Another Israeli coup de gras: Mossad intercepts Syrian talk about chemical attack

And BTW, any public dissent by active duty military members is strictly prohibited by the UCMJ. You won't hear about it but those people will be dealt with. They should have been hippies.


I think they know about the UCMJ just how far does your support for the Troops go, when they see themselves being railroaded to an action they don't support?
Jesus tells you to defend a regime that drops chemical weapons on his own people, killing 400 little children in their sleep? Or maybe it's not Jesus you've been talking to.

Give it up Roudy, no one believes you have the best interests of the Syrian people at heart, in fact you don't give a damn about how many Syrians die, and you wish for more
And BTW, any public dissent by active duty military members is strictly prohibited by the UCMJ. You won't hear about it but those people will be dealt with. They should have been hippies.


I think they know about the UCMJ just how far does your support for the Troops go, when they see themselves being railroaded to an action they don't support?
They don't get a vote.
I'll betcha Assad gets his clock cleaned, regardless of what a lot of America haters say.

Here's a story about a bunch of those "America haters".

[. . .] After numerous US servicemembers posted photos of themselves holding up signs on Twitter refusing to fight on the side of Al-Qaeda in Syria, the meme developed into several different hashtag trends, including #IdidntJoin and #VetsOnSyria.

Congressman Justin Amash, a vocal critic of the Obama administration’s build-up to war, has been inundated with tweets from active duty military members and veterans in anticipation of a House vote on authorization of military action which is set to take place next week.

As we reported earlier, opposition to an attack on Syria is by no means only reserved to regular servicemembers. Numerous top brass have also gone public to express their concerns and Pentagon officials are even leaking information in a desperate bid to derail the path to war.

Many members of Congress have expressed dissatisfaction at the evidence presented to them by the administration in behind closed door meetings. ...

What a bunch of hippies, right?
The situation in Syria should be handled by the Arab League.
Failing that, reasonable, responsible people will do what's right.
Safe bet is Assad will get his clock cleaned.

And BTW, any public dissent by active duty military members is strictly prohibited by the UCMJ. You won't hear about it but those people will be dealt with. They should have been hippies.
What does the UCMJ have to say about following illegal orders?
The only three plays in the Zionist Apologists' playbook:

1) Paint anyone with the audacity to question the rationale behind US taxpayer funded propagation of the Zionist agenda (which has been well-documented over the years) as a rampant anti-Semite.

2) If play #1 seems vapid or in any way ineffective, quickly switch to casting aspersions on your opponent's sanity and/or emotional stability.

3) (and this one's key) Whatever else you do, NEVER address any aspect of your opponent's argument that might lead to your ass being handed to you by a superior debater.
That makes sense only if you're an anti Semite. The overwhelming bulk of evidence has been provided by the US, France, Great Britain, and neighboring Arab countries. Focusing primarily on Israel just makes the anti Semite's cause more transparent. It appears their hate is stronger than watching the dead bodies of hundreds of innocent children who died from a chemical attack by Assad.
How many hundreds of dead children has the Jewish state contributed since 1948?

As far as Ghutta, you might want to ask your hero Bandar about where the poison gas came from:

"The U.S., Britain, and France as well as the Arab League have accused the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad for carrying out the chemical weapons attack, which mainly targeted civilians. U.S. warships are stationed in the Mediterranean Sea to launch military strikes against Syria in punishment for carrying out a massive chemical weapons attack.

"The U.S. and others are not interested in examining any contrary evidence, with U.S Secretary of State John Kerry saying Monday that Assad’s guilt was 'a judgment … already clear to the world.'

"However, from numerous interviews with doctors, Ghouta residents, rebel fighters and their families, a different picture emerges. Many believe that certain rebels received chemical weapons via the Saudi intelligence chief, Prince Bandar bin Sultan, and were responsible for carrying out the dealing gas attack."

EXCLUSIVE: Syrians In Ghouta Claim Saudi-Supplied Rebels Behind Chemical Attack

Surely rich parasites named Bandar and Bush and Bibi wouldn't profit from the murder of innocent children (again)?
Here's a story about a bunch of those "America haters".

What a bunch of hippies, right?
The situation in Syria should be handled by the Arab League.
Failing that, reasonable, responsible people will do what's right.
Safe bet is Assad will get his clock cleaned.

And BTW, any public dissent by active duty military members is strictly prohibited by the UCMJ. You won't hear about it but those people will be dealt with. They should have been hippies.
What does the UCMJ have to say about following illegal orders?
The first thing a soldier learns is you have the responsibility to disobey an illegal order. In fact a duty. Stop being cute, hero.
They don't get a vote.

If you knew then, what you know now, would you have gone so eagerly to kill the yellow man?
Since you once claimed that you had a green card to work here, why not visit here and ask the South Vietnamese living in America if they feel the war was worth it. What have you got to lose? Meanwhile, Yousef Mohammed is probably gung ho for the Shiites to kill the Sunnis, like they have down through the ages. By the way, Yousef, do you have any estimates of the number of Shiites busy murdering in Syria right now? I imagine they are pouring in from other Shiite countries, the same as the Sunnis are pouring in to get their fair share of killings.
The situation in Syria should be handled by the Arab League.
Failing that, reasonable, responsible people will do what's right.
Safe bet is Assad will get his clock cleaned.

And BTW, any public dissent by active duty military members is strictly prohibited by the UCMJ. You won't hear about it but those people will be dealt with. They should have been hippies.
What does the UCMJ have to say about following illegal orders?
The first thing a soldier learns is you have the responsibility to disobey an illegal order. In fact a duty. Stop being cute, hero.

Hey Hoss, in basic in our second week we were on our 20 mile road march and there was a whiny little puke who kept falling behind. The drill sergeant said I want that wimp out of my army. The platoon guide butt stroked him to the jaw with his M-16. I wonder...
What does the UCMJ have to say about following illegal orders?
The first thing a soldier learns is you have the responsibility to disobey an illegal order. In fact a duty. Stop being cute, hero.

Hey Hoss, in basic in our second week we were on our 20 mile road march and there was a whiny little puke who kept falling behind. The drill sergeant said I want that wimp out of my army. The platoon guide butt stroked him to the jaw with his M-16. I wonder...
What does the UCMJ have to say about following illegal orders?
The first thing a soldier learns is you have the responsibility to disobey an illegal order. In fact a duty. Stop being cute, hero.

Hey Hoss, in basic in our second week we were on our 20 mile road march and there was a whiny little puke who kept falling behind. The drill sergeant said I want that wimp out of my army. The platoon guide butt stroked him to the jaw with his M-16. I wonder...
I wonder how many civilians the "whiny little puke" maimed, murdered, raped, or displaced?
The first thing a soldier learns is you have the responsibility to disobey an illegal order. In fact a duty. Stop being cute, hero.

Hey Hoss, in basic in our second week we were on our 20 mile road march and there was a whiny little puke who kept falling behind. The drill sergeant said I want that wimp out of my army. The platoon guide butt stroked him to the jaw with his M-16. I wonder...
I wonder how many civilians the "whiny little puke" maimed, murdered, raped, or displaced?

I wonder how many civilians let their country down by faking an injury to get out of the army ?
Jesus tells you to defend a regime that drops chemical weapons on his own people, killing 400 little children in their sleep? Or maybe it's not Jesus you've been talking to.

Give it up Roudy, no one believes you have the best interests of the Syrian people at heart, in fact you don't give a damn about how many Syrians die, and you wish for more
Mind reader? LOL
The first thing a soldier learns is you have the responsibility to disobey an illegal order. In fact a duty. Stop being cute, hero.

Hey Hoss, in basic in our second week we were on our 20 mile road march and there was a whiny little puke who kept falling behind. The drill sergeant said I want that wimp out of my army. The platoon guide butt stroked him to the jaw with his M-16. I wonder...
I wonder how many civilians the "whiny little puke" maimed, murdered, raped, or displaced?
Oh look, Bloodrock, the HNIC is giving you the business. Remember, he was the one who only got through 10 days of basic training, and then faked a bad back because he got homesick. He does sound rather bitchy these days.

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