Another lib Shaman gone wild

Advancing the global warming hoax by burning down her state cause we need action now....
Advancing the global warming hoax by burning down her state cause we need action now....

My favorite part of the story..

A former forestry student-turned-shaman and yoga teacher has been charged with starting a huge California wildfire that has destroyed 41 homes - and was being investigated in connection with other fires - after claiming the blaze was triggered accidentally while she tried to boil bear urine so she could drink it.

Most of my room-mates in college were forestry/wildlife mgt. There's usually drugs or alcohol involved when your out in the woods and someone says -- "let's boil some bear urine"..

Did she stick the pot right under the bear? I doubt there's big puddles of bear urine lying around in a dry Cali forest..

Like, hey-- it's obvious to the max that this valley girl is going to some gnarly jail f'sure..
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A former forestry student-turned-shaman and yoga teacher has been charged with starting a huge California wildfire that has destroyed 41 homes - and was being investigated in connection with other fires - after claiming the blaze was triggered accidentally while she tried to boil bear urine so she could drink it.

Alexandra Souverneva, of Palo Alto, was charged Friday with felony arson to wildland with an enhancement because of a declared state of emergency in California, Shasta County District Attorney Stephanie Bridgett said. The 8,500 acre blaze the 30 year-old is accused of starting has wrecked 41 homes, and 90 other structures.

Souverneva pleaded not guilty but could face up to nine years in state prison if convicted. She is also suspected of starting additional fires in Shasta County and throughout the state, Bridgett said. It wasn't immediately known if she has an attorney who could speak on her behalf.

During questioning by investigators, Souverneva, who previously worked as a scientist, but whose most recent job was as an SAT tutor, claimed that she had been thirsty whilst out hiking and found a puddle in a dry creek bed which contained bear urine.

She then claims she attempted to filter the water using a tea bag but when that failed tried to start a fire to boil the water. Souverneva said that it was too wet to start a fire so she drank the water and continued walking.

The Fawn Fire has charred more than 13 square miles of heavy timber in the latest destructive blaze to send Californians fleeing this year. As of Monday morning, the fire was 45 per cent contained. CAL FIRE reported on Sunday night that three firefighters were injured while battling the inferno.

Souverneva is known to be a graduate of the California Institute of Technology and former Bay Area biotech employee.

She has also worked as a yoga teacher and describes herself as a shaman - a person who claims to have a direct connection with the world's good and evil spirits.

The 30-year-old has a past criminal record that includes several run-ins with the law, including most recently earlier this month, when she was picked up on suspicion of trespassing.

'It is difficult to grasp when disaster like this is, apparently, not a natural disaster. But we have a suspect,' Shasta County Sheriff Michael L. Johnson said to community members at a meeting on Saturday night.
Now the gimps are charging PG&E with murder in some wild fire caused by their 'activism', because one their protected dead trees fell on a power line and all the brush they have barred PG&E from clearing out under and near power lines caught fire. Yes, they are definitely completely insane loons and deviants. Newsom and Pelosi love them dearly, as they're stupid enough to keep their ilk in office.
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General Order 95, issued by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), requires a year-round clearance below power lines of a minimum 18 inches. New fire safety regulations require a minimum clearance of four feet year-round for high-voltage power lines in the CPUC-designated High Fire-Threat Districts.
General Order 95, issued by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), requires a year-round clearance below power lines of a minimum 18 inches. New fire safety regulations require a minimum clearance of four feet year-round for high-voltage power lines in the CPUC-designated High Fire-Threat Districts.

OF course being a moron you don't have a clue; those specs were imposed by 'environmentalist' whack jobs, and 18 inches of clearance is essentially completely worthless at preventing fire hazards, and so is four feet in drought stricken areas, dumbass. You tards are just too stupid and deranged to make any sense at all.
OF course being a moron you don't have a clue; those specs were imposed by 'environmentalist' whack jobs, and 18 inches of clearance is essentially completely worthless at preventing fire hazards, and so is four feet in drought stricken areas, dumbass. You tards are just too stupid and deranged to make any sense at all.
You're FOS.
It doesn't eliminate fires, retard.
The ordinance allows the power companies access to power lines, so they can shut down the power to transformers, when there is a fire.

Darn what happens during a storm, when two or three hot wires make contact because a tree or branch has landed on or between them?

What a moron.
You're FOS.
It doesn't eliminate fires, retard.
The ordinance allows the power companies access to power lines, so they can shut down the power to transformers, when there is a fire.

Darn what happens during a storm, when two or three hot wires make contact because a tree or branch has landed on or between them?

What a moron.

LOL you don't know they used to create fire breaks along power lines, being a stupid little tool of a tard. This is why you commies can't even manage a snow cone stand yet you all think you're going to get Big Important Government Jobs N Stuff when your silly 'revolution' comes. The fact is the real commies always exterminate the dumbass useful idiots like you first. lol

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