As for Paris, well French Preisdent Jacques Chirac made it quite clear on Monday, while in New York for the opening of the U.N. General Assembly, that Kerry's possible victory in November would have no impact on France's decision to stay out of Iraq. ("La Politique francaise a l'gard de l'Iraq n'a pas change et ne changera pas") I guess that means no way in French
Oh well so much for Safer at Home, Respected in The World :cof:
As for Paris, well French Preisdent Jacques Chirac made it quite clear on Monday, while in New York for the opening of the U.N. General Assembly, that Kerry's possible victory in November would have no impact on France's decision to stay out of Iraq. ("La Politique francaise a l'gard de l'Iraq n'a pas change et ne changera pas") I guess that means no way in French
Oh well so much for Safer at Home, Respected in The World :cof: