Another Israeli coup de gras: Mossad intercepts Syrian talk about chemical attack

This proves this whole "Assad used chemical weapons" is just a phoney propaganda story by the Mossad to try to provoke the US into a war. If the information comes from Israeli intelligence, you take it with a grain of salt and certainly do not accept it at face value.

If this was a real story and Assad did use chemical weapons, why didn't the Israeli's go public the moment they found out about it? Why did they wait, before informing the US government and EU what they had intercepted?

BTW, this same Israeli unit has the same players who were issuing bullshit propaganda in 2003 leading up to the Iraq war.

Another example of a person suffering from a delusional disorder.

No, we saw the very same thing happen with the Iraq War, Israel providing the US with false Intelligence to start an unlawful war.

So, do you go to that church where they protest military funerals?
No, we saw the very same thing happen with the Iraq War, Israel providing the US with false Intelligence to start an unlawful war.

So, do you go to that church where they protest military funerals?

Protesting funerals is not an example Jesus sets for me to follow.

That's good to know. So He just teaches you to hate Israel huh? Does your whole congregation hate Israel as much as you do? Just asking.
So, do you go to that church where they protest military funerals?

Protesting funerals is not an example Jesus sets for me to follow.

That's good to know. So He just teaches you to hate Israel huh? Does your whole congregation hate Israel as much as you do? Just asking.

Hating Israel dragging the US into unlawful wars wirh the use of false Intelligence is what I hate here. And I cannot answer for others, what burdens Christ places upon their shoulders. What I do know is Hating another is not what any Christian is called to do.
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Protesting funerals is not an example Jesus sets for me to follow.

That's good to know. So He just teaches you to hate Israel huh? Does your whole congregation hate Israel as much as you do? Just asking.

Hating Israel dragging the US into unlawful wars wirh the use of false Intelligence is what I hate here. And I cannot answer for others.

Seems to me a fair minded person would see the good and bad of both sides. I have not seen in one word against the Palestinians or any Arab. By any chance are you married to a Muslim?
I'll betcha Assad gets his clock cleaned, regardless of what a lot of America haters say.

Here's a story about a bunch of those "America haters".

[. . .] After numerous US servicemembers posted photos of themselves holding up signs on Twitter refusing to fight on the side of Al-Qaeda in Syria, the meme developed into several different hashtag trends, including #IdidntJoin and #VetsOnSyria.

Congressman Justin Amash, a vocal critic of the Obama administration’s build-up to war, has been inundated with tweets from active duty military members and veterans in anticipation of a House vote on authorization of military action which is set to take place next week.

As we reported earlier, opposition to an attack on Syria is by no means only reserved to regular servicemembers. Numerous top brass have also gone public to express their concerns and Pentagon officials are even leaking information in a desperate bid to derail the path to war.

Many members of Congress have expressed dissatisfaction at the evidence presented to them by the administration in behind closed door meetings. ...

What a bunch of hippies, right?
Protesting funerals is not an example Jesus sets for me to follow.

That's good to know. So He just teaches you to hate Israel huh? Does your whole congregation hate Israel as much as you do? Just asking.

Hating Israel dragging the US into unlawful wars wirh the use of false Intelligence is what I hate here. And I cannot answer for others, what burdens Christ places upon their shoulders. What I do know is Hating another is not what any Christian is called to do.

You didn't explain how Israel is dragging the U.S into war. That's a complete lie.

If the U.S goes to war, that is their decision, and nobody else's.

You lie so much Sherri, I can't imagine anyone calling you a good Christian woman. Like, EVERY ONE of your posts is a lie, it's amazing.
A quick critical look at the document, US Government Assessment of the Syrian Government's Use of Chemical Weapons on August 21, 2013 (which was released in conjunction with the speech in which John Kerry reportedly referenced a now retracted BBC photograph that was taken during the build-up to war in Iraq), can be found here.

A couple of excerpts relevant to the discussion in this thread:

[. . .] The ardently pro-Israel FOX News reported that:

The initial confirmation that the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad was responsible for a chemical weapons attack Aug. 21 came from a tip from the Israeli intelligence service…a special unit of the Israeli Defense Force – an intelligence unit that goes by the number 8200…helped provide the intelligence intercepts that allowed the White House to conclude that the Assad regime was behind the attack.

It would seem rather convenient that one of the primary beneficiaries of a war to topple Assad would be the primary source of the sole piece of evidence purportedly linking Assad to the attack. If this strikes you as at best a flimsy pretext for war, you would be correct. ...[emphasis Capstone's]

[. . .] The assessment also outlines the way in which Washington arrived at its conclusion that Assad carried out the attacks. The document states:

We assess with high confidence that the Syrian government carried out the chemical weapons attack against opposition elements in the Damascus suburbs on August 21. We assess that the scenario in which the opposition executed the attack on August 21 is highly unlikely. The body of information used to make this assessment includes intelligence pertaining to the regime’s preparations for this attack and its means of delivery, multiple streams of intelligence about the attack itself and its effect, our post-attack observations, and the differences between the capabilities of the regime and the opposition.

In analyzing the above excerpt, it should be immediately clear to anyone who has been following events in Syria closely, that this conclusion is based on faulty premises and outright lies. First, the idea that it is “highly unlikely” that the chemical attack was carried out by the opposition is an impossible assertion to make given that there is abundant evidence that the “rebels” carried out chemical attacks previously. As the widely circulated (Video)
VIDEO EVIDENCE- It was the rebels using chemicals, not Assad! - YouTube
showing rebels mounting chemical weapons onto artillery shells demonstrates, not only do they have the capability and delivery system, they have a significant supply of chemicals, certainly enough to have carried out the attack. Moreover, the multiple massacres carried out by Nusra Front and other extremist rebel factions demonstrates that such groups have no compunction whatsoever about killing innocent civilians en masse. ...

Call and write your Representatives, People, and let them know they're NOT dealing with a sleeping American Public anymore.
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That's good to know. So He just teaches you to hate Israel huh? Does your whole congregation hate Israel as much as you do? Just asking.

Hating Israel dragging the US into unlawful wars wirh the use of false Intelligence is what I hate here. And I cannot answer for others.

Seems to me a fair minded person would see the good and bad of both sides. I have not seen in one word against the Palestinians or any Arab. By any chance are you married to a Muslim?

Families are supposed to be a topic we do not discuss. Go read the Rules for this site.
Hating Israel dragging the US into unlawful wars wirh the use of false Intelligence is what I hate here. And I cannot answer for others.

Seems to me a fair minded person would see the good and bad of both sides. I have not seen in one word against the Palestinians or any Arab. By any chance are you married to a Muslim?

Families are supposed to be a topic we do not discuss. Go read the Rules for this site.

Yes. Let's keep it on topic: your hatred of Jews.
A quick critical look at the document, US Government Assessment of the Syrian Government's Use of Chemical Weapons on August 21, 2013 (which was released in conjunction with the speech in which John Kerry reportedly referenced a now detracted BBC photograph that was taken during the build-up to war in Iraq), can be found here.

A couple of excerpts relevant to the discussion in this thread:

[. . .] The ardently pro-Israel FOX News reported that:

The initial confirmation that the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad was responsible for a chemical weapons attack Aug. 21 came from a tip from the Israeli intelligence service…a special unit of the Israeli Defense Force – an intelligence unit that goes by the number 8200…helped provide the intelligence intercepts that allowed the White House to conclude that the Assad regime was behind the attack.

It would seem rather convenient that one of the primary beneficiaries of a war to topple Assad would be the primary source of the sole piece of evidence purportedly linking Assad to the attack. If this strikes you as at best a flimsy pretext for war, you would be correct. ...[emphasis Capstone's]

[. . .] The assessment also outlines the way in which Washington arrived at its conclusion that Assad carried out the attacks. The document states:

We assess with high confidence that the Syrian government carried out the chemical weapons attack against opposition elements in the Damascus suburbs on August 21. We assess that the scenario in which the opposition executed the attack on August 21 is highly unlikely. The body of information used to make this assessment includes intelligence pertaining to the regime’s preparations for this attack and its means of delivery, multiple streams of intelligence about the attack itself and its effect, our post-attack observations, and the differences between the capabilities of the regime and the opposition.

In analyzing the above excerpt, it should be immediately clear to anyone who has been following events in Syria closely, that this conclusion is based on faulty premises and outright lies. First, the idea that it is “highly unlikely” that the chemical attack was carried out by the opposition is an impossible assertion to make given that there is abundant evidence that the “rebels” carried out chemical attacks previously. As the widely circulated (Video)
VIDEO EVIDENCE- It was the rebels using chemicals, not Assad! - YouTube
showing rebels mounting chemical weapons onto artillery shells demonstrates, not only do they have the capability and delivery system, they have a significant supply of chemicals, certainly enough to have carried out the attack. Moreover, the multiple massacres carried out by Nusra Front and other extremist rebel factions demonstrates that such groups have no compunction whatsoever about killing innocent civilians en masse. ...

Call and write your Representatives, People, and let them know they're NOT dealing with a sleeping American Public anymore.

NO more wars for Israel, enough is enough!
This proves this whole "Assad used chemical weapons" is just a phoney propaganda story by the Mossad to try to provoke the US into a war. If the information comes from Israeli intelligence, you take it with a grain of salt and certainly do not accept it at face value.

If this was a real story and Assad did use chemical weapons, why didn't the Israeli's go public the moment they found out about it? Why did they wait, before informing the US government and EU what they had intercepted?

BTW, this same Israeli unit has the same players who were issuing bullshit propaganda in 2003 leading up to the Iraq war.

Another example of a person suffering from a delusional disorder.

No, we saw the very same thing happen with the Iraq War, Israel providing the US with false Intelligence to start an unlawful war.
Yes, of course totally ignorant to the fact that the overwhelming bulk of intelligence and incriminating evidence for a chemical attack by Assad, was obtained by the anti war Obama administration and UN inspectors. With no Israeli involvement at all.

In this chemical attack which Assad killed 1400 of his own people, 400 of them were children, many who died in their sleep.

That doesn't seem to be of any concern to some who have been blinded by their hatred.
I'll betcha Assad gets his clock cleaned, regardless of what a lot of America haters say.

Here's a story about a bunch of those "America haters".

[. . .] After numerous US servicemembers posted photos of themselves holding up signs on Twitter refusing to fight on the side of Al-Qaeda in Syria, the meme developed into several different hashtag trends, including #IdidntJoin and #VetsOnSyria.

Congressman Justin Amash, a vocal critic of the Obama administration’s build-up to war, has been inundated with tweets from active duty military members and veterans in anticipation of a House vote on authorization of military action which is set to take place next week.

As we reported earlier, opposition to an attack on Syria is by no means only reserved to regular servicemembers. Numerous top brass have also gone public to express their concerns and Pentagon officials are even leaking information in a desperate bid to derail the path to war.

Many members of Congress have expressed dissatisfaction at the evidence presented to them by the administration in behind closed door meetings. ...

What a bunch of hippies, right?
The situation in Syria should be handled by the Arab League.
Failing that, reasonable, responsible people will do what's right.
Safe bet is Assad will get his clock cleaned.

And BTW, any public dissent by active duty military members is strictly prohibited by the UCMJ. You won't hear about it but those people will be dealt with. They should have been hippies.
Israel intercepting Syrian officials discussing the attack? Pretty amazing what Israel is capable of.

Pisses the anti Semites off? Good.

The Troodos Conundrum

The GCHQ listening post on Mount Troodos in Cyprus is arguably the most valued asset which the UK contributes to UK/US intelligence cooperation. The communications intercept agencies, GCHQ in the UK and NSA in the US, share all their intelligence reports (as do the CIA and MI6). Troodos is valued enormously by the NSA. It monitors all radio, satellite and microwave traffic across the Middle East,
It is therefore very strange, to say the least, that John Kerry claims to have access to communications intercepts of Syrian military and officials organising chemical weapons attacks, which intercepts were not available to the British Joint Intelligence Committee.

On one level the explanation is simple. The intercept evidence was provided to the USA by Mossad, according to my own well placed source in the Washington intelligence community. Intelligence provided by a third party is not automatically shared with the UK, and indeed Israel specifies it should not be.

Israel has repeatedly been involved in the Syrian civil war, carrying out a number of illegal bombings and missile strikes over many months. This absolutely illegal activity by Israel- which has killed a great many civilians, including children - has brought no condemnation at all from the West. Israel has now provided “intelligence” to the United States designed to allow the United States to join in with Israel’s bombing and missile campaign.

The answer to the Troodos Conundrum is simple. Troodos did not pick up the intercepts because they do not exist. Mossad fabricated them. John Kerry’s “evidence” is the shabbiest of tricks. More children may now be blown to pieces by massive American missile blasts. It is nothing to do with humanitarian intervention. It is, yet again, the USA acting at the behest of Israel.
Craig Murray » Blog Archive » The Troodos Conundrum

It's a fabrication, a Lie, something that Roudy also does, badly
The only three plays in the Zionist Apologists' playbook:

1) Paint anyone with the audacity to question the rationale behind US taxpayer funded propagation of the Zionist agenda (which has been well-documented over the years) as a rampant anti-Semite.

2) If play #1 seems vapid or in any way ineffective, quickly switch to casting aspersions on your opponent's sanity and/or emotional stability.

3) (and this one's key) Whatever else you do, NEVER address any aspect of your opponent's argument that might lead to your ass being handed to you by a superior debater.
That makes sense only if you're an anti Semite. The overwhelming bulk of evidence has been provided by the US, France, Great Britain, and neighboring Arab countries. Focusing primarily on Israel just makes the anti Semite's cause more transparent. It appears their hate is stronger than watching the dead bodies of hundreds of innocent children who died from a chemical attack by Assad.
No, we saw the very same thing happen with the Iraq War, Israel providing the US with false Intelligence to start an unlawful war.

So, do you go to that church where they protest military funerals?

Protesting funerals is not an example Jesus sets for me to follow.
Jesus tells you to defend a regime that drops chemical weapons on his own people, killing 400 little children in their sleep? Or maybe it's not Jesus you've been talking to.

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