Another il conceived Biden scheme: “Free” in home Covid tests.

they have never responded to that question, if one is positive, what is the treatment, crickets.

You lying piece of shit

Neither Biden nor Fauci EVER demanded or recommended that anyone withhold treatment for anyone

God Damned Liar
They're pulling Doctors and pharmacists licenses for prescribing proven drugs. They made monoclonal antibodies scarce all of a sudden. Could it be they're in the vaccine pushing business? Why don't you tell me what their early treatment preference is.
You lying piece of shit

Neither Biden nor Fauci EVER demanded or recommended that anyone withhold treatment for anyone

God Damned Liar

^^^Look how angry the cultists get when their godlets are insulted! LOL!

The truth is that the regime has been silent while their greedy billionaire patrons do shit like this:

And it has all been ineffective.

Like I said, they had basically the same impact - none.

you're desperate, desperate to wash away whatever Trump has done. If he were still president, he would have dragged his feet on the pandemic till the end of his second term, just like he did his first. Even when he almost died from covid he still held rallies and downplayed it. Meanwhile, we have over 200 million ppl fully vaccinated under Joe Biden, who is about as worthless as a pair of old shoes, but a pair of old shoes is still wearable. Trump is the gum stuck underneath those pairs of old shoes.
protect how. Still waiting for what was expected. Please enlighten the class since you volunteered.

How about not telling citizens to go to work even if they have covid? How about not continually downplaying the virus and holding super spreader events that even got the entire whitehouse infected and him sent to the hospital? 🤷‍♂️
How about not telling citizens to go to work even if they have covid? How about not continually downplaying the virus and holding super spreader events that even got the entire whitehouse infected and him sent to the hospital? 🤷‍♂️
Huh? It’s their job. No one in my company got Wuhan until we shut down the offices. Lockdown did nothing to stop the virus, masks haven’t stopped it and vaccines haven’t stopped it. So stop it!
Looks like Obama was correct about Biden being able to screw up anything he touches. He announces this plan and says it will be implemented in 4 days. He gave insurers no notice to get set up for this, so to start with it may take 6 months for people to get reimbursed.

And where does Biden get the unilateral authority to dictate what private insurance companies are required to cover?

I tend to think that these are baby steps by the Dems to use a "public health emergency" to get Americans used to universal health care.

The mindless population does not realize that that they end up paying for all of these "free' tests.

It started with vaccinations, where everyone could get them for "free," but Pfizer gets $30 per shot, and CVS gets $45 for delivering it.

Free tests have similar costs, and the mindless among us go get tested for "free" frequently at government-run or authorized sites.

Going to get tested is one of the dumbest things people can do. If you are sick, you should stay home, not go out and get tested.

What's extra ridiculous is all of the vaccinated/boosted people getting tested. What a complete waste of money. It's a hobby for some people.

But it's all about Big Pharma being the biggest donor to politicians. The tyrants are simply paying them back.

Testing at home will require reporting results to your insurance company. Insurance companies automatically report results to government authorities (government authorities are immune from HIPAA for purposes of addressing a public health threat). The positive results would only be used to further the restrictions on liberties.

Don't report positive test results ever. If you get sick, stay home You probably have COVID and will most likely get over it soon. Drink plenty of fluids, let your fever do its work up to at least 103F without medicine if you can tolerate it, and force yourself get up as soon as you can, even if for short periods. The longer you lay down, the less chance of getting up.

I've had COVID twice now. It's just another flu as everyone was told from the very beginning of the plandemic. COVID is simply one more coronavirus that most people wil acquire at some point in their lives. There are four others.
Looks like Obama was correct about Biden being able to screw up anything he touches. He announces this plan and says it will be implemented in 4 days. He gave insurers no notice to get set up for this, so to start with it may take 6 months for people to get reimbursed.

And where does Biden get the unilateral authority to dictate what private insurance companies are required to cover?

Trampy- "I have a plan written down on a piece of paper showing how I'll get insurance for everybody at less cost! That paper is in my pocket right now & I'll be sharing it with everyone soon"!

And you believed him, right Ace?


A sucker born every minute & two to take em.
You're a cult member, and anytime someone speaks ill of your cult leaders, you get unreasonably angry. It's funny, and pretty sad.

Now put your masks and face shield back on and shut the fuck up.
Yep, Lesh is a mindless drone Bidenista Cultist.

Not an original thought in that vacuous noggin.
Trampy- "I have a plan written down on a piece of paper showing how I'll get insurance for everybody at less cost! That paper is in my pocket right now & I'll be sharing it with everyone soon"!

And you believed him, right Ace?


A sucker born every minute & two to take em.
Nope. Didn't think he could get that done, Dipsqueeze.

Any other dumbass remarks you want to make?

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