... you have no answers so resort to stock insults. are you this useless in real life?

i understand you don't know anything and actually learning something about the constitution is beyond you. but at least make an effort.

i'm thinking that the good people of mississippi and wisconsin did a good job rejecting you wingnut idiots the other day.

just sayin

Stating it's a new morning in America is an insult? ROFL! Any time you want to debate the Constitution, here I am.. Your interpretation of providing welfare, ie handouts IS NOT in the Constitution.. A well armed militia is. Next?

According to established law and the SCOTUS, it is. Next.
5th post
I'm starting to warm up to Newt. I've never really been a big fan, but he did ultimately reach across the aisle and work with Clinton showing that he's willing to put the country ahead of his party. If he wins the nomination it'll come down to the debates for me.
political expedience that's all it was.

Oh really? You are their marriage counselor?

I'd argue that Hillary has lost points by sticking to Bill.

No I am not their marriage counselor. Hilllary is politically motivated. Bill's star didn't fizzle out because he got busted so she stayed with him. she stayed with him even with his cheating ass in little rock. No political aspiration in her mind what so ever.
All of this coming from the left who ADORE Bubba.. the man who rotated a cigar doing the LewdInSky in the Oval Office.. LMFAO You gotta love liberals.. Now morals and affairs matter???

The Value of Women to Bill Clinton

I thought Clinton was an effective president. I thought he had serious moral shortcomings that became manifest during his second term. The Lewinsky scandal cost Al Gore my vote (as I couldn't vote against Clinton again).

I guess you were probably in diapers at that time. Maybe that is why Gingrich's past history doesn't phase you. You weren't paying attention when it all came to a head and you don't remember how Gingrich threw a bitchy little fit and shut down the government simply because he most likely has a narcissistic personality disorder and felt that he had been personally slighted by the Clinton Administration.

So, yes, they do matter to me. Prior to the Lewinsky thing, I never really believed all the allegations. Now I think they have merit. If I could go back in time, I wouldn't have voted for Clinton for a second term.

Contrast that with Gingrich, were the allegations are known to be true and you now have the opportunity to weight those allegations when you cast your vote.
10th post
Social Security was ruled constitutional in the 1930's.

When FDR stacked the court... yet nobody can really tell us where in the constitution that the power is specifically granted..

It was one of the early things where little grabs of unconstitutional power was done by the government... And it has continued from there with more and more little grabs that seem to go unnoticed, until you look back and see how far we have strayed

Right, the Supreme Court should check in with internet guy DiamondDave on a regular basis to make sure they're adhering to his interpretation of the Constitution.

The language is not hard to understand... and if you think the SC is above favor and power grabs for political gain, you are sadly mistaken
it's great... you have no answers so resort to stock insults. are you this useless in real life?

i understand you don't know anything and actually learning something about the constitution is beyond you. but at least make an effort.

i'm thinking that the good people of mississippi and wisconsin did a good job rejecting you wingnut idiots the other day.

just sayin

Stating it's a new morning in America is an insult? ROFL! Any time you want to debate the Constitution, here I am.. Your interpretation of providing welfare, ie handouts IS NOT in the Constitution.. A well armed militia is. Next?

According to established law and the SCOTUS, it is. Next.

Please show the specific power granted for such a thing...

You are yet another who thinks that because something has been done, it was done proper and is inherently right....

Again... the language of the constitution is not hard to understand... neither is the fact that the government, including the SC, is not above grabs to expand it's own power and to gain favor

There is a simple way to change the constitution to grant the federal government those powers... just a simple 2/3 of the house, 2/3 of the senate and ratification of 3/4 of the states
Stating it's a new morning in America is an insult? ROFL! Any time you want to debate the Constitution, here I am.. Your interpretation of providing welfare, ie handouts IS NOT in the Constitution.. A well armed militia is. Next?

According to established law and the SCOTUS, it is. Next.

Please show the specific power granted for such a thing...

You are yet another who thinks that because something has been done, it was done proper and is inherently right....

Again... the language of the constitution is not hard to understand... neither is the fact that the government, including the SC, is not above grabs to expand it's own power and to gain favor

There is a simple way to change the constitution to grant the federal government those powers... just a simple 2/3 of the house, 2/3 of the senate and ratification of 3/4 of the states

All of this coming from the left who ADORE Bubba.. the man who rotated a cigar doing the LewdInSky in the Oval Office.. LMFAO You gotta love liberals.. Now morals and affairs matter???
How pitiful.

All o' you Teabaggers/Dead-O-Heads/Freepers/Oathers/Truthers (and, other such "conservatives") are soooooooooooooooooooo anxious to get The Black Dude outta your'll (even) consider "Frig" Newton.


When ya' think-about-it, "conservatives" need to make something happen, soon, 'cause you're RUNNIN' OUTTA CANDIDATES, FAST!!!!!


There is a simple way to change the constitution to grant the federal government those powers... just a simple 2/3 of the house, 2/3 of the senate and ratification of 3/4 of the states

Then amend the Constitution to make Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid unconstitutional,

if you're confident that's what the People want. If they don't, then, alas,

you're stuck with being a victim of the Constitution and the government it has produced.
There is a simple way to change the constitution to grant the federal government those powers... just a simple 2/3 of the house, 2/3 of the senate and ratification of 3/4 of the states

Then amend the Constitution to make Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid unconstitutional,

if you're confident that's what the People want. If they don't, then, alas,

you're stuck with being a victim of the Constitution and the government it has produced.

Sorry bubba... it should have been amended to MAKE it constitutional... the process was NOT followed to begin with to actually grant that power to the fed...

As stated.. just because something was done wrongly, does not make it inherently validated

Again... show the power specifically granted within the constitution.... just because FDR stacked and changed the court to gain favor for what he wanted, does not mean it was correct to do so, even though his goal was achieved
Stating it's a new morning in America is an insult? ROFL! Any time you want to debate the Constitution, here I am.. Your interpretation of providing welfare, ie handouts IS NOT in the Constitution.. A well armed militia is. Next?

According to established law and the SCOTUS, it is. Next.

Please show the specific power granted for such a thing...

You are yet another who thinks that because something has been done, it was done proper and is inherently right....

Again... the language of the constitution is not hard to understand... neither is the fact that the government, including the SC, is not above grabs to expand it's own power and to gain favor

There is a simple way to change the constitution to grant the federal government those powers... just a simple 2/3 of the house, 2/3 of the senate and ratification of 3/4 of the states

You know what else isn't hard to understand? That SS, Medicare and Medicaid have been the law of the land and have withstood court challenges for decades. You can theorize about the intent of the founders all you like, but your opinion doesn't mean shit next to the SCOTUS. Talk to them. See if they think that entitlements are unconstitutional. I realize that you think you know more about constitutional law than they do, but the fact of the matter is that they are who they are and you are who you are. Until you become a SC justice and manage to get a majority of justices to agree with you and overturn SS, Medicare and Medicaid, you're just talking. Good luck :lol::lol::lol:
According to established law and the SCOTUS, it is. Next.

Please show the specific power granted for such a thing...

You are yet another who thinks that because something has been done, it was done proper and is inherently right....

Again... the language of the constitution is not hard to understand... neither is the fact that the government, including the SC, is not above grabs to expand it's own power and to gain favor

There is a simple way to change the constitution to grant the federal government those powers... just a simple 2/3 of the house, 2/3 of the senate and ratification of 3/4 of the states

You know what else isn't hard to understand? That SS, Medicare and Medicaid have been the law of the land and have withstood court challenges for decades. You can theorize about the intent of the founders all you like, but your opinion doesn't mean shit next to the SCOTUS. Talk to them. See if they think that entitlements are unconstitutional. I realize that you think you know more about constitutional law than they do, but the fact of the matter is that they are who they are and you are who you are. Until you become a SC justice and manage to get a majority of justices to agree with you and overturn SS, Medicare and Medicaid, you're just talking. Good luck :lol::lol::lol:

Again.. what I ask is simple.. please point out the power granted by the states to the fed via the constitution, that specifically grants the fed the ability to make and administer things such as SS...

The document is not hard to understand, and was intentionally written that way... just as it was intentionally written to limit the power of the fed, not grant it the power to do whatever it wanted

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