Another Kerry plan


Senior Member
Jul 7, 2004
Northeast US
Kerry Outlines Anti-Terror Plans
Friday, September 24, 2004

PHILADELPHIA — John Kerry (search), intensifying his assault on President Bush's record fighting terrorism, is outlining a detailed strategy to contain terrorists and bolster national security.

In a speech for delivery at Temple University, Kerry sought to describe a path that would improve America's prestige in the world and reduce the country's vulnerability to terrorists.

"Our goal is that at the end of that, people will say, 'This guy will seek and defeat the terrorist,"' said spokesman Mike McCurry (search).....,2933,133421,00.html

Further down in the story is his "detailed plan". More of the same with a lot of what he would do but nothing on how he would do it.
To douse the spread of terrorism, Kerry proposes policies aimed at denying individuals and groups the ability to organize and attack. Kerry would build a better military and intelligence apparatus to go after enemies, deny terrorists weapons and financing, move against worldwide terrorist havens and recruitment centers, and promote freedom and democracy in Muslim nations.

Excatly what can Kerry point to in his 20 year career in the Senate that would support him being in a position to building a better military? Has he taken any kind of leadership role in supporting the military as a Senator?
WOW---now Kerry is going to try to kill terrorists before they kill us !!!!!!

Brilliant !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :banana:

And what's this constant repetiton of " BUSH RUSHED TO--" .It sounds like he's trying to defend OJ all over again!

LMAO--Kerry just called Iraq a "haven for terrorism". I wonder why they feel the need to hide and run there ????? What a buffoon !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm dying here listening to Kerry speak OMG----he just slipped and said-"after the war was over--------er I mean----" LMAO
I believe this new and improved and more hawkish kerry is just lying through his teeth. He still supported his left wing position that our new advanced weapons programs merely "escalate the arms race". He can't even be a good hawk.
rtwngAvngr said:
I believe this new and improved and more hawkish kerry is just lying through his teeth. He still supported his left wing position that our new advanced weapons programs merely "escalate the arms race". He can't even be a good hawk.
which raises the question: Does Kerry even have his own teeth or are they fake?
So am i reading this right? Is Kerry turning Hawkish again already? Wasnt it just two or three days ago that he was totally against the war? Cant this guy make up his mind.

Strategicly he is stupid. If anything id be keeping the stance that is more to the moderate side. So what if he ticks off the extreme part of his base. They are still going to likely vote for him because they are the big anyone but Bush crowd. They would vote for Kerry if he decided to run on a platform of genocide and holocaust cause they hate Bush that much.

Its the normal half the Democrat base John Kerry needs to worry about. They are getting annoyed with his play to the extremists and they arent the any body but Bush crowd. If President Bush is the better choice they will be more likely to vote for Bush despite their disagreement as the lesser of two evils policy in their eyes. They are also the ones less likely to show up to the polls. Its them Kerry needs to solidify. Bouncing back and forth between his positions isnt going to do that.
from the article
Kerry said Iraq has become a haven for terrorists since the war

"I will finish the job in Iraq and I will refocus our energies on the real War on Terror."

While I wouldn't call it a 'haven' I think we can all agree there are many terrorists in Iraq. Considering that, why does Sen. Kerry not consider Iraq part of 'the real War on Terror'? If our soldiers are being attacked by terrorists, why isn't that the real War on Terror? If terrorists are using terror tactics to kill innocent civilians and disrupt democratic processes in Iraq, why isn't that the real War on Terror?

And if Iraq isn't part of the real War on Terror then what exactly constitutes the real War on Terror?

According to Sen. Kerry one man and his one organization.

I think that, as much as anything else, demostrates his complete lack of any understanding of the grave situation this country, and indeed the whole world, is in.
rtwngAvngr said:
I believe this new and improved and more hawkish kerry is just lying through his teeth. He still supported his left wing position that our new advanced weapons programs merely "escalate the arms race". He can't even be a good hawk.

ARMS RACE? WTF? What year is this??!!

See, John, once upon a time, we had this President. His name was R-o-n-a-l-d R-e-a-g-a-n, right? And, he kind of SETTLED all that! See, when we have a conservative in the White House, we have this strange phenomenon taking place. It's called r-e-s-u-l-t-s.

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