Another person claiming animals are the same as people

Well answer the question Buttercup, what happens to MILLIONS of animals if we stop helping them trim the herds? What happens to cows chickens and other farm animals if we stop eating them? How do you propose we control herd size and feed animals in the wild?
You provide the same arguments as the leftists who support culling the human herd. Is it time to start killing the useless feeders?

What happened to the planet when humanity was 500 million and not 9 billion?
.BTW, we are not and were never created omnivores. That is the result of the fallen "god of this evil world "
Still waiting to hear as to what to do about the 399.7 million chickens, 93.6 million cattle and 75 million hogs and pigs, should we stop eating them. We really don't have much available land left and the farmers that are using those animals for food, will need their land for crops to feed not only the family, but the populace as well (as they have to make money somehow). All we hear from the social-justice-vegan side is.....silence.

Farm animals are bred into existence for the sole purpose of exploiting and ultimately killing them, to satisfy the demand for meat and other animal products. It's all about supply and demand. As more and more people go plant-based, there will be less and less farm animals bred into existence.

Nobody in their right mind believes that the whole world is going to go vegan overnight. I've never heard anyone claim that. So your question is a bit naive, we don't have to worry about "what to do with the 399 million chickens" etc, since it is highly unlikely that the whole world would go vegan overnight. It will be a slow, gradual thing.

This does not mean that if everyone goes plantbased there will be more farm animals. As time goes on and more people are realizing that we don't need to eat dead bodies (and a diet higher in animal products raises the risk for a number of preventable diseases), there have been a number of farmers who have had a change of mind/heart and converted their farms to animal sanctuaries. There are a lot of people who love animals and want to see them live free from harm, and to enjoy life the way God intended them to... as opposed to living in a small filthy cage, never seeing sunlight or feeling grass under their feet.

Speaking of farmers having a change of heart, I highly recommend this documentary (Peaceable Kingdom: The Journey Home) for anyone who is interested. It's a beautiful thing when someone realizes they don't have to exploit animals any more.

And what of the deer elk Moose and other animals we hunt to maintain healthy populations of? And what of meat eating animals ehh?

BE SPECIFIC now and either admit God made every animal as they are now or that you do not believe God made every animal and so do not believe the Bible. Then if you claim God did NOT make carnivorse BE VERY specific and explain how they came about? No more dodging no more ignoring either you believe the Bible or you don't, we already have you denying part of it with Jesus eating Fish.
Two separate studies have shown that if you rip a plant out of the soil, or cut off a part of the plant, a plant grown from the original plant, becomes stressed when you approach it to rip it out of the soil or attempt to cut off a part of it. They think that it may be a form of fear response. To error on the side of not stressing the plant, are you going to just eat dirt?
Well answer the question Buttercup, what happens to MILLIONS of animals if we stop helping them trim the herds? What happens to cows chickens and other farm animals if we stop eating them? How do you propose we control herd size and feed animals in the wild?
You provide the same arguments as the leftists who support culling the human herd. Is it time to start killing the useless feeders?

What happened to the planet when humanity was 500 million and not 9 billion?
.BTW, we are not and were never created omnivores. That is the result of the fallen "god of this evil world "
Still waiting to hear as to what to do about the 399.7 million chickens, 93.6 million cattle and 75 million hogs and pigs, should we stop eating them. We really don't have much available land left and the farmers that are using those animals for food, will need their land for crops to feed not only the family, but the populace as well (as they have to make money somehow). All we hear from the social-justice-vegan side is.....silence.

Farm animals are bred into existence for the sole purpose of exploiting and ultimately killing them, to satisfy the demand for meat and other animal products. It's all about supply and demand. As more and more people go plant-based, there will be less and less farm animals bred into existence.

Nobody in their right mind believes that the whole world is going to go vegan overnight. I've never heard anyone claim that. So your question is a bit naive, we don't have to worry about "what to do with the 399 million chickens" etc, since it is highly unlikely that the whole world would go vegan overnight. It will be a slow, gradual thing.

This does not mean that if everyone goes plantbased there will be more farm animals. As time goes on and more people are realizing that we don't need to eat dead bodies (and a diet higher in animal products raises the risk for a number of preventable diseases), there have been a number of farmers who have had a change of mind/heart and converted their farms to animal sanctuaries. There are a lot of people who love animals and want to see them live free from harm, and to enjoy life the way God intended them to... as opposed to living in a small filthy cage, never seeing sunlight or feeling grass under their feet.

Speaking of farmers having a change of heart, I highly recommend this documentary (Peaceable Kingdom: The Journey Home) for anyone who is interested. It's a beautiful thing when someone realizes they don't have to exploit animals any more.

And what of the deer elk Moose and other animals we hunt to maintain healthy populations of? And what of meat eating animals ehh?

BE SPECIFIC now and either admit God made every animal as they are now or that you do not believe God made every animal and so do not believe the Bible. Then if you claim God did NOT make carnivorse BE VERY specific and explain how they came about? No more dodging no more ignoring either you believe the Bible or you don't, we already have you denying part of it with Jesus eating Fish.

We went over this, ad nauseam, earlier on the thread. I think I must've told you at least 30 times that Genesis 1:29-30 clearly shows that in the beginning, ALL of us (both humans AND animals) were herbivores. You kept ignoring that or denying it. Unless I missed a post where you conceded that?

I also told you over and over that things first began to change when sin came into the world, and the world got more and more violent as time went on. As for HOW certain animals became carnivores, I told you, there are different theories on that. I wasn't there myself, so I can't say with 100% certainty HOW exactly the changes happened, but I have some thoughts on it. Here's the thing though. It's not my job to spoon-feed everything to you. People who are genuinely interested in a particular topic (or truth in general) seek the truth themselves, they don't demand others do their homework for them.

The bottom line is, God's original design did NOT include animals and humans being at each other's throats. God's original design and intent was PEACE AND HARMONY among all creation, that is clear when you read Genesis 1 and 2. Now, no offense, but we went over this repeatedly, a ridiculous number of times earlier on the thread. So you are either being purposely dense, or I don't know. But either way, we already went over all this numerous times.
Well answer the question Buttercup, what happens to MILLIONS of animals if we stop helping them trim the herds? What happens to cows chickens and other farm animals if we stop eating them? How do you propose we control herd size and feed animals in the wild?
You provide the same arguments as the leftists who support culling the human herd. Is it time to start killing the useless feeders?

What happened to the planet when humanity was 500 million and not 9 billion?
.BTW, we are not and were never created omnivores. That is the result of the fallen "god of this evil world "
Still waiting to hear as to what to do about the 399.7 million chickens, 93.6 million cattle and 75 million hogs and pigs, should we stop eating them. We really don't have much available land left and the farmers that are using those animals for food, will need their land for crops to feed not only the family, but the populace as well (as they have to make money somehow). All we hear from the social-justice-vegan side is.....silence.

Farm animals are bred into existence for the sole purpose of exploiting and ultimately killing them, to satisfy the demand for meat and other animal products. It's all about supply and demand. As more and more people go plant-based, there will be less and less farm animals bred into existence.

Nobody in their right mind believes that the whole world is going to go vegan overnight. I've never heard anyone claim that. So your question is a bit naive, we don't have to worry about "what to do with the 399 million chickens" etc, since it is highly unlikely that the whole world would go vegan overnight. It will be a slow, gradual thing.

This does not mean that if everyone goes plantbased there will be more farm animals. As time goes on and more people are realizing that we don't need to eat dead bodies (and a diet higher in animal products raises the risk for a number of preventable diseases), there have been a number of farmers who have had a change of mind/heart and converted their farms to animal sanctuaries. There are a lot of people who love animals and want to see them live free from harm, and to enjoy life the way God intended them to... as opposed to living in a small filthy cage, never seeing sunlight or feeling grass under their feet.

Speaking of farmers having a change of heart, I highly recommend this documentary (Peaceable Kingdom: The Journey Home) for anyone who is interested. It's a beautiful thing when someone realizes they don't have to exploit animals any more.

And what of the deer elk Moose and other animals we hunt to maintain healthy populations of? And what of meat eating animals ehh?

BE SPECIFIC now and either admit God made every animal as they are now or that you do not believe God made every animal and so do not believe the Bible. Then if you claim God did NOT make carnivorse BE VERY specific and explain how they came about? No more dodging no more ignoring either you believe the Bible or you don't, we already have you denying part of it with Jesus eating Fish.

We went over this, ad nauseam, earlier on the thread. I think I must've told you at least 30 times that Genesis 1:29-30 clearly shows that in the beginning, ALL of us (both humans AND animals) were herbivores. You kept ignoring that or denying it. Unless I missed a post where you conceded that?

I also told you over and over that things first began to change when sin came into the world, and the world got more and more violent as time went on. As for HOW certain animals became carnivores, I told you, there are different theories on that. I wasn't there myself, so I can't say with 100% certainty HOW exactly the changes happened, but I have some thoughts on it. Here's the thing though. It's not my job to spoon-feed everything to you. People who are genuinely interested in a particular topic (or truth in general) seek the truth themselves, they don't demand others do their homework for them.

The bottom line is, God's original design did NOT include animals and humans being at each other's throats. God's original design and intent was PEACE AND HARMONY among all creation, that is clear when you read Genesis 1 and 2. Now, no offense, but we went over this repeatedly, a ridiculous number of times earlier on the thread. So you are either being purposely dense, or I don't know. But either way, we already went over all this numerous times.
In other words you don't believe god made all the animals, You are no christian. Christians do not deny the bible like you do. I am done with the fake Christian.
Well answer the question Buttercup, what happens to MILLIONS of animals if we stop helping them trim the herds? What happens to cows chickens and other farm animals if we stop eating them? How do you propose we control herd size and feed animals in the wild?
You provide the same arguments as the leftists who support culling the human herd. Is it time to start killing the useless feeders?

What happened to the planet when humanity was 500 million and not 9 billion?
.BTW, we are not and were never created omnivores. That is the result of the fallen "god of this evil world "
Still waiting to hear as to what to do about the 399.7 million chickens, 93.6 million cattle and 75 million hogs and pigs, should we stop eating them. We really don't have much available land left and the farmers that are using those animals for food, will need their land for crops to feed not only the family, but the populace as well (as they have to make money somehow). All we hear from the social-justice-vegan side is.....silence.

Farm animals are bred into existence for the sole purpose of exploiting and ultimately killing them, to satisfy the demand for meat and other animal products. It's all about supply and demand. As more and more people go plant-based, there will be less and less farm animals bred into existence.

Nobody in their right mind believes that the whole world is going to go vegan overnight. I've never heard anyone claim that. So your question is a bit naive, we don't have to worry about "what to do with the 399 million chickens" etc, since it is highly unlikely that the whole world would go vegan overnight. It will be a slow, gradual thing.

This does not mean that if everyone goes plantbased there will be more farm animals. As time goes on and more people are realizing that we don't need to eat dead bodies (and a diet higher in animal products raises the risk for a number of preventable diseases), there have been a number of farmers who have had a change of mind/heart and converted their farms to animal sanctuaries. There are a lot of people who love animals and want to see them live free from harm, and to enjoy life the way God intended them to... as opposed to living in a small filthy cage, never seeing sunlight or feeling grass under their feet.

Speaking of farmers having a change of heart, I highly recommend this documentary (Peaceable Kingdom: The Journey Home) for anyone who is interested. It's a beautiful thing when someone realizes they don't have to exploit animals any more.

And what of the deer elk Moose and other animals we hunt to maintain healthy populations of? And what of meat eating animals ehh?

BE SPECIFIC now and either admit God made every animal as they are now or that you do not believe God made every animal and so do not believe the Bible. Then if you claim God did NOT make carnivorse BE VERY specific and explain how they came about? No more dodging no more ignoring either you believe the Bible or you don't, we already have you denying part of it with Jesus eating Fish.

We went over this, ad nauseam, earlier on the thread. I think I must've told you at least 30 times that Genesis 1:29-30 clearly shows that in the beginning, ALL of us (both humans AND animals) were herbivores. You kept ignoring that or denying it. Unless I missed a post where you conceded that?

I also told you over and over that things first began to change when sin came into the world, and the world got more and more violent as time went on. As for HOW certain animals became carnivores, I told you, there are different theories on that. I wasn't there myself, so I can't say with 100% certainty HOW exactly the changes happened, but I have some thoughts on it. Here's the thing though. It's not my job to spoon-feed everything to you. People who are genuinely interested in a particular topic (or truth in general) seek the truth themselves, they don't demand others do their homework for them.

The bottom line is, God's original design did NOT include animals and humans being at each other's throats. God's original design and intent was PEACE AND HARMONY among all creation, that is clear when you read Genesis 1 and 2. Now, no offense, but we went over this repeatedly, a ridiculous number of times earlier on the thread. So you are either being purposely dense, or I don't know. But either way, we already went over all this numerous times.
In other words you don't believe god made all the animals, You are no christian. Christians do not deny the bible like you do. I am done with the fake Christian.
You can ignore it but the FACT is you DENY that God made all the animals. You can funny all you want but Genesis which you quote only 2 passages of is clear, God made the Earth he made all that resides on it plant animal and Human. By denying THAT you CLEARLY show you simply are not a Christian.
Well answer the question Buttercup, what happens to MILLIONS of animals if we stop helping them trim the herds? What happens to cows chickens and other farm animals if we stop eating them? How do you propose we control herd size and feed animals in the wild?
You provide the same arguments as the leftists who support culling the human herd. Is it time to start killing the useless feeders?

What happened to the planet when humanity was 500 million and not 9 billion?
.BTW, we are not and were never created omnivores. That is the result of the fallen "god of this evil world "
Still waiting to hear as to what to do about the 399.7 million chickens, 93.6 million cattle and 75 million hogs and pigs, should we stop eating them. We really don't have much available land left and the farmers that are using those animals for food, will need their land for crops to feed not only the family, but the populace as well (as they have to make money somehow). All we hear from the social-justice-vegan side is.....silence.

Farm animals are bred into existence for the sole purpose of exploiting and ultimately killing them, to satisfy the demand for meat and other animal products. It's all about supply and demand. As more and more people go plant-based, there will be less and less farm animals bred into existence.

Nobody in their right mind believes that the whole world is going to go vegan overnight. I've never heard anyone claim that. So your question is a bit naive, we don't have to worry about "what to do with the 399 million chickens" etc, since it is highly unlikely that the whole world would go vegan overnight. It will be a slow, gradual thing.

This does not mean that if everyone goes plantbased there will be more farm animals. As time goes on and more people are realizing that we don't need to eat dead bodies (and a diet higher in animal products raises the risk for a number of preventable diseases), there have been a number of farmers who have had a change of mind/heart and converted their farms to animal sanctuaries. There are a lot of people who love animals and want to see them live free from harm, and to enjoy life the way God intended them to... as opposed to living in a small filthy cage, never seeing sunlight or feeling grass under their feet.

Speaking of farmers having a change of heart, I highly recommend this documentary (Peaceable Kingdom: The Journey Home) for anyone who is interested. It's a beautiful thing when someone realizes they don't have to exploit animals any more.

And what of the deer elk Moose and other animals we hunt to maintain healthy populations of? And what of meat eating animals ehh?

BE SPECIFIC now and either admit God made every animal as they are now or that you do not believe God made every animal and so do not believe the Bible. Then if you claim God did NOT make carnivorse BE VERY specific and explain how they came about? No more dodging no more ignoring either you believe the Bible or you don't, we already have you denying part of it with Jesus eating Fish.

We went over this, ad nauseam, earlier on the thread. I think I must've told you at least 30 times that Genesis 1:29-30 clearly shows that in the beginning, ALL of us (both humans AND animals) were herbivores. You kept ignoring that or denying it. Unless I missed a post where you conceded that?

I also told you over and over that things first began to change when sin came into the world, and the world got more and more violent as time went on. As for HOW certain animals became carnivores, I told you, there are different theories on that. I wasn't there myself, so I can't say with 100% certainty HOW exactly the changes happened, but I have some thoughts on it. Here's the thing though. It's not my job to spoon-feed everything to you. People who are genuinely interested in a particular topic (or truth in general) seek the truth themselves, they don't demand others do their homework for them.

The bottom line is, God's original design did NOT include animals and humans being at each other's throats. God's original design and intent was PEACE AND HARMONY among all creation, that is clear when you read Genesis 1 and 2. Now, no offense, but we went over this repeatedly, a ridiculous number of times earlier on the thread. So you are either being purposely dense, or I don't know. But either way, we already went over all this numerous times.
In other words you don't believe god made all the animals, You are no christian. Christians do not deny the bible like you do. I am done with the fake Christian.

Oh my word. Why is this so hard for you to understand? Why is it so hard for you to grasp that God made creation a certain way, and then LATER things changed?

The hilariously ironic thing here is that even though I asked you point blank NUMEROUS times to acknowledge Genesis 1:29-30, I don't think you EVER responded to that or acknowledged it, not even once! You completely ignore it, over, and over, and over.

And then you tell me that I'm denying the Bible? Hello? YOU are clearly denying God's original design. What came later is a separate issue. How can we get to that when you won't even acknowledge God's original design?
Well answer the question Buttercup, what happens to MILLIONS of animals if we stop helping them trim the herds? What happens to cows chickens and other farm animals if we stop eating them? How do you propose we control herd size and feed animals in the wild?
You provide the same arguments as the leftists who support culling the human herd. Is it time to start killing the useless feeders?

What happened to the planet when humanity was 500 million and not 9 billion?
.BTW, we are not and were never created omnivores. That is the result of the fallen "god of this evil world "
Still waiting to hear as to what to do about the 399.7 million chickens, 93.6 million cattle and 75 million hogs and pigs, should we stop eating them. We really don't have much available land left and the farmers that are using those animals for food, will need their land for crops to feed not only the family, but the populace as well (as they have to make money somehow). All we hear from the social-justice-vegan side is.....silence.

Farm animals are bred into existence for the sole purpose of exploiting and ultimately killing them, to satisfy the demand for meat and other animal products. It's all about supply and demand. As more and more people go plant-based, there will be less and less farm animals bred into existence.

Nobody in their right mind believes that the whole world is going to go vegan overnight. I've never heard anyone claim that. So your question is a bit naive, we don't have to worry about "what to do with the 399 million chickens" etc, since it is highly unlikely that the whole world would go vegan overnight. It will be a slow, gradual thing.

This does not mean that if everyone goes plantbased there will be more farm animals. As time goes on and more people are realizing that we don't need to eat dead bodies (and a diet higher in animal products raises the risk for a number of preventable diseases), there have been a number of farmers who have had a change of mind/heart and converted their farms to animal sanctuaries. There are a lot of people who love animals and want to see them live free from harm, and to enjoy life the way God intended them to... as opposed to living in a small filthy cage, never seeing sunlight or feeling grass under their feet.

Speaking of farmers having a change of heart, I highly recommend this documentary (Peaceable Kingdom: The Journey Home) for anyone who is interested. It's a beautiful thing when someone realizes they don't have to exploit animals any more.

And what of the deer elk Moose and other animals we hunt to maintain healthy populations of? And what of meat eating animals ehh?

BE SPECIFIC now and either admit God made every animal as they are now or that you do not believe God made every animal and so do not believe the Bible. Then if you claim God did NOT make carnivorse BE VERY specific and explain how they came about? No more dodging no more ignoring either you believe the Bible or you don't, we already have you denying part of it with Jesus eating Fish.

We went over this, ad nauseam, earlier on the thread. I think I must've told you at least 30 times that Genesis 1:29-30 clearly shows that in the beginning, ALL of us (both humans AND animals) were herbivores. You kept ignoring that or denying it. Unless I missed a post where you conceded that?

I also told you over and over that things first began to change when sin came into the world, and the world got more and more violent as time went on. As for HOW certain animals became carnivores, I told you, there are different theories on that. I wasn't there myself, so I can't say with 100% certainty HOW exactly the changes happened, but I have some thoughts on it. Here's the thing though. It's not my job to spoon-feed everything to you. People who are genuinely interested in a particular topic (or truth in general) seek the truth themselves, they don't demand others do their homework for them.

The bottom line is, God's original design did NOT include animals and humans being at each other's throats. God's original design and intent was PEACE AND HARMONY among all creation, that is clear when you read Genesis 1 and 2. Now, no offense, but we went over this repeatedly, a ridiculous number of times earlier on the thread. So you are either being purposely dense, or I don't know. But either way, we already went over all this numerous times.
In other words you don't believe god made all the animals, You are no christian. Christians do not deny the bible like you do. I am done with the fake Christian.

Oh my word. Why is this so hard for you to understand? Why is it so hard for you to grasp that God made creation a certain way, and then LATER things changed?

The hilariously ironic thing here is that even though I asked you point blank NUMEROUS times to acknowledge Genesis 1:29-30, I don't think you EVER responded to that or acknowledged it, not even once! You completely ignore it, over, and over, and over.

And then you tell me that I'm denying the Bible? Hello? YOU are clearly denying God's original design. What came later is a separate issue. How can we get to that when you won't even acknowledge God's original design?
BE SPECIFIC and cite in the BIBLE where God changed the Animals and Man.
Well answer the question Buttercup, what happens to MILLIONS of animals if we stop helping them trim the herds? What happens to cows chickens and other farm animals if we stop eating them? How do you propose we control herd size and feed animals in the wild?
You provide the same arguments as the leftists who support culling the human herd. Is it time to start killing the useless feeders?

What happened to the planet when humanity was 500 million and not 9 billion?
.BTW, we are not and were never created omnivores. That is the result of the fallen "god of this evil world "
Still waiting to hear as to what to do about the 399.7 million chickens, 93.6 million cattle and 75 million hogs and pigs, should we stop eating them. We really don't have much available land left and the farmers that are using those animals for food, will need their land for crops to feed not only the family, but the populace as well (as they have to make money somehow). All we hear from the social-justice-vegan side is.....silence.

Farm animals are bred into existence for the sole purpose of exploiting and ultimately killing them, to satisfy the demand for meat and other animal products. It's all about supply and demand. As more and more people go plant-based, there will be less and less farm animals bred into existence.

Nobody in their right mind believes that the whole world is going to go vegan overnight. I've never heard anyone claim that. So your question is a bit naive, we don't have to worry about "what to do with the 399 million chickens" etc, since it is highly unlikely that the whole world would go vegan overnight. It will be a slow, gradual thing.

This does not mean that if everyone goes plantbased there will be more farm animals. As time goes on and more people are realizing that we don't need to eat dead bodies (and a diet higher in animal products raises the risk for a number of preventable diseases), there have been a number of farmers who have had a change of mind/heart and converted their farms to animal sanctuaries. There are a lot of people who love animals and want to see them live free from harm, and to enjoy life the way God intended them to... as opposed to living in a small filthy cage, never seeing sunlight or feeling grass under their feet.

Speaking of farmers having a change of heart, I highly recommend this documentary (Peaceable Kingdom: The Journey Home) for anyone who is interested. It's a beautiful thing when someone realizes they don't have to exploit animals any more.

And what of the deer elk Moose and other animals we hunt to maintain healthy populations of? And what of meat eating animals ehh?

BE SPECIFIC now and either admit God made every animal as they are now or that you do not believe God made every animal and so do not believe the Bible. Then if you claim God did NOT make carnivorse BE VERY specific and explain how they came about? No more dodging no more ignoring either you believe the Bible or you don't, we already have you denying part of it with Jesus eating Fish.

We went over this, ad nauseam, earlier on the thread. I think I must've told you at least 30 times that Genesis 1:29-30 clearly shows that in the beginning, ALL of us (both humans AND animals) were herbivores. You kept ignoring that or denying it. Unless I missed a post where you conceded that?

I also told you over and over that things first began to change when sin came into the world, and the world got more and more violent as time went on. As for HOW certain animals became carnivores, I told you, there are different theories on that. I wasn't there myself, so I can't say with 100% certainty HOW exactly the changes happened, but I have some thoughts on it. Here's the thing though. It's not my job to spoon-feed everything to you. People who are genuinely interested in a particular topic (or truth in general) seek the truth themselves, they don't demand others do their homework for them.

The bottom line is, God's original design did NOT include animals and humans being at each other's throats. God's original design and intent was PEACE AND HARMONY among all creation, that is clear when you read Genesis 1 and 2. Now, no offense, but we went over this repeatedly, a ridiculous number of times earlier on the thread. So you are either being purposely dense, or I don't know. But either way, we already went over all this numerous times.
In other words you don't believe god made all the animals, You are no christian. Christians do not deny the bible like you do. I am done with the fake Christian.

Oh my word. Why is this so hard for you to understand? Why is it so hard for you to grasp that God made creation a certain way, and then LATER things changed?

The hilariously ironic thing here is that even though I asked you point blank NUMEROUS times to acknowledge Genesis 1:29-30, I don't think you EVER responded to that or acknowledged it, not even once! You completely ignore it, over, and over, and over.

And then you tell me that I'm denying the Bible? Hello? YOU are clearly denying God's original design. What came later is a separate issue. How can we get to that when you won't even acknowledge God's original design?
BE SPECIFIC and cite in the BIBLE where God changed the Animals and Man.

You know what? I would be a damn fool to let you turn this into a repeat of a few days ago.

So I'm going to do something different this time. Until you acknowledge Genesis 1:29-30, I'm not going to continue and let you ignore something important and significant.

I asked you point blank a number of times earlier on the thread. You never answered. So I'm going to ask you again.

Do you concede that when God first created the world, God's original design and intent was a PEACEFUL, vegetarian world? Yes or no?
Last edited:
Well answer the question Buttercup, what happens to MILLIONS of animals if we stop helping them trim the herds? What happens to cows chickens and other farm animals if we stop eating them? How do you propose we control herd size and feed animals in the wild?
You provide the same arguments as the leftists who support culling the human herd. Is it time to start killing the useless feeders?

What happened to the planet when humanity was 500 million and not 9 billion?
.BTW, we are not and were never created omnivores. That is the result of the fallen "god of this evil world "
Still waiting to hear as to what to do about the 399.7 million chickens, 93.6 million cattle and 75 million hogs and pigs, should we stop eating them. We really don't have much available land left and the farmers that are using those animals for food, will need their land for crops to feed not only the family, but the populace as well (as they have to make money somehow). All we hear from the social-justice-vegan side is.....silence.
They live their lives, grow old and die, just like you.
Well answer the question Buttercup, what happens to MILLIONS of animals if we stop helping them trim the herds? What happens to cows chickens and other farm animals if we stop eating them? How do you propose we control herd size and feed animals in the wild?
You provide the same arguments as the leftists who support culling the human herd. Is it time to start killing the useless feeders?

What happened to the planet when humanity was 500 million and not 9 billion?
.BTW, we are not and were never created omnivores. That is the result of the fallen "god of this evil world "
Still waiting to hear as to what to do about the 399.7 million chickens, 93.6 million cattle and 75 million hogs and pigs, should we stop eating them. We really don't have much available land left and the farmers that are using those animals for food, will need their land for crops to feed not only the family, but the populace as well (as they have to make money somehow). All we hear from the social-justice-vegan side is.....silence.
They live their lives, grow old and die, just like you.

I just wanted to say I am glad you're here! I was feeling very alone on this thread, and trying to respond to four or five different people rapid-fire posting to me at the same time, ha ha.
LOL go argue your trolling points else where. Both God and Science agree we are omnivores
Once again "trolling" is defined as something you cant handle. Repeating the lie that we are created "omnivores" will be a deception no matter how many times you repeat it.

EVERYTHING about the human body tells us we are not natural meat eaters.

Our teeth are meant to masticate plant life, not other mammals. Our JAWS are designed for plant life. The bacteria in our digestive systems were made for plant life.

The common diseases that afflict us, heart disease and cancer comes, not from a plant based diet but foreign animal fats, and meat as well as the chemicals we ingest

Meat eating has deadly consequences. There is karma/payback for the suffering we inflict on any innocent creature.

Even AIDS is believed to have originated from eating PRIMATES. That's near cannibalism. This current crisis may have originated from eating BATS.

Even IF you're a meat eater, GOD declared each of these animals UNFIT for human consumption. Bats and snakes are "unclean" as are monkeys, and dogs and cats.

Most of our diseases come from violating GOD'S LAW

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the world according to the World Health Organization. It’s also the leading cause of death in the U.S. according to the CDC, which states that “diets high in saturated fats, trans fats, and cholesterol have been linked to heart disease and related conditions, such as atherosclerosis,” the mechanism underlying most heart disease. Trans-fats and cholesterol are only found in animal foods.

Dr. Roberts points out that “it is virtually impossible… to produce atherosclerosis in the dog” even when feeding them around 200 times the average amount of cholesterol Americans eat daily. Herbivores like rabbits on the other hand “rapidly develop atherosclerosis” if fed comparatively small amounts of fat and cholesterol.

Cholesterol is made from fat, something most plants have little of. Herbivores have evolved to be efficient at producing adequate cholesterol from a low-fat diet. They also have mechanisms that hold onto and recycle fat and cholesterol. When herbivores eat animal-foods, the excessive fat and cholesterol facilitate the formation of atherosclerotic plaques in artery walls.

There is an overwhelming amount of evidence that humans aren’t carnivores like cats or omnivores like dogs but are in fact primarily herbivores. It’s recommended we eat a diet low in saturated fat, trans-fat and cholesterol because of atherosclerosis, a disease that herbivores are susceptible to. The approximately 20-million-year evolutionary lineage of great apes is markedly herbivorous. Our digestive anatomy and physiology, nutrient requirements, and metabolism do not appear to differ notably from the other great apes or herbivores generally, and for most of the approximately 150,000-year history of our species we appear to have eaten mostly plants
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Well answer the question Buttercup, what happens to MILLIONS of animals if we stop helping them trim the herds? What happens to cows chickens and other farm animals if we stop eating them? How do you propose we control herd size and feed animals in the wild?
You provide the same arguments as the leftists who support culling the human herd. Is it time to start killing the useless feeders?

What happened to the planet when humanity was 500 million and not 9 billion?
.BTW, we are not and were never created omnivores. That is the result of the fallen "god of this evil world "
Still waiting to hear as to what to do about the 399.7 million chickens, 93.6 million cattle and 75 million hogs and pigs, should we stop eating them. We really don't have much available land left and the farmers that are using those animals for food, will need their land for crops to feed not only the family, but the populace as well (as they have to make money somehow). All we hear from the social-justice-vegan side is.....silence.
They live their lives, grow old and die, just like you.

I just wanted to say I am glad you're here! I was feeling very alone on this thread, and trying to respond to four or five different people rapid-fire posting to me at the same time, ha ha.
Nobody proselytize like meat eaters.
It wasn't you or me that started the thread, but they get really pissed if you show them an alternative. Just like atheists will not tolerate anyone defending Christianity.
If you rip a plant out of the soil or cut it up, you're not in harmony with it......and there is no deity.
And, I'm not giving up my beef, chicken, bacon, salmon, shrimp and scallops. Period.
Nobody demanded anything of you. The OP DECREED certain beliefs are the only legitimate beliefs and the problems begin when a couple people dont agree with his decrees.
Well answer the question Buttercup, what happens to MILLIONS of animals if we stop helping them trim the herds? What happens to cows chickens and other farm animals if we stop eating them? How do you propose we control herd size and feed animals in the wild?
You provide the same arguments as the leftists who support culling the human herd. Is it time to start killing the useless feeders?

What happened to the planet when humanity was 500 million and not 9 billion?
.BTW, we are not and were never created omnivores. That is the result of the fallen "god of this evil world "
Still waiting to hear as to what to do about the 399.7 million chickens, 93.6 million cattle and 75 million hogs and pigs, should we stop eating them. We really don't have much available land left and the farmers that are using those animals for food, will need their land for crops to feed not only the family, but the populace as well (as they have to make money somehow). All we hear from the social-justice-vegan side is.....silence.
They live their lives, grow old and die, just like you.

I just wanted to say I am glad you're here! I was feeling very alone on this thread, and trying to respond to four or five different people rapid-fire posting to me at the same time, ha ha.
Nobody proselytize like meat eaters.
It wasn't you or me that started the thread, but they get really pissed if you show them an alternative. Just like atheists will not tolerate anyone defending Christianity.

Yep, so true! It is amazing actually, how emotional and angry people get on this topic, when they think that you're trying to take away their meat. It reminds me of a dog who angrily snarls at someone who gets too close to their bowl when they're eating. It really is something else.
Well answer the question Buttercup, what happens to MILLIONS of animals if we stop helping them trim the herds? What happens to cows chickens and other farm animals if we stop eating them? How do you propose we control herd size and feed animals in the wild?
You provide the same arguments as the leftists who support culling the human herd. Is it time to start killing the useless feeders?

What happened to the planet when humanity was 500 million and not 9 billion?
.BTW, we are not and were never created omnivores. That is the result of the fallen "god of this evil world "
Still waiting to hear as to what to do about the 399.7 million chickens, 93.6 million cattle and 75 million hogs and pigs, should we stop eating them. We really don't have much available land left and the farmers that are using those animals for food, will need their land for crops to feed not only the family, but the populace as well (as they have to make money somehow). All we hear from the social-justice-vegan side is.....silence.

Farm animals are bred into existence for the sole purpose of exploiting and ultimately killing them, to satisfy the demand for meat and other animal products. It's all about supply and demand. As more and more people go plant-based, there will be less and less farm animals bred into existence.

Nobody in their right mind believes that the whole world is going to go vegan overnight. I've never heard anyone claim that. So your question is a bit naive, we don't have to worry about "what to do with the 399 million chickens" etc, since it is highly unlikely that the whole world would go vegan overnight. It will be a slow, gradual thing.

This does not mean that if everyone goes plantbased there will be more farm animals. As time goes on and more people are realizing that we don't need to eat dead bodies (and a diet higher in animal products raises the risk for a number of preventable diseases), there have been a number of farmers who have had a change of mind/heart and converted their farms to animal sanctuaries. There are a lot of people who love animals and want to see them live free from harm, and to enjoy life the way God intended them to... as opposed to living in a small filthy cage, never seeing sunlight or feeling grass under their feet.

Speaking of farmers having a change of heart, I highly recommend this documentary (Peaceable Kingdom: The Journey Home) for anyone who is interested. It's a beautiful thing when someone realizes they don't have to exploit animals any more.

And what of the deer elk Moose and other animals we hunt to maintain healthy populations of? And what of meat eating animals ehh?

BE SPECIFIC now and either admit God made every animal as they are now or that you do not believe God made every animal and so do not believe the Bible. Then if you claim God did NOT make carnivorse BE VERY specific and explain how they came about? No more dodging no more ignoring either you believe the Bible or you don't, we already have you denying part of it with Jesus eating Fish.

We went over this, ad nauseam, earlier on the thread. I think I must've told you at least 30 times that Genesis 1:29-30 clearly shows that in the beginning, ALL of us (both humans AND animals) were herbivores. You kept ignoring that or denying it. Unless I missed a post where you conceded that?

I also told you over and over that things first began to change when sin came into the world, and the world got more and more violent as time went on. As for HOW certain animals became carnivores, I told you, there are different theories on that. I wasn't there myself, so I can't say with 100% certainty HOW exactly the changes happened, but I have some thoughts on it. Here's the thing though. It's not my job to spoon-feed everything to you. People who are genuinely interested in a particular topic (or truth in general) seek the truth themselves, they don't demand others do their homework for them.

The bottom line is, God's original design did NOT include animals and humans being at each other's throats. God's original design and intent was PEACE AND HARMONY among all creation, that is clear when you read Genesis 1 and 2. Now, no offense, but we went over this repeatedly, a ridiculous number of times earlier on the thread. So you are either being purposely dense, or I don't know. But either way, we already went over all this numerous times.
In other words you don't believe god made all the animals, You are no christian. Christians do not deny the bible like you do. I am done with the fake Christian.

Oh my word. Why is this so hard for you to understand? Why is it so hard for you to grasp that God made creation a certain way, and then LATER things changed?

The hilariously ironic thing here is that even though I asked you point blank NUMEROUS times to acknowledge Genesis 1:29-30, I don't think you EVER responded to that or acknowledged it, not even once! You completely ignore it, over, and over, and over.

And then you tell me that I'm denying the Bible? Hello? YOU are clearly denying God's original design. What came later is a separate issue. How can we get to that when you won't even acknowledge God's original design?
BE SPECIFIC and cite in the BIBLE where God changed the Animals and Man.

You know what? I would be a damn fool to let you turn this into a repeat of a few days ago.

So I'm going to do something different this time. Until you acknowledge Genesis 1:29-30, I'm not going to continue and let you ignore something important and significant.

I asked you point blank a number of times earlier on the thread. You never answered. So I'm going to ask you again.

Do you concede that when God first created the world, God's original design and intent was a PEACEFUL, vegetarian world? Yes or no?
Unlike you, fake Chriatian, I believe the WHOLE Bible, which means God did in fact create carnivores he did in fact make man an omnivore and he created all life on this planet as stated in Genesis, unlike you I don't refer to just two passages from the wole book then claim anything that may conflict with those two passages are a lie. Jesus did in fact eat Fish and provide it to the multitude.
Well answer the question Buttercup, what happens to MILLIONS of animals if we stop helping them trim the herds? What happens to cows chickens and other farm animals if we stop eating them? How do you propose we control herd size and feed animals in the wild?
You provide the same arguments as the leftists who support culling the human herd. Is it time to start killing the useless feeders?

What happened to the planet when humanity was 500 million and not 9 billion?
.BTW, we are not and were never created omnivores. That is the result of the fallen "god of this evil world "
Still waiting to hear as to what to do about the 399.7 million chickens, 93.6 million cattle and 75 million hogs and pigs, should we stop eating them. We really don't have much available land left and the farmers that are using those animals for food, will need their land for crops to feed not only the family, but the populace as well (as they have to make money somehow). All we hear from the social-justice-vegan side is.....silence.

Farm animals are bred into existence for the sole purpose of exploiting and ultimately killing them, to satisfy the demand for meat and other animal products. It's all about supply and demand. As more and more people go plant-based, there will be less and less farm animals bred into existence.

Nobody in their right mind believes that the whole world is going to go vegan overnight. I've never heard anyone claim that. So your question is a bit naive, we don't have to worry about "what to do with the 399 million chickens" etc, since it is highly unlikely that the whole world would go vegan overnight. It will be a slow, gradual thing.

This does not mean that if everyone goes plantbased there will be more farm animals. As time goes on and more people are realizing that we don't need to eat dead bodies (and a diet higher in animal products raises the risk for a number of preventable diseases), there have been a number of farmers who have had a change of mind/heart and converted their farms to animal sanctuaries. There are a lot of people who love animals and want to see them live free from harm, and to enjoy life the way God intended them to... as opposed to living in a small filthy cage, never seeing sunlight or feeling grass under their feet.

Speaking of farmers having a change of heart, I highly recommend this documentary (Peaceable Kingdom: The Journey Home) for anyone who is interested. It's a beautiful thing when someone realizes they don't have to exploit animals any more.

And what of the deer elk Moose and other animals we hunt to maintain healthy populations of? And what of meat eating animals ehh?

BE SPECIFIC now and either admit God made every animal as they are now or that you do not believe God made every animal and so do not believe the Bible. Then if you claim God did NOT make carnivorse BE VERY specific and explain how they came about? No more dodging no more ignoring either you believe the Bible or you don't, we already have you denying part of it with Jesus eating Fish.

We went over this, ad nauseam, earlier on the thread. I think I must've told you at least 30 times that Genesis 1:29-30 clearly shows that in the beginning, ALL of us (both humans AND animals) were herbivores. You kept ignoring that or denying it. Unless I missed a post where you conceded that?

I also told you over and over that things first began to change when sin came into the world, and the world got more and more violent as time went on. As for HOW certain animals became carnivores, I told you, there are different theories on that. I wasn't there myself, so I can't say with 100% certainty HOW exactly the changes happened, but I have some thoughts on it. Here's the thing though. It's not my job to spoon-feed everything to you. People who are genuinely interested in a particular topic (or truth in general) seek the truth themselves, they don't demand others do their homework for them.

The bottom line is, God's original design did NOT include animals and humans being at each other's throats. God's original design and intent was PEACE AND HARMONY among all creation, that is clear when you read Genesis 1 and 2. Now, no offense, but we went over this repeatedly, a ridiculous number of times earlier on the thread. So you are either being purposely dense, or I don't know. But either way, we already went over all this numerous times.
In other words you don't believe god made all the animals, You are no christian. Christians do not deny the bible like you do. I am done with the fake Christian.

Oh my word. Why is this so hard for you to understand? Why is it so hard for you to grasp that God made creation a certain way, and then LATER things changed?

The hilariously ironic thing here is that even though I asked you point blank NUMEROUS times to acknowledge Genesis 1:29-30, I don't think you EVER responded to that or acknowledged it, not even once! You completely ignore it, over, and over, and over.

And then you tell me that I'm denying the Bible? Hello? YOU are clearly denying God's original design. What came later is a separate issue. How can we get to that when you won't even acknowledge God's original design?
BE SPECIFIC and cite in the BIBLE where God changed the Animals and Man.

You know what? I would be a damn fool to let you turn this into a repeat of a few days ago.

So I'm going to do something different this time. Until you acknowledge Genesis 1:29-30, I'm not going to continue and let you ignore something important and significant.

I asked you point blank a number of times earlier on the thread. You never answered. So I'm going to ask you again.

Do you concede that when God first created the world, God's original design and intent was a PEACEFUL, vegetarian world? Yes or no?
Unlike you, fake Chriatian, I believe the WHOLE Bible, which means God did in fact create carnivores he did in fact make man an omnivore and he created all life on this planet as stated in Genesis, unlike you I don't refer to just two passages from the wole book then claim anything that may conflict with those two passages are a lie. Jesus did in fact eat Fish and provide it to the multitude.

I KNEW you weren't going to answer the question! You dodged it yet AGAIN! That is cowardly.

If your position was strong, then you would have no problem answering the question. But you can't answer it, because you don't want to admit and acknowledge that in God's original design, the world HE created which was HIS ideal, was vegetarian!

The bible states that clearly, and you have the audacity to claim you believe the whole bible? That is laughable, since you refuse to even acknowledge the very first chapter of the first book of the bible, which is significant because it was GOD's intent for the world, before us humans went and messed it all up.

And no, it is foolish and extremely presumptuous of you to claim that my position is based on 2 passages. On the contrary, I am a Christian vegan not based on 1 or 2 verses, but on HUNDREDS, if not thousands of different verses throughout the bible, on a number of different topics. Such as MERCY (which is one of the biggest themes throughout the Bible, and one of the characteristics of God) and LOVE, and PEACE, and treating others the way I would want to be treated (The Golden Rule) and selflessness (which JESUS showed us in His sacrificial love) and I could go on and on and on and on.

I could literally share hundreds of verses that I base my position on, and most of them are about PRINCIPLES that we as Christians are supposed to live out, but also other scripturally-based reasons.

But getting back to your failure to answer a simple question, I'm going to keep asking you this.

Are you denying that in God's original design, in the Garden of Eden, God created a peaceful vegetarian world? Are you denying Genesis 1:29-30? Yes or no?
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Well answer the question Buttercup, what happens to MILLIONS of animals if we stop helping them trim the herds? What happens to cows chickens and other farm animals if we stop eating them? How do you propose we control herd size and feed animals in the wild?
You provide the same arguments as the leftists who support culling the human herd. Is it time to start killing the useless feeders?

What happened to the planet when humanity was 500 million and not 9 billion?
.BTW, we are not and were never created omnivores. That is the result of the fallen "god of this evil world "
Still waiting to hear as to what to do about the 399.7 million chickens, 93.6 million cattle and 75 million hogs and pigs, should we stop eating them. We really don't have much available land left and the farmers that are using those animals for food, will need their land for crops to feed not only the family, but the populace as well (as they have to make money somehow). All we hear from the social-justice-vegan side is.....silence.

Farm animals are bred into existence for the sole purpose of exploiting and ultimately killing them, to satisfy the demand for meat and other animal products. It's all about supply and demand. As more and more people go plant-based, there will be less and less farm animals bred into existence.

Nobody in their right mind believes that the whole world is going to go vegan overnight. I've never heard anyone claim that. So your question is a bit naive, we don't have to worry about "what to do with the 399 million chickens" etc, since it is highly unlikely that the whole world would go vegan overnight. It will be a slow, gradual thing.

This does not mean that if everyone goes plantbased there will be more farm animals. As time goes on and more people are realizing that we don't need to eat dead bodies (and a diet higher in animal products raises the risk for a number of preventable diseases), there have been a number of farmers who have had a change of mind/heart and converted their farms to animal sanctuaries. There are a lot of people who love animals and want to see them live free from harm, and to enjoy life the way God intended them to... as opposed to living in a small filthy cage, never seeing sunlight or feeling grass under their feet.

Speaking of farmers having a change of heart, I highly recommend this documentary (Peaceable Kingdom: The Journey Home) for anyone who is interested. It's a beautiful thing when someone realizes they don't have to exploit animals any more.

And what of the deer elk Moose and other animals we hunt to maintain healthy populations of? And what of meat eating animals ehh?

BE SPECIFIC now and either admit God made every animal as they are now or that you do not believe God made every animal and so do not believe the Bible. Then if you claim God did NOT make carnivorse BE VERY specific and explain how they came about? No more dodging no more ignoring either you believe the Bible or you don't, we already have you denying part of it with Jesus eating Fish.

We went over this, ad nauseam, earlier on the thread. I think I must've told you at least 30 times that Genesis 1:29-30 clearly shows that in the beginning, ALL of us (both humans AND animals) were herbivores. You kept ignoring that or denying it. Unless I missed a post where you conceded that?

I also told you over and over that things first began to change when sin came into the world, and the world got more and more violent as time went on. As for HOW certain animals became carnivores, I told you, there are different theories on that. I wasn't there myself, so I can't say with 100% certainty HOW exactly the changes happened, but I have some thoughts on it. Here's the thing though. It's not my job to spoon-feed everything to you. People who are genuinely interested in a particular topic (or truth in general) seek the truth themselves, they don't demand others do their homework for them.

The bottom line is, God's original design did NOT include animals and humans being at each other's throats. God's original design and intent was PEACE AND HARMONY among all creation, that is clear when you read Genesis 1 and 2. Now, no offense, but we went over this repeatedly, a ridiculous number of times earlier on the thread. So you are either being purposely dense, or I don't know. But either way, we already went over all this numerous times.
In other words you don't believe god made all the animals, You are no christian. Christians do not deny the bible like you do. I am done with the fake Christian.

Oh my word. Why is this so hard for you to understand? Why is it so hard for you to grasp that God made creation a certain way, and then LATER things changed?

The hilariously ironic thing here is that even though I asked you point blank NUMEROUS times to acknowledge Genesis 1:29-30, I don't think you EVER responded to that or acknowledged it, not even once! You completely ignore it, over, and over, and over.

And then you tell me that I'm denying the Bible? Hello? YOU are clearly denying God's original design. What came later is a separate issue. How can we get to that when you won't even acknowledge God's original design?
BE SPECIFIC and cite in the BIBLE where God changed the Animals and Man.

You know what? I would be a damn fool to let you turn this into a repeat of a few days ago.

So I'm going to do something different this time. Until you acknowledge Genesis 1:29-30, I'm not going to continue and let you ignore something important and significant.

I asked you point blank a number of times earlier on the thread. You never answered. So I'm going to ask you again.

Do you concede that when God first created the world, God's original design and intent was a PEACEFUL, vegetarian world? Yes or no?
Unlike you, fake Chriatian, I believe the WHOLE Bible, which means God did in fact create carnivores he did in fact make man an omnivore and he created all life on this planet as stated in Genesis, unlike you I don't refer to just two passages from the wole book then claim anything that may conflict with those two passages are a lie. Jesus did in fact eat Fish and provide it to the multitude.

I KNEW you weren't going to answer the question! You dodged it yet AGAIN! That is cowardly.

If your position was strong, then you would have no problem answering the question. But you can't answer it, because you don't want to admit and acknowledge that in God's original design, the world HE created which was HIS ideal, was vegetarian!

The bible states that clearly, and you have the audacity to claim you believe the whole bible? That is laughable, since you refuse to even acknowledge the very first chapter of the first book of the bible, which is significant because it was GOD's intent for the world, before us humans went and messed it all up.

And no, it is foolish and extremely presumptuous of you to claim that my position is based on 2 passages. On the contrary, I am a Christian vegan not based on 1 or 2 verses, but on HUNDREDS, if not thousands of different verses throughout the bible, on a number of different topics. Such as MERCY (which is one of the biggest themes throughout the Bible, and one of the characteristics of God) and LOVE, and PEACE, and treating others the way I would want to be treated (The Golden Rule) and selflessness (which JESUS showed us in His sacrificial love) and I could go on and on and on and on.

I could literally share hundreds of verses that I base my position on, and most of them are about PRINCIPLES that we as Christians are supposed to live out, but also other scripturally-based reasons.

But getting back to your failure to answer a simple question, I'm going to keep asking you this.

Are you denying that in God's original design, in the Garden of Eden, God created a peaceful vegetarian world? Are you denying Genesis 1:29-30? Yes or no?
No but you are denying he actually created the world for what it would be not what you claim. He CHOSE to make carnivores, omnivores and herbivores, all 3 which makes sense since you need all 3 for a balanced system. You deny Jesus ate and had others eat fish, you claim 2 passages make everything your way while denying every passage that proves you simply are misguided. God KNEW Adam and Eve would sin, he KNEW Satan would rebel and he knew what was coming. he is after all an all knowing God. You are mistaken and because of it you deny most of the bible while claiming to follow God. If you can not follow him whole then you can not follow him at all. There are numerous passages on meat eating IN THE BIBLE, yet you claim two passages invalidate them. God asked man for animal and food sacrifices. Hardly the vegetarian Idle you proclaim, God gave man dominion over all animals and told him to use them both to eat and to protect. While you are stuck on 2 passages you ignore dozens of others. Again not the acts of a christian.

YOU DENY God created all living things and then claim that 2 lone passages are the key to a massive book full of other statements that contradict your foolish claim.

Will we be vegetarians after the the final war? I don't know nothing specifically says that. Though he does say all the animals will live peacefully.
Read Genesis 9:3 God SPECIFICALLY tells Noah all animals except carrion eaters are food source.

Acts 10 1-8 list dietary restrictions for Jews which INCLUDED eating meat.

And last but not least 2nd Timothy 3:16 SPECIFICALLY STATES ALL SCRIPTURES are from GOD, not just the ones you like.

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